Patexia Research
Case number 2018-1329

Columbia Sportswear v. Seirus Innovative Accessories > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Mar 12, 2020 144 Mandate issued to the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [678309] [18-1329, 18-1331, 18-1728] [JAB] [Entered: 03/12/2020 01:52 PM] (1)
Mar 5, 2020 143 ORDER filed denying [102] petition for panel rehearing, for en banc rehearing filed by Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. By: En Banc (Per Curiam). Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [676553] [JAB] [Entered: 03/05/2020 12:00 PM] (2)
Feb 21, 2020 141 12 paper copies of the amicus Brief [136] received from Amicus Curiae Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc. [673205] [JAB] [Entered: 02/21/2020 12:47 PM] (0)
Feb 21, 2020 142 18 paper copies of the amicus Brief [139] received from Amici Curiae Bison Designs, LLC and Golight, Inc. [673359] [JAB] [Entered: 02/21/2020 03:44 PM] (0)
Feb 20, 2020 137 18 paper copies of the amicus Brief [135] received from Amici Curiae Tracy-Gene G. Durkin, Elizabeth D. Ferrill, Daniel A. Gajewski, Robert S. Katz, Margaret Polson, George Raynal, Perry J. Saidman and Richard Stockton. [672703] [JAB] [Entered: 02/20/2020 09:32 AM] (0)
Feb 20, 2020 138 Amended Entry of appearance for Ian R Walsworth as principal counsel for Amici Curiae Bison Designs, LLC and Golight, Inc.. Service: 02/20/2020 by email. [672773] [18-1329] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 02/20/2020 11:28 AM] (2)
Feb 20, 2020 139 MODIFIED ENTRY: CORRECTED AMICUS BRIEF FILED on Petition for Bison Designs, LLC and Golight, Inc.. Pages: 12. Service: 02/20/2020 by email. The filer is directed to submit the appropriate number of copies within two days. [672775]--[Edited 02/20/2020 by MJL - compliance review complete] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 02/20/2020 11:35 AM] (18)
Feb 20, 2020 140 6 paper copies of the amicus Brief [136] received from Amicus Curiae Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc. [673204] [JAB] [Entered: 02/21/2020 12:46 PM] (0)
Feb 18, 2020 134 ORDER filed granting motions for leave to file amicus briefs on rehearing [126], [128], and [129]. Bison and Golight are directed to promptly file a corrected brief that includes the certificate of interest. By: Per Curiam. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [672002] [MJL] [Entered: 02/18/2020 02:04 PM] (2)
Feb 18, 2020 135 CORRECTED AMICUS BRIEF FILED on Petition for Tracy-Gene G. Durkin, Elizabeth D. Ferrill, Daniel A. Gajewski, Robert S. Katz, Margaret Polson, George Raynal, Perry J. Saidman, and Richard Stockton. Pages: 10. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. The filer is directed to submit the appropriate number of copies within two days. [672003] [MJL] [Entered: 02/18/2020 02:11 PM] (19)
Feb 18, 2020 136 AMICUS BRIEF FILED on Petition for Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc. Pages: 12. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. The filer is directed to submit the appropriate number of copies within two days. [672004] [MJL] [Entered: 02/18/2020 02:13 PM] (21)
Feb 7, 2020 133 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the supplemental authority [132] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 02/07/2020 by email. [669489] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 02/07/2020 03:49 PM] (2)
Feb 6, 2020 132 Citation of Supplemental Authority pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 28(j) for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 02/06/2020 by email. [669024] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 02/06/2020 02:30 PM] (12)
Feb 3, 2020 131 18 paper copies of the response [130] received from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. [667957] [JAB] [Entered: 02/03/2020 01:29 PM] (0)
Jan 30, 2020 130 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the petition for panel rehearing [102] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc., petition for en banc rehearing [102] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 01/30/2020 by email. [667460] [18-1329] [John Thornburgh] [Entered: 01/30/2020 05:59 PM] (23)
Jan 27, 2020 124 Amended Certificate of Interest for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. [666262] [18-1329] [Kristina Caggiano Kelly] [Entered: 01/27/2020 05:56 PM] (3)
Jan 27, 2020 125 MOTION of Group of Interested Practitioners for leave to file amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant on petition for panel rehearing [102], petition for en banc rehearing [102] [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. [666263] [18-1329] [Kristina Caggiano Kelly] [Entered: 01/27/2020 06:00 PM] (28)
Jan 27, 2020 126 MOTION of Group of Interested Practitioners for leave to file amicus brief in support of neither party on petition [102], petition [102] [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 01/27/2019 by email. [666273] [18-1329] [Kristina Caggiano Kelly] [Entered: 01/27/2020 08:03 PM] (28)
Jan 27, 2020 127 Notice of Correction to Doc No. [125] from Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. [666274] [18-1329] [Kristina Caggiano Kelly] [Entered: 01/27/2020 08:05 PM] (5)
Jan 27, 2020 128 MOTION of Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc. for leave to file amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant on petition for panel rehearing [102], petition for en banc rehearing [102] [Consent: partial consent]. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. [666276] [18-1329] [Damon Neagle] [Entered: 01/27/2020 08:16 PM] (28)
Jan 27, 2020 129 MOTION of Bison Design, LLC, and Golight, Inc. for leave to file amicus brief in support of Plaintiff/Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. on petition [102], petition [102] [Consent: partial consent]. Service: 01/27/2020 by email. [666279] [18-1329] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 01/27/2020 09:49 PM] (25)
Jan 23, 2020 121 ORDER filed denying [109] motion to extend time to file brief, denying [112] motion to extend time to file brief, denying [117] motion to extend time to file brief. By: Merits Panel (Per Curiam). Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [665386] [JAB] [Entered: 01/23/2020 10:21 AM] (2)
Jan 23, 2020 122 Entry of appearance for Kristina Caggiano Kelly as of counsel for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/23/2020 by email. [665454] [18-1329] [Kristina Caggiano Kelly] [Entered: 01/23/2020 11:51 AM] (2)
Jan 23, 2020 123 Amended Entry of appearance for Ian R. Walsworth as principal counsel for Bison Designs, LLC and Golight, Inc.. Service: 01/23/2020 by email. [665538] [18-1329] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 01/23/2020 02:07 PM] (2)
Jan 22, 2020 118 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the motion [112]. Service: 01/22/2020 by email. [665136] [18-1329] [John Thornburgh] [Entered: 01/22/2020 01:22 PM] (8)
Jan 22, 2020 119 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the motion [117]. Service: 01/22/2020 by email. [665162] [18-1329] [John Thornburgh] [Entered: 01/22/2020 02:07 PM] (8)
Jan 22, 2020 120 RESPONSE of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. to the motion [117] , motion [112] , motion [109]. Service: 01/22/2020 by email. [665183] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 01/22/2020 03:00 PM] (7)
Jan 21, 2020 111 Entry of appearance for Ian R. Waslworth as principal counsel for Bison Designs, LLC and GoLight, Inc.. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664548] [18-1329] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 01/21/2020 11:36 AM] (2)
Jan 21, 2020 112 MOTION of Bison Designs, LLC and Golight, Inc. to extend the time to 02/10/2020 to file the Amicus Brief. [Consent: partial consent]. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664559] [18-1329] [Ian Walsworth] [Entered: 01/21/2020 11:54 AM] (8)
Jan 21, 2020 113 Entry of appearance for John W. Thornburgh as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664678] [18-1329] [John Thornburgh] [Entered: 01/21/2020 02:19 PM] (2)
Jan 21, 2020 114 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the motion [109]. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664699] [18-1329] [John Thornburgh] [Entered: 01/21/2020 02:39 PM] (9)
Jan 21, 2020 115 Entry of appearance for Damon A. Neagle as principal counsel for Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc.. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664800] [18-1329] [Damon Neagle] [Entered: 01/21/2020 04:03 PM] (2)
Jan 21, 2020 116 Certificate of Interest for Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc.. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664814] [18-1329] [Damon Neagle] [Entered: 01/21/2020 04:08 PM] (2)
Jan 21, 2020 117 MOTION of Industrial Designers Society of America, Inc. to extend the time to 02/10/2020 to file the Amicus Brief. [Consent: partial consent]. Service: 01/21/2020 by email. [664862] [18-1329] [Damon Neagle] [Entered: 01/21/2020 04:45 PM] (7)
