
Thomas J Visone

Examiner (ID: 14957, Phone: (571)270-7144 , Office: P/1651 )

Most Active Art Unit
Art Unit(s)
1651, 1699, 4112
Total Applications
Issued Applications
Pending Applications
Abandoned Applications


Application numberTitle of the applicationFiling DateStatus
Array ( [id] => 5737595 [patent_doc_number] => 20060007985 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-01-12 [patent_title] => 'Saturation handling during multiband receiver synchronization' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/173884 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-07-01 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 20 [patent_figures_cnt] => 20 [patent_no_of_words] => 15173 [patent_no_of_claims] => 29 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0007/20060007985.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11173884 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Saturation handling during multiband receiver synchronization Jun 30, 2005 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 312278 [patent_doc_number] => 07529314 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-05-05 [patent_title] => 'Carrier phase detector' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/173205 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-07-01 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 11 [patent_figures_cnt] => 16 [patent_no_of_words] => 7789 [patent_no_of_claims] => 13 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 207 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/529/07529314.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11173205 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Carrier phase detector Jun 30, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 253824 [patent_doc_number] => 07580465 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-08-25 [patent_title] => 'Low speed access to DRAM' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/174424 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 3287 [patent_no_of_claims] => 10 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 76 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/580/07580465.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11174424 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Low speed access to DRAM Jun 29, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5140748 [patent_doc_number] => 20070002964 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-01-04 [patent_title] => 'Jitter compensation and generation in testing communication devices' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/172306 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 10 [patent_figures_cnt] => 10 [patent_no_of_words] => 5492 [patent_no_of_claims] => 20 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0002/20070002964.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11172306 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Jitter compensation and generation in testing communication devices Jun 29, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5719879 [patent_doc_number] => 20060072652 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-04-06 [patent_title] => 'Method and system for single antenna receiver system for HSDPA' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/174403 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8 [patent_figures_cnt] => 8 [patent_no_of_words] => 8623 [patent_no_of_claims] => 20 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0072/20060072652.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11174403 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and system for single antenna receiver system for HSDPA Jun 29, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 154358 [patent_doc_number] => 07684497 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-03-23 [patent_title] => 'Method and apparatus for generating M-ary CPM waveforms from a superposition of PAM waveforms' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/174263 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-30 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 15 [patent_figures_cnt] => 16 [patent_no_of_words] => 8540 [patent_no_of_claims] => 33 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 13 [patent_words_short_claim] => 64 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/684/07684497.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11174263 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and apparatus for generating M-ary CPM waveforms from a superposition of PAM waveforms Jun 29, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 4770736 [patent_doc_number] => 20080056394 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2008-03-06 [patent_title] => 'Method for Automatic Gain Control Before Initial Synchronization in Ofdm System and Apparatus Thereof' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/791442 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-24 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 4380 [patent_no_of_claims] => 16 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0056/20080056394.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11791442 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method for automatic gain control before initial synchronization in OFDM system and apparatus thereof Jun 23, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 135829 [patent_doc_number] => 07697597 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-04-13 [patent_title] => 'Apparatus for calculating decision parameters in an IMT-2000 system' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/148843 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-06-09 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 2919 [patent_no_of_claims] => 3 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 168 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/697/07697597.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11148843 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Apparatus for calculating decision parameters in an IMT-2000 system Jun 8, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7111382 [patent_doc_number] => 20050208838 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2005-09-22 [patent_title] => 'Method and apparatus for transmitting data with reduced coupling noise' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/130502 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-17 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7 [patent_figures_cnt] => 7 [patent_no_of_words] => 3050 [patent_no_of_claims] => 35 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 6 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0208/20050208838.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11130502 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and apparatus for transmitting data with reduced coupling noise May 16, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 6957321 [patent_doc_number] => 20050213691 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2005-09-29 [patent_title] => 'Balancing amplitude and phase' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/126825 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-11 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 2231 [patent_no_of_claims] => 10 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0213/20050213691.