Patexia Research
Case number 3:17-cv-07088

Dodocase VR, Inc. v. Merchsource, LLC et al > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Motion for Sanctions (13)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (4)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit A (4)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit B (14)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit C (2)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit D (9)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit E (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit F (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit G (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit H (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit I (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit J (3)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit K (2)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit L (12)
Oct 22, 2020 136 Exhibit M (2)
Oct 22, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Oct 22, 2020 151 Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Oct 22, 2020 151 Exhibit A (3)
Oct 22, 2020 151 Exhibit B (4)
Oct 22, 2020 151 Exhibit C (5)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Discovery Letter Brief (22)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200130 D's RFA 1-10 and Interrogatories 1-2 to DDC (10)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200205 D's RFA 1-18 and RFP 77-80 to DODOcase (11)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191008 P's Response to 1st Interrogatories (8)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191008 P's Response to 1st and 2d Doc Requests (27)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191204 P's Dodocase Responses to 3d RFP (14)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200115 P's Supp Responses to First Email RFP (13)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit 20180423 Ds Response to Ps 1st Set of Requests (11)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit MLA (12)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit MS Resp to RPDs (12)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit MS Initial Disclosures (7)
Oct 22, 2020 155 Exhibit MS RPDs (16)
Oct 22, 2020 157 Motion to Appear by Telephone (3)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Motion for Summary Judgment (16)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Exhibit MLA (11)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Declaration Unter (2)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Declaration Fleming (2)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Exhibit 075 Institution Decision (22)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Exhibit 117 Institution Decision (21)
Oct 22, 2020 161 Exhibit 184 Institution Decision (20)
Oct 22, 2020 N/A Discovery Hearing (0)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Motion to Dismiss (12)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Exhibit A (3)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Exhibit B (7)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Exhibit C (2)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Exhibit D (4)
Oct 22, 2020 166 Exhibit E (2)
Oct 22, 2020 167 Motion to Strike (11)
Oct 22, 2020 185 Stipulation and Proposed Order selecting Mediation (3)
Oct 22, 2020 185 Proposed Order (3)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Discovery Letter Brief (6)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit A (6)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit B (16)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit C (4)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit D (3)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit E (3)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit F (3)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit G (37)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit H (8)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit I (36)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit J (18)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit K (13)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit L (35)
