Patexia Research
Case number IPR2016-00928

Electronic Arts Inc. v. Infernal Technology, LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Apr 21, 2016 1007 petitioner Ex 1007 CG Principles and Practice part one Download
Apr 21, 2016 1 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review of US Patent 6362822 Download
Apr 21, 2016 1014 petitioner Ex 1014 - SIGGRAPH 96 CD Download
Apr 21, 2016 1013 petitioner Ex 1013- SIGGRAPH 96 Website Download
Apr 21, 2016 1012 petitioner Ex 1012 - US 6064393 File History Download
Apr 21, 2016 1011 petitioner Ex 1011 - US 5777621 File History Download
Apr 21, 2016 1005 petitioner Ex 1005 - Declaration of Richard Goodin Download
Apr 21, 2016 1003 petitioner Ex 1003 - Segal 1992 Download
Apr 21, 2016 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Apr 21, 2016 1004 petitioner Ex 1004 - McReynolds 1996 Download
Apr 21, 2016 1006 petitioner Ex 1006 - Goodin cv Download
Apr 21, 2016 1007 petitioner Ex 1007 - CG Principles and Practice part two Download
Apr 21, 2016 1010 petitioner Ex 1010 - US 5953015 File History Download
Apr 21, 2016 1001 petitioner Ex 1001 - US 6362822 Download
Apr 21, 2016 1009 petitioner Ex 1009 - WO 96/19780 Download
Apr 21, 2016 1015 petitioner Ex 1015 - Declaration of Patrick Flynn Download
Apr 21, 2016 1007 petitioner Ex 1007 - CG Principles and Practice part two Download
Apr 21, 2016 1008 petitioner Ex 1008 - SIGGRAPH 92 CD file Download
Apr 21, 2016 1002 petitioner Ex 1002 - US 6362822 File History Download
Apr 26, 2016 3 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
May 12, 2016 5 potential_po Related Matters Download
May 12, 2016 4 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part11 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part14 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part1 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part7 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part3 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part9 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part8 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part13 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part10 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part12 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part5 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2003 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part2 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part4 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part3 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part1 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part5 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part2 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part4 Download
Jul 26, 2016 6 Preliminary Response Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2006 Exhibit-2006 - IGN2 blair-witch Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2001 Exhibit-2001 - Nocturne - IGN Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2003 Exhibit-2003 - GameSpot Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2005 Exhibit-2005 - Open GL Programming Guide__Part6 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2004 Exhibit-2004 - CNN - August 21, 1998 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2003 Exhibit-2003 - GameSpot Download
Jul 26, 2016 2007 Exhibit-2007 - GameSpot 2 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Jul 26, 2016 2002 Exhibit-2002 - Foley__Part15 Download
Oct 25, 2016 7 Trial Instituted Document Download
Oct 25, 2016 8 Scheduling Order Download
Nov 8, 2016 9 Patent Owner's Objections to Petitioners' Evidence Download
Nov 8, 2016 10 Petitioner's Objections to Patent Owner's Evidence Download
Nov 23, 2016 11 Petitioner's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Winslow Taub Download
Nov 23, 2016 12 Petitioner's Updated Exhibit List Download
Nov 23, 2016 1018 Ex 1018 - Taub Pro Hac Vice Declaration Download
Nov 30, 2016 13 Exclusive Licensee's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Dec 20, 2016 14 Order Granting Taub Pro Hac Vice Admission Download
Jan 10, 2017 15 Notice of Deposition of Richard Goodin (822) Download
Jan 19, 2017 16 Notice of Joint Stipulation to Move Trial Due Dates Download
Jan 25, 2017 17 Petitioner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Feb 10, 2017 19 IPR2016-00928 POR Download
Feb 10, 2017 2017 Exhibit 2017 - U.S. Pat. No. 6,664,962 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2023 Exhibit 2023 - Incite Award Download
Feb 10, 2017 2016 Exhibit 2016 - U.S. Pat. No. 6,903,741 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2024 Exhibit 2024 - Andersson Exhibit 130 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2052 Exhibit 2052 - Ferraro Declaration Download
Feb 10, 2017 2033 Exhibit 2033 - Maher 69 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2050 Exhibit 2050 - Crytek Boss Says Visuals Are 60% of the Game The Escapist Download
Feb 10, 2017 2019 Exhibit 2019 - U.S. Pat. No. 6,437,782 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2037 Exhibit 2037 - Maher 73 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2040 Exhibit 2040 - Maher 80 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2010 Exhibit 2010 - Goodin Transcript Download
Feb 10, 2017 2022 Exhibit 2022 - Houston Chronicle article Download
