Patexia Research
Case number 1:20-cv-04711

Data Management Association International LLC v. Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Dec 15, 2022 165 MAILED trademark report with certified copy of minute order dated 12/14/22 to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA. (Attachments: # 1 Certified Minute Order)(aee, ) (Entered: 12/15/2022) (Main Document) (4)
Dec 15, 2022 165 MAILED trademark report with certified copy of minute order dated 12/14/22 to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA. (Attachments: # 1 Certified Minute Order)(aee, ) (Entered: 12/15/2022) (Certified Minute Order) (1)
Dec 14, 2022 163 MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Pursuant to the stipulation of dismissal 162 , all matters relating to the referral of this case have been resolved, this matter is returned to the District Judge. Status/Ruling on petition hearing set for 2/17/23 and any other deadlines set before Magistrate Judge Weisman are hereby stricken and no is appearance required. Referral terminated. Mailed notice (ao, ) (Entered: 12/14/2022) (1)
Dec 14, 2022 164 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Upon receipt of the parties' Joint Stipulation of Dismissal 162 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(ii), all future dates and deadlines are stricken; any pending motions are denied as moot. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 12/14/2022) (1)
Dec 13, 2022 162 STIPULATION of Dismissal (Whitaker, John) (Entered: 12/13/2022) (2)
Nov 28, 2022 158 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 02/15/22 before the Honorable M. David Weisman. Order Number: 43894. Court Reporter Contact Information: Patrick Mullen, (312) 435-5565, IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 12/19/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/29/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/27/2023. (Mullen, Patrick) (Entered: 11/28/2022) (0)
Nov 28, 2022 159 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 03/10/22 before the Honorable M. David Weisman. Order Number: 43894. Court Reporter Contact Information: Patrick Mullen, (312) 435-5565, IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 12/19/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/29/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/27/2023. (Mullen, Patrick) (Entered: 11/28/2022) (0)
Nov 28, 2022 160 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 05/24/22 before the Honorable M. David Weisman. Order Number: 43894. Court Reporter Contact Information: Patrick Mullen, (312) 435-5565, IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 12/19/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/29/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/27/2023. (Mullen, Patrick) (Entered: 11/28/2022) (0)
Nov 28, 2022 161 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 07/19/22 before the Honorable M. David Weisman. Order Number: 43894. Court Reporter Contact Information: Patrick Mullen, (312) 435-5565, IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 12/19/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/29/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/27/2023. (Mullen, Patrick) (Entered: 11/28/2022) (0)
Nov 18, 2022 155 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The Court directs EWS to file an amended answer and counterclaim that comports with the Court's 11/20/2022 Memorandum Opinion and Order 149 by 12/2/2022. There is no need to preserve the record because EWS's original proposed amended answer appears in [84-1]. The Clerk is directed to strike 154 . Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 11/18/2022) (1)
Nov 18, 2022 156 AMENDED Answer by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to Amended Complaint and, COUNTERCLAIM filed by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. against Data Management Association International LLC . (Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 11/18/2022) (30)
Nov 18, 2022 157 REPLY by Data Management Association International LLC to response in opposition to motion 148 , MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC Review of Order Dated September 29, 2022 (Dkt. 145) 146 (Denkenberger, John) (Entered: 11/18/2022) (14)
Nov 17, 2022 154 AMENDED Answer by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to Amended Complaint and , COUNTERCLAIM filed by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. against Data Management Association International LLC . (Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 11/17/2022) (30)
Nov 16, 2022 153 MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Based on the joint status report most recently filed by the parties [# 152 ], the parties seek a stay of discovery to allow for private mediation. That request is denied. Fact discovery, inclusive of all depositions must be completed by 2/24/23. This date will not be adjusted barring extraordinary circumstances. Unsuccessful private mediation will not constitute an "extraordinary circumstance". The history of this case speaks for itself. Early-on, counsel assured the Court that an early settlement conference would likely resolve the case. That did not happen. (ECF # 50 , # 51 (settlement conference #1), # 52 (parties are "optimistic" as to resolving the matter), # 53 (parties are "close to resolving the matter but may need assistance from the Court"), # 54 (status report indicating that settlement discussions have been "fruitful" and suggesting that the parties have reached an "impasse on one term" that would need to be resolved to reach a settlement); # 57 (settlement conference #2 wherein parties wanted to exchange additional information before scheduling a third settlement conference); # 58 (plaintiff requests to cancel settlement conference #3, and defendant wishes to proceed with settlement conference). Those efforts at settlement consumed approximately 8 months of time, from January 2021 through August 2021. In August of 2021, the parties proposed a close of fact discovery, including depositions, of May 23, 2022, which the Court adopted. # 64 , # 65 . And then the fun began. The parties could not agree as to a protective order. # 70 . Plaintiff filed a motion for rule to show cause, and sought attorney's fees, which resulted in full-briefing and the district court's time in resolving the motion. # 74 . Defendant sought to file a supplemental and amended answer to the complaint, affirmative defenses, a counterclaim and a third-party claim. # 84 . Plaintiff objected, again necessitating the district court's time in resolving a relatively routine procedural motion. Then plaintiff filed a motion to compel certain discovery responses (# 89 ). Defendant filed a motion to compel discovery responses (# 91 ). While this Court ruled on these motions, plaintiff continued to fail to comply with its discovery obligations, eventually resulting in this Court issuing a report and recommendation sanctioning plaintiff for its discovery abuses, which was then appealed and affirmed by the district court. # 149 . The Court could go on, but we think we have made our point. This Court is not Charlie Brown, naively believing that this time Lucy will not yank the football at the very last moment, resulting in another spill for poor, trusting Charlie Brown. Enough is enough. Discovery is definitively not stayed. The schedule to resolve attorney's fees in connection with plaintiff's multiple violations of this Court's discovery orders remains in place. # 151 . Mailed notice (ao,) (Entered: 11/16/2022) (2)