Oct 22, 2020 188 Exhibit M (2)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Discovery Letter Brief (6)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit 1 - May 13, 2020 Email Attaching Draft Joint Statement (2)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit 2 - Draft Joint Statement Attached to Email of Ex. 1 (7)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit N - May 13, 2020 Ltr to Haller re Privilege Log (6)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit O Declaration of Adam Gromfin (3)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit P - DDC's Response to Interrogatories 1-2 (6)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit Q - DDC's Response to Req. for Admission (6)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit R - Dodocase's Response to Req. for Admission (8)
Oct 22, 2020 189 Exhibit S - Dodocase's Response to 1st and 2nd Sets of Interrogatories (8)
Oct 22, 2020 191 Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Oct 22, 2020 192 Discovery Letter Brief (8)
Oct 22, 2020 192 Exhibit A (5)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Electronic Filing Error (0)
Oct 21, 2020 4 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (2)
Oct 21, 2020 5 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (2)
Oct 21, 2020 6 Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines (2)
Oct 21, 2020 14 Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer (2)
Oct 21, 2020 14 Declaration Kyle B Fleming, Esq. (3)
Oct 21, 2020 14 Proposed Order (1)
Oct 21, 2020 20 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (1)
Oct 21, 2020 20 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing (1)
Oct 21, 2020 24 Motion for TRO (4)
Oct 21, 2020 24 Memorandum and Points of Authority In Support of Motion for Temporary Restraini (12)
Oct 21, 2020 24 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (3)
Oct 21, 2020 24 Proposed Order (4)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Motion Hearing (0)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Case Management Conference - Initial (0)
Oct 21, 2020 49 Notice of Appeal to the Federal Circuit (2)
Oct 21, 2020 49 USCA Federal Circuit Numbers 18-1724 (1)
Oct 21, 2020 53 Amended Notice of Appeal (2)
Oct 21, 2020 53 USCA for the Federal Circuit NUMBER 18-1724 (1)
Oct 21, 2020 56 USCA Case Number (1)
Oct 21, 2020 57 USCA Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 58 Motion for Bond (9)
Oct 21, 2020 58 Declaration of Timothy Haller and Exhibits A-H (66)
Oct 21, 2020 58 Proposed Order (3)
Oct 21, 2020 59 Motion to Continue (4)
Oct 21, 2020 59 Proposed Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 62 Stipulation (20)
Oct 21, 2020 63 Stipulation (4)
Oct 21, 2020 68 USCA Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 71 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (3)
Oct 21, 2020 71 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 Proposed Order (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 71 *Restricted* (4)
Oct 21, 2020 72 Motion to Expedite (4)
Oct 21, 2020 72 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (3)
Oct 21, 2020 72 Proposed Order Seeking Expedited Briefing and Ruling (2)
Oct 21, 2020 73 Motion for Settlement (3)
Oct 21, 2020 73 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Enforce Settlement (13)
Oct 21, 2020 73 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (4)
Oct 21, 2020 73 Proposed Order to Enforce Settlement (2)
Oct 21, 2020 76 Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (3)
Oct 21, 2020 76 Declaration (6)
Oct 21, 2020 76 Proposed Order (1)
Oct 21, 2020 76 *Restricted* (1)
Oct 21, 2020 76 *Restricted* (1)
Oct 21, 2020 76 *Restricted* (1)
Oct 21, 2020 76 *Restricted* (1)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Case Management Conference - Further (0)
Oct 21, 2020 103 USCA Memorandum (11)
Oct 21, 2020 104 USCA Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Telephone Conference (0)
Oct 21, 2020 113 USCA Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 122 Motion to Lift Stay (5)
Oct 21, 2020 122 Proposed Order (2)
Oct 21, 2020 128 Motion for Declaratory Judgment (12)
Oct 21, 2020 129 Motion to Strike (3)
Oct 21, 2020 129 Motion and Memorandum (10)
Oct 21, 2020 129 Proposed Order (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Motion for Sanctions (13)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (4)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit A (4)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit B (14)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit C (2)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit D (9)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit E (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit F (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit G (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit H (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit I (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit J (3)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit K (2)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit L (12)
