Patexia Research
Case number 2:22-cv-03557


Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Sep 27, 2023 72 TEXT ORDER: The Court will conduct an IN PERSON Hearing/Oral Argument to address Defendants' failure to provide supplemental information or documents consistent with this Court's June 22, 2023 Order, (ECF No. 58), and Defense counsel's Motion to Withdraw, (ECF No. 67), on October 19, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. in Courtroom 2B of the Undersigned. All counsel of record, including Mr. Marzec, as well as the named Defendants, are directed to appear for the hearing. Further, Mr. Marzec is directed to serve a copy of this Order on his clients. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 9/27/23. (jbb) (Entered: 09/27/2023) (0)
Aug 29, 2023 71 RESPONSE in Support filed by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI re 67 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Reply Memo and Reply Declaration (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Reply Dec. of Darius A. Marzec, Esq.)(MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 08/29/2023) (0)
Aug 25, 2023 70 TEXT ORDER: The deadline for submitting the joint status letter shall be held in abeyance, pending the outcome of Defense counsel's Motion to Withdraw. The Telephone Status Conference scheduled for 9/7/23 is adjourned pending the outcome of the motion as well. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 8/25/23. (jbb) (Entered: 08/25/2023) (0)
Aug 24, 2023 69 Letter from Richard Straussman seeking clarification re: June 22 Order. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 08/24/2023) (1)
Aug 15, 2023 68 BRIEF in Opposition filed by 2109971 ONTARIO INC. re 67 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Richard Straussman)(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 08/15/2023) (0)
Aug 2, 2023 67 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Darius A. Marzec, Esq., # 2 Text of Proposed Order, # 3 Certificate of Service)(MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 08/02/2023) (0)
Jul 25, 2023 66 Letter from Darius A. Marzec, Esq. re 61 Letter. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 07/25/2023) (2)
Jul 25, 2023 65 TEXT ORDER re 62 MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery & 63 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney: The Court is in receipt of Plaintiff's letter of 7/24/23, (ECF No. 61) and Defense counsel's Motions: (1) seeking an extension of time, (ECF No. 62), to comply with Defendants' discovery obligations in accordance with this Court's Orders of June 22, 2023 and June 29, 2023, (ECF Nos. 58 & 60), and (2) to withdraw as counsel. (ECF No. 63). First, consistent with paragraph 17 of this Court's Pretrial Scheduling Order issued on December 20, 2022, (ECF No. 34), no discovery motions shall be filed without prior leave of Court. On that basis alone, the Motion to Extend Time is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Second, neither the Motion to Extend nor the Motion to Withdraw comply with Local Civil Rule 7.1(b), (d), & (e) as the Motions do not include a Notice of Motion, brief, statement that no brief is necessary, proof of service, or proposed form of Order. Accordingly, the Motion to Withdraw is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE, subject to Defense Counsel refiling the Motion that fully complies with Rule 7.1, including proof of service on Defendants. If Defense counsel timely refiles the Motion to Withdraw on or before August 2, 2023, the Court will entertain any applications to hold discovery in abeyance pending the outcome of Defense counsel's anticipated Motion to Withdraw. The Clerk's Office is directed to terminate the Motions filed as ECF Nos. 62 & 63. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 7/25/23. (jbb) (Entered: 07/25/2023) (0)
Jul 25, 2023 64 RESPONSE in Opposition filed by 2109971 ONTARIO INC. re 63 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney , 62 MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 07/25/2023) (2)
Jul 25, 2023 63 First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 07/25/2023) (2)
Jul 25, 2023 62 MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 07/25/2023) (1)
Jul 24, 2023 61 Letter from Richard Straussman. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 07/24/2023) (1)
Jun 29, 2023 60 LETTER ORDER granting request that the Court extend the June 28, 2023 deadline in the ECF No. 58 Order to July 5, 2023 to permit compliance. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 6/29/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 06/30/2023) (1)
Jun 28, 2023 59 Letter from Defendants' Counsel re 58 Order,,, Set Scheduling Order Deadlines,,. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 06/28/2023) (1)
Jun 22, 2023 58 ORDER: On or before June 28, 2023, Defendants shall provide a verified and/or certified supplemental response to Plaintiff's Interrogatory Number 1, wherein Defendants shall identify the nature of the remaining Defendants' relationship with the Dismissed Defendants, and then by July 19, 2023, provide a verified and/or certified supplemental response to Interrogatory Number 1, identifying the start and end date (if any) regarding such relationships. Telephone Status Conference set for 9/7/2023 at 12:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 6/22/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 06/23/2023) (2)