Jan 17, 2020 106 Entry of appearance for Tracy-Gene G. Durkin as principal counsel for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/17/2020 by email. [664366] [18-1329] [Pauline Pelletier] [Entered: 01/17/2020 08:57 PM] (2)
Jan 17, 2020 107 Certificate of Interest for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/17/2020 by email. [664367] [18-1329] [Pauline Pelletier] [Entered: 01/17/2020 08:58 PM] (3)
Jan 17, 2020 108 Entry of appearance for Pauline M. Pelletier as of counsel for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/17/2020 by email. [664368] [18-1329] [Pauline Pelletier] [Entered: 01/17/2020 09:00 PM] (2)
Jan 17, 2020 109 MOTION of Group of Interested Practitioners to extend the time to 02/10/2020 to file the Amicus Brief. [Consent: partial consent]. Service: 01/17/2020 by email. [664370] [18-1329] [Pauline Pelletier] [Entered: 01/17/2020 09:12 PM] (8)
Jan 17, 2020 110 Entry of appearance for Deirdre M. Wells as of counsel for Group of Interested Practitioners. Service: 01/17/2020 by email. [664371] [18-1329] [Deirdre Wells] [Entered: 01/17/2020 09:14 PM] (2)
Jan 16, 2020 104 18 paper copies of the petition for panel rehearing, for en banc rehearing [102] received from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [663610] [JAB] [Entered: 01/16/2020 08:18 AM] (0)
Jan 16, 2020 105 The court invites a response from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the petition for panel rehearing, for en banc rehearing filed by Appellant in 18-1329. The response is due on or before 01/30/2020. [663831] [JAB] [Entered: 01/16/2020 01:58 PM] (1)
Jan 14, 2020 103 Entry of appearance for Christopher V. Carani as of counsel for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 01/14/2020 by email. [662892] [18-1329] [Christopher Carani] [Entered: 01/14/2020 01:13 PM] (2)
Jan 13, 2020 102 Petition for panel rehearing, for en banc rehearing filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 01/13/2020 by email. The paper copies of the petition must be filed within two business days (see Fed. Cir. R. 35(c)(4).The required paper copies should be received by the court on or before 01/15/2020 [662744] [18-1329] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 01/13/2020 08:47 PM] (57)
Dec 6, 2019 101 MODIFIED ENTRY: Bill of Costs for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 12/06/2019 by email. [654792]--[Edited 12/09/2019 by JCA - Reason: to correct filing event] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 12/06/2019 06:55 PM] (6)
Dec 2, 2019 100 NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE: The submission of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc., Bill of Costs [97], is not in compliance with the rules of this court (see attached). Compliant document due on 12/09/2019. Unless ordered otherwise, the deadline for any responsive filing runs from service of the original version. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [653151] [JAB] [Entered: 12/02/2019 01:00 PM] (1)
Nov 26, 2019 99 ORDER filed granting motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing/en banc [98] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. Petition for Rehearing due on or before 01/13/2020. By: Merits Panel (Per Curiam). Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [652397] [JAB] [Entered: 11/26/2019 10:50 AM] (2)
Nov 21, 2019 98 MOTION of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. to extend the time to file a Combined Petition for Panel Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc until 01/13/2020 [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 11/21/2019 by email. [651514] [18-1329] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/21/2019 09:19 PM] (10)
Nov 20, 2019 97 Bill of Costs for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 11/20/2019 by email. [651072] [18-1329] This document is non-compliant. See Doc. No. [100]. [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 11/20/2019 06:51 PM] (0)
Nov 13, 2019 95 OPINION filed for the court by Lourie, Circuit Judge; Moore, Circuit Judge and Stoll, Circuit Judge. Precedential Opinion. [648853] [18-1329, 18-1331, 18-1728] [JAB] [Entered: 11/13/2019 09:34 AM] (22)
Nov 13, 2019 96 JUDGMENT. AFFIRMED-IN-PART, REVERSED-IN-PART, AND REMANDED. Terminated on the merits after oral argument. COSTS: Costs taxed against Appellant(s). Mandate to issue in due course. For information regarding costs, petitions for rehearing, and petitions for writs of certiorari click here. [648854] [18-1329, 18-1331, 18-1728] [JAB] [Entered: 11/13/2019 09:34 AM] (2)
