Patexia Research
Case number IPR2016-00775

ASML Netherlands, B.V. v. Energetiq Technology, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Jun 28, 2016 12 board Notice of Refund Download
Jun 24, 2016 11 petitioner REQUEST FOR REFUND Download
Jun 13, 2016 10 board Judgment - Termination of Proceedings Before Institution Download
Apr 22, 2016 8 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Apr 12, 2016 7 potential_po Related Matters Download
Apr 12, 2016 6 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Mar 31, 2016 1303 petitioner Declaration of J. Gary Eden, Ph.D. Regarding U.S. Patent No. 9,048,000, Claims 16, 17 (Eden Decl.) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1335 petitioner R.M. Measures et al., Laser interaction based on resonance saturation (LIBORS) an alternative to inverse bremsstrahlung for coupling laser energy into a plasma, Applied Optics, Vol. 18, No. 11, 1824-27 (1979) (Measures) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1333 petitioner Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy, Rev. Ed. 2003, definition of bound-bound transition (Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy), pg. 59 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1323 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 7,435,982 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1304 petitioner French Patent Publication No. FR2554302A1, published May 3, 1985 with English Translation (Gärtner) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1326 petitioner Status of Related Proceedings Download
Mar 31, 2016 1330 petitioner Instruction Sheet for PASCO Model OS-9286A - 1990) - PASCO mercury vapor light source Download
Mar 31, 2016 1324 petitioner Bussiahn, Experimental and theoretical investigations of a low-pressure He-Xe discharge for lighting purpose, J. Appl. Phys. 95-9 4627-34 - May 1, 2004- Bussiahn Download
Mar 31, 2016 1316 petitioner Notice of Allowability dated March 25, 2015 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1328 petitioner H.M. Pask et al., Ytterbium-Doped Silica Fiber Lasers- Versatile Sources for the 1-1.2 µm Region, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 1, pp. 2-13 (1995) (Pask) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1334 petitioner A.V. Eletskii et al., Formation kinetics and parameters of a photoresonant plasma, Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol. 67, No. 5, 920-24 - 1988 - Eletskii Download
Mar 31, 2016 1325 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 7,786,455 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1306 petitioner Japanese Patent Publication No. 2006010675A, published December 1, 2006 with English Translation and affidavit of translation (Kensuke) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1317 petitioner Response to Non-Final Office Action, U.S. Patent Application No. 13/024,027 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1329 petitioner A. A. Ballman et al., Synthetic Quartz with High Ultraviolet Transmission, Applied Optics, Vol. 7, No. 7 - 1968 - Ballman Download
Mar 31, 2016 1305 petitioner International Publication WO-2004097520, published November 11, 2004 (Mourou) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1307 petitioner I.M. Beterov et al., Resonance radiation plasma (photoresonance plasma), Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 (6), 535-54 (1988) (Beterov) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1313 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 4,780,608 to Cross Download
Mar 31, 2016 1332 petitioner L. Klein, Measurements of Spectral Emission and Absorption of a High Pressure Xenon Arc in the Stationary and the Flashed Modes, Applied Optics, Vol. 7, No. 4, 677-85 - 1968 - Klein Download
Mar 31, 2016 1337 petitioner V. P. Zimakov et al., Interaction of Near-IR Laser Radiation with Plasma of a Continuous Optical Discharge, Plasma Physics Reports, Vol. 42, No. 1, 68-73 (2016) (Zimakov) (produced by Patent Owner as Exhibit 2013 in IPR2015-01375) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1338 petitioner Exhibit 1338 Noelscher Download
Mar 31, 2016 1320 petitioner Michel Digonnet, Rare Earth Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, 2d ed., pp. 144-170 - 2001 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1319 petitioner Information Disclosure Statement dated March 11, 2015 Download
Mar 31, 2016 3 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 31, 2016 1336 petitioner A.C. Tam, Quasiresonant laser-produced plasma- An efficient mechanism for localized breakdown J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 51, No. 9, 4682-87 (1980) (Tam) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1321 petitioner Kelin Kuhn, Laser Engineering, Chapter 4, pp. 384-440 (1998) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1308 petitioner Energetiq EQ-10M Soft X-Ray and EUV Source Data Sheet (2005) Download
Mar 31, 2016 4 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 31, 2016 1315 petitioner D. Keefer, Laser Sustained Plasmas, Chapter 4, in Radziemski et al., Laser-Induced Plasmas and Applications, pp. 169-206, CRC Press 1989 - Keefer Download
Mar 31, 2016 1331 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 6,972,421 (Melnychuk) Download
Mar 31, 2016 1311 petitioner Applicants Amendment and Response dated January 6, 2015 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1310 petitioner Office Action dated July 17, 2014 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1318 petitioner Applicant_s Amendment and Response dated March 5, 2015 Download
Mar 31, 2016 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 31, 2016 1314 petitioner Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications, Vol. III- Applications - Colin E. Webb et al., eds., Chapter D1.2, pp. 1587-1611 2004) (Handbook of Laser Tech. Download
Mar 31, 2016 1302 petitioner Chart of Patent Family Members Download
Mar 31, 2016 1312 petitioner Office Action dated Feb. 27, 2015 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1322 petitioner Exhibit 1322 Information Disclosure Statement dated Mar 11 2014 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1301 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 9,048,000 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1309 petitioner William T. Silfvast, Laser Fundamentals, pp. 1-6, 565-68 (2d ed. 2003) (Silfvast) Download
Mar 31, 2016 5 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 9,048,000 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1327 petitioner Y. Jeong et al., Ytterbium-doped large-core fibre laser with 1 kW of continuous-wave output power, Electron. Lett. 40, 470-472 - 2004 Download
Mar 31, 2016 1 petitioner Power of Attorney Download