Nov 15, 2022 151 MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: In light of the district court's order adopting this Court's Report and Recommendation as to sanctions [# 149 , # 150 ], defendant EWS is ordered to file a fee petition seeking relief consistent with the district court's order as to the appropriate scope of compensation. See ECF #150, p. 23, 24 (limiting fee award to "fees incurred in this discovery dispute," and awarding "EWS... reasonable fees incurred in litigating its motion to compel discovery responses as well as its motion for sanctions"). Said fee petition must be filed by 12/16/22. Any objections to be filed by 1/13/23, to accommodate the holiday season. If this is not sufficient time for a response, plaintiff's counsel may seek additional time. Ruling on petition/status hearing set for 2/17/23 at 9:15 a.m. All parties should be mindful that in addition to the amount of a fee award, this Court must also determine who pays the fee award (see Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(d)(3)), and therefore, this issue should be also be considered when filing the fee petition and/or in responding to the same. Mailed notice (ao, ) (Entered: 11/15/2022) (1)
Nov 15, 2022 152 STATUS Report - Joint by Data Management Association International LLC (Whitaker, John) (Entered: 11/15/2022) (3)
Nov 10, 2022 149 MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 11/10/2022. Mailed notice(air, ) (Entered: 11/10/2022) (24)
Nov 10, 2022 150 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:For the reasons stated in the accompanying memorandum opinion and order 149 , the Court denies DAMA-I's motion for an order to show cause and for attorney's fees 74 , grants in part and denies in part EWS's motion for leave to amend its answer and add counterclaims and third-party claims 84 , and adopts Magistrate Judge Weisman's August 10, 2022 Report and Recommendation 131 . Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 11/10/2022) (1)
Nov 3, 2022 148 RESPONSE by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC Review of Order Dated September 29, 2022 (Dkt. 145) 146 (Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 11/03/2022) (11)
Oct 14, 2022 147 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:DAMA-I's motion for review of Magistrate Judge Weisman's 9/29/2022 Order 146 is taken under advisement. EWS's response is due by 11/4/2022. Any reply is due by 11/18/2022. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 10/14/2022) (1)
Oct 13, 2022 146 MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC Review of Order Dated September 29, 2022 (Dkt. 145) (Denkenberger, John) (Entered: 10/13/2022) (15)
Sep 29, 2022 145 ORDER: For the reasons stated, EWS's motion 133 is granted. By order of this Court, and pursuant to 5(b)(8) of the controlling protective order, EWS may disclose the documents identified in its motion to the IRS. (For further details see order.) Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 9/29/2022. Mailed notice (ao, ) (Entered: 09/29/2022) (3)
Sep 27, 2022 144 MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status/Motion hearing held. A ruling on motion 133 will be forthcoming. Based on the defendant's pending motion to add third-party claims now before the District Court and the appeal of this Court's discovery ruling that is before the District Court, the court will not set any discovery dates or deadlines at this time. Status hearing set for 11/17/22 at 1:00 p.m. A joint status report shall be filed by 11/15/22 advising if mediation is going to proceed forward. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, ) (Entered: 09/28/2022) (1)
Sep 15, 2022 143 REPLY by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC to objections, 138 (Whitaker, John) (Entered: 09/15/2022) (8)
Sep 8, 2022 142 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The plaintiff's objections to the report and recommendation of sanctions 138 and the defendant's response 141 are taken under advisement. The plaintiff's reply, if any, is due by 9/15/22. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 09/08/2022) (1)
Sep 7, 2022 141 RESPONSE by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to objections, 138 to Report and Recommendation (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 09/07/2022) (Main Document) (18)
Sep 7, 2022 141 RESPONSE by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to objections, 138 to Report and Recommendation (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 09/07/2022) (Exhibit A) (5)
Sep 7, 2022 141 RESPONSE by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to objections, 138 to Report and Recommendation (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 09/07/2022) (Exhibit B) (19)
Sep 7, 2022 141 RESPONSE by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to objections, 138 to Report and Recommendation (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 09/07/2022) (Exhibit C) (21)
Sep 6, 2022 140 RESPONSE by Data Management Association International LLC to MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents 133 (Denkenberger, John) (Entered: 09/06/2022) (19)
Aug 24, 2022 138 OBJECTIONS by Data Management Association International LLC to REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS regarding MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions 119 131 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Transcript of March 10, 2022 Status/Motion Hearing, # 2 Exhibit B - Transcript of April 12, 2022 Status Hearing)(Whitaker, John) (Entered: 08/24/2022) (Main Document) (18)
Aug 24, 2022 139 CERTIFICATE Data Management Association International's Certification Regarding Interrogatory Responses RE: Dkt. 131 (Whitaker, John) (Entered: 08/24/2022) (2)
Aug 24, 2022 138 OBJECTIONS by Data Management Association International LLC to REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS regarding MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions 119 131 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Transcript of March 10, 2022 Status/Motion Hearing, # 2 Exhibit B - Transcript of April 12, 2022 Status Hearing)(Whitaker, John) (Entered: 08/24/2022) (Exhibit A - Transcript of March 10, 2022 Status/Motion Hearing) (10)
Aug 24, 2022 138 OBJECTIONS by Data Management Association International LLC to REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS regarding MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions 119 131 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Transcript of March 10, 2022 Status/Motion Hearing, # 2 Exhibit B - Transcript of April 12, 2022 Status Hearing)(Whitaker, John) (Entered: 08/24/2022) (Exhibit B - Transcript of April 12, 2022 Status Hearing) (18)
Aug 23, 2022 135 MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: The Court grants EWS' motion for leave to file exhibits under seal 132 . EWS' Motion to Permit 'Confidential' Documents to be Disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents 133 is entered and continued. DAMA and Dataversity shall each file a response by 9/6/22. Status hearing set for 9/19/22 is stricken. Status/motion hearing set for 9/27/22 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, ) (Entered: 08/23/2022) (1)
Aug 23, 2022 136 ENTRY REMOVED PER COURT ORDER. (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/23/2022: # 1 Document removed per order) (air, ). (Entered: 08/23/2022) (1)
Aug 23, 2022 137 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Minute entry 136 is stricken and the Clerk is to remove the entry from the docket. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 08/23/2022) (1)
Aug 22, 2022 132 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for leave to file Exhibits Under Seal (Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (3)
Aug 22, 2022 133 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (Main Document) (8)
Aug 22, 2022 134 SEALED EXHIBIT by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 regarding MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents 133 , MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for leave to file Exhibits Under Seal 132 (Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (0)
Aug 22, 2022 133 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (Exhibit 1) (13)
Aug 22, 2022 133 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (Exhibit 2) (6)
