Patexia Research
Case number IPR2017-02174

Complete Genomics, Inc. et al. v. Illumina Cambridge Ltd. et al. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Aug 2, 2018 22 Denying Petitioner's Request for Rehearing 37 C.F.R. sec. 42.71(d) Download
May 21, 2018 21 Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Apr 20, 2018 20 Trial Instituted Document Download
Apr 6, 2018 19 Illumina Supp'l Mandatory Notice - Related Matters Download
Mar 7, 2018 18 Illumina Supp'l Mandatory Notice Adding Zimmerman as Backup Counsel Download
Mar 5, 2018 17 Illumina's Sur-Reply to Petitioner's Reply to Preliminary Response Download
Feb 28, 2018 1614 Declaration of Katie J.L. Scott in Support of Petitioner's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice Download
Feb 28, 2018 1613 Illumina Press Release Download
Feb 28, 2018 13 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Feb 28, 2018 14 CGI's Reply to Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Feb 28, 2018 15 Petitioner's Unopposed Motion for Admission of Katie J.L. Scott Pro Hac Vice Download
Feb 28, 2018 16 Petitioner's Updated Exhibit List Download
Feb 21, 2018 12 Patent Owner's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of William R. Zimmerman Download
Feb 21, 2018 11 Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Feb 14, 2018 2039 Declaration of Wm. Zimmerman in Support of Unopposed Pro Hac Vice Motion Download
Feb 14, 2018 9 Illumina Supplemental POA for Wm. Zimmerman Download
Feb 14, 2018 8 Illumina Unopposed Motion for William Zimmerman to Appear Pro Hac Vice Download
Feb 14, 2018 10 Illumina Updated Exhibit List Download
Jan 23, 2018 2009 WO 96/023807 Kwiatkowski II Download
Jan 23, 2018 2021 Aug. 10, 2016 IDS filed by CGI in U.S. 14/921,466 Download
Jan 23, 2018 7 Illumina Exhibit List Download
Jan 23, 2018 2011 WO 96/27025 - Rabani Download
Jan 23, 2018 2025 Romesberg CV Download
Jan 23, 2018 2001 MIT Technology Review Download
Jan 23, 2018 2013 Qiagen press release May 4, 2015 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2003 CGI website Download
Jan 23, 2018 2030 Boyer et al., J of Virology Download
Jan 23, 2018 2006 WO 00/53805 - Stemple Download
Jan 23, 2018 2023 Excerpt from Branchaud April 8, 2014 transcript in IPR2013-00517 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2012 Qiagen press release July 29, 2014 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2038 Sutherland Declaration (Ex. 1101 in IPR2017-02172) Download
Jan 23, 2018 2028 Excerpt fromRomesberg July 8, 2014 transcript in IPR2013 00517 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2008 USP 7,279,563 Kwiatkowski I Download
Jan 23, 2018 2029 Wu and Metzker et al., Nucleic Acids Research Download
Jan 23, 2018 2004 Fehlmann, Clin Epigen Download
Jan 23, 2018 2018 May 6, 2010 IDS filed by CGI in U.S. 11/981,797 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2019 Oct. 7, 2010 IDS filed by CGI in U.S. 12/266,385 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2027 Treinin, Chemistry of the Azido Group Download
Jan 23, 2018 2010 WO 93/21340 - Rosenthal Download
Jan 23, 2018 2005 Karow, GenomeWeb Download
Jan 23, 2018 2024 Declaration of Floyd Romesberg Download
Jan 23, 2018 2031 IPR2013-00517, Paper 64, Illumina Motion for Observations on Cross-Examination Download
Jan 23, 2018 2022 Greene & Wuts, Preface to 4th Ed Download
Jan 23, 2018 2037 Swarts et al., Radiat. Environ. Biophys Download
Jan 23, 2018 2026 Suzuki et al., Nucleic Acids Research Download
Jan 23, 2018 6 Illumina Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Jan 23, 2018 2020 Aug. 30, 2010 IDS filed by CGI in U.S. 12/329,365 Download
Jan 23, 2018 2002 Goodwin, Nature Reviews Download
Jan 23, 2018 2036 Nielsen et al., J. Molecular Structure Download
