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Intellectual Property > Nova Content

Struggling cell phone manufacturer Nokia launched a recent attack in both German and U.S. courts, filing lawsuits against HTC, RIM, and ViewSonic, alleging a laundry... Read More »
"But in the decline of the empire, when every principle of health and life had been exhausted, the tardy application of this partial remedy was incapable of... Read More »
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) recently partnered with the Science and Technical Facilities Council (STFC). The pair have gotten together to... Read More »
Groupon has grown successfully due to its ability to help city-dwellers explore local dining hotspots, discover various entertainment activities and purchase products ... Read More »
This week's high-tech headlines and trends ... The secret high-tech augment reality arms race Bionic contact lenses, augmented reality glasses and... Read More »
In mythology, trolls are often portrayed as large brutes with little creativity and even worse manners who enjoy devouring innocent people.  In stories and songs ... Read More »
Here's this week's high-tech trends that either made headlines or went under the radar! Facebook countersuit seizes the Yahoo gauntlet and backhands the... Read More »
What began as the threat of a Yahoo patent jackal coveting the Facebook lion's share soon flashed fangs as a lawsuit on March 12, 2012, with Yahoo... Read More »
Facebook recently fired a salvo in its defense against Yahoo by purchasing 750 patents from IBM. To backtrack a bit for those who have not been following the latest... Read More »
Anonymous Interesting viewpoint on patent aggregators. What if Yahoo is also using the same patent aggregator? For example, if Yahoo is a member of RPX, would that membership still be useful?
Mar 26, 2012
In order to better understand the Yahoo vs Facebook lawsuit, let us examine the patents that Yahoo is disputing. Between April 2, 1999, when the patent was... Read More »
These are the industry trends that might have slipped under the radar ... Google hires DARPA director Regina Dugan DARPA is losing its director as Regina... Read More »
An ongoing battle, which went public in 2010, arrived in Santa Clara, California on February 17th. A technological company in... Read More »
Here's what made headlines this week in the world of high-tech! Mobile World Congress 2012 Without a doubt, Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012 owned the... Read More »
Engulfed in the bidding frenzy of its upcoming $5 billion IPO, the last thing Facebook needed to hear was what Yahoo had to say to them this past Monday: if... Read More »
Lawyers wrote a new chapter in the Patent Wars recently when Microsoft and Apple took on Google via Motorola Mobility. At issue were the royalties requested by... Read More »
Nicholas PellSagar:

I feel like a "no use notice" would only stir the pot further. There are two things going on here, and it's hard to separate one from another: First, there's legitimate patent infringement. Second, there's companies accusing other firms of patent infringement even though they know there isn't a case. I agree that IP law in big tech could be handled in a far more mature and professional manner, but the biggest firms haven't expressed a lot of interest in that, unfortunately.
Mar 2, 2012
Sagar Dhageim not professional in this field but can't resist to comment on this. why companies can't issue 'No use notice' when somebody using innovation discovered by other as a preliminary stage.. many time other companies don't have intention of infringement but unknowingly they did. ...rather than filing law suit and patent trolling they can save time and resources...ultimately it shows the ethics what u follow....
Feb 28, 2012
Let's take a look at what high-tech innovation trends shaped the industry this week! Unauthorized User Tracking While we've all grown essentially numb ... Read More »
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is still on the move across the globe. ACTA has a similar aim to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act... Read More »
An interesting development has occurred in the current mobile patent wars between major giants Apple, Motorola and Samsung. While these cases are technically about... Read More »
‘Team iPhone’ versus ‘Team Blackberry’ fights are getting more and more dated now that ‘Team Android’ has found its rightful place ... Read More »
Apple today sought permission from a bankruptcy court to sue Eastman Kodak for allegedly violating patents related to printers, digital cameras and digital picture... Read More »