Aug 22, 2022 133 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (Exhibit 3) (1)
Aug 22, 2022 133 MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for disclosure of "Confidential" Documents to the Internal Revenue Service, or in the Alternative to Remove Confidentiality Designations from Certain Documents (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Tanner, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2022) (Exhibit 4) (1)
Aug 10, 2022 131 order on motion for sanctions (4)
Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 8/10/2022. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jul 19, 2022 130 order on motion for sanctions (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status/Ruling on motion hearing held. The Court will issue a ruling by mail on motion [119]. Status hearing set for 9/19/22 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jul 12, 2022 129 terminate motion and R&R deadlines/hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: In light of the parties' joint status report [128] indicating parties' reluctance to move forward with depositions until the ruling of EWS' Motion to File Supplemental and Amended Answer, Affirmative Defenses, Counterclaim and Third-Party Claim [ECF [84]], status hearing set for 7/14/22 is stricken. On the Court's own motion, the ruling on motion [119] hearing set for 7/14/22 is stricken and reset to 7/19/22 at 9:30 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jul 11, 2022 128 status report (2)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint) by Data Management Association International LLC (Whitaker, John)
Jun 10, 2022 127 terminate motion and R&R deadlines/hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: On the Court's own motion, the ruling on motion [119] hearing set for 6/13/22 is stricken and reset to 7/14/22 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, )
May 24, 2022 126 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status hearing held. Parties report on the status of the case. Status hearing set for 7/14/22 at 9:15 a.m. A joint status report shall be filed by 7/11/22 providing an update on the case and if there is a need for the status hearing set for 7/14/22. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (ao, )
May 23, 2022 125 Main Document (10)
Docket Text: REPLY by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions[119], response to motion[124] EWS' Reply In Support of Its Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Tanner, Matthew)
May 23, 2022 125 Exhibit 1 (21)
May 16, 2022 124 response to motion (13)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Data Management Association International LLC to MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions[119] (Whitaker, John)
May 6, 2022 123 transcript (18)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 4/12/22 before the Honorable M. David Weisman. Order Number: 43019. Court Reporter Contact Information:

IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings.

Redaction Request due 5/27/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/6/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/4/2022. (Fennell, Kathleen)
May 2, 2022 121 set motion and R&R deadlines/hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Defendant's motion for sanctions [119] is briefed as follows: plaintiff's response due 5/16/22; reply due 5/23/22. Ruling on motion hearing set for 6/13/22 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
May 2, 2022 122 terminate deadlines (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Motion hearing set for 5/4/22 is stricken. Mailed notice (ao, )
Apr 29, 2022 119 Main Document (8)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for sanctions EWS" Motion for Report and Recommendation of Rule 37 Sanctions (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Tanner, Matthew)
Apr 29, 2022 119 Exhibit 1 (19)
Apr 29, 2022 119 Exhibit 2 (21)
Apr 29, 2022 120 notice of motion (2)
Docket Text:EWS' Notice of Motion NOTICE of Motion by Matthew David Tanner for presentment of motion for sanctions[119] before Honorable M. David Weisman on 5/4/2022 at 09:15 AM. (Tanner, Matthew)
Apr 13, 2022 118 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Minute entry [117] is amended as follows: Magistrate Status hearing held. Oral arguments heard on the joint status report [116] For the reasons stated on record, plaintiff shall answer interrogatory #8 by 4/22/22. Status hearing set for 5/24/22 at 9:15 a.m. If the pending motion before the district court to amend answer and affirmative defenses [ECF # [84]] is still pending prior to the next status hearing, the court will reset the status. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FOR NEXT STATUS) Mailed notice (ao, )
Apr 12, 2022 117 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status hearing held. Oral arguments heard on the joint status report [116] For the reasons stated on record, plaintiff shall answer interrogatory #8 by 4/22/22. Status hearing set for 5/24/22 at 9:15 a.m. If the pending motion before the district court to amend answer and affirmative defenses [ECF #[84]] is still pending prior to the next status hearing, the court will reset the status. Parties shall file any memorandum of law, limited to 8 pages by 4/14/22. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FOR NEXT STATUS) Mailed notice (ao, )
Apr 8, 2022 116 status report (4)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint) by Data Management Association International LLC (Whitaker, John)
Mar 16, 2022 115 order on motion to compel (4)
Docket Text: ORDER: For the reasons stated in this order, the Court grants in part, and denies in part, plaintiff's motion to compel [ECF [89]]. Defendant is instructed to produce documents sufficient to correctly and completely identify sibling companies, parent companies, members, partners, and executives in response to request for production 22 and to produce web designer contract(s) to plaintiff in response to request for production 24 by April 6, 2022. Defendant need not respond further to interrogatory 11, requests for production 22 and 24, nor certify completeness of its responses to requests for production. (For further details see order.) Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 3/16/2022. Mailed notice (ao, )
Mar 10, 2022 113 order on motion to compel (3)
Docket Text: ORDER: For the reasons stated in this order, the Court grants in part, and denies in part, defendants' motion to compel [ECF [91]]. Plaintiff is instructed to fully respond to interrogatories 8 and 11 by March 31, 2022 and verify answers to interrogatories by March 17, 2022. Plaintiff need not further respond to Request for Production 15. (For further details see order.) Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 3/10/2022. Mailed notice (ao, )
Mar 10, 2022 114 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status/Motion hearing held. The Court advised the parties that a written order on motion [89] will be issued shortly. Status hearing set for 4/12/22 at 10:00 a.m. to allow time for the parties to review and comply with the respective discovery orders. Parties briefly orally argued in reply to [112] pertaining to interrogatory 11. Joint status report filed by 4/8/22 advising where the parties are with the relief that was received from the order and where discovery stands, and proposed discovery cut-off dates. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Feb 23, 2022 110 order on motion to seal document (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Upon review of the parties' responses, the defendant's motion to seal [97] is granted. Exhibits 3-5 may remain under seal. The Clerk is directed to unseal exhibits 1-2. Mailed notice (air, )
Feb 23, 2022 111 reply (9)
Docket Text: REPLY by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to motion to compel[91], response to motion[105] EWS' Reply In Support of Its Motion to Compel (Tanner, Matthew)