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11126825 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Balancing amplitude and phase May 10, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 335476 [patent_doc_number] => 07508890 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-03-24 [patent_title] => 'Apparatus and method for FSK demodulation with integrated time and frequency tracking' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/124913 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-09 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 11 [patent_figures_cnt] => 14 [patent_no_of_words] => 7921 [patent_no_of_claims] => 17 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 115 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/508/07508890.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11124913 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Apparatus and method for FSK demodulation with integrated time and frequency tracking May 8, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 367675 [patent_doc_number] => 07480360 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-01-20 [patent_title] => 'Regulating a timing between a strobe signal and a data signal' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/124553 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-06 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 10 [patent_figures_cnt] => 10 [patent_no_of_words] => 5256 [patent_no_of_claims] => 19 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 127 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/480/07480360.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11124553 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Regulating a timing between a strobe signal and a data signal May 5, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7068370 [patent_doc_number] => 20050243753 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2005-11-03 [patent_title] => 'Method of using long cellized codes in a joint detection system' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/124601 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-05 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 0 [patent_figures_cnt] => 0 [patent_no_of_words] => 2997 [patent_no_of_claims] => 5 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0243/20050243753.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11124601 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method of using long cellized codes in a joint detection system May 4, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 7110048 [patent_doc_number] => 20050207502 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2005-09-22 [patent_title] => 'Transcoder and code conversion method' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/118346 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-05-02 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7 [patent_figures_cnt] => 7 [patent_no_of_words] => 5299 [patent_no_of_claims] => 31 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 10 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0207/20050207502.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11118346 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Transcoder and code conversion method May 1, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5693179 [patent_doc_number] => 20060153325 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-07-13 [patent_title] => 'System clock distributing apparatus and system clock distributing method' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/116392 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 3063 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 6 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0153/20060153325.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11116392 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
System clock distributing apparatus and system clock distributing method Apr 27, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 335474 [patent_doc_number] => 07508888 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-03-24 [patent_title] => 'Method and apparatus for precise open loop tuning of reference frequency within a wireless device' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/116233 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-28 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 9708 [patent_no_of_claims] => 23 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 137 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/508/07508888.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11116233 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and apparatus for precise open loop tuning of reference frequency within a wireless device Apr 27, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 808806 [patent_doc_number] => 07421022 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2008-09-02 [patent_title] => 'Method for robust and stable convergence of blind LMS based adaptation of coefficients for a continuous time FFE-DFE' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/115506 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 2 [patent_figures_cnt] => 2 [patent_no_of_words] => 2899 [patent_no_of_claims] => 21 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 131 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/421/07421022.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11115506 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method for robust and stable convergence of blind LMS based adaptation of coefficients for a continuous time FFE-DFE Apr 26, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 566030 [patent_doc_number] => 07469013 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2008-12-23 [patent_title] => 'Intelligent adaptive modulation in a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communications system' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/116115 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 13 [patent_figures_cnt] => 19 [patent_no_of_words] => 11832 [patent_no_of_claims] => 13 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 118 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/469/07469013.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11116115 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Intelligent adaptive modulation in a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communications system Apr 26, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 319971 [patent_doc_number] => 07522688 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-04-21 [patent_title] => 'Wireless clock system and method' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/116084 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 7 [patent_figures_cnt] => 10 [patent_no_of_words] => 5390 [patent_no_of_claims] => 22 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 8 [patent_words_short_claim] => 60 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/522/07522688.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11116084 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Wireless clock system and method Apr 26, 2005 Issued
Array ( [id] => 597604 [patent_doc_number] => 07440516 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2008-10-21 [patent_title] => 'Apparatus and method for receiving digital multimedia broadcasting in a wireless terminal' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/115786 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2005-04-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 4177 [patent_no_of_claims] => 16 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 94 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/440/07440516.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11115786 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Apparatus and method for receiving digital multimedia broadcasting in a wireless terminal Apr 26, 2005 Issued