Lincoln D Donovan
Supervisory Patent Examiner (ID: 8320, Phone: (571)272-1988 , Office: P/2842 )
Most Active Art Unit | 2832 |
Art Unit(s) | 2816, 2837, 2842, 2103, 2112, 2832, 2106, 2899 |
Total Applications | 2570 |
Issued Applications | 2182 |
Pending Applications | 124 |
Abandoned Applications | 262 |
Application number | Title of the application | Filing Date | Status |
[id] => 2380393
[patent_doc_number] => 04775440
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1988-10-04
[patent_title] => 'Method of making an offset laminated roofing shingle'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/135965
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-21
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7
[patent_figures_cnt] => 9
[patent_no_of_words] => 3527
[patent_no_of_claims] => 4
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1
[patent_words_short_claim] => 306
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/775/04775440.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 135965
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/135965 | Method of making an offset laminated roofing shingle | Dec 20, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2581485
[patent_doc_number] => 04908081
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1990-03-13
[patent_title] => 'Process for producing a sliding body'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/135036
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-18
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4
[patent_figures_cnt] => 14
[patent_no_of_words] => 5761
[patent_no_of_claims] => 14
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[patent_words_short_claim] => 159
[patent_maintenance] => 1
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[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/908/04908081.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 135036
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/135036 | Process for producing a sliding body | Dec 17, 1987 | Issued |
07/135180 | PROCESS FOR PRODUCING URETHANE DIE | Dec 17, 1987 | Abandoned |
[id] => 2586250
[patent_doc_number] => 04927699
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1990-05-22
[patent_title] => 'Process for producing a decorative foil or sheet containing a polymer plastic, and a foil or plastic produced by this process'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/141610
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-14
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 1
[patent_figures_cnt] => 2
[patent_no_of_words] => 3652
[patent_no_of_claims] => 16
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 10
[patent_words_short_claim] => 26
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/927/04927699.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 141610
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/141610 | Process for producing a decorative foil or sheet containing a polymer plastic, and a foil or plastic produced by this process | Dec 13, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2510036
[patent_doc_number] => 04854987
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-08-08
[patent_title] => 'Method of making a gas laser'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/132610
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-14
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 6
[patent_no_of_words] => 4074
[patent_no_of_claims] => 3
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1
[patent_words_short_claim] => 207
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/854/04854987.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 132610
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/132610 | Method of making a gas laser | Dec 13, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2509996
[patent_doc_number] => 04854985
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-08-08
[patent_title] => 'Method for manufacture of an elastic leg diaper'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/132823
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-14
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8
[patent_figures_cnt] => 13
[patent_no_of_words] => 5945
[patent_no_of_claims] => 13
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3
[patent_words_short_claim] => 205
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/854/04854985.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 132823
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/132823 | Method for manufacture of an elastic leg diaper | Dec 13, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2374796
[patent_doc_number] => 04771886
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1988-09-20
[patent_title] => 'Apparatus and method for manufacturing two-ply cassette albums'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/131259
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-07
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8
[patent_figures_cnt] => 19
[patent_no_of_words] => 5499
[patent_no_of_claims] => 17
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2
[patent_words_short_claim] => 137
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/771/04771886.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 131259
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/131259 | Apparatus and method for manufacturing two-ply cassette albums | Dec 6, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2486822
[patent_doc_number] => 04846906
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-07-11
[patent_title] => 'Methods for the manufacture of porous ceramic shapes containing membraneous surfaces'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/127639
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-02
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 0
[patent_figures_cnt] => 0
[patent_no_of_words] => 4574
[patent_no_of_claims] => 11
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1
[patent_words_short_claim] => 146
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/846/04846906.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 127639
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/127639 | Methods for the manufacture of porous ceramic shapes containing membraneous surfaces | Dec 1, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2516935
[patent_doc_number] => 04885048
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-12-05
[patent_title] => 'Laminator'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/127729
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-12-02
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 11
[patent_figures_cnt] => 14
[patent_no_of_words] => 11578
[patent_no_of_claims] => 4
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2
[patent_words_short_claim] => 112
[patent_maintenance] => 1
[patent_no_of_assignments] => 0
[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/885/04885048.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 127729
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/127729 | Laminator | Dec 1, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2444067
[patent_doc_number] => 04790974
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1988-12-13
[patent_title] => 'Method for manufacturing a vehicle cross-beam rear axle'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/126322
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-30
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 9
[patent_no_of_words] => 3028
[patent_no_of_claims] => 2
[patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1
[patent_words_short_claim] => 354
[patent_maintenance] => 1
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[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/790/04790974.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 126322