Feb 23, 2022 112 reply (6)
Docket Text: REPLY by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC to memorandum in support of motion[90], motion to compel[89] (Whitaker, John)
Feb 18, 2022 108 Response (5)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to order on motion for leave to file excess pages,,,, text entry,,,, terminate motions,,, [100] regarding motion to seal [97] (Tanner, Matthew)
Feb 18, 2022 109 Main Document (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Data Management Association International LLC to MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to seal document reply to response to motion,, [96] and Motion to Seal Exhibits 3-5 to EWS' Reply[97] (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 3, # (2) Exhibit 4, # (3) Exhibit 5)(Whitaker, John)
Feb 18, 2022 109 Exhibit 3 (3)
Feb 18, 2022 109 Exhibit 4 (4)
Feb 18, 2022 109 Exhibit 5 (6)
Feb 17, 2022 107 order on motion for leave to file (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Defendant's motion for leave to file under seal [104] is granted. Mailed notice (ao, )
Feb 16, 2022 102 Main Document (6)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC to compel [89] (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4)(Stump, Ashley)
Feb 16, 2022 102 Exhibit 1 (1)
Feb 16, 2022 102 Exhibit 2 (1)
Feb 16, 2022 102 Exhibit 3 (1)
Feb 16, 2022 102 Exhibit 4 (1)
Feb 16, 2022 104 motion for leave to file (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for leave to file under seal (Stump, Ashley)
Feb 16, 2022 105 response to motion (11)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Data Management Association International LLC to MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to compel DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY RESPONSES[91] (Whitaker, John)
Feb 16, 2022 106 Main Document (4)
Docket Text: DECLARATION of John Whitaker regarding response to motion[105] (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Whitaker, John)
Feb 16, 2022 106 Exhibit A (10)
Feb 15, 2022 101 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically. Parties reported on how the pending motions will impact depositions. Status hearing is continued to 3/10/2022 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. The Court amends the briefing schedule on plaintiff's motion to compel [89] and defendant's motion to compel [91] as follows: Responses due 2/16/2022; Replies due 2/23/2022. Motion hearings on Motions [89] and [91] set for 3/10/2022 at 9:15 a.m. stand. Mailed notice (ao, )
Feb 11, 2022 100 order on motion for leave to file excess pages (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The defendant's motion to file its reply in excess of fifteen pages [95] is granted. The Court directs the defendant to file a supplement to clarify its motion to seal [97] by 2/18. The motion does not explain why Exhibits 3-5 should be filed under seal, which portions contain confidential information, or the type of confidential information that the documents contain; the confidentiality order and a designation of "Confidential" do not, without more, warrant filing under seal. The defendant's supplement must also clarify which exhibits it seeks to file under seal. The defendant's motion states that it seeks leave to file Exhibits 3-5 under seal, but it filed all five exhibits provisionally under seal. Mailed notice (air, )
Feb 10, 2022 95 motion for leave to file excess pages (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for leave to file excess pages Defendant's Motion for Leave to File Reply in Excess of Fifteen Pages (Tanner, Matthew)
Feb 10, 2022 97 motion to seal document (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to seal document reply to response to motion,, [96] and Motion to Seal Exhibits 3-5 to EWS' Reply (Tanner, Matthew)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Main Document (22)
Docket Text: REPLY by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to Response[86], MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to amend/correct text entry, [73] Defendant's Motion to File Supplemental and Amended Answer, Affirmative Defenses, Counterclaim and Third-Party Claim[84] Defendant's Reply In Support of Its Motion to Amend (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3 (under seal), # (4) Exhibit 4 (under seal), # (5) Exhibit 5 (under seal))(Tanner, Matthew)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Exhibit 1 (4)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Exhibit 2 (4)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Exhibit 3 (under seal) (1)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Exhibit 4 (under seal) (1)
Feb 10, 2022 98 Exhibit 5 (under seal) (1)
Feb 10, 2022 99 status report (2)
Docket Text: STATUS Report Joint by Data Management Association International LLC (Whitaker, John)
Feb 2, 2022 94 order on motion for extension of time to file response/reply (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The defendant's agreed motion for an extension of time [92] is granted. The defendant's reply is due by 2/10/2022. Mailed notice (air, )
Feb 1, 2022 92 motion for extension of time to file response/reply (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for extension of time to file response/reply as to Response[86] Agreed Motion for Extension of Time (Stump, Ashley)
Feb 1, 2022 93 set motion and R&R deadlines/hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: The Court sets the following briefing schedule on Plaintiff's motion to compel [89] and defendant's motion to compel [91]: Responses due 2/15/22; Replies due 2/22/22. Motion hearing set for 3/10/22 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jan 28, 2022 89 motion to compel (2)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC to compel (Whitaker, John)
Jan 28, 2022 90 memorandum in support of motion (9)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM by Data Management Association International LLC in support of motion to compel[89] (Whitaker, John)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Main Document (7)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to compel DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY RESPONSES (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5)(Stump, Ashley)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Exhibit 1 (15)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Exhibit 2 (7)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Exhibit 3 (7)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Exhibit 4 (23)
Jan 28, 2022 91 Exhibit 5 (20)
Jan 18, 2022 88 order on motion for extension of time to file response/reply (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The defendant's unopposed motion for an extension of time [87] is granted. The defendant's reply is due by 2/3/2022. Mailed notice (air, )
Jan 14, 2022 87 motion for extension of time to file response/reply (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for extension of time to file response/reply as to Response[86], order on motion to amend/correct,, terminate motions,, set motion and R&R deadlines/hearings, [85] Defendant's Unopposed Motion for Additional Time (Tanner, Matthew)
Jan 13, 2022 86 Response (21)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC to order on motion to amend/correct,, terminate motions,, set motion and R&R deadlines/hearings, [85] [84] (Denkenberger, John)
Dec 30, 2021 85 order on motion to amend/correct (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The defendant's motion to file an amended answer, counterclaims, and third-party claims [84] is taken under advisement. Any response by the plaintiff is due by 1/13/2022; any reply due by 1/20/2022. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 29, 2021 84 Main Document (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to amend/correct text entry, [73] Defendant's Motion to File Supplemental and Amended Answer, Affirmative Defenses, Counterclaim and Third-Party Claim (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Tanner, Matthew)
