
Venkataraman Balasubramanian

Examiner (ID: 8896, Phone: (571)272-0662 , Office: P/1624 )

Most Active Art Unit
Art Unit(s)
1624, 1611
Total Applications
Issued Applications
Pending Applications
Abandoned Applications


Application numberTitle of the applicationFiling DateStatus
Array ( [id] => 5232291 [patent_doc_number] => 20070294400 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-12-20 [patent_title] => 'CONTROL SYSTEM' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/761424 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2007-06-12 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 4356 [patent_no_of_claims] => 4 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 1 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0294/20070294400.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11761424 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
CONTROL SYSTEM Jun 11, 2007 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 5090868 [patent_doc_number] => 20070230507 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-10-04 [patent_title] => 'Bundled Internet Protocol Packets' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/761545 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2007-06-12 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 2859 [patent_no_of_claims] => 22 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0230/20070230507.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11761545 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Bundled Internet Protocol Packets Jun 11, 2007 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 5090764 [patent_doc_number] => 20070230403 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-10-04 [patent_title] => 'START OF PACKET DETECTION FOR MULTIPLE RECEIVER COMBINING AND MULTIPLE INPUT MULTIPLE OUTPUT RADIO RECEIVERS' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/757878 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2007-06-04 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 14 [patent_figures_cnt] => 14 [patent_no_of_words] => 17227 [patent_no_of_claims] => 20 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0230/20070230403.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11757878 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Start of packet detection for multiple receiver combining and multiple input multiple output radio receivers Jun 3, 2007 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5111892 [patent_doc_number] => 20070195807 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-08-23 [patent_title] => 'Methods and Systems for Establishing Communications Through Firewalls and Network Address Translators' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/741084 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2007-04-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 17 [patent_figures_cnt] => 17 [patent_no_of_words] => 5651 [patent_no_of_claims] => 16 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0195/20070195807.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11741084 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Methods and Systems for Establishing Communications Through Firewalls and Network Address Translators Apr 26, 2007 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 4656416 [patent_doc_number] => 20080025277 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2008-01-31 [patent_title] => 'Wireless LAN system and control method and control program of wireless LAN system' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/704234 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2007-02-09 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 13 [patent_figures_cnt] => 13 [patent_no_of_words] => 12183 [patent_no_of_claims] => 3 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0025/20080025277.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11704234 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Wireless LAN system and control method and control program of wireless LAN system Feb 8, 2007 Issued
Array ( [id] => 276708 [patent_doc_number] => RE040826 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => E1 [patent_issue_date] => 2009-07-07 [patent_title] => 'ATM over MPLS connection establishment mechanism' [patent_app_type] => reissue [patent_app_number] => 11/640430 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-12-18 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 8 [patent_figures_cnt] => 8 [patent_no_of_words] => 6742 [patent_no_of_claims] => 11 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 170 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/RE/040/RE040826.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11640430 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
ATM over MPLS connection establishment mechanism Dec 17, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 187424 [patent_doc_number] => 07646780 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-01-12 [patent_title] => 'System for reordering sequenced based packets in a switching network' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/610451 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-12-13 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 6762 [patent_no_of_claims] => 11 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 166 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/646/07646780.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11610451 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
System for reordering sequenced based packets in a switching network Dec 12, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 171023 [patent_doc_number] => 07668187 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-02-23 [patent_title] => 'Method for reordering sequenced packets' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/610447 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-12-13 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 6 [patent_no_of_words] => 6756 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 168 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/668/07668187.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11610447 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method for reordering sequenced packets Dec 12, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 55721 [patent_doc_number] => 07773498 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-08-10 [patent_title] => 'Transmitting/receiving apparatus, method, program, recording medium, and integrating circuit used in communication network' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/604232 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-11-27 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 14 [patent_figures_cnt] => 19 [patent_no_of_words] => 13142 [patent_no_of_claims] => 11 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 270 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/773/07773498.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11604232 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Transmitting/receiving apparatus, method, program, recording medium, and integrating circuit used in communication network Nov 26, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 154727 [patent_doc_number] => 07680126 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-03-16 [patent_title] => 'Two-dimensional pipelined scheduling technique' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/562923 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-11-22 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 14 [patent_figures_cnt] => 15 [patent_no_of_words] => 6209 [patent_no_of_claims] => 14 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 131 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/680/07680126.