Patexia Research
Case number IPR2014-00483

Apple Inc. v. VirnetX, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Jul 29, 2015 12 board Final Written Decision Download
Sep 15, 2014 11 board Decision - Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Jul 25, 2014 10 patent_own Updated Patent Owner's Mandatory Notices Download
Jun 17, 2014 2015 patent_own Petition for Inter Partes Review by Microsoft against U.S. Patent No. 7,987,274 in IPR2014-00403 (February 4, 2014) Download
Jun 17, 2014 6 patent_own Power of Attorney for Patent Owner VirentX Inc. Download
Jun 17, 2014 9 patent_own Patent Owner VirnetX Inc.'s Current List of Exhibits Download
Jun 17, 2014 8 patent_own Patent Owner's Preliminary Reponse to Petiion for Inter Partes Review for U.S. Patent No. 7,987,274 Download
Jun 17, 2014 2009 patent_own Glossary for the Linux FreeS/WAN Project Download
Jun 17, 2014 7 patent_own Updated Patent Owner's Mandatory Notices Download
Jun 17, 2014 2008 patent_own Office Action Response filed April 15, 2010 in Reexam. Control No. 95/001,269 Download
Jun 17, 2014 2013 patent_own VirnetX's Opening Claim Construction Brief in VirnetX Inc. v. Microsoft Corp. (December 30, 2008) Download
Jun 17, 2014 2012 patent_own Defendants' Responsive Claim Construction Brief in VirnetX Inc. v. Mitel Networks Corp. (June 11, 2012) Download
Jun 17, 2014 2011 patent_own Microsoft's Responsive Claim Construction Brief in VirentX Inc. v. Mitel Networks Corp. (January 20, 2009) Download
Jun 17, 2014 2007 patent_own Memorandum Opinion and Order in VirnetX Inc. v. Mitel Networks Corp. (August 1, 2012) Download
Jun 17, 2014 2010 patent_own Excerpts from McGraw-Hill Computer Desktop Encyclopedia Download
Mar 28, 2014 5 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Mar 28, 2014 4 potential_ Related Matters Download
Mar 17, 2014 3 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Mar 7, 2014 1026 petitioner File History 8051181_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1071 petitioner Joint List of Disputed Claims ITC 337-858 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1033 petitioner Schulzrinne_RFC2543 - Session Initiation Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1001 petitioner US 7188180 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1055 petitioner RFC 2420 Kummert_The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1039 petitioner Tittel_Windows NT Server 4 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1061 petitioner Bradner, S., RFC 2026 - The Internet Standards Process Download
Mar 7, 2014 1079 petitioner SPEC-WAPArch-19980430 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1032 petitioner Kent_RFC2401 - Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1059 petitioner RFC 1483 Heinanen_Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adapation Download
Mar 7, 2014 1074 petitioner US Patent 6701437 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1006 petitioner Kosiur_Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1034 petitioner Schulzrinne_RFC1889 - Real Time Transport Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1056 petitioner RFC 2118 Pall_Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression Download
Mar 7, 2014 1017 petitioner Joint Claim Construction Chart_10CV417 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1011 petitioner Declaration of Dr. Roch Guerin Download
Mar 7, 2014 1057 petitioner RFC 2364 Gross_PPP Over AAL5 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1 petitioner Petition for IPR Download
Mar 7, 2014 1051 petitioner Simpson_PPP Authentication Protocols Download
Mar 7, 2014 1047 petitioner RFC 1180 Socolofsky_A TCP_IP Tutorial Download
Mar 7, 2014 1042 petitioner Aventail Connect v3.1_2.6 Administrator Guide Download
Mar 7, 2014 1006 petitioner Kosiur_Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1019 petitioner Gavron_A Security Problem and Proposed Correction Download
Mar 7, 2014 1066 petitioner 2011.11.04 D173 VirnetX Opening Claim Construction Brief Download
Mar 7, 2014 1020 petitioner RFC 791 Internet Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1063 petitioner RFC 2453 Malkin_RIP Version 2 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1038 petitioner RFC 2663 Srisuresh_IP NAT Terminology and Considerations Download
Mar 7, 2014 1084 petitioner ITU-T H.235 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1014 petitioner Docket of VirnetX v. Microsoft Download
Mar 7, 2014 1086 petitioner 95001788_USPTO Right of Appeal Notice Download
Mar 7, 2014 1029 petitioner Declaration of Michael Fratto Download
Mar 7, 2014 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 7, 2014 1037 petitioner RFC 1035 Mockapetris_Domain Names_Implementation and Specification Download
Mar 7, 2014 1072 petitioner Reexamination File History of 95001949 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1044 petitioner Ferguson - What is VPN Part II Download
Mar 7, 2014 1073 petitioner US Patent 6182141 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1052 petitioner RFC 2246 Dierks_The TLS Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1024 petitioner Excerpts of Prosecution History of 95_001792 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1009 petitioner US 6225993 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1078 petitioner US 6430176 (B1) Download