Dec 29, 2021 84 Exhibit 1 (38)
Dec 21, 2021 83 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. by Ashley Jo Stump (Stump, Ashley)
Dec 13, 2021 82 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically. Parties discussed the status of written discovery and depositions. Any motions on written discovery must be filed by 1/28/2022. A joint status report shall be filed by 2/11/2022 with a proposed deposition schedule, including agreed upon dates for depositions. Telephonic status hearing set for 2/15/2022 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice. (pk, )
Dec 9, 2021 81 status report (4)
Docket Text: STATUS Report - Joint by Data Management Association International LLC (Denkenberger, John)
Oct 20, 2021 80 reply to response to motion (13)
Docket Text: REPLY by Data Management Association International LLC to MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for order to show cause and for Attorneys' Fees[74], memorandum in support of motion, [75], response to motion, [78] (Denkenberger, John)
Oct 15, 2021 79 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically. Parties reported on the status of discovery and agreed that the pending motion before the District Court (see Dkt. #[74]) would not impact the discovery schedule. A telephonic status hearing is set for 12/13/21 at 9:15 a.m. Parties should come prepared to discuss a deposition schedule that meets discovery deadlines. Joint status report due on or before 12/09/2021 to provide the Court with an update on the status of written discovery and rolling production outlined in the call, as well as a proposed deposition list from each party. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice. (pk, )
Oct 13, 2021 78 response to motion (8)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. to MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for order to show cause and for Attorneys' Fees[74] EWS' Response to Motion to Show Cause (Tanner, Matthew)
Sep 16, 2021 76 order on motion for order to show cause (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The defendant's motion for an order to show cause and for attorney's fees [74] is taken under advisement. The defendant's response is due by 10/13/2021 and the plaintiff's reply is due by 10/20/2021. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 16, 2021 77 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Previous entry corrected as follows: The plaintiff's motion for an order to show cause and for attorney's fees [74] is taken under advisement. The defendant's response is due by 10/13/2021 and the plaintiff's reply is due by 10/20/2021. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 15, 2021 74 motion for order to show cause (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for order to show cause and for Attorneys' Fees (Denkenberger, John)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Main Document (8)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM by Data Management Association International LLC in support of motion for order to show cause[74] and for Attorneys' Fees (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8)(Denkenberger, John)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 1 (16)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 2 (3)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 3 (3)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 4 (7)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 5 (8)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 6 (3)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 7 (4)
Sep 15, 2021 75 Exhibit 8 (40)
Sep 8, 2021 70 order on motion for protective order (2)
Docket Text: ORDER: The Court denies plaintiff's motion for entry of a protective order [67] and grants defendant's motion [68]. Motion hearing set for 9/8/21 is stricken. (For further details see order.) Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 9/8/2021. Mailed notice (ao, )
Sep 8, 2021 71 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Docket entry no. [70] is amended to include the following: Counsel shall send a clean copy of the confidentiality protective order for entry. Mailed notice (ao, )
Sep 8, 2021 72 protective order (13)
Docket Text: CONFIDENTIALITY Order: Signed by the Honorable M. David Weisman on 9/8/2021. Mailed notice (ao, )
Sep 8, 2021 73 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: After conferring with the district court, the Court expands the case management schedule currently set at Dkt. #[65]. The parties have until 12/29/21 to add any additional parties and to amend any pleadings. A dispositive motion schedule will be set at the conclusion of discovery. Mailed notice (ao, )
Sep 1, 2021 69 notice of motion (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Motion by Matthew David Tanner for presentment of motion for protective order[68] before Honorable M. David Weisman on 9/8/2021 at 09:15 AM. (Tanner, Matthew)
Aug 31, 2021 66 notice of motion (3)
Docket Text:Motion for Entry of a Protective Order NOTICE of Motion by John D. Denkenberger for presentment of before Honorable M. David Weisman on 9/8/2021 at 09:15 AM. (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 31, 2021 67 motion for protective order (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for protective order (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 31, 2021 68 Main Document (6)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for protective order Motion by Defendant EWS for Entry of Protective Order (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Tanner, Matthew)
Aug 31, 2021 68 Exhibit 1 (14)
Aug 31, 2021 68 Exhibit 2 (15)
Aug 31, 2021 68 Exhibit 3 (23)
Aug 30, 2021 65 terminate hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: The Court adopts the parties' proposed schedule with the following exceptions: date to file dispositive motions and to amend pleadings and add any additional pleadings are the province of the district court. This Court will propound a supplemental order setting forth all discovery dates, as well as confer with the district court as to a dispositive motion schedule and a date to amend pleadings and add any additional parties. Status hearing set for 8/31/21 is stricken and reset to 10/15/21 at 9:15 a.m. as proposed by the parties. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Aug 27, 2021 64 other (3)
Docket Text: Proposed Discovery Schedule Amended-In-Part by Data Management Association International LLC (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 25, 2021 63 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate Status hearing held. Parties discussed the status of discovery. The Court directs the parties to file a joint proposed discovery schedule by 8/27/21. Status hearing set for 8/31/21 at 9:15 a.m. for docket management purposes. Once the Court receives and enters the parties' proposed discovery schedule, the Court will reschedule the status hearing consistent with the parties' suggestions as to an appropriate timeframe for a continued status hearing. Parties shall file a motion for entry of a protective order by 8/31/21 and send the proposed protective order to Parties shall use the redline function of Word so the Court can review changes, if any to the Court's standard protective order. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Aug 13, 2021 60 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: This case is referred to Magistrate Judge Weisman for discovery scheduling and supervision and settlement conference the parties may request. Mailed notice (air, )
Aug 13, 2021 61 Expedited referral to magistrate judge (1)
Docket Text: Pursuant to Local Rule 72.1, this case is hereby referred to the calendar of Honorable M. David Weisman for the purpose of holding proceedings related to: discovery scheduling, supervision and any settlement conference.(air, )Mailed notice.
