Patexia Research
Case number IPR2017-01712

Gilead Sciences, Inc. v. Regents of the University of Minnesota > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Jun 24, 2020 3003 board Ex.3003 Download
Aug 21, 2019 3002 Exhibit 3002 Download
Aug 21, 2019 3001 Exhibit 3001 Download
Feb 1, 2021 2119 patent_own Patent Owner's Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Dec 11, 2020 2118 patent_own Wattanasin v. Fujikawa, Interference 102,648, Paper 119 (BPAI Jan. 31, 1995) Download
Aug 21, 2020 2117 patent_own Venkatachalum et al., Effect of change in nucleoside structure on the activation and antiviral activity of phosphoramidate derivatives, 13(18) BIOORGANIC & MED. CHEM. 5408-23 (2005) ("Venkatachalum 2005") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2116 patent_own Damaraju et al., Nucleoside anticancer drugs: the role of nucleoside transporters in resistance to cancer chemotherapy, 22(47) ONCOGENE 7524-36 (2003) ("Damaraju 2003") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2115 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 10,316,049 Part 2 of 2 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2115 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 10,316,049 Part 1 of 2 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2114 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,573,952 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2113 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,522,912 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2112 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 8,912,190 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2111 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 8,455,451 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2110 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,662,819 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2109 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,432,261 Part 1 of 3 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2109 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,432,261 Part 3 of 3 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2109 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,432,261 Part 2 of 3 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2108 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,724,360 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2107 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,108,953 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2106 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 8,999,969 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2105 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 8,088,792 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2104 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,732,453 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2103 patent_own Kirby, A.J., STEREOELECTRONIC EFFECTS 1-23 (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 1996) ("Kirby 1996") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2102 patent_own Ziao et al., Amino and cyano N atoms in competitive situations: which is the best hydrogen-bond acceptor? A crystallographic database investigation, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B: STRUCTURAL SCI. 850-58 (2001) ("Ziao 2001") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2101 patent_own Kovacs et al., Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions of the Trifluoromethyl Group:2-Trifluoromethylvinyl Alcohol, 62(6) INT'L J. QUANTUM CHEM. 645-52 (1997) ("Kovacs 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2100 patent_own Palusiak et al., Methoxy group as an acceptor of proton in hydrogen bonds, 642 J. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 97-104 (2002) ("Palusiak 2002") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2099 patent_own Liu et al., Fluorinated nucleosides: Synthesis and biological implication, 129(9) J. FLUORINE CHEM. 746-66 (2008) ("Liu 2008") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2098 patent_own Tang et al., Controlling DNA Fragmentation in MALDI-MS by Chemical Modification, 69(3) ANALYTICAL CHEM. 302-12 (1997) ("Tang 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2097 patent_own Seley-Radtke et al., The evolution of nucleoside analogue antivirals: A review for chemists and non-chemists. Part 1: Early structural modifications to the nucleoside scaffold, 154 ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH 66-86 (2018) ("Seley-Radtke 2018") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2096 patent_own Ono et al., 2"-Fluoro modified nucleic acids: polymerase-directed synthesis, properties and stability to analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, 25(22) NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 4581-88 (1997) ("Ono 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2095 patent_own Plavec et al., How Do the Gauche and Anomeric Effects Drive the Pseudorotational Equilibrium of the Pentofuranose Moiety of Nucleosides? 115 J. AM. CHEM. SOC 9734-46 (1993) ("Plavec 1993") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2094 patent_own Huggins et al., Bond Energies and Polarities, 75(17) J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 4123-26 (1953) ("Huggins 1953") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2093 patent_own U.S. Patent Publication No. 2006/0142238 ("McGuigan '238 Publication") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2092 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,429,572 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2091 patent_own Transcript of Gerardus J. Boons July 30, 2020 Deposition Download
Aug 21, 2020 2090 patent_own McGuigan et al., Synthesis and evaluation of some novel phosphoramidate derivatives of 3'-azido-3'deoxythymidine (AZT) