Patexia Research
Case number 337-TA-774

Electronics Devices Having a Digital Television Receiver and Components Thereof 337-TA-774 > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Apr 29, 2011 449833 Zenith Electronics LLC Complaint of Zenith Electronics LLC and Exhibits 1-16 and 20-22 Download
Apr 29, 2011 449834 Zenith Electronics LLC Exhibits 17-19 to Zenith Electronics LLC Complaint Download
Apr 29, 2011 449868 Office of the Secretary Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest Download
May 5, 2011 450528 Office of the Secretary None Download
May 12, 2011 450677 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Letter to Acting Secretary Holbein Download
May 17, 2011 451019 Zenith Electronics LLC 2011-05-17 Ltr fr McKeon to Holbein in response to May 12, 2011 letter re consolidation of cases Download
May 26, 2011 452364 Office of the Secretary None Download
May 31, 2011 451613 Chief Administrative Law Judge Assignment of Chief Judge Luckern as Administrative Law Judge Download
May 31, 2011 451612 Office of the Secretary Institution of Investigation Download
Jun 1, 2011 451672 Chief Administrative Law Judge Notice of Ground Rules, Setting 7/5/11 Date for Discovery Statements, and 7/21/11 Date for Preliminary Conference Download
Jun 1, 2011 451673 Chief Administrative Law Judge Protective Order Download
Jun 3, 2011 451920 Zenith Electronics LLC Notice of Appearance of Fish & Richardson, P.C. on Behalf of Zenith Electronics LLC and Designation of Ralph A. Phillips as Lead Attorney Download
Jun 3, 2011 451922 Zenith Electronics LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Michael J. McKeon, Ralph A. Phillips, James A. Fussell, III, Peter J. Sawert, David J. Healey and Richard A. Sterba Download
Jun 6, 2011 451964 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Notice of Appearance of Kenyon & Kenyon LLP and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP on behalf of Respondents Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc., and Designation of Marcia H. Sundeen as Lead Counsel Download
Jun 6, 2011 451965 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Marcia H. Sundeen Download
Jun 6, 2011 451966 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Letter to Secretary James R. Holbein Requesting Confidential Materials on Behalf of Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America and Sony Electronics, Inc. Download
Jun 6, 2011 452010 Zenith Electronics, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Robert Hillman Download
Jun 6, 2011 452158 Office of the Secretary None Download
Jun 8, 2011 452188 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Aimee N. Soucie Download
Jun 9, 2011 452278 Zenith Electronics LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Shelley Mack Download
Jun 10, 2011 452383 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Heather Belville, Melissa N. Chan, Richard W. Erwine, Ryan S. Goldstein, Nathan Hamstra, Eric Huang, Kevin P.B. Johnson, Sung Hoon Kim, Joseph Milowic III, David Nelson, David Shaul, Amy Signaigo Download
Jun 20, 2011 452941 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Unopposed Motion of the Sony Respondents for an Extension of Time in Which to File Responses to the Complaint and Notice of Investigation Download
Jun 24, 2011 453152 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Edward J. DeFranco, Aaron S. Kaufman, Peter Klivans, Thomas D. Pease and Ray Zado Download
Jul 1, 2011 453692 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Response of Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics Inc. to Complaint (Docket Number 2801) Under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended, and Notice of Investigation Download
Jul 1, 2011 453693 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Confidential Exhibit A to Sony Respondents' Answer to Complaint Download
Jul 5, 2011 453759 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, and Sony Electronics, Inc. Verification to Sony Respondents' Response to Complaint Download
Jul 5, 2011 453771 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Notice of Nonparticipation Download
Jul 8, 2011 453978 Chief Administrative Law Judge Setting Target Date Of 8/6/12 And Requesting Procedural Schedule Download
Jul 15, 2011 454566 Chief Administrative Law Judge Notice to the Parties Suspending the Preliminary Conference Download
Jul 15, 2011 454635 Zenith Electronics, Inc.; Sony; Joint Proposed Procedural Schedule Download
Jul 18, 2011 454703 Chief Administrative Law Judge Setting Procedural Schedule Download
Jul 19, 2011 454860 Zenith Electronics LLC Notice of Appearance of Lee, Hong, Degerman, Kang & Waimey on Behalf of Zenith Electronics LLC and Designation of Ralph Phillips of Fish and Richardson, P.C. as Lead Counsel Download
Jul 19, 2011 454861 Zenith Electronics LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Michael Oleinik Download
Jul 21, 2011 454981 Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, Sony Electronics, Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Ketan Patel Download
Aug 4, 2011 456042 Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge Notice To The Parties Download
Aug 10, 2011 456536 Zenith Electronics and Sony Respondents Zenith's And the Sony Respondents' Joint Motion to Terminate the Investigation Under Commission Rules 210.21(A)(2) and 210.21(B)(1) (Public Version) Download
Aug 10, 2011 456533 Zenith Electronics and Sony Respondents Zenith and the Sony Respondents' Joint Motion to Terminate the Investigation Under Commission Rules 210.21(A)(2) and 210.21(B)(1) Download
Aug 11, 2011 456680 Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge Initial Determination Granting Joint Motion to Terminate Investigation Under Commission Rules 210.21(A) and 210.21(B)(1) Download
Aug 11, 2011 456681 Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge Initial Determinationn Granting Joint Motion to Terminate Investigation Under Commission Rules 210.21(A) and 210.(B)(1) (Public Version) Download
Aug 25, 2011 457889 Office of the Secretary None Download
Aug 26, 2011 457985 Office of the Secretary Notice of a Commission Determination Not to Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation; Termination of the Investigation Download
Sep 1, 2011 458420 Office of the Secretary None Download