Oct 21, 2020 136 Exhibit M (2)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Oct 21, 2020 151 Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Oct 21, 2020 151 Exhibit A (3)
Oct 21, 2020 151 Exhibit B (4)
Oct 21, 2020 151 Exhibit C (5)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Discovery Letter Brief (22)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200130 D's RFA 1-10 and Interrogatories 1-2 to DDC (10)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200205 D's RFA 1-18 and RFP 77-80 to DODOcase (11)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191008 P's Response to 1st Interrogatories (8)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191008 P's Response to 1st and 2d Doc Requests (27)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20191204 P's Dodocase Responses to 3d RFP (14)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20200115 P's Supp Responses to First Email RFP (13)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit 20180423 Ds Response to Ps 1st Set of Requests (11)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit MLA (12)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit MS Resp to RPDs (12)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit MS Initial Disclosures (7)
Oct 21, 2020 155 Exhibit MS RPDs (16)
Oct 21, 2020 157 Motion to Appear by Telephone (3)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Motion for Summary Judgment (16)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Exhibit MLA (11)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Declaration Unter (2)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Declaration Fleming (2)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Exhibit 075 Institution Decision (22)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Exhibit 117 Institution Decision (21)
Oct 21, 2020 161 Exhibit 184 Institution Decision (20)
Oct 21, 2020 N/A Discovery Hearing (0)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Motion to Dismiss (12)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Exhibit A (3)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Exhibit B (7)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Exhibit C (2)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Exhibit D (4)
Oct 21, 2020 166 Exhibit E (2)
Oct 21, 2020 167 Motion to Strike (11)
Oct 21, 2020 185 Stipulation and Proposed Order selecting Mediation (3)
Oct 21, 2020 185 Proposed Order (3)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Discovery Letter Brief (6)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit A (6)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit B (16)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit C (4)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit D (3)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit E (3)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit F (3)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit G (37)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit H (8)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit I (36)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit J (18)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit K (13)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit L (35)
Oct 21, 2020 188 Exhibit M (2)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Discovery Letter Brief (6)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit 1 - May 13, 2020 Email Attaching Draft Joint Statement (2)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit 2 - Draft Joint Statement Attached to Email of Ex. 1 (7)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit N - May 13, 2020 Ltr to Haller re Privilege Log (6)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit O Declaration of Adam Gromfin (3)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit P - DDC's Response to Interrogatories 1-2 (6)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit Q - DDC's Response to Req. for Admission (6)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit R - Dodocase's Response to Req. for Admission (8)
