Joshua Bowling
Jun 17, 2013

German Parliament says: Stop Granting Software Patents

Not sure what to think of this. The German parliament basically came out and said "stop granting software patents". Pretty strong stance IMO. Leaves room for copyright though.

Ruth DemuthJun 17, 2013
Did you see the Richard Stallman article I posted? He had a different proposal, that we should limit the effect of such patents. That way, even when they're granted they aren't as inhibiting. I like that the German parliament is taking a strong stance though. Software patents...boooo!
Christi MillerJun 18, 2013
I definitely think it's an overreaction. You don't need to get rid of such patents entirely. It makes more sense just to make them harder to patent. The patent system can promote innovation, when it works right. The problem is a lot of 'bad' software patents with too broad of a reach.
Richard SwannJun 18, 2013
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