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Intellectual Property > Nova Content

The days of fight or settle are over for companies facing patent litigation.  During the last several years, the US patent landscape has shifted dramatically... Read More »
It seems like they are everywhere, little two wheeled electric scooters. They get referred to as hoverboards, or Segways without sticks. No one really seems to know... Read More »
A brief summary of the discussion on utility model prospects in Russia during the Patent Conference “Saint Petersburg Patent Bar Readings 2015” held... Read More »
On May 5th Europe jumped one of the last major hurdles on the way to implementing the EU Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court (UPC). The Court of Justice of the EU ... Read More »
There is a growing player grabbing attention in China’s IP scene. Ruichuan IPR Funds (睿创专利运营基金) is a complex organization with the potential to... Read More »
China’s explosive growth in patent filing has caught the attention of the world over the last few years.  Many have been impressed with China’s rapid ... Read More »
Every year numerous articles are written about intellectual property protection in China. Usually coverage is from the perspective of the damage done to foreign... Read More »
Currently there are two competing patent reform bills making the rounds in Congress: Representative Goodlatte’s Innovation Act of 2015 and the Strong Patent Act ... Read More »
It’s a new year, and time to take a look back at the most innovative countries and companies in 2014. The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) has released ... Read More »
As China has grown and developed it has drawn regular controversy over international intellectual property protection issues. The Office of the United States Trade... Read More »
Xi FungBeing originally from China and lived there all my childhood, I can tell you that pace of change is amazing. Every time I go back, there is something new. I believe they are definitely working hard on their IP and this is a step in the right direction.
Mar 17, 2015
John Asher@Kyle, It should be interesting to see. Qualcomm was just sued by Shanghai Gao Tong Semiconductor Co. for trademark infringement over their Chinese-language brand name. I can't say the environment looks encouraging yet.
Mar 18, 2015
The new USPTO post grant review procedures under the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) are rapidly approaching the two and a half year mark. Over that time they... Read More »
The White House just announced the nomination of  former Deputy General Counsel for Google, Michelle Lee, for the next director of the US Patent and Trademark... Read More »
Sibelle Andrade, an intellectual property analyst from Brazil, won $500 in the recent Jetpack contest. In the wake of her victory we interviewed her about her... Read More »
Dilligent Patexia users may have noticed a new type of contest recently appear on our site: “commercial use” or “licensing” searches. In fact, ... Read More »
A main goal of the patent system is to incentivize innovation within an economy. Investment in the research and development of inventions can be substantial. Without... Read More »
Innovators have flooded the patent system with applications. Previous articles at Patexia have focused heavily on problems related to this sharp increase in... Read More »
Innovation, highly prized and touted as a driving economic force, is not easy. After all the work to invent something cool, the last thing a small inventing... Read More »
Two weeks ago, on the first day of the new year, the world collectively switched to a new way of thinking about innovation. The switch was to a harmonized, collective ... Read More »
In 2012, Chinese inventors filed more patent applications than those in any other country--including the United States. In a recent Booz & Company report (Ed: now ... Read More »
A certain patent-holding company wants to enforce its patent--that is, prevent another company from making and selling the invention described in that patent. That... Read More »