Oct 22, 2019 94 Letter from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. Issuance of Reexamination Certificate concerning the D'093 Patent. Service: 10/22/2019 by email. [644009] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 10/22/2019 05:55 PM] (3)
Sep 20, 2019 93 **TEXT ONLY** ORDER granting motion to withdraw attorney Craig E. Countryman [92] filed by Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. This order has been issued without an attached document and is official and binding. [636972] [JAB] [Entered: 09/20/2019 10:03 AM] (0)
Sep 19, 2019 92 MOTION of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to withdraw counsel Craig E. Countryman [Consent: not addressed]. Service: 09/19/2019 by email. [636859] [18-1329] [Oliver Richards] [Entered: 09/19/2019 02:40 PM] (5)
Sep 12, 2019 91 Letter from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Response to Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.'s Post Oral Argument Letter dated September 9, 2019. Service: 09/12/2019 by email. [635199] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 09/12/2019 07:55 PM] (2)
Sep 9, 2019 90 Letter from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. Addresses a concern that the Court raised sua sponte at oral argument on September 5, 2019. Service: 09/09/2019 by email. [634156] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 09/09/2019 06:19 PM] (22)
Sep 5, 2019 89 Submitted after ORAL ARGUMENT by Mr. Nicholas (Nika) Fremont Aldrich, Jr. for Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. and Mr. Seth McCarthy Sproul for Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Panel: Judge: Lourie , Judge: Moore , Judge: Stoll. [633249] [JCP] [Entered: 09/05/2019 10:10 AM] (0)
Aug 27, 2019 88 MODIFIED ENTRY: RESPONSE of Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. to the citation of supplemental authority [87] filed by Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. in 18-1329. Service: 08/27/2019 by email. [631468]--[Edited 08/28/2019 by MJL to correct filing event and docket text] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 08/27/2019 06:26 PM] (3)
Aug 23, 2019 86 RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the supplemental authority [80] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 08/23/2019 by email. [630683] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 08/23/2019 02:59 PM] (26)
Aug 23, 2019 87 Citation of Supplemental Authority pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 28(j) for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 08/23/2019 by email. [630685] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 08/23/2019 03:16 PM] (26)
Aug 15, 2019 83 Entry of appearance for Craig E. Countryman as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 08/15/2019 by email. [628740] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 08/15/2019 08:01 PM] (2)
Aug 15, 2019 84 Entry of appearance for Seth M. Sproul as principal counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 08/15/2019 by email. [628741] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 08/15/2019 08:04 PM] (2)
Aug 15, 2019 85 Response to notice of oral argument from the Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. [628742] [18-1329] [Seth Sproul] [Entered: 08/15/2019 08:04 PM] (3)
Aug 8, 2019 82 Response to notice of oral argument from the Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. [627104] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 08/08/2019 08:34 PM] (3)
Aug 2, 2019 81 MODIFIED ENTRY: RESPONSE of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to the supplemental authority [80] filed by Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. Service: 08/02/2019 by email. [625769]--[Edited 08/05/2019 by JCA - Reason: to correct filing event] [Oliver Richards] [Entered: 08/02/2019 03:27 PM] (3)
Jul 30, 2019 80 Citation of Supplemental Authority pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 28(j) for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 07/30/2019 by email. [624642] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 07/30/2019 04:07 PM] (3)
Jul 22, 2019 79 NOTICE OF ORAL ARGUMENT. Panel: 1909G. Case scheduled September 05, 2019 10:00 a.m. at the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Howard T. Markey National Courts Building, 717 Madison Place, NW Washington, DC 20439), Courtroom 201. Response to Notice of Oral Argument due: 08/15/2019. Please review the attached Notice. The response to notice of oral argument form can be found here. The Oral Argument Guide can be found here. [622567] [JAB] [Entered: 07/22/2019 03:06 PM] (2)