Feb 10, 2017 2041 Exhibit 2041 - Maher 83 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2020 Exhibit 2020 - U.S. Pat. No. 7,034,823 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2034 Exhibit 2034 - Maher 71 Download
Feb 10, 2017 18 IPR2016-00928 PO Motion to Seal Download
Feb 10, 2017 2042 Exhibit 2042 - Maher 82 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2009 Exhibit 2009 - Laub CV Download
Feb 10, 2017 2028 Exhibit 2028 - Andersson Exhibit 133 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2029 Exhibit 2029 - Andersson Exhibit 135 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2053 Exhibit 2053 - Nelson Declaration Download
Feb 10, 2017 2051 Exhibit 2051 - Randel Declaration Download
Feb 10, 2017 2018 Exhibit 2018 - U.S. Pat. No. 5,864,342 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2021 Exhibit 2021 - U.S. Pat. No. 6,876,362 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2043 Exhibit 2043 - EA00312226 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2015 Exhibit 2015 - U.S. Pat. No. 6,016,150 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2027 Exhibit 2027 - Andersson Exhibit 132 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2013 Exhibit 2013 - U.S. Pat. No. 7,061,488 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2012 Exhibit 2012 - Order Granting Infernal's Motion Download
Feb 10, 2017 2008 Exhibit 2008 - 822 Laub Declaration Download
Feb 10, 2017 2032 Exhibit 2032 - Maher 67 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2039 Exhibit 2039 - Battlefield 4 _ Frostbite 3 _ Official Site Download
Feb 10, 2017 20 Public Version IPR2016-00928 POR Download
Feb 10, 2017 2026 Exhibit 2026 - Deferred Shading Techniques using Frostbite Download
Feb 10, 2017 2036 Exhibit 2036 - EA Press Release 103111 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2014 Exhibit 2014 - U.S. Pat. No. 5,742,749 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2011 Exhibit 2011 - Memorandum Opinion and Order Download
Feb 10, 2017 2035 Exhibit 2035 - Maher 72 Download
Feb 10, 2017 2025 Exhibit 2025 Download
Feb 24, 2017 22 Petitioner's Updated Exhibit List Download
Feb 24, 2017 1019 Ex 1019 Plaintiffs' Infernal Emergency Motion Download
Feb 24, 2017 21 Joint Motion to Seal Download
Apr 17, 2017 24 Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Richard Ferraro Download
Apr 17, 2017 23 Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Mark R. Randel Download
Apr 18, 2017 26 Second Notice of Joint Stipulation to Move Trial Due Dates Download
Apr 18, 2017 25 Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Leonard Laub Download
Apr 24, 2017 27 Petitioner's Second Notice of Deposition of Richard Ferraro Download
Apr 28, 2017 28 Exclusive Licensee's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
May 4, 2017 29 Petitioner's Notice of Cancellation of Deposition of Richard Ferraro Download
May 24, 2017 1021 Transcript of Deposition of Leonard Laub Download
May 24, 2017 30 Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner Response Download
May 24, 2017 1022 Declaration of Michael E. Bowlus Download
May 24, 2017 1020 Reply Declaration of Richard Goodin Download
May 24, 2017 31 Petitioner's Updated Exhibit List Download
Jun 1, 2017 32 Exclusive Licensee's Objections to Petitioner's Evidence ('822) Download
Jun 2, 2017 33 IPR2016-00928 Notice of Deposition of Richard Goodin Download
Jun 7, 2017 34 Order - re Authorization for Patent Owner to File Motion to Strike Petitioner's Reply and for Petitioner to File Opposition Download
Jun 9, 2017 2030 Exhibit 2030 - PUBLIC (Replacement) Download
Jun 9, 2017 35 Exclusive Licensee's Updated Exhibit List Download
Jun 9, 2017 2031 Exhibit 2031 - PUBLIC - REDACTED Download
Jun 9, 2017 2045 Exhibit 2045 - PUBLIC (Replacement) Download
Jun 9, 2017 2054 Exhibit 2054 - Conference Call Transcript 06-06-2017 Download
Jun 9, 2017 2044 Exhibit 2044 - PUBLIC (Replacement) Download
Jun 9, 2017 2038 Exhibit 2038 - PUBLIC (Replacement) Download
Jun 14, 2017 36 IPR2016-00928 Motion to Strike Petitioner Reply Download
Jun 15, 2017 2055 Ex. 2055 - Goodin Deposition Transcript Download
Jun 15, 2017 37 IPR2016-00928 Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Jun 15, 2017 40 Request for Oral Argument Download
Jun 15, 2017 39 Motion for Observation on Cross Examination Download
Jun 15, 2017 38 Corrected Motion to Strike Petitioner's Reply Download
Jun 21, 2017 41 IPR2016-00928 Petitioner's Opposition to Exclusive Licensee's Corrected Motion to Strike the Petitioner Reply Download
Jun 26, 2017 42 Order - Request for Oral Argument - 37 CFR 42.70 Download
Jun 29, 2017 43 Petitioner¿¿¿s Response to Exclusive Licensee¿¿¿s Motion for Observation on Cross Examination of Petitioner¿¿¿s Reply Declarant Mr. Richard Goodin Download
Jul 5, 2017 44 Granting Request to Expunge Download
Jul 10, 2017 45 Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Jul 14, 2017 46 Exclusive Licensee's Response to Board's Order in Paper 45 Download
Aug 17, 2017 47 Hearing Transcript Download
Oct 23, 2017 48 FINAL WRITTEN DECISION 35 U.S.C. sec 318(a) Download
Oct 30, 2017 49 Motion for Preservation of the Record Pending Appeal Download
Nov 6, 2017 50 Order - Granting Request to Preserve Record Pending Appeal Download
Dec 20, 2017 51 Petitioner's Notice of Appeal Download