Mar 7, 2014 1050 petitioner RFC 1334 Lloyd_PPP Authentication Protocols_Oct 1992 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1030 petitioner Fratto CV Download
Mar 7, 2014 1067 petitioner Defs Responsive Claim Construction Brief Download
Mar 7, 2014 1062 petitioner RFC 1928 Leech_Socks Protocol Version 5 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1006 petitioner Kosiur_Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1053 petitioner RFC 1661 Simpson_The Point-to-Point Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1045 petitioner RFC 1123 Braden_Requirements for Internet Hosts Download
Mar 7, 2014 1027 petitioner US 7987274 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1041 petitioner Aventail AutoSOCKS v2.1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1060 petitioner RFC 2510 Adams_Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Cert Mgmt Protocols Download
Mar 7, 2014 1076 petitioner Record of Publication_ACM - Mobility support using S Download
Mar 7, 2014 1046 petitioner RFC 2068 Fielding_Hypertext Transfer Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1085 petitioner ITU-T H.245 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1025 petitioner US 8051181 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1077 petitioner H.323 ITU-T Recommendation Download
Mar 7, 2014 1016 petitioner Claim Construction Opinion and Order_07CV80 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1048 petitioner US4405829 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1082 petitioner Gulbrandsen_RFC2052 - DNS SRV Download
Mar 7, 2014 1003 petitioner US 6557037 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1022 petitioner Alden_The AltaVista Tunnel-Using the Internet to Extend Corporate Networks Download
Mar 7, 2014 1008 petitioner US 6073175 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1043 petitioner Ferguson_What is VPN - Part I Download
Mar 7, 2014 1028 petitioner File History 7987274_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1007 petitioner US 6151628 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1083 petitioner ITU-T H.225.0 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1035 petitioner Handley_RFC2327 - Session Description Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1028 petitioner File History 7987274_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1031 petitioner US6496867 - Beser Download
Mar 7, 2014 1021 petitioner Berners-Lee_Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP-1.0 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1065 petitioner Vixie_RFC 2136_Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System Download
Mar 7, 2014 1064 petitioner Moy_RFC 2328 OSPF Version 2 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1049 petitioner Rescorla_The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1080 petitioner W3C and WAP Forum Establish Formal Liaison Relationship - 1999Dec8 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1075 petitioner Schulzrinne - SIP Mobility Download
Mar 7, 2014 1087 petitioner 95001789_USPTO Right of Appeal Notice Download
Mar 7, 2014 1028 petitioner File History 7987274_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1005 petitioner Guillen_An Architecture for Virtual Circuit Download
Mar 7, 2014 1036 petitioner RFC 1034 Mockapetric_Domain Names_Concepts_Facilities Download
Mar 7, 2014 1054 petitioner RFC 1968 Meyer_The PPP Encryption Control Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1081 petitioner Samtime_IBM Session Initiation Protocol 2013 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1068 petitioner 2011.12.19 D192 VirnetX Reply Claim Construction Brief Download
Mar 7, 2014 1058 petitioner RFC 2661 Townsley_Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Download
Mar 7, 2014 1010 petitioner US 8200837 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1040 petitioner Windows 98 ResourceKit_Chapters9_15_ 19 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1026 petitioner File History 8051181_pt1 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1018 petitioner Claim Construction Opinin and Order_10CV417 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1070 petitioner Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement EDTX 12-855 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1013 petitioner Dismissal from VirnetX v. Microsoft Download
Mar 7, 2014 1004 petitioner Kiuchi - C-HTTP - LOC stamped Download
Mar 7, 2014 1023 petitioner Excerpts of Prosecution History of 95001270 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1002 petitioner File History (180) Download
Mar 7, 2014 1006 petitioner Kosiur_Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks_pt2 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1006 petitioner Kosiur_Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks_pt3 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1026 petitioner File History 8051181_pt2 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1028 petitioner File History 7987274_pt2 Download
Mar 7, 2014 1028 petitioner File History 7987274_pt3 Download