Oct 21, 2020 189 Exhibit S - Dodocase's Response to 1st and 2nd Sets of Interrogatories (8)
Oct 21, 2020 191 Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Oct 21, 2020 192 Discovery Letter Brief (8)
Oct 21, 2020 192 Exhibit A (5)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Certification of ADR Session (0)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Certification of ADR Session (0)
Jun 22, 2020 200 Patent/Trademark Report (1)
Jun 22, 2020 200 Patent/Trademark Report (1)
Jun 19, 2020 199 Order (3)
Jun 19, 2020 199 Order (3)
Jun 15, 2020 197 Response to Order to Show Cause (6)
Jun 15, 2020 198 Response to Order to Show Cause (5)
Jun 15, 2020 197 Response to Order to Show Cause (6)
Jun 15, 2020 198 Response to Order to Show Cause (5)
May 29, 2020 195 Notice (Other) (2)
May 29, 2020 196 Order to Show Cause (1)
May 29, 2020 195 Notice (Other) (2)
May 29, 2020 196 Order to Show Cause (1)
May 21, 2020 194 Order (1)
May 21, 2020 194 Order (1)
May 18, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
May 14, 2020 190 Order (1)
May 14, 2020 190 Order (1)
May 7, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
May 7, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
May 4, 2020 187 Clerk's Notice (2)
May 4, 2020 187 Clerk's Notice (2)
Apr 24, 2020 186 Order on Stipulation selecting Mediation (2)
Apr 24, 2020 186 Order on Stipulation selecting Mediation (2)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit A (4)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit B (2)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit C (2)
Apr 9, 2020 183 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Apr 9, 2020 184 Reply to Opposition/Response (16)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit A (4)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit B (2)
Apr 9, 2020 182 Exhibit C (2)
Apr 9, 2020 183 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Apr 9, 2020 184 Reply to Opposition/Response (16)
Apr 6, 2020 181 Transcript Order (2)
Apr 6, 2020 181 Transcript Order (2)
Apr 3, 2020 180 Notice (Other) (4)
Apr 3, 2020 180 Notice (Other) (4)
Apr 2, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
Apr 2, 2020 177 Opposition/Response to Motion (6)
Apr 2, 2020 178 Opposition/Response to Motion (26)
Apr 2, 2020 179 Opposition/Response to Motion (18)
Apr 2, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
Apr 2, 2020 177 Opposition/Response to Motion (6)
Apr 2, 2020 178 Opposition/Response to Motion (26)
Apr 2, 2020 179 Opposition/Response to Motion (18)
Apr 1, 2020 176 Order (7)
Apr 1, 2020 176 Order (7)
Mar 23, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 23, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 20, 2020 169 Order on Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Mar 20, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 20, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 20, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 20, 2020 169 Order on Discovery Letter Brief (7)
Mar 19, 2020 168 Case Management Statement (11)
Mar 19, 2020 168 Case Management Statement (11)
Mar 13, 2020 164 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 13, 2020 164 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 12, 2020 163 Digital Audio File Uploaded (1)
Mar 12, 2020 163 Digital Audio File Uploaded (1)
Mar 11, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Mar 10, 2020 159 Answer to Amended Complaint (17)
Mar 10, 2020 160 Answer to Amended Complaint (15)
Mar 10, 2020 159 Answer to Amended Complaint (17)
Mar 10, 2020 160 Answer to Amended Complaint (15)
Mar 6, 2020 N/A Order on Motion to Appear by Telephone (0)
Mar 6, 2020 N/A Order on Motion to Appear by Telephone (0)
Feb 28, 2020 156 Errata (12)
Feb 28, 2020 156 Errata (12)
Feb 25, 2020 153 Amended Complaint (19)
Feb 25, 2020 153 Redline of changes from the Second Amended Complaint (the prior operative plead (36)
Feb 25, 2020 154 Notice (Other) (3)
Feb 25, 2020 154 Defendants consent to Plaintiffs filing Third Amended Complaint (1)
Feb 25, 2020 153 Amended Complaint (19)
Feb 25, 2020 153 Redline of changes from the Second Amended Complaint (the prior operative plead (36)
Feb 25, 2020 154 Notice (Other) (3)
Feb 25, 2020 154 Defendants consent to Plaintiffs filing Third Amended Complaint (1)
Feb 25, 2020 153 Amended Complaint* (1)
Feb 19, 2020 152 Order (1)
Feb 19, 2020 152 Order (1)
Feb 11, 2020 149 Digital Audio File Uploaded (1)