Jun 6, 2019 78 The following conflict dates submitted by Attorney Nicholas (Nika) Fremont Aldrich, Jr. for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. have been accepted by the court: 08/05/2019, 08/06/2019, 08/07/2019, 08/08/2019, 08/09/2019. [611925] [JAB] [Entered: 06/06/2019 08:21 AM] (0)
Jun 5, 2019 77 Notice from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. Service: 06/05/2019 by email. [611900] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 06/05/2019 08:19 PM] (3)
May 15, 2019 76 Notice from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. Service: 05/15/2019 by email. [607750] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 05/15/2019 07:08 PM] (3)
Apr 16, 2019 75 The following conflict dates submitted by Attorney Nicholas (Nika) Fremont Aldrich, Jr. for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. have been accepted by the court: 06/03/2019, 06/04/2019, 06/05/2019, 06/06/2019, 06/07/2019. [600663] [JAB] [Entered: 04/16/2019 01:53 PM] (0)
Apr 15, 2019 74 Notice from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. Service: 04/15/2019 by email. [600334] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/15/2019 05:38 PM] (3)
Apr 12, 2019 73 CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: re:party letter Docket No. [72], ERROR: Counsel is reminded that a statement showing good cause must be attached for each identified conflict. Conflicts listed without a supporting statement will not be considered when argument is scheduled. [599533] [JAB] [Entered: 04/12/2019 08:21 AM] (0)
Apr 11, 2019 72 Notice from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. Service: 04/11/2019 by email. [599506] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2019 09:01 PM] (2)
Mar 15, 2019 71 Notice from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. Service: 03/15/2019 by email. [593380] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 03/15/2019 07:33 PM] (3)
Dec 18, 2018 70 Notice from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument. None. Service: 12/18/2018 by email. [572733] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 12/18/2018 03:06 PM] (2)
Dec 13, 2018 69 Notice to Advise of Scheduling Conflicts. Please advise of any scheduling conflicts during the upcoming court session months listed in the attached Notice. The notice of conflict with oral argument is due on or before 12/20/2018. The Response to Notice to Advise of Scheduling Conflicts can be found here. The Oral Argument Guide can be found here. [571632] [MJL] [Entered: 12/13/2018 03:15 PM] (1)
Dec 3, 2018 67 6 paper copies of the Corrected Confidential Joint Appendix Brief (Vol. I - VIII) [63] received from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. [569207] [CJF] [Entered: 12/03/2018 11:51 AM] (0)
Dec 3, 2018 68 Certificate of Compliance with Fed. Cir. R. 11(d) (Trial Court) for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 12/03/2018 by email. [569267] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 12/03/2018 01:23 PM] (3)
Nov 29, 2018 62 ORDER filed. Columbia Sportswear's motion [59] is granted. The joint appendix is accepted for filing. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [568678] [MJL] [Entered: 11/29/2018 03:45 PM] (2)
Nov 29, 2018 63 CORRECTED CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX FILED for Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [50]. Number of Pages: 1584. Service: 11/14/2018 by email. [568686] [MJL] [Entered: 11/29/2018 03:55 PM] (0)
Nov 29, 2018 64 CORRECTED APPENDIX FILED for Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [61]. Number of Pages: 1567. Service: 11/14/2018 by email. Paper copies should be provided of the confidential version only. [568692] [MJL] [Entered: 11/29/2018 04:01 PM] (1567)
Nov 29, 2018 65 Notice to counsel: The record of this case indicates that the Certificate of Compliance with Fed. Cir. R. 11(d) has not been filed. IF any portion of the record in the trial court is subject to a protective order, counsel should promptly file the Certificate of Compliance using the Cert of Compliance - Protective Order event. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [568694] [MJL] [Entered: 11/29/2018 04:05 PM] (0)
Nov 29, 2018 66 Certificate of Compliance with Fed. Cir. R. 11(d) (Trial Court) for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 11/29/2018 by email. [568764] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 11/29/2018 07:39 PM] (4)