Jun 9, 2023 57 TEXT ORDER: In response to the parties' joint discovery dispute submission, (ECF No. 56), the Court will conduct an IN PERSON Conference on June 21, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom 2B of the Undersigned. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 6/9/23. (jbb) (Entered: 06/09/2023) (0)
May 15, 2023 56 Letter from the Parties Jointly re 55 Order,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit (Confidential Information Redacted))(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (0)
May 2, 2023 55 TEXT ORDER: The Court has reviewed the parties' joint status letter, (ECF No. 53), identifying several unresolved written discovery disputes. On or before May 15, 2023, the parties shall file a joint submission that addresses each dispute in its own section. The first part of the section will provide a short, non-argumentative statement of the item in dispute. Next, in part 2 of that section, the party seeking relief will set forth what it wants and the basis (limited to two (2) double-spaced pages). In part 3, the party opposing the request shall set forth its position (limited to two (2) double-spaced pages). The parties shall employ this structure for each item that remains in dispute. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 5/2/23. (jbb) (Entered: 05/02/2023) (0)
May 1, 2023 54 Plaintiff's ANSWER to Counterclaim Nos. I & II by 2109971 ONTARIO INC..(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 05/01/2023) (4)
Apr 28, 2023 53 STATUS REPORT (Joint) Regarding Unresolved Discovery Dispute by 2109971 ONTARIO INC.. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 04/28/2023) (1)
Apr 25, 2023 52 ORDER granting 17 Motion to Dismiss; that Counterclaim III is DISMISSED without prejudice; that Defendants' Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twenty-Second, Fortieth and Incorporation of all Other Affirmative Defenses are DISMISSED with prejudice; that the remaining Affirmative Defenses are DISMISSED without prejudice, and Defendants are granted leave to amend them, consistent with this Order, by May 9, 2023. Signed by Judge Brian R. Martinotti on 4/25/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 04/25/2023) (2)
Apr 25, 2023 51 OPINION. Signed by Judge Brian R. Martinotti on 4/25/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 04/25/2023) (19)
Apr 14, 2023 50 LETTER ORDER: The parties shall submit a joint letter on or before 4/28/23, addressing whether these discovery disputes have been fully resolved, and if so, submit a joint proposed amended scheduling for Markman briefing.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 4/14/2023. (ld) (Entered: 04/14/2023) (1)
Apr 13, 2023 49 Letter from Richard Straussman (on behalf of the parties jointly). (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 04/13/2023) (1)
Mar 24, 2023 48 LETTER ORDER granting request that the the following dates in the case schedule be adjourned at the present time until the matter is resolved: Opening Markman briefs (currently due April 17, 2023), Responsive Markman papers (currently due May 17, 2023), and Meet and confer on schedule for Markman hearing (currently due May 31, 2023).. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 3/24/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 03/24/2023) (1)
Mar 23, 2023 47 STATUS REPORT (Joint) Regarding Discovery Dispute "Meet and Confer" Status by 2109971 ONTARIO INC.. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 03/23/2023) (1)
Mar 9, 2023 46 TEXT ORDER: As per today's Telephone Status Conference, the parties shall have a meaningful meet and confer by 3/16/23 in an effort to resolve outstanding issues related to discovery responses and document production. The parties shall submit a joint letter on or before 3/23/23, addressing what, if any, discovery disputes remain and the status of completing all discovery related to the claim construction, and submit any agreed upon proposed Amended Scheduling Order regarding any proposed modifications to the current discovery deadlines. A Telephone Status Conference is scheduled for 3/27/23 at 4:00 p.m. The Conference Call information will be circulated in advance. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 3/9/23. (jbb) (Entered: 03/09/2023) (0)
Mar 6, 2023 45 STATUS REPORT By The Parties in advance of the March 9, 2023 Status Conference by 2109971 ONTARIO INC.. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (3)
Feb 22, 2023 44 Letter from Richard Straussman re 28 Reply Brief to Opposition to Motion, 25 Brief in Opposition to Motion, 17 MOTION to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaim III and to Strike 28 of Defendants' 40 Affirmative Defenses. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibits A & B)(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 02/22/2023) (0)
Jan 18, 2023 43 Discovery Confidentiality Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 1/18/2023. (ld, ) (Entered: 01/19/2023) (6)
Jan 17, 2023 42 TEXT ORDER re 40 Order: In light of the parties' joint letter of 1/17/23, confirming that they have reached agreement on the form of a proposed Discovery Confidentiality Order, the In Person Conference scheduled for tomorrow, 1/18/23 at 10:00 a.m. is CANCELED. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 1/17/23. (jbb) (Entered: 01/17/2023) (0)