Aug 13, 2021 62 set/reset hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: This case has been referred to Magistrate Judge Weisman for the purposes of discovery scheduling and supervision and to conduct a settlement conference. Initial status hearing scheduled for 8/25/21 at 9:15 a.m. Prior to the status hearing, the Court specifically requests that counsel consult the Court's standing order. The parties should be prepared to discuss discovery scheduling and related issues. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Aug 10, 2021 59 status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Settlement conference with counsel only held. Based on the Court's conversation with all counsel, the Court concludes that continued settlement discussions will not be productive at this point. Because this matter was referred to the Court for settlement only, the Court terminates the referral. As indicated to counsel, the Court will be happy to engage in further settlement discussions upon a later referral. All matters relating to the referral of this case having been resolved, this matter is returned to the District Judge. Referral terminated. Mailed notice (ao, )
Aug 9, 2021 58 terminate hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: The Court has received dueling electronic communications from counsel regarding the upcoming settlement conference. Plaintiff wishes to strike the settlement conference, claiming an impasse. Defendant wishes to proceed, claiming procedural foul in light of the last minute attempted cancellation. Because this court appropriately lacks the authority to compel a settlement, forcing a settlement conference to proceed when one of the parties is not inclined to do so seems like a fool's errand. The Court strikes the settlement conference set for 8/10/21 at 10:30 a.m. Nonetheless, the Court wishes to speak with all counsel at this same time to better understand the issues impacting the parties' ability to resolve this matter. The Court will send an email to the parties with the call in information. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jul 19, 2021 57 settlement conference (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Settlement conference held. All parties appeared via video conference. The parties wish to exchange additional information and continue the settlement conference. Settlement conference continued to 8/10/21 at 10:30 a.m. Parties shall confer and send ONE email to Courtroom Deputy, Alyssia Owens at by 8/2/21 identifying the email addresses of the individuals who intend to participate in the settlement conference. Mailed notice (ao, )
Jul 7, 2021 56 transcript (5)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on January 14, 2021 before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr. Order Number: 41135. Court Reporter Contact Information: Kelly M. Fitzgerald,, 312-818-6626.

IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings.

Redaction Request due 7/28/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/9/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/5/2021. (Fitzgerald, Kelly)
May 17, 2021 55 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically. A video settlement conference is set for 7/19/21 at 11:00 a.m. Parties shall confer and send ONE email to Courtroom Deputy, Alyssia Owens at by 7/12/21 identifying the email addresses of the individuals who intend to participate in the settlement conference. Plaintiff's settlement letter shall be delivered to Defendant by 7/5/21. Defendant's settlement letter shall be delivered to Plaintiff by 7/12//21. The parties must also submit their respective documents by email to Please note that settlement letters are not to be filed on the CM-ECF system. Parties have no objection to the Court having ex parte discussions with counsel in advance of the settlement conference if the Court believes such conversations would be warranted. Mailed notice (ao, )
May 13, 2021 54 status report (3)
Docket Text: STATUS Report - Joint by Data Management Association International LLC (Denkenberger, John)
May 3, 2021 53 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically and reported that they are close to resolving the matter but may need assistance from the Court. By 5/13/21, parties shall file a joint status report as to the status of settlement negotiations (parties shall not include specific dollar amounts or any confidential information). A telephonic status hearing is set for 5/17/21 at 9:15 a.m. to set a settlement conference if this case has not been resolved. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao, )
Apr 8, 2021 52 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically and reported that they have exchanged documents and are optimistic about resolving the matter independently. After consulting with the district judge, an appropriate discovery schedule will be set if the current efforts at resolution of this matter are not successful. A telephonic status hearing is set for 5/3/21 at 9:15 a.m. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call-in number. The conference call-in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Mailed notice (ao,)
Mar 18, 2021 51 settlement conference (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Settlement conference held. Counsel for parties appeared by video conference. Substantial progress has been made towards reaching a resolution in this matter. Status hearing set for Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to allow the parties additional time to discuss resolution of this matter. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. The Court gratefully acknowledges the work of counsel towards resolving this matter in a professional and productive manner. Mailed notice (ao,)
