Patexia Research
Case number 337-TA-1061

Bar Code Readers, Scan Engines, Products Containing the Same, and Components Thereof > Related Cases

Number Title Filing date
1:17-cv-00594 Honeywell International, Inc. et al v. The Code Corporation May 23, 2017
1:19-cv-01019 Honeywell International, Inc. et al v. Opticon, Inc. et al May 31, 2019
337-TA-1165 Barcode Scanners, Scan Engines, Products Containing the Same, and Components Thereof May 31, 2019
6:21-cv-01010 Honeywell International Inc. et al v. Zebra Technologies Corporation Sep 29, 2021
6:22-cv-00442 Honeywell International Inc. et al v. Zebra Technologies Corporation et al May 2, 2022
1:23-cv-00052 Voxware, Inc. v. Honeywell International, Inc. et al Jan 17, 2023