Jan 17, 2023 41 Letter from Richard Straussman (jointly for the parties). (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order - Agreed [Proposed] Discovery Confidentiality Order)(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 01/17/2023) (0)
Jan 6, 2023 40 TEXT ORDER: The Court has reviewed the parties' respective discovery dispute letters, (ECF Nos. 37-39), indicating that they have not been able to reach agreement on the terms of a proposed Discovery Confidentiality Order. It is apparent from the substance and tone of these letters that the parties have not met and conferred in an attempt to informally resolve this dispute. Accordingly, the parties are directed to engage in those efforts immediately. The parties shall then submit a joint letter by January 17, 2023, addressing whether agreement has been reached. If not, the Court will conduct an IN PERSON Conference in the Courtroom of the Undersigned on January 18, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., wherein the parties will be expected to address why the form Discovery Confidentiality Order contained in Appendix S of the Local Civil Rules is not appropriate to enter in this Case. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 1/6/23. (jbb) (Entered: 01/06/2023) (0)
Jan 6, 2023 39 Letter from Richard Straussman re 37 Letter, 38 Proposed Pretrial Order. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 01/06/2023) (5)
Jan 5, 2023 37 Letter from Richard Straussman. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Discovery Confidentiality Order)(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 01/05/2023) (0)
Jan 5, 2023 38 Proposed Order re: Defendants' Proposed Confidentiality Order by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI re 37 Letter, 34 Scheduling Order,. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 01/05/2023) (9)
Jan 4, 2023 36 NOTICE by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI per Local Rule 7.1.1 (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 01/04/2023) (1)
Dec 29, 2022 35 Third Party Litigation Funding disclosure statement pursuant to L.Civ.R 7.1.1(a)(1-3) filed by 2109971 ONTARIO INC.. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 12/29/2022) (1)
Dec 20, 2022 34 PRETRIAL SCHEDULING ORDER: Telephone Status Conference set for 3/9/2023 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen. Amended Pleadings due by 2/16/2023. Fact Discovery due by 10/2/2023. Joinder of Parties due by 2/16/2023.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 12/20/2022. (ld, ) (Entered: 12/20/2022) (5)
Dec 16, 2022 33 Joint Discovery Plan by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI.(MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 12/16/2022) (5)
Dec 16, 2022 32 Joint Discovery Plan by 2109971 ONTARIO INC..(STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 12/16/2022) (14)
Dec 15, 2022 31 TEXT ORDER: The Court is in receipt of Defendants' request to adjourn the Initial Scheduling Conference scheduled for 12/19/22 at 11:15 a.m., (ECF No. 29), and Plaintiff's opposition thereto. (ECF No. 30). The adjournment request is DENIED. The Initial Scheduling Conference will proceed as scheduled on December 19th. The parties shall submit their Joint Discovery Plan by tomorrow, 12/16/22 at 12:00 p.m. If they cannot agree on the Joint Discovery Plan, they shall submit their individual discovery plans by tomorrow's deadline. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 12/15/22. (jbb) (Entered: 12/15/2022) (0)
Dec 14, 2022 30 RESPONSE in Opposition filed by 2109971 ONTARIO INC. re 29 MOTION Adjourn Initial Scheduling Conference (Dkt. Doc. No. 26) re 26 Scheduling Order, (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD) (Entered: 12/14/2022) (6)
Dec 14, 2022 29 MOTION Adjourn Initial Scheduling Conference (Dkt. Doc. No. 26) re 26 Scheduling Order, by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (MARZEC, DARIUS) (Entered: 12/14/2022) (1)
Nov 4, 2022 28 Reply Brief to Opposition to Motion (17)
Docket Text: REPLY BRIEF to Opposition to Motion filed by 2109971 ONTARIO INC. re [17] MOTION to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaim III and to Strike 28 of Defendants' 40 Affirmative Defenses (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD)
Nov 4, 2022 27 Corporate Disclosure Statement (aty) (1)
Docket Text: Corporate Disclosure Statement by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI identifying Best Deals Discount Furniture, LLC as Corporate Parent.. (MARZEC, DARIUS)
Oct 26, 2022 26 Scheduling Order (2)
Docket Text: ORDER that Plaintiff's request to defer the Initial Scheduling Conference pending the outcome of its Motion is DENIED. Initial Scheduling Conference set for 12/19/2022 at 11:15 AM by way of Zoom Videoconference before Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 10/26/2022. (ld, )
Oct 26, 2022 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen: Case Management Conference held on 10/26/2022. (Court Reporter: ZOOM) (jbb)
Oct 11, 2022 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER re [23] Order: Please be advised that the Zoom Case Management Conference set for 10/27/22 has been rescheduled to 10/26/22 at 2:30 p.m. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 10/11/22. (jbb)
