Patexia Research
Case number IPR2020-01066, Inc. v. Hammond Development International, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Nov 9, 2020 11 board Notice of Refund Download
Nov 3, 2020 10 petitioner Petitioners Request for Refund of Post-Institution Petition Fees Download
Sep 21, 2020 9 board Decision - Settlement Prior to Institution of Trial Download
Sep 4, 2020 8 petitioner Petitioner Update Exhibit List Download
Sep 4, 2020 7 petitioner Joint Motion to file Settlement Agreement as Business Confidential Download
Sep 4, 2020 6 petitioner Joint Motion to Terminate Proceeding Download
Sep 4, 2020 1101 petitioner Joint Stipulation and Proposed Order of Partial Dismissal Download
Jun 24, 2020 5 patent_own Patent Owner's Mandatory Notices Download
Jun 24, 2020 4 patent_own Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
Jun 17, 2020 3 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jun 9, 2020 1011 VoiceXML Version 2.0, W3C (March 16, 2004) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1013 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2004/0101122 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1014 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2006/0085562 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1015 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2002/0091825 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1016 U.S. Patent No. 6,963,859 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1017 Multimedia Messaging Service Encapsulation Protocol, Open Mobile Alliance (July 15, 2004) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1018 Excerpts from Patent Owners Infringement Contentions in Hammond Dev. Intl, Inc. v., Inc., No. 6:19-cv-00355 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1021 Excerpts from Handbook for the PalmTM TungstenTM T3 Handheld, Palm (2003) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1022 Excerpts from Using Your Palm Treo 700w Smartphone, Palm (2005) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1025 Joel F. Bartlett, W4 - the Wireless World Wide Web, Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Download
Jun 9, 2020 1026 Todd Courtois, Portal: A PDA-to-World-Wide-Web Interface Download
Jun 9, 2020 1027 Michael Moeller, Motorola Newton device set to take wireless Notes, MacWeek (October 24, 1994) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1028 GloMop: Global Mobile Computing By Proxy, GloMop Group (1995) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1030 U.S. Patent No. 7,383,303 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1031 Berners-Lee, World-Wide Web: The Information Universe, 2 Elec. Networking 52 (1992) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1034 U.S. Patent No. 4,425,099 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1035 U.S. Patent No. 3,278,685 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1036 U.S. Patent No. 4,799,171 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1037 U.S. Patent No. 4,783,803 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1038 Lucas, VoiceXML for Web-Based Distributed Conversatonal Applications Download
Jun 9, 2020 1039 McTear, Spoken Dialogue Technology: Enabling the Conversational User Interface Download
Jun 9, 2020 1 Petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Jun 9, 2020 1042 Johnson, Touch displaya novel input/output device for computers Download
Jun 9, 2020 1045 Simon Says Heres How!: Simon Users Manual, IBM (February 1994) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1047 Bartlett, Experience with a Wireless World Wide Web Client Download
Jun 9, 2020 1053 Patent Owners Responsive Claim Construction Brief in Hammond Dev. Intl, Inc. v., Inc., No. 6:19-cv-00355 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1056 Excerpts from Patent Owners Infringement Contentions in Hammond Dev. Intl, Inc. v., Inc., No. 6:19-cv-00355 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1057 157 Conf. Rec. S402-43 (daily ed. Sept. 8, 2011) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1058 Patent Owners Preliminary Election of Asserted Claims in Hammond Dev. Intl, Inc. v., Inc., No. 6:19-cv-00355 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1061 U.S. Patent No. 7,068,643 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1064 U.S. Patent No. 7,685,253 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1065 U.S. Patent No. 9,418,132 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1066 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2006/0130124 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1077 U.S. Patent No. 8, 613,048 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1081 U.S. Patent No. 10,264,032 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1082 Excerpts from Java Speech API Programmers Guide, Version 1.0 (October 26, 1998) Download
Jun 9, 2020 1083 Excerpts from G. Winfield Treese and Lawerence C. Stuart, Designing Systems for Internet Commerce Download
Jun 9, 2020 1086 Excerpts from Patent Owners Infringement Contentions in Hammond Dev. Intl, Inc. v., Inc., No. 6:19-cv-00355 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1098 Excerpts from File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,705,937 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1099 Excerpts from Microsoft Computer Dictionary Fifth Edition (2002), definition for transaction Download
Jun 9, 2020 1100 U.S. Patent Application 2004/0098368 Download
Jun 9, 2020 2 Petition Download
Jun 9, 2020 1010 U.S. Patent No. 5,761,673 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1008 U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0041125 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1007 International Appl. No. PCT/US01/17274 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1006 International Appl. No. PCT/US99/23008 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1005 U.S. Patent No. 6,934,756 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1004 CV of Philip Greenspun, Ph.D. Download
Jun 9, 2020 1003 Declaration of Philip Greenspun, Ph.D. Download
Jun 9, 2020 1002 File History of U.S. Patent No. 9,264,483 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1001 U.S. Patent No. 9,705,937 Download
Jun 9, 2020 1040 Cohen, The role of voice input for human-machine communication Download