Nov 14, 2018 58 Notice of Correction to the Brief Doc No. [57], Brief Doc No. [56], Brief Doc No. [55], Brief Doc No. [54], Brief Doc No. [53], Brief Doc No. [52], confidential Brief Doc No. [51], confidential Brief Doc No. [50], Brief Doc No. [49], confidential Brief Doc No. [48], confidential Brief Doc No. [47], confidential Brief Doc No. [46], confidential Brief Doc No. [45], Brief Doc No. [44], confidential Brief Doc No. [43], confidential Brief Doc No. [42] for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 11/14/2018 by email. [565029] [18-1329] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/14/2018 07:12 PM] (5)
Nov 14, 2018 59 CORRECTED ENTRY: MOTION of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. for leave to file the joint appendix out of time [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 11/14/2018 by email. [565033]--[Edited 11/29/2018 by MJL to correct relief] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/14/2018 07:19 PM] (12)
Nov 14, 2018 60 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/14/2018 by email. [565040] [18-1329] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/14/2018 07:25 PM] (0)
Nov 14, 2018 61 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CORRECTED JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/14/2018 by email. [565048] [18-1329] [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/14/2018 07:53 PM] (1567)
Nov 13, 2018 54 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564125] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/10/2018 12:00 AM] (0)
Nov 13, 2018 55 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564126] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/10/2018 12:01 AM] (0)
Nov 13, 2018 56 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564127] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/10/2018 12:04 AM] (0)
Nov 13, 2018 57 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564128] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/10/2018 12:05 AM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 41 Joint Statement of Compliance with Fed. Cir. R. 33 for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564110] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 09:42 PM] (3)
Nov 9, 2018 42 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564113] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:45 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 43 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564114] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:47 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 44 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564115] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:47 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 45 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564116] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:48 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 46 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564117] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:49 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 47 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564118] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:50 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 48 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564119] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:51 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 49 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564120] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:52 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 50 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564121] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:52 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 51 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CONFIDENTIAL JOINT APPENDIX Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564122] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [63]. [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:53 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 52 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564123] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:55 PM] (0)
Nov 9, 2018 53 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 11/09/2018 by email. [564124] [18-1329]. This appendix has been corrected. See Doc. No. [64]. [Sara Kobak] [Entered: 11/09/2018 11:58 PM] (0)
Nov 2, 2018 39 TENDERED from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Title: REPLY BRIEF. Service: 11/02/2018 by email. [562413] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 11/02/2018 07:23 PM] (38)