Oct 7, 2022 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The Court is in receipt of Plaintiff's letter of 10/6/22, (ECF Nos. 20 & 22), seeking an adjournment and/or stay of the Initial Scheduling Conference scheduled for 10/27/22 at 2:30 p.m., pending the outcome of its partial Motion to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaim III and to Strike 28 of Defendants' 40 Affirmative Defenses ("partial Motion to Dismiss"), (ECF No. 17). Defendants oppose Plaintiff's request. (ECF No. 21). The Initial Scheduling Conference on 10/27/22 at 2:30 p.m. is converted into a Zoom Case Management Conference wherein the Court will address Plaintiff's request. Additionally, in connection with Plaintiff's pending Partial Motion to Dismiss, reply papers, if any, shall be filed by November 8, 2022. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 10/7/22. (jbb)
Oct 7, 2022 22 Letter (1)
Docket Text: Letter from Richard Straussman re [21] Letter. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD)
Oct 6, 2022 21 Letter (2)
Docket Text: Letter from Darius A. Marzec, Esq. re [20] Letter. (MARZEC, DARIUS)
Oct 6, 2022 20 Letter (1)
Docket Text: Letter from Richard Straussman re [16] Order, Set/Clear Flags, Set Hearings. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD)
Oct 4, 2022 19 Order (1)
Docket Text: LETTER ORDER granting request for an extension of time to oppose Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss (Dkt. No. 17) from October 3 2022 through October 25, 2022. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 10/4/2022. (ld, )
Sep 30, 2022 18 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (1)
Docket Text: First MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings, by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (MARZEC, DARIUS)
Sep 22, 2022 N/A Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings (0)
Docket Text: Set/Reset Deadlines as to [17] MOTION to Dismiss Defendants' Counterclaim III and to Strike 28 of Defendants' 40 Affirmative Defenses. Motion set for 10/17/2022 before Judge Brian R. Martinotti. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (ld, )
Sep 6, 2022 16 Order (6)
Docket Text: LETTER ORDER: Initial Conference set for 10/27/2022 at 2:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 9/6/22. (jbb)
Aug 15, 2022 N/A Order Reassigning Case (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Brian R. Martinotti for all further proceedings. Judge John Michael Vazquez no longer assigned to case. So Ordered by Chief Judge Freda L. Wolfson on 8/15/22. (ak, )
Jul 22, 2022 12 Letter (1)
Docket Text: Letter re [1] Complaint. (MARZEC, DARIUS)
Jul 22, 2022 N/A QC - Generic Message (0)
Docket Text: CLERK'S QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE - The [11] Letter request for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [1] Complaint filed by DARIUS ADAM MARZEC on 7/20/2022 was submitted incorrectly as a Motion. For future filings of this nature, please select the event "Letter" found under Other Documents. This submission will remain on the docket unless otherwise ordered by the court. (ld, )
Jul 21, 2022 13 Order (1)
Docket Text: LETTER ORDER granting request for an extension of time through September 7, 2022 to respond to Plaintiff's Complaint. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen on 7/21/2022. (ld, )
Jul 20, 2022 11 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (1)
Docket Text: MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [1] Complaint by BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, AHMAD KAYALI. (MARZEC, DARIUS)
Jul 18, 2022 10 Order (3)
Docket Text: ORDER Of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendants Robert Beitscher, Mindy Hirschtritt, Jonathan Kaplan, Mark Goldstein, Elliot Fern, Alex Dolgin, and Eugene Frayberg Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), without Prejudice. Signed by Judge John Michael Vazquez on 7/18/2022. (ld, )
Jul 15, 2022 9 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal (aty) (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal WITHOUT PREJUDICE of ONLY defendants Robert Beitscher, Mindy Hirschritt, Jonathan Kaplan, Mark Goldstein. Elliot Fern, Alex Dolgin, and Eugene Frayberg by 2109971 ONTARIO INC. (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD)
Jul 7, 2022 8 Affidavit of Service (1)
Jul 7, 2022 7 Affidavit of Service (1)
Jun 8, 2022 5 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by KENNETH SCOTT WEITZMAN on behalf of 2109971 ONTARIO INC. (WEITZMAN, KENNETH)
Jun 8, 2022 4 Summons Issued (2)
Docket Text: SUMMONS ISSUED as to ROBERT BEITSCHER, BEST DEALS DISCOUNT FURNITURE LLC, ALEX DOLGIN, ELLIOT FERN, EUGENE FRAYBERG, MARK GOLDSTEIN, MINDY HIRSCHTRITT, JONATHAN KAPLAN, AHMAD KAYALI. Attached is the official court Summons, please fill out Defendant and Plaintiffs attorney information and serve. (JB, )
Jun 7, 2022 3 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by RICHARD STRAUSSMAN on behalf of All Plaintiffs (STRAUSSMAN, RICHARD)
Jun 7, 2022 2 Corporate Disclosure Statement (aty) (2)
Docket Text: Corporate Disclosure Statement by 2109971 ONTARIO INC.. (BROWN, MICHAEL)
Jun 7, 2022 N/A Add and Terminate Judges (0)
Docket Text: Magistrate Judge Jessica S. Allen added. (jr)
Jun 7, 2022 1 Complaint* (1)