
Michael Tyler Evan Dowling

Examiner (ID: 11366)

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Application numberTitle of the applicationFiling DateStatus
Array ( [id] => 6394652 [patent_doc_number] => 20020181130 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-12-05 [patent_title] => 'Optical projection system and method of optical adjustment of the same' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/153511 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-22 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7 [patent_figures_cnt] => 7 [patent_no_of_words] => 4109 [patent_no_of_claims] => 7 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 82 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0181/20020181130.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10153511 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Optical projection system and method of optical adjustment of the same May 21, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6621024 [patent_doc_number] => 20030210465 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-11-13 [patent_title] => 'Light trap and associated light focusing assembly' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/143278 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-10 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 9 [patent_figures_cnt] => 9 [patent_no_of_words] => 3954 [patent_no_of_claims] => 22 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 81 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0210/20030210465.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10143278 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Light trap and associated light focusing assembly May 9, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7627434 [patent_doc_number] => 06807007 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2004-10-19 [patent_title] => 'Image-blur correcting viewing-optical system' [patent_app_type] => B2 [patent_app_number] => 10/141186 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-09 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8 [patent_figures_cnt] => 24 [patent_no_of_words] => 3830 [patent_no_of_claims] => 3 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 23 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/807/06807007.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10141186 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Image-blur correcting viewing-optical system May 8, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6724026 [patent_doc_number] => 20030206338 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-11-06 [patent_title] => 'Optical system for simultaneous imaging of LWIR and millimeter wave radiation' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/139943 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-06 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 2051 [patent_no_of_claims] => 22 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 44 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0206/20030206338.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10139943 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Optical system for simultaneous imaging of LWIR and millimeter wave radiation May 5, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6724025 [patent_doc_number] => 20030206337 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-11-06 [patent_title] => 'Exposure apparatus for irradiating a sensitized substrate' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/139489 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-06 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 12 [patent_figures_cnt] => 12 [patent_no_of_words] => 3553 [patent_no_of_claims] => 33 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 6 [patent_words_short_claim] => 48 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0206/20030206337.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10139489 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Exposure apparatus for irradiating a sensitized substrate May 5, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6724044 [patent_doc_number] => 20030206356 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-11-06 [patent_title] => 'Silicon mirrors having reduced hinge stress from temperature variations' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/138402 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-03 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 4591 [patent_no_of_claims] => 33 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 97 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0206/20030206356.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10138402 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Silicon mirrors having reduced hinge stress from temperature variations May 2, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7626180 [patent_doc_number] => 06768585 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2004-07-27 [patent_title] => 'Monocentric autostereoscopic optical apparatus using a scanned linear electromechanical modulator' [patent_app_type] => B2 [patent_app_number] => 10/137676 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-05-02 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 12 [patent_figures_cnt] => 22 [patent_no_of_words] => 11574 [patent_no_of_claims] => 85 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 54 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/768/06768585.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10137676 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Monocentric autostereoscopic optical apparatus using a scanned linear electromechanical modulator May 1, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6434457 [patent_doc_number] => 20020176170 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-11-28 [patent_title] => 'Mounting device for mounting an anti-glare screen protector on a monitor' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/135123 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 2228 [patent_no_of_claims] => 7 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 142 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0176/20020176170.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10135123 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Mounting device for mounting an anti-glare screen protector on a monitor Apr 29, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6662938 [patent_doc_number] => 20030202264 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-10-30 [patent_title] => 'Micro-mirror device' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/136719 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 12 [patent_figures_cnt] => 12 [patent_no_of_words] => 5730 [patent_no_of_claims] => 83 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 66 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0202/20030202264.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10136719 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Micro-mirror device Apr 29, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 1204386 [patent_doc_number] => 06721095 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2004-04-13 [patent_title] => 'Combined illuminated reticle and focus knob' [patent_app_type] => B2 [patent_app_number] => 10/133598 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-26 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 12 [patent_no_of_words] => 3802 [patent_no_of_claims] => 19 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 163 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/721/06721095.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10133598 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Combined illuminated reticle and focus knob Apr 25, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 66222 [patent_doc_number] => 07760432 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-07-20 [patent_title] => 'Photochromic resistant materials for optical devices in plasma environments' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/131881 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-25 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 0 [patent_figures_cnt] => 0 [patent_no_of_words] => 1263 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 34 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/760/07760432.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10131881 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Photochromic resistant materials for optical devices in plasma environments Apr 24, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 516326 [patent_doc_number] => 07199929 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-04-03 [patent_title] => 'Methods for optical beam shaping and diffusing' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/131185 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-25 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 33 [patent_figures_cnt] => 35 [patent_no_of_words] => 12257 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 6 [patent_words_short_claim] => 131 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/199/07199929.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10131185 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Methods for optical beam shaping and diffusing Apr 24, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6256547 [patent_doc_number] => 20020186352 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-12-12 [patent_title] => 'Angle-Adjusting apparatus for a reflection mirror in a rear-projection TV' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/127411 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-23 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 3579 [patent_no_of_claims] => 26 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 183 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0186/20020186352.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10127411 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Angle-adjusting apparatus for a reflection mirror in a rear-projection TV Apr 22, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 1194649 [patent_doc_number] => 06731421 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2004-05-04 [patent_title] => 'Wedge-shaped lensless laser focusing device' [patent_app_type] => B2 [patent_app_number] => 10/126908 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-19 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7 [patent_figures_cnt] => 11 [patent_no_of_words] => 3876 [patent_no_of_claims] => 16 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 170 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/06/731/06731421.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10126908 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Wedge-shaped lensless laser focusing device Apr 18, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6172785 [patent_doc_number] => 20020154421 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-10-24 [patent_title] => 'Lensless laser focusing device' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/126907 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-19 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 2950 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 142 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0154/20020154421.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10126907 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Lensless laser focusing device Apr 18, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6807997 [patent_doc_number] => 20030197936 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2003-10-23 [patent_title] => 'Tunable polarization mode dispersion compensation using multi-layered reflector' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/126859 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-18 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 10 [patent_figures_cnt] => 10 [patent_no_of_words] => 5590 [patent_no_of_claims] => 50 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 69 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0197/20030197936.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10126859 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Tunable polarization mode dispersion compensation using multi-layered reflector Apr 17, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 6373595 [patent_doc_number] => 20020118908 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-08-29 [patent_title] => 'Method and device for assembling optical components or an optical component and a substrate' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/123176 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-17 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 7738 [patent_no_of_claims] => 41 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 23 [patent_words_short_claim] => 16 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0118/20020118908.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10123176 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and device for assembling optical components or an optical component and a substrate Apr 16, 2002 Issued
09/674585 Electro-optical mechanical instrument Apr 15, 2002 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 729515 [patent_doc_number] => 07036944 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-05-02 [patent_title] => 'Retrochromic articles' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 10/122520 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-11 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 13292 [patent_no_of_claims] => 103 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 45 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/036/07036944.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10122520 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Retrochromic articles Apr 10, 2002 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6545516 [patent_doc_number] => 20020163745 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2002-11-07 [patent_title] => 'Mirror surface angle adjusting mechanism' [patent_app_type] => new [patent_app_number] => 10/119312 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2002-04-10 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 3607 [patent_no_of_claims] => 19 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 113 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0163/20020163745.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 10119312 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Mirror surface angle adjusting mechanism Apr 9, 2002 Abandoned