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/126322 | Method for manufacturing a vehicle cross-beam rear axle | Nov 29, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2417947
[patent_doc_number] => 04780161
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1988-10-25
[patent_title] => 'Ceramic tube'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/125846
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-27
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 2
[patent_no_of_words] => 0
[patent_no_of_claims] => 1
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[patent_words_short_claim] => 133
[patent_maintenance] => 1
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[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/780/04780161.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 125846
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/125846 | Ceramic tube | Nov 26, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2506228
[patent_doc_number] => 04840692
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-06-20
[patent_title] => 'Method for producing an absorption body, notably for use in cases of urinary incontinence in women'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/122215
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-18
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 2
[patent_no_of_words] => 3990
[patent_no_of_claims] => 14
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[patent_words_short_claim] => 38
[patent_maintenance] => 1
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[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/840/04840692.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 122215
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/122215 | Method for producing an absorption body, notably for use in cases of urinary incontinence in women | Nov 17, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2500592
[patent_doc_number] => 04798642
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-01-17
[patent_title] => 'Method of making a biomedical electrode'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/121538
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-17
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 3
[patent_figures_cnt] => 5
[patent_no_of_words] => 5198
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[patent_maintenance] => 1
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/798/04798642.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 121538
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/121538 | Method of making a biomedical electrode | Nov 16, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2631824
[patent_doc_number] => 04898637
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1990-02-06
[patent_title] => 'Process for the manufacture of a tubular semimanufactured article made from plastic for the fabrication of container sacks'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/119464
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-10
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 1
[patent_figures_cnt] => 2
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/898/04898637.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 119464
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/119464 | Process for the manufacture of a tubular semimanufactured article made from plastic for the fabrication of container sacks | Nov 9, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2481521
[patent_doc_number] => 04859260
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[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-08-22
[patent_title] => 'Apparatus and method for cutting and sealing belt loop ends and belt loop construction'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/119646
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-10
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5
[patent_figures_cnt] => 22
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/859/04859260.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 119646
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/119646 | Apparatus and method for cutting and sealing belt loop ends and belt loop construction | Nov 9, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2474837
[patent_doc_number] => 04822445
[patent_country] => US
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[patent_issue_date] => 1989-04-18
[patent_title] => 'Apparatus for processing double face adhesive tape'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/118721
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-09
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/822/04822445.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 118721
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/118721 | Apparatus for processing double face adhesive tape | Nov 8, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2438469
[patent_doc_number] => 04778550
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1988-10-18
[patent_title] => 'Method for developing a point of one end of an extruded plastic vehicle molding'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/118813
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-09
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 11
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[patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent
[pdf_file] => patents/04/778/04778550.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 118813
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/118813 | Method for developing a point of one end of an extruded plastic vehicle molding | Nov 8, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2546154
[patent_doc_number] => 04814030
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-03-21
[patent_title] => 'Monolithic substrate for an electronic power component and process for the production thereof'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/124544
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-09
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
[patent_figures_cnt] => 6
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/814/04814030.pdf
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[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/124544 | Monolithic substrate for an electronic power component and process for the production thereof | Nov 8, 1987 | Issued |
[id] => 2546136
[patent_doc_number] => 04814029
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1989-03-21
[patent_title] => 'Process for making ceramic bodies with open channels'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/117716
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-06
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 1
[patent_figures_cnt] => 7
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/814/04814029.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 117716
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/117716 | Process for making ceramic bodies with open channels | Nov 5, 1987 | Issued |
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[patent_doc_number] => 04931117
[patent_country] => US
[patent_kind] => NA
[patent_issue_date] => 1990-06-05
[patent_title] => 'Method for manufacturing frictional locking rings for stepped motor vehicle transmission synchronizing mechanisms'
[patent_app_type] => 1
[patent_app_number] => 7/116029
[patent_app_country] => US
[patent_app_date] => 1987-11-03
[patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00
[patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2
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[pdf_file] => patents/04/931/04931117.pdf
[firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 116029
[rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>) 07/116029 | Method for manufacturing frictional locking rings for stepped motor vehicle transmission synchronizing mechanisms | Nov 2, 1987 | Issued |