Feb 11, 2020 149 Digital Audio File Uploaded (1)
Feb 10, 2020 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Feb 5, 2020 147 Status Report (6)
Feb 5, 2020 147 Status Report (6)
Feb 3, 2020 N/A Case Assigned/Reassigned (0)
Feb 3, 2020 N/A Order Reassigning Case (0)
Jan 29, 2020 144 Consent/Declination to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge (1)
Jan 29, 2020 145 Order on Motion for Declaratory Judgment (16)
Jan 29, 2020 144 Consent/Declination to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge (1)
Jan 29, 2020 145 Order on Motion for Declaratory Judgment (16)
Jan 24, 2020 143 Motion Hearing (1)
Jan 24, 2020 143 Motion Hearing (1)
Jan 22, 2020 142 Order on Motion to Strike (18)
Jan 22, 2020 142 Order on Motion to Strike (18)
Jan 14, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
Jan 14, 2020 N/A Set/Reset Hearings (0)
Dec 19, 2019 140 Errata (16)
Dec 19, 2019 141 Reply to Opposition/Response (9)
Dec 19, 2019 140 Errata (16)
Dec 19, 2019 141 Reply to Opposition/Response (9)
Dec 16, 2019 139 Opposition/Response to Motion (18)
Dec 16, 2019 139 Opposition/Response to Motion (18)
Dec 10, 2019 138 ADR Clerk's Notice Appointing Mediator (2)
Dec 10, 2019 138 ADR Clerk's Notice Appointing Mediator (2)
Dec 2, 2019 135 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Dec 2, 2019 137 Reply to Opposition/Response (20)
Dec 2, 2019 135 Reply to Opposition/Response (8)
Dec 2, 2019 137 Reply to Opposition/Response (20)
Nov 27, 2019 134 Order (3)
Nov 26, 2019 132 Opposition/Response to Motion (16)
Nov 26, 2019 133 Stipulation (3)
Nov 22, 2019 131 Opposition/Response to Motion (29)
Nov 12, 2019 130 Answer to Counterclaim (17)
Nov 8, 2019 127 Notice (Other) (6)
Nov 8, 2019 127 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (4)
Nov 7, 2019 N/A Set Deadlines/Hearings (0)
Oct 29, 2019 126 Answer to Amended Complaint (24)
Oct 29, 2019 126 Exhibit MLA (11)
Oct 29, 2019 126 Exhibit Lear Notice (1)
Oct 29, 2019 126 Exhibit MLA Termination Letter (1)
Oct 28, 2019 N/A Case Assigned/Reassigned (0)
Oct 28, 2019 125 Order Reassigning Case (1)
Oct 8, 2019 124 Answer to Amended Complaint (20)
Oct 8, 2019 124 Exhibit A - MLA (11)
Sep 25, 2019 N/A Case Referred to Mediation (0)
Sep 25, 2019 123 Order Referring Case to Mediation (3)
Sep 10, 2019 N/A Telephone Conference (0)
Aug 29, 2019 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Aug 22, 2019 119 Status Report (3)
Aug 22, 2019 119 Exhibit A (4)
Jul 30, 2019 117 Notice (Other) (3)
Jul 30, 2019 117 Exhibit Motion for 9420075 (9)
Jul 30, 2019 117 Exhibit Motion for 9723117 (9)
Jul 30, 2019 117 Exhibit Motion for 9811184 (9)
Jul 30, 2019 118 Response ( Non Motion ) (4)
Jul 30, 2019 118 Exhibit A (3)
Jul 19, 2019 116 USCA Mandate (2)
Jul 17, 2019 115 Order (1)
Jul 16, 2019 114 Status Report (3)
Jul 16, 2019 114 Exhibit A (3)
Jul 16, 2019 114 Exhibit B (Proposed Order) (1)
May 10, 2019 112 Status Report (3)
May 10, 2019 112 Exhibit A (25)
May 3, 2019 111 Status Report (3)
May 1, 2019 109 Transcript (12)
Apr 30, 2019 107 Status Report (3)
Apr 30, 2019 108 Transcript Order (2)
Apr 26, 2019 106 Status Report (3)
Apr 23, 2019 105 Order (2)
Apr 22, 2019 102 Status Report (5)
Apr 22, 2019 102 Exhibit A (12)
Apr 22, 2019 102 Exhibit B (3)
Apr 22, 2019 102 Exhibit C (2)
Apr 11, 2019 101 Notice of Change of Address (3)
Mar 8, 2019 100 Joint Case Management Statement (4)
Mar 8, 2019 100 Exhibit A (13)
Feb 22, 2019 99 Order (1)
Jan 7, 2019 98 Amended Complaint (30)
Dec 7, 2018 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
Dec 4, 2018 95 Status Report (6)
Dec 3, 2018 94 Status Report (5)
Nov 30, 2018 93 Status Report (4)
Nov 30, 2018 93 Exhibit A - Patent Assignment (4)
Oct 15, 2018 92 Order (1)
Oct 9, 2018 91 Joint Case Management Statement (3)
Jul 12, 2018 90 Order (3)
Jun 25, 2018 88 Brief (3)
Jun 25, 2018 89 Brief (5)
Jun 19, 2018 87 Order (1)
Jun 5, 2018 86 Joint Case Management Statement (12)
May 28, 2018 85 Redacted Document (21)
May 22, 2018 84 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal (13)
May 14, 2018 N/A Clerk's Notice (0)
May 11, 2018 81 Opposition/Response to Motion (12)
May 11, 2018 82 Declaration in Opposition (3)
May 11, 2018 82 Exhibit 6 - April 4, 2018 Emails (1)
May 11, 2018 82 Exhibit 7 - MerchSource's 1st Set of Interrogatories (11)
May 11, 2018 82 Exhibit 8 - MerchSource 1st Set of Doc Requests (15)
May 9, 2018 79 Errata (15)
May 9, 2018 80 Reply to Opposition/Response (17)
May 9, 2018 80 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller In Support (3)
