Bikramjit Singh
Nov 19, 2014


Do we need to find a single reference which discloses all features as requested? I am wondering, if 4 patents were needed to protect four different invention, then how feasible it is to find a single reference/patent which discloses all these 4 different inventions?

Is there a possibility that we submit multiple references which discloses some of the features. 

J LNov 19, 2014
Hi Bikramjit, that's a very good ponit. Here's the explanation: In a Prior Art Search contest, Patexia urges you to submit ONLY your best reference as your main reference and it should cover MOST (if not all) of the questions and this is what happens in 80% of the time. In addition to that, you can add the supporting reference in your submission to answer the questions that your main reference doesn't cover. Detailed contest rules can be further found here (