Patexia Research
Case number IPR2017-01396

Bestway (USA), Inc. v. Intex Marketing Ltd. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Jan 12, 2018 11 Notice of Refund Download
Jan 5, 2018 10 Petitioner's Request for Refund Download
Dec 1, 2017 9 Trial Instituted Document Download
Sep 5, 2017 2002 U.S. Patent No. 8,562,773 Download
Sep 5, 2017 2011 Declaration of R. Trevor Carter Download
Sep 5, 2017 2012 Declaration of Reid E. Dodge Download
Sep 5, 2017 2010 File History for US Appl 14566075 Download
Sep 5, 2017 2001 Declaration of Bernhard Kuchel Download
Sep 5, 2017 2007 7-30-2014 Letter to Bestway Download
Sep 5, 2017 2004 Condensed Chemical Dictionary Download
Sep 5, 2017 2008 8-28-2014 Response Letter from Bestway Download
Sep 5, 2017 2005 '011 Sadegh Declaration Download
Sep 5, 2017 7 Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Sep 5, 2017 2009 Business Wire Press Release Download
Sep 5, 2017 2006 Sadegh Deposition Transcript 7-27-2017 Download
Sep 5, 2017 2003 '773 Sadegh Declaration Download
Sep 5, 2017 8 Patent Owner's Exhibit List Download
Jun 5, 2017 6 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jun 2, 2017 4 Patent Owner's Mandatory Notice Download
Jun 2, 2017 5 Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
May 12, 2017 1004 US2549597 (Harris) Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1002 US3683431 (Pennel) Download
May 12, 2017 1015 13668799 (file history for 773 patent) Download
May 12, 2017 1013 CN2676755Y (Wang 755) Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1005 US7694372 (Boyd) Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1008 GB313023A (GB023) Download
May 12, 2017 1009 US3379596 (Stutz) Download
May 12, 2017 1018 2016-12-08 Intex Proposed List of Terms for Construction Download
May 12, 2017 1 PETITION FOR INTER PARTES REVIEW OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,156,203 Download
May 12, 2017 1017 2017-02-16 [007] Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1010 US3030245 (Greiner) Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1007 US486696 (Curlin) Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-1 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1022 2016-05-13 [001] Complaint for Patent Infringement Download
May 12, 2017 1012 US2753573 (Barker) Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-1 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1023 Assignment Records for US9156203 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1001 US9156203 Download
May 12, 2017 3 Petitioner's Exhibit List Download
May 12, 2017 2 Petitioner's Power of Attorney Download
May 12, 2017 1003 US573122 (Young) Download
May 12, 2017 1021 ITC Exhibit 069 (203 DI Claim Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1006 PCTUS1242079 Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-1 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1014 Sadegh Declaration - 203 Patent Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-1 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1011 US5490295 (Boyd) Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part5 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part2 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part1 Download
May 12, 2017 1016 Ex. 1016 - 14444337 (file history for 203 patent)_Part3 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part6 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part1 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part2 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part4 Download
May 12, 2017 1019 2016-09-30 Intex Prelim Infringement Contentions 16-cv-3300_Part3 Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-2 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-3 (203 Infringement Chart) Download
May 12, 2017 1020 ITC Exhibit 027-4 (203 Infringement Chart) Download