Patexia Jerry Park’s

Jerry Park > Biography

Biography Information

Dr. Park received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2003. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech and the Site Director of an NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (I-UCRC) called Broadband Wireless Access & Applications Center (BWAC). Park is also an Executive Committee Member of the National Spectrum Consortium (NSC). NSC is a large consortium of wireless industry stakeholders and universities collaborating with multiple US federal government agencies through a $1.25 billion agreement to support the development of advanced spectrum access technologies. Park’s research interests include dynamic spectrum sharing, cognitive radio networks, wireless security and privacy, applied cryptography, and IoT applications. Current or recent research sponsors include the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Army Research Office (ARO), Office of Naval Research (ONR), and several industry sponsors. Park is a recipient of a 2017 Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean’s Award for Research Excellence, a 2014 Virginia Tech College of Engineering Faculty Fellow Award, a 2008 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, a 2008 Hoeber Excellence in Research Award, and a 1998 AT&T Leadership Award. He is currently serving on the editorial boards of a number of IEEE journals, and is actively involved in the organization of a number of flagship conferences. Park is currently the steering committee co-chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN). Park is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to dynamic spectrum sharing, cognitive radio networks, and security issues.