Nov 2, 2018 40 REPLY BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. [39]. Number of Pages: 28. Service: 11/02/2018 by email. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 11/14/2018. Appendix is due 11/09/2018. [563001] [SJ] [Entered: 11/06/2018 03:03 PM] (38)
Sep 27, 2018 38 6 paper copies of the Response and Reply Brief [37] received from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. [552994] [CJF] [Entered: 09/27/2018 01:23 PM] (0)
Sep 26, 2018 36 ORDER filed. The motion [33] is granted to the extent that Seirus’s reply brief is due no later than November 2, 2018. Service: 09/26/2018 by clerk. [552657] [NL] [Entered: 09/26/2018 10:57 AM] (2)
Sep 24, 2018 34 RESPONSE of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. to the motion to extend time to file brief [33] filed by Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 09/23/2018 by email. [551901] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 09/23/2018 05:51 PM] (13)
Sep 20, 2018 33 MOTION of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to extend the time to 12/03/2018 to file the Reply Brief. [Consent: opposed]. Service: 09/20/2018 by email. [551541] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 09/20/2018 06:20 PM] (10)
Sep 18, 2018 32 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: REPLY BRIEF. Service: 09/18/2018 by email. [550857] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 09/18/2018 09:31 PM] (101)
Sep 18, 2018 37 REPLY BRIEF FILED for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [32]. Number of Pages: 84. Service: 09/18/2018 by email. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 10/03/2018. [552769] [MJL] [Entered: 09/26/2018 03:24 PM] (101)
Aug 20, 2018 31 6 paper copies of the Opening Principal and Response Brief [30] received from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. [544029] [CJF] [Entered: 08/20/2018 12:48 PM] (0)
Aug 9, 2018 29 TENDERED from Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Title: OPENING BRIEF. Service: 08/09/2018 by email. [541906] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 08/09/2018 09:44 PM] (115)
Aug 9, 2018 30 BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. [29]. Number of Pages: 69. Service: 08/09/2018 by email. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 08/20/2018. Appellant's response and reply brief is due 09/18/2018. [542443] [MJL] [Entered: 08/13/2018 02:49 PM] (115)
Aug 2, 2018 28 Entry of appearance for Tucker N. Terhufen as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 08/02/2018 by email. [540454] [18-1329] [Tucker Terhufen] [Entered: 08/02/2018 02:29 PM] (2)
Jun 20, 2018 27 ORDER filed. The motion [25] is granted to the extent that the time for Seirus to file its principal and response brief is extended by 30 days to August 9, 2018. Service: 06/20/2018 by clerk. [530795] [LMS] [Entered: 06/20/2018 10:02 AM] (2)
Jun 12, 2018 26 RESPONSE of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. to the motion [25] filed by Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 06/12/2018 by email. [528884] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 06/12/2018 05:16 PM] (44)
Jun 11, 2018 25 MOTION of Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. to extend the time to 09/10/2018 to file the responsive brief. [Consent: opposed]. Service: 06/11/2018 by email. [528554] [18-1329]--[Edited 06/12/2018 by MJL to remove incorrectly selected party filer]. [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 06/11/2018 06:43 PM] (10)
Jun 4, 2018 24 6 paper copies of the Corrected Opening Brief [23] received from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. [526590] [CJF] [Entered: 06/04/2018 12:49 PM] (0)
May 31, 2018 22 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: CORRECTED OPENING BRIEF. Service: 05/31/2018 by email. [525855] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 05/31/2018 01:21 PM] (117)
May 31, 2018 23 CORRECTED BRIEF FILED for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [22]. Number of Pages: 75. Service: 05/31/2018 by email. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 06/08/2018. The Cross-Appellant's brief is due 07/10/2018. [526152] [CFT] [Entered: 06/01/2018 10:58 AM] (117)
May 30, 2018 21 NOTICE OF REJECTION: The brief of Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc., Opening Brief of Appellant/Cross-Appellee Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc. [20], is not in compliance with the rules of this court and is therefore rejected for filing (see attached notice for further details). Corrected Brief due 06/13/2018. Cross-Appellant's brief is due 07/09/2018. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [525416] [CFT] [Entered: 05/30/2018 01:35 PM] (2)
