Patexia Contest


This contest is closed.

Charu S

Runner Up

Kumar Jay

Runner Up

Simon Sunatori

Runner Up

Krish Dev

Runner Up

Preeti S

Does the product, more specifically the fuel cell need to a stationary power, portable power or a motive power>
Andy BosyiThere is no requirement for the product to either be a stationary or portable power source. However, as a motive power source (or if I understand you correctly, a power source used for direct propulsion), I'm not sure. I'd love to see an example to help make that determination. Feel free to contact me directly at!
Feb 5, 2014
It is not clear if the fuel cell has to be a Hydrogen fuel cell. If methane is required as the source for hydrogen, question 5, it would in most cases make much more... Read More »
Andy BosyiHi Roland! Good point, I think that's a perfectly good way to read the questions, but I don't want to rule out anything. Thanks for the question!
Jan 11, 2014
Andy BosyiHi Roland! Thanks for the question again. I’ve taken a closer look at the subject matter and have a more detailed answer for you. We’re interested in products that employ a hydrogen gas reaction. However, we are interested in products that rely on fuel sources such as methane that are used to first produce the hydrogen either within the fuel cell reaction chamber (as with some solid oxide fuel cells) or in a separate reaction chamber on or near the product. Hope that clears up matters, and we’ve created a contest update to help clarify the issue. Thanks again!
Jan 27, 2014
Is there any particular date specificity for this contest,I mean could we have the need to restrict ourselves to date while searching the product?????
Andy BosyiHi Myra. There is no date restriction on this contest. As long as the product is currently commercially used in the United States. Thanks for the question!
Jan 11, 2014