
Carlos A Azpuru

Examiner (ID: 3918, Phone: (571)272-0588 , Office: P/1617 )

Most Active Art Unit
Art Unit(s)
1502, 1503, 1617, 2165, 1615, 1621, 2615
Total Applications
Issued Applications
Pending Applications
Abandoned Applications


Application numberTitle of the applicationFiling DateStatus
Array ( [id] => 548833 [patent_doc_number] => 07177282 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-02-13 [patent_title] => 'Method and apparatus for using histograms to produce data summaries' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/114655 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-02 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 3 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 5015 [patent_no_of_claims] => 14 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 120 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/177/07177282.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10114655 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and apparatus for using histograms to produce data summaries Apr 1, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 678636 [patent_doc_number] => 07088722 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-08-08 [patent_title] => 'Method and system for controlling flow of multiplexed data' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/112389 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-03-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 5451 [patent_no_of_claims] => 31 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 5 [patent_words_short_claim] => 97 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/088/07088722.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10112389 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and system for controlling flow of multiplexed data Mar 27, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6173229 [patent_doc_number] => 20020154646 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-10-24 [patent_title] => 'Programmable network services node' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/104080 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-03-21 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 18 [patent_figures_cnt] => 18 [patent_no_of_words] => 17811 [patent_no_of_claims] => 35 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 103 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0154/20020154646.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10104080 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Programmable network services node Mar 20, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6833760 [patent_doc_number] => 20030161305 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-08-28 [patent_title] => 'Boolean protocol filtering' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/083795 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-02-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 9 [patent_figures_cnt] => 9 [patent_no_of_words] => 4065 [patent_no_of_claims] => 25 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 5 [patent_words_short_claim] => 67 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0161/20030161305.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10083795 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Boolean protocol filtering Feb 26, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5861262 [patent_doc_number] => 20020124149 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-09-05 [patent_title] => 'Efficient optimization algorithm in memory utilization for network applications' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/082077 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-02-26 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 5715 [patent_no_of_claims] => 56 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 15 [patent_words_short_claim] => 86 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0124/20020124149.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10082077 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Efficient optimization algorithm in memory utilization for network applications Feb 25, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6014198 [patent_doc_number] => 20020101850 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-08-01 [patent_title] => 'System and method for switching digital subscriber line service' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/060172 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-02-01 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 16 [patent_figures_cnt] => 16 [patent_no_of_words] => 5192 [patent_no_of_claims] => 54 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 160 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0101/20020101850.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10060172 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
System and method for switching digital subscriber line service Jan 31, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 647897 [patent_doc_number] => 07120147 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-10-10 [patent_title] => 'Reservation proxy function supporting filtering of multicast traffic in packet-based communication systems' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/058574 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-01-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 5594 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 172 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/120/07120147.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10058574 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Reservation proxy function supporting filtering of multicast traffic in packet-based communication systems Jan 27, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 1173259 [patent_doc_number] => 06760318 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2004-07-06 [patent_title] => 'Receiver diversity in a communication system' [patent_app_type] => B1 [patent_app_number] => 10/044480 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-01-11 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 17 [patent_figures_cnt] => 17 [patent_no_of_words] => 7169 [patent_no_of_claims] => 20 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 147 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/760/06760318.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10044480 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Receiver diversity in a communication system Jan 10, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6760065 [patent_doc_number] => 20030123426 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-07-03 [patent_title] => 'Uplink access control' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/032010 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-31 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 10 [patent_figures_cnt] => 10 [patent_no_of_words] => 3587 [patent_no_of_claims] => 8 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 78 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0123/20030123426.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10032010 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Uplink access control Dec 30, 2001 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6795843 [patent_doc_number] => 20030174716 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-09-18 [patent_title] => 'Method for handling unexpected completion packets and completion packets with a non-successful completion status' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/040702 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 12 [patent_figures_cnt] => 12 [patent_no_of_words] => 5703 [patent_no_of_claims] => 10 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 35 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0174/20030174716.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10040702 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method for handling completion packets with a non-successful completion status Dec 27, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6682159 [patent_doc_number] => 20030118023 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-06-26 [patent_title] => 'Processor with packet processing order maintenance based on packet flow identifiers' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/032025 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-21 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 5507 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 88 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0118/20030118023.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10032025 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Processor with packet processing order maintenance based on packet flow identifiers Dec 20, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6207429 [patent_doc_number] => 20020071404 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-06-13 [patent_title] => 'Method for supporting hand-off decision for guaranteeing mobility of a dual-mode mobile terminal between different mobile communication network systems' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/004854 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-07 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 2985 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 134 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0071/20020071404.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10004854 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method for supporting hand-off decision for guaranteeing mobility of a dual-mode mobile terminal between different mobile communication network systems Dec 6, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6521965 [patent_doc_number] => 20020136190 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-09-26 [patent_title] => 'Band-division demodulation method and OFDM receiver' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/003259 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-06 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 5853 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 5 [patent_words_short_claim] => 130 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0136/20020136190.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10003259 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Band-division demodulation method and OFDM receiver Dec 5, 2001 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 467329 [patent_doc_number] => 07239621 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-07-03 [patent_title] => 'Physical channel relation system/method for use in cellular telecommunications network' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/000803 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-04 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8 [patent_figures_cnt] => 12 [patent_no_of_words] => 4920 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 128 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/239/07239621.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10000803 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Physical channel relation system/method for use in cellular telecommunications network Dec 3, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6014193 [patent_doc_number] => 20020101845 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-08-01 [patent_title] => 'Modified block space time transmit diversity encoder' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/005649 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-12-03 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 2381 [patent_no_of_claims] => 16 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 116 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0101/20020101845.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10005649 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Modified block space time transmit diversity encoder Dec 2, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7608774 [patent_doc_number] => 06999417 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-02-14 [patent_title] => 'Devices, softwares and methods for incorporating burstiness of packet loss metric in QoS based network routing' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 09/998866 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-11-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 3539 [patent_no_of_claims] => 72 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 82 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/999/06999417.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 09998866 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Devices, softwares and methods for incorporating burstiness of packet loss metric in QoS based network routing Nov 29, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 538742 [patent_doc_number] => 07184397 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-02-27 [patent_title] => 'Real-time source activated shaping' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 09/998864 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-11-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 3 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 2459 [patent_no_of_claims] => 33 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 6 [patent_words_short_claim] => 54 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/184/07184397.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 09998864 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Real-time source activated shaping Nov 29, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 632038 [patent_doc_number] => 07133392 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-11-07 [patent_title] => 'Autonomous multi-services card' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/006406 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-11-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 3131 [patent_no_of_claims] => 21 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 250 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/133/07133392.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10006406 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Autonomous multi-services card Nov 29, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5984394 [patent_doc_number] => 20020097727 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-07-25 [patent_title] => 'Method and apparatus for hybrid communication network' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 09/998014 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-11-29 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 9 [patent_figures_cnt] => 9 [patent_no_of_words] => 2755 [patent_no_of_claims] => 19 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 92 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0097/20020097727.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 09998014 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and apparatus for hybrid communication network Nov 28, 2001 Issued
Array ( [id] => 546354 [patent_doc_number] => 07173947 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-02-06 [patent_title] => 'Methods and apparatus to evaluate statistical remultiplexer performance' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 09/998546 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2001-11-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 12 [patent_figures_cnt] => 15 [patent_no_of_words] => 11323 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 138 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/173/07173947.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 09998546 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Methods and apparatus to evaluate statistical remultiplexer performance Nov 27, 2001 Issued