May 9, 2018 80 Exhibit J (5)
May 7, 2018 78 Declaration in Opposition (6)
May 7, 2018 78 Exhibit 1 - Email from Mr. Buckley to Mr. Gromfin (2)
May 7, 2018 78 Exhibit Filed Under Seal (1)
May 7, 2018 78 Exhibit Filed Under Seal (1)
May 7, 2018 78 Exhibit Filed Under Seal (1)
May 7, 2018 78 Exhibit Filed Under Seal (1)
May 1, 2018 74 Opposition/Response to Motion (3)
May 1, 2018 74 Proposed Order (1)
May 1, 2018 75 Order on Motion to Expedite (1)
Apr 30, 2018 69 Notice (Other) (4)
Apr 30, 2018 70 Notice (Other) (4)
Apr 25, 2018 67 Order on Motion for Bond (6)
Apr 18, 2018 65 Order on Stipulation (18)
Apr 18, 2018 66 Order on Stipulation (4)
Apr 14, 2018 64 Reply to Opposition/Response (7)
Apr 14, 2018 64 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller and Exhibits 1-4 (98)
Apr 12, 2018 60 Opposition/Response to Motion (5)
Apr 12, 2018 61 Order on Motion to Continue (2)
Mar 27, 2018 54 Clerk's Notice (2)
Mar 27, 2018 54 Amended Info Sheet (2)
Mar 27, 2018 54 Order Docket No. 47 (24)
Mar 27, 2018 54 Order Docket No.52 (24)
Mar 27, 2018 54 Docket Sheet to Amended Appeal (16)
Mar 27, 2018 55 Notice (Other) (2)
Mar 26, 2018 51 Clerk's Notice (2)
Mar 26, 2018 51 Notice of Appeal (2)
Mar 26, 2018 51 Order (24)
Mar 26, 2018 51 Docket Sheet (15)
Mar 26, 2018 51 Amended Docket Sheet (15)
Mar 26, 2018 52 Order (24)
Mar 23, 2018 47 Order on Motion for TRO (24)
Mar 23, 2018 48 Transcript (44)
Mar 21, 2018 45 Answer to to CounterClaim (9)
Mar 21, 2018 46 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 20, 2018 44 Order (5)
Mar 16, 2018 42 Proposed Order (5)
Mar 16, 2018 42 Proposed Order And Exhbits A-D (26)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Proposed Order (5)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Proposed Order (2)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Exhibit (1)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Exhibit (6)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Exhibit (6)
Mar 16, 2018 43 Exhibit (6)
Mar 15, 2018 41 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 12, 2018 38 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 12, 2018 39 Transcript Order (2)
Mar 7, 2018 36 Report of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting (20)
Mar 7, 2018 36 Exhibit A - Proposed Case Schedule (3)
Mar 6, 2018 N/A ADR Phone Conference held (0)
Mar 5, 2018 33 Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal (1)
Mar 5, 2018 34 Notice (Other) (11)
Mar 1, 2018 32 Reply to Opposition/Response (21)
Mar 1, 2018 32 Declaration of Timothy J. Haller and Exhibits A - M (70)
Mar 1, 2018 32 Declaration of Patrick Buckley (3)
Feb 28, 2018 31 Answer to Amended Complaint (21)
Feb 28, 2018 31 Exhibit A - Master License Agreement (11)
Feb 27, 2018 30 Opposition/Response to Motion (22)
Feb 27, 2018 30 Declaration Mark C. Johnson (3)
Feb 20, 2018 25 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b)of discussion of ADR options (1)
Feb 20, 2018 26 Order (1)
Feb 20, 2018 27 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b)of discussion of ADR options (1)
Feb 20, 2018 28 Notice of need of ADR Phone Conference (ADR L.R. 3-5 d) (1)
Feb 14, 2018 23 Amended Complaint (30)
Feb 14, 2018 23 Amended Complaint* (1)
Feb 2, 2018 22 Answer to Complaint (17)
Jan 22, 2018 21 Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice (1)
Jan 5, 2018 19 Consent/Declination to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge (1)
Dec 28, 2017 18 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Answer (1)
Dec 27, 2017 16 Certificate of Interested Entities (3)
Dec 27, 2017 17 Consent/Declination to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge (1)
Dec 26, 2017 15 Opposition/Response to Motion (7)
Dec 26, 2017 15 Declaration Tiimothy J. Haller, Esq. (4)
Dec 26, 2017 15 Exhibit A to Declaration of Timothy J. Haller (6)
Dec 22, 2017 13 Certificate of Interested Entities (1)
Dec 18, 2017 11 Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice (1)
Dec 18, 2017 12 Order on Motion for Pro Hac Vice (1)
Dec 15, 2017 10 Summons Returned Executed (1)
Dec 15, 2017 10 Certificate/Proof of Service (1)
Dec 14, 2017 7 Summons Issued (2)
Dec 14, 2017 8 Summons Issued (2)
Dec 14, 2017 9 Patent/Trademark Report (1)
Dec 13, 2017 1 Complaint (80)
Dec 13, 2017 1 Civil Cover Sheet (1)
Dec 13, 2017 2 Proposed Summons (2)
Dec 13, 2017 2 Summons Proposed Summons (2)
Dec 13, 2017 N/A Case Assigned by Intake (0)
Dec 13, 2017 1 Complaint* (1)