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11562923 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Two-dimensional pipelined scheduling technique Nov 21, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5015233 [patent_doc_number] => 20070258441 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-11-08 [patent_title] => 'Managing packet-based telephony' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/549003 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-10-12 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 5758 [patent_no_of_claims] => 25 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 8 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0258/20070258441.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11549003 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Managing packet-based telephony Oct 11, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5078414 [patent_doc_number] => 20070121638 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-05-31 [patent_title] => 'Method and system of communicating superframe data' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/509305 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-08-23 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 35 [patent_figures_cnt] => 35 [patent_no_of_words] => 13081 [patent_no_of_claims] => 66 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 8 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0121/20070121638.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11509305 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and system of communicating superframe data Aug 22, 2006 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 5078400 [patent_doc_number] => 20070121624 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-05-31 [patent_title] => 'Method and system of network clock generation with multiple phase locked loops' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/508753 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-08-23 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 35 [patent_figures_cnt] => 35 [patent_no_of_words] => 12893 [patent_no_of_claims] => 22 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0121/20070121624.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11508753 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Method and system of network clock generation with multiple phase locked loops Aug 22, 2006 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 7590299 [patent_doc_number] => 07664094 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-02-16 [patent_title] => 'System for utilizing genetic algorithm to provide constraint-based routing of packets in a communication network' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/504209 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-08-14 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 26 [patent_figures_cnt] => 38 [patent_no_of_words] => 11474 [patent_no_of_claims] => 35 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 198 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/664/07664094.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11504209 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
System for utilizing genetic algorithm to provide constraint-based routing of packets in a communication network Aug 13, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5849997 [patent_doc_number] => 20060233188 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-10-19 [patent_title] => 'Concurrent Transmission of Traffic from Multiple Communication Interfaces' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/425565 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-06-21 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 5 [patent_figures_cnt] => 5 [patent_no_of_words] => 4019 [patent_no_of_claims] => 18 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0233/20060233188.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11425565 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Concurrent transmission of traffic from multiple communication interfaces Jun 20, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5164637 [patent_doc_number] => 20070286221 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2007-12-13 [patent_title] => 'Memory management method and memory architecture for transmitting UWB PCA frames' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/452791 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-06-13 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 4 [patent_figures_cnt] => 4 [patent_no_of_words] => 3006 [patent_no_of_claims] => 14 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0286/20070286221.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11452791 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Memory management method and memory architecture for transmitting UWB PCA frames Jun 12, 2006 Abandoned
Array ( [id] => 7990613 [patent_doc_number] => 08077610 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B1 [patent_issue_date] => 2011-12-13 [patent_title] => 'Memory architecture for high speed network devices' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/453349 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-06-12 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 6 [patent_figures_cnt] => 7 [patent_no_of_words] => 7479 [patent_no_of_claims] => 28 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 217 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/08/077/08077610.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11453349 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Memory architecture for high speed network devices Jun 11, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 4459499 [patent_doc_number] => 07894489 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2011-02-22 [patent_title] => 'Adaptive play-out buffers and adaptive clock operation in packet networks' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/451653 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-06-12 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 9 [patent_figures_cnt] => 23 [patent_no_of_words] => 23744 [patent_no_of_claims] => 12 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 2 [patent_words_short_claim] => 150 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/894/07894489.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11451653 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Adaptive play-out buffers and adaptive clock operation in packet networks Jun 11, 2006 Issued
Array ( [id] => 5698977 [patent_doc_number] => 20060215661 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => A1 [patent_issue_date] => 2006-09-28 [patent_title] => 'ATM OVER MPLS CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT MECHANISM' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/423002 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-06-08 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 9 [patent_figures_cnt] => 9 [patent_no_of_words] => 6760 [patent_no_of_claims] => 7 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 3 [patent_words_short_claim] => 0 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => publication [pdf_file] => publications/A1/0215/20060215661.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11423002 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
Array ( [id] => 164793 [patent_doc_number] => 07672224 [patent_country] => US [patent_kind] => B2 [patent_issue_date] => 2010-03-02 [patent_title] => 'System and method for data multiplexing' [patent_app_type] => utility [patent_app_number] => 11/433512 [patent_app_country] => US [patent_app_date] => 2006-05-15 [patent_effective_date] => 0000-00-00 [patent_drawing_sheets_cnt] => 26 [patent_figures_cnt] => 26 [patent_no_of_words] => 11853 [patent_no_of_claims] => 6 [patent_no_of_ind_claims] => 4 [patent_words_short_claim] => 508 [patent_maintenance] => 1 [patent_no_of_assignments] => 0 [patent_current_assignee] =>[type] => patent [pdf_file] => patents/07/672/07672224.pdf [firstpage_image] =>[orig_patent_app_number] => 11433512 [rel_patent_id] =>[rel_patent_doc_number] =>)
System and method for data multiplexing May 14, 2006 Issued