Jan 23, 2018 2007 WO 01/92284 - Odedra Download
Jan 23, 2018 2035 Radom, J Am Chem Soc Download
Jan 23, 2018 2033 Dantas et al., Toxicology Letters Download
Dec 28, 2017 5 Illumina Supplemental Mandatory Notice - Related Matters Download
Oct 26, 2017 4 Illumina Cambridge Mandatory Notices Download
Oct 23, 2017 3 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Oct 5, 2017 2 Petitioner's Power of Attorney Download
Oct 5, 2017 1612 Shimkus Download
Oct 5, 2017 1611 Van Ness, US 6,312,893 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1609 Dawson Download
Oct 5, 2017 1610 Ruby Download
Oct 5, 2017 1608 Rabani, WO 96/27025 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1530 Dube & Bertozzi Download
Oct 5, 2017 1607 Herman, US 3,772,692 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1584 Tiller Download
Oct 5, 2017 1605 IPR2013-00266, Paper 73, Final Written Decision (10/28/2014) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1595 2015-1693, Appellee¿¿¿s Brief (Oct. 28, 2015) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1601 Declaration of John D. Sutherland (IPR2017-02174) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1511 Deoxyribose versus Ribose Sugars Download
Oct 5, 2017 1520 Sanger Download
Oct 5, 2017 1579 Getz Download
Oct 5, 2017 1548 Declaration of Michael Cohen and Exs. B-E Download
Oct 5, 2017 1598 IPR2013-00517, Ex. 2011, Romesberg Decl. (5/5/2014) (Redacted) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1578 Getz Download
Oct 5, 2017 1597 Illumina v. Qiagen (N.D.Cal, 8/25/2016) Illumina¿¿¿s Reply in Supp.of PI Download
Oct 5, 2017 1541 Metzker 1994 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1502 Excerpts of File History of U.S. Appl. No. 11/301,478 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1563 Profile: Flexibility on the move, Chemistry World Download
Oct 5, 2017 1549 Young (Ex. A to Declaration of Michael Cohen) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1558 Handlon Download
Oct 5, 2017 1594 IPR2013-00517, Paper 87, Final Written Decision (Feb. 11, 2015) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1529 Saxon & Bertozzi (Science 2000) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1581 Ranganathan Download
Oct 5, 2017 1545 Davies, The $1,000 Genome (2010) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1572 Masoudi-Nejad et al., Emergence of Next-Generation Sequencing Download
Oct 5, 2017 1567 LinkedIn, Colin Barnes Download
Oct 5, 2017 1590 IPR2013-00517, Paper 7, Rev. Pet. for IPR (8/3/2013) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1527 Hovinen Download
Oct 5, 2017 1509 Zavgorodny 2000 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1544 Gololobov 1981 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1522 Southern & Cummings, US 5,770,367 A Download
Oct 5, 2017 1531 Saxon & Bertozzi, U.S. Pub. 2002/0016003 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1 Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 7,566,537 B2 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1513 Kornberg Download
Oct 5, 2017 1557 Burns Download
Oct 5, 2017 1528 Gololobov 1992 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1510 Watson & Crick Download
Oct 5, 2017 1533 Kit Download
Oct 5, 2017 1566 Xiaolin Wu thesis Download
Oct 5, 2017 1524 Canard 1994 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1540 Mardis Download
Oct 5, 2017 1560 Davies, Bio-IT World (Sept. 28, 2010) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1507 Prober Download
Oct 5, 2017 1550 Declaration of Thomas Hyatt Download
Oct 5, 2017 1537 Stemple III, US 7,270,951 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1514 Merrifield Download
Oct 5, 2017 1538 Ju, US 6,664,079 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1583 Moore Download