Feb 2, 2021 50 magistrate judge status hearing (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: Magistrate status hearing held. Parties appeared telephonically. A video settlement conference is set for 3/18/21 at 2:00 p.m. Parties shall confer and send ONE email to Courtroom Deputy Alyssia Owens at by 3/11/21 identifying the email addresses of the individuals who intend to participate in the settlement conference. Plaintiff's settlement letter shall be delivered to Defendant by 3/4/21. Defendant's settlement letter shall be delivered to Plaintiff by 3/11/21. The parties must also submit their respective documents by email to Please note that settlement letters are not to be filed on the CM-ECF system. Parties have no objection to the Court having ex parte discussions with counsel in advance of the settlement conference if the Court believes such conversations would be warranted. As discussed, due to the current health pandemic and the Ninth Amended General Order 20-0012, today's court hearing was not recorded on the court's recording system. Therefore, this order will serve as the official record. See 28 U.S.C. ยง753(b). If the parties believe this order should be corrected or expanded upon, they may visit this Court's webpage for more information. Mailed notice (ao,)
Jan 19, 2021 49 set/reset hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable M. David Weisman: This case has been referred to Magistrate Judge Weisman to conduct a settlement conference and discuss general issues related to settlement. Status hearing set for 2/2/21 at 9:15 a.m. Prior to the status hearing, the Court respectfully requests that counsel consult the Court's standing order on settlement conferences and related materials in advance of the status hearing. Judge Weisman generally conducts settlement conferences Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at either 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Other dates and times may be available as required by the Court or the parties. The Court specifically requests that counsel must have available dates for all necessary parties in advance of the status hearing, and to the extent possible, consult with opposing counsel in an attempt to identify mutually convenient and feasible dates for the settlement conference. Parties shall dial in using the Court's conference call- in number. The conference call- in number is 1-877-411-9748 and the passcode is 1814539. Please note that the Court's conference call-in will be used by all cases that are on the Court's calendar for the said date, therefore counsel must be in a quiet area while on the line and must have the telephone muted until your case is called by the Court. Once the Court has heard your case you shall disconnect from the conference line. Mailed notice (ao,)
Jan 14, 2021 47 telephone conference (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Telephone status hearing held. Parties to continue exploring settlement on their own, but at the parties' request, the case is also referred to Magistrate Judge Weisman for the purpose of conducting a settlement conference should the parties fail to reach agreement in the near term. Further proceedings are otherwise deferred pending outcome of settlement discussions. Mailed notice (air, )
Jan 14, 2021 48 Expedited referral to magistrate judge (1)
Docket Text: Pursuant to Local Rule 72.1, this case is hereby referred to the calendar of Honorable M. David Weisman for the purpose of holding proceedings related to: settlement conference. (air, )Mailed notice.
Dec 31, 2020 46 other (3)
Docket Text: Preliminary Injunction Bond by Data Management Association International LLC (McMahon, Brian)
Dec 28, 2020 44 order on motion for preliminary injunction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:For the reasons set forth in the Court's opinion, the plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction [28] is granted in part. A telephonic status hearing is scheduled for 1/14/21 at 3:45 PM. Directions for counsel and the parties for participating in the telephonic hearing will be provided by email prior to the hearing. Counsel are instructed to use those directions, which require logging into the call via a web site. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in to the hearing by dialing 877-848-7030 and, upon prompting, entering the access code: 5784864. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded that this is a court proceeding and should be treated as such; phones should be muted at all times unless you are authorized to participate in the hearing. In addition, the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings applies. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Enter Order. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 28, 2020 45 memorandum opinion and order (15)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 12/28/2020. Mailed notice(air, )
Dec 16, 2020 43 order on motion for leave to file (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:EWS's motion for leave to file response instanter [42] is denied. Because the purported motion is itself the unauthorized surreply, the Clerk is directed to remove the filing from the docket. The parties are advised that the filing of briefs other than those contemplated by a briefing schedule is not permitted without leave of court obtained before filing the additional brief. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 15, 2020 42 motion for leave to file (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. for leave to file EWS' Motion for Leave to File Response Instanter (Tanner, Matthew)
Dec 14, 2020 41 supplement (6)
Docket Text: SUPPLEMENT to exhibit[35], order on motion to appear pro hac vice,, order on motion for preliminary injunction,, telephone conference, [38] (Denkenberger, John)
Dec 13, 2020 40 transcript (35)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on December 8, 2020 before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr. Order Number: 39737. Court Reporter Contact Information: Kelly M. Fitzgerald,, 312-818-6626.

IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings.