May 29, 2018 20 TENDERED from Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Title: OPENING BRIEF. Service: 05/29/2018 by email. [525230] [18-1329] This brief has been rejected. See Doc No. [21] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 05/29/2018 09:19 PM] (0)
Apr 20, 2018 18 Amended Docketing Statement for the Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/20/2018 by email. [515621] [18-1329] [Christopher Marchese] [Entered: 04/20/2018 01:05 PM] (4)
Apr 20, 2018 19 Amended Notice of Appeal for Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Service: 04/20/2018 by email. [516042] [MJL] [Entered: 04/23/2018 12:34 PM] (79)
Apr 11, 2018 7 Certificate of Interest for the Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512635] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2018 05:34 PM] (3)
Apr 11, 2018 8 Docketing Statement for the Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512637] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2018 05:36 PM] (4)
Apr 11, 2018 9 Entry of appearance for Nicholas (Nika) F. Aldrich, Jr. as principal counsel for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512639] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2018 05:38 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 10 Entry of appearance for David W. Axelrod as of counsel for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512641] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2018 05:39 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 11 Entry of appearance for Sara Kobak as of counsel for Appellant Columbia Sportswear North America, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512642] [18-1329] [Nicholas (Nika) Aldrich] [Entered: 04/11/2018 05:40 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 12 Entry of appearance for Craig E. Countryman as principal counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512668] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 06:54 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 13 Entry of appearance for Christopher S. Marchese as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512669] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 06:56 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 14 Entry of appearance for Seth M. Sproul as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512670] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 06:58 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 15 Entry of appearance for Oliver J. Richards as of counsel for Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512671] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 07:00 PM] (2)
Apr 11, 2018 16 Certificate of Interest for the Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512672] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 07:02 PM] (3)
Apr 11, 2018 17 Docketing Statement for the Cross-Appellant Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc.. Service: 04/11/2018 by email. [512673] [18-1329] [Craig Countryman] [Entered: 04/11/2018 07:04 PM] (4)
Mar 28, 2018 4 Note to file: The following cases are consolidated: 18-1329 (Lead) with 18-1728 (Member) and 18-1331 (Cross-Appeal). FURTHER ENTRIES WILL BE ADDED TO THE LEAD APPEAL ONLY. [508818] [18-1329, 18-1728] [MJL] [Entered: 03/28/2018 04:21 PM] (0)
Mar 28, 2018 5 Amended Notice of Appeal for Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Service: 03/27/2018 by email. [508820] [MJL] [Entered: 03/28/2018 04:23 PM] (66)
Mar 28, 2018 6 ORDER reactivating case under FRAP 4(a)(4). Entry of Appearance, Certificate of Interest, and Docketing Statement are due 04/11/2018. Appellant's opening brief is due 05/29/2018. Service as of this date by the Clerk of Court. [508827] [MJL] [Entered: 03/28/2018 04:34 PM] (2)
Dec 22, 2017 1 Appeal docketed. Received: 12/20/2017. [485268]Entry of Appearance due 01/05/2018. Certificate of Interest due 01/05/2018. Docketing Statement due 01/05/2018. Appellant's brief due 02/20/2018. [MJL] [Entered: 12/22/2017 02:25 PM] (61)
Dec 22, 2017 2 Note to file: The following cases are consolidated: 18-1329 (Lead) with 18-1331 (Cross-Appeal). FURTHER ENTRIES WILL BE ADDED TO THE LEAD APPEAL ONLY. [485277] [18-1329, 18-1331] [MJL] [Entered: 12/22/2017 02:32 PM] (0)
Dec 22, 2017 3 ORDER deactivating appeal. The parties are directed to notify this court upon entry of the order disposing of the last outstanding motion. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [485292] [MJL] [Entered: 12/22/2017 02:40 PM] (2)