Oct 5, 2017 1555 Cheeseman, US 5,302,509 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1562 Past Group Members - Balasubramanian Group Download
Oct 5, 2017 1574 Kwok Download
Oct 5, 2017 1585 Kamada v. Grifols, IPR2014-00899, Paper 22 (Mar. 4, 2015) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1580 Pilard Download
Oct 5, 2017 1600 IPR2013-00517, Ex. 1026, 7/15/2014 Burgess Depo. Tr. (Redacted) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1577 Parker Download
Oct 5, 2017 1539 Bentley Download
Oct 5, 2017 1604 Number Not Used Download
Oct 5, 2017 1559 Uehling Download
Oct 5, 2017 1506 Loubinoux Download
Oct 5, 2017 1565 LinkedIn, Xiaolin Wu Download
Oct 5, 2017 1512 Metzker 2005 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1501 Balasubramanian, US 7,566,537 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1587 2014-1547, Appellee¿¿¿s Brief (Dec. 29, 2014) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1521 Drmanac Download
Oct 5, 2017 1589 IPR2013-00518, Paper 29, Judgment (5/6/2014) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1561 Wikipedia, Shankar Balasubramanian Download
Oct 5, 2017 1592 IPR2013-00517, Paper 32, Illumina¿¿¿s Response (5/5/2014) (Redacted) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1569 Eisen, Sequencing: The Now Generation Download
Oct 5, 2017 1564 LinkedIn, Harold Swerdlow Download
Oct 5, 2017 1556 Vaultier Download
Oct 5, 2017 1542 Canard 1995 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1518 Sanger & Coulson Download
Oct 5, 2017 1508 Zavgorodny Download
Oct 5, 2017 1504 Dower, US 5,547,839 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1586 Summary Table of Prior IPR Proceedings Download
Oct 5, 2017 1553 Oksman Download
Oct 5, 2017 1536 Levine Download
Oct 5, 2017 1591 IPR2013-00517, Paper 16, Decision - Institution of IPR (2/13/2014) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1551 Young (Attachment to Declaration of Thomas Hyatt) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1543 Guillier Download
Oct 5, 2017 1505 Greene & Wuts Download
Oct 5, 2017 1596 Number Not Used Download
Oct 5, 2017 1588 IPR2013-00518, Paper 28, Illumina¿¿¿s Req. for Adv. Judgment (5/5/2014) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1602 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John D. Sutherland Download
Oct 5, 2017 1546 Stanton, WO 02/21098 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1525 Stockman, Book Review of Greene & Wuts Download
Oct 5, 2017 1582 Kirby Download
Oct 5, 2017 1571 Illumina, Genome Analyzer System Specification Sheet Download
Oct 5, 2017 1547 Seela, US 4,804,748 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1568 Chinese Society of Chem. Sci. & Tech., Members of 4th Exec. Comm. Download
Oct 5, 2017 1534 Lee Download
Oct 5, 2017 1573 Bidwell Download
Oct 5, 2017 1526 Joyce Download
Oct 5, 2017 1570 Number Not Used Download
Oct 5, 2017 1599 IPR2013-00517, Ex. 2089, Burgess Decl. (5/5/2014) (Redacted) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1517 Kelly & Smith Download
Oct 5, 2017 1593 IPR2013-00517, Paper 54, IBS¿¿¿s Reply (July 28, 2014) (Redacted) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1535 Gordon Download
Oct 5, 2017 1554 Scriven Download
Oct 5, 2017 1503 Tsien, WO 91/06678 Download
Oct 5, 2017 1515 Copeland Download
Oct 5, 2017 1532 Saxon et al. (JACS 2002) Download
Oct 5, 2017 1552 Declaration of Bonnie Phan and Exs. A-B Download
Oct 5, 2017 1603 Number Not Used Download
Oct 5, 2017 1575 Syvanen Download
Oct 5, 2017 1516 Smith & Wilcox Download
Oct 5, 2017 1523 ALDRICH HANDBOOK Download
Oct 5, 2017 1576 Kraeveskii Download
Oct 5, 2017 1519 Maxam & Gilbert Download
Oct 5, 2017 1606 Church, WO 00/53812 Download