Redaction Request due 1/4/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/13/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/15/2021. (Fitzgerald, Kelly)
Dec 8, 2020 37 motion to appear pro hac vice (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 150, receipt number 0752-17717115. (Whitaker, John)
Dec 8, 2020 38 order on motion to appear pro hac vice (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Telephonic hearing held on the pending motion for preliminary injunction [28]. Motion is taken under advisement. Plaintiff may file a supplemental brief of no more than three pages responding to Defendant's filing of additional exhibits [35] on or before 12/14/20. Attorney John Whitaker's motion for leave to appear pro hac vice [37] is granted. Counsel is directed to file his appearance. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 8, 2020 39 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC by John E Whitaker (Whitaker, John)
Dec 7, 2020 35 exhibit (30)
Docket Text: EXHIBIT by Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. Additional Exhibits That May Be Referenced at Oral Argument regarding response in opposition to motion, [31] (Tanner, Matthew)
Dec 7, 2020 36 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Directions for counsel participating in the telephonic hearing at 10:00 on 12/8/20 will be provided by email prior to the hearing. Counsel are instructed to use those directions, which require logging into the call via a web site. Members of the public and media who wish to listen to this hearing may call in to the hearing by dialing 877-848-7030 and, upon prompting, entering the access code: 5784864. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice (air, )
Nov 18, 2020 34 order on motion for preliminary injunction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:A telephone hearing (oral argument) on the pending motion for preliminary injunction [28] is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. If counsel are not available at that time, they are directed to confer as to an agreed date and confirm such date with the Courtroom Deputy. The hearing will not take more than one hour. Each party will have 15 minutes to present its arguments and the Court expects to have questions thereafter. Mailed notice (air, )
Nov 16, 2020 33 reply to response to motion (13)
Docket Text: REPLY by Data Management Association International LLC to response in opposition to motion, [31], MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for preliminary injunction [28], memorandum in support of motion[29] (Denkenberger, John)
Nov 9, 2020 32 statement (1)
Docket Text: Joint Statement Regarding Participation in the Voluntary Mediation Program for Lanham Act Cases STATEMENT by Data Management Association International LLC (Denkenberger, John)
Nov 2, 2020 31 Main Document (17)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for preliminary injunction [28] Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibits 1 - 18)(Tanner, Matthew)
Nov 2, 2020 31 Exhibit Exhibits 1 - 18 (53)
Oct 8, 2020 30 order on motion for preliminary injunction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction [28] is taken under advisement, and the parties' proposed briefing schedule is adopted. Defendant's response is due 11/3/2020; plaintiff's reply is due 14 days after the response is filed, and no later than 11/17. Mailed notice (air, )
Oct 6, 2020 28 motion for preliminary injunction (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for preliminary injunction (Denkenberger, John)
Oct 6, 2020 29 memorandum in support of motion (21)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM by Data Management Association International LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[28] (Denkenberger, John)
Sep 23, 2020 27 order on motion for preliminary injunction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The parties' proposed case management schedule [25] is adopted. As the proposed schedule does not contemplate briefing or a hearing on the Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction [6], that motion is denied without prejudice; it may be reasserted at any time prior to the deadline for amending pleadings and joining additional parties. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 22, 2020 26 answer to amended complaint (25)
Docket Text:Defendant's Verified ANSWER to amended complaint by Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc.(Tanner, Matthew)
Sep 21, 2020 25 report of rule 26(f) planning meeting (4)
Docket Text: REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting by Data Management Association International LLC (McMahon, Brian)
Sep 14, 2020 23 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Pursuant to the Court's prior instruction [20], the parties are directed to submit, by 9/21/20, a proposed case management schedule reflecting any disputes between the parties as to the proposed schedule. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 14, 2020 24 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. by Peter S. Roeser (Roeser, Peter)
Sep 10, 2020 22 status report (6)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint Initial) by Data Management Association International LLC (Denkenberger, John)
Sep 8, 2020 19 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. by Matthew David Tanner (Tanner, Matthew)
Sep 8, 2020 20 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The parties are directed to review the procedures for initial status reports, located at [] and to submit an initial status report by 9/10/20. The report should include a proposed case management schedule reflecting any disputes between the parties as to the proposed schedule. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 8, 2020 21 Main Document (18)
Docket Text:Verified AMENDED complaint by Data Management Association International LLC against Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc. and Jury Demand (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Kuo, Joseph)
Sep 8, 2020 21 Exhibit 1 (4)
Sep 8, 2020 21 Exhibit 2 (3)
Sep 8, 2020 21 Exhibit 3 (6)
Sep 3, 2020 17 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: : Plaintiff has made a telephonic inquiry concerning the scheduling of a hearing on its motion for preliminary injunction. Upon docketing of proof of service of the complaint, the Court will set an initial status hearing. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 3, 2020 18 affidavit of service (1)
Docket Text: AFFIDAVIT of Service filed by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC regarding Complaint, Motion for Preliminary Injunction, and Related documents served on Matt Tanner, Counsel for EWSolutions on August 20, 2020 (Kuo, Joseph)
Sep 2, 2020 16 certificate (3)
Docket Text: CERTIFICATE Regarding Service of the Letter Regarding Court's Lanham Act Mediation Program (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 12, 2020 N/A summons issued (0)
Docket Text: SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Enterprise Warehousing Solutions, Inc., d/b/a EWSOLUTIONS (mp, )
Aug 12, 2020 11 Patent/Trademark report (4)
Docket Text: MAILED Trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA (lma, )
Aug 12, 2020 12 lanham notification (10)
Docket Text: MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials (lma, )
Aug 12, 2020 13 order on motion to appear pro hac vice (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Attorneys John D. Denkenberger's [8] and Brian F. McMahon's [9] motions for leave to appear pro hac vice are granted. No appearance on the motions is required. Counsel are directed to file their appearances on behalf of the plaintiff. Mailed notice (air, )
Aug 12, 2020 14 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC by John D. Denkenberger (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 12, 2020 15 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC by Brian McMahon (McMahon, Brian)
Aug 11, 2020 N/A case assigned (0)
Docket Text: CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable M. David Weisman. Case assignment: Random assignment. (sxh, )
Aug 11, 2020 1 Main Document (18)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT filed by Data Management Association International LLC; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0752-17304465. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 1 Exhibit 1 (4)
Aug 11, 2020 1 Exhibit 2 (3)
Aug 11, 2020 2 civil cover sheet (2)
Docket Text: CIVIL Cover Sheet (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 3 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC by Joseph Ming Kuo (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 4 other (3)
Docket Text: Notice of Claims Involving Patents or Trademarks by Data Management Association International LLC (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 5 notification of affiliates pursuant to local rule 3.2 (3)
Docket Text: NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Data Management Association International LLC (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 6 motion for preliminary injunction (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Data Management Association International LLC for preliminary injunction (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 7 memorandum in support of motion (21)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM by Data Management Association International LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[6] (Kuo, Joseph)
Aug 11, 2020 8 motion to appear pro hac vice (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 150, receipt number 0752-17305184. (Denkenberger, John)
Aug 11, 2020 9 motion to appear pro hac vice (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 150, receipt number 0752-17305186. (McMahon, Brian)
Jul 10, 2020 10 order (8)
Docket Text: ORDER: Fifth Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on July 10, 2020. This Order does not extend or modify any deadlines set in civil cases. No motions may be noticed for in-person presentment; the presiding judge will notify parties of the need, if any, for a hearing by electronic means or in-court proceeding. See attached Order. Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 7/10/2020. Mailed notice. (lma, )