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Intellectual Property > Nova Content

 The famously heard-about and yet unknown secret formula for the very popular consumer beverage, ‘Coca Cola’ has made news time and again for almost... Read More »
One of the ongoing concerns of Legal or R&D departments is controlling or reducing IP cost while keeping a meaningful rate of patent filing to ensure protection... Read More »
Anonymous Good points, especially on the patent committees and review meetings. If an outside management software solution is bought, I think it is best to get the decision made close to the ground. By the people who use it - as far as possible. I know of several big companies where the decision was made by the head of legal or IP on the basis of marketing, but the paralegals and attorneys really struggled to use the software afterwards. Some big name packages, Anaqua springs to mind, are incredibly unstable and user unfriendly as well as being rather expensive. Improtech takes a huge amount of work to set up, but once in place is fairly user friendly. The best systems I have come across are those written in-house by a law firm or in-house department. Also beware the integrated package - they often do a lot of things badly.
May 24, 2011
On June 28 2010, the US Supreme Court issued its opinion in Bilski v. Kappos, which is an important opinion on the issue of the patentability of business methods. In the ... Read More »
Recently there has been a lot of debate within the intellectual property industry about reforming the inequitable conduct defense. This debate has now moved from social... Read More »
The time has come for companies to find more innovative ways to avoid disputes over intellectual property. Everything is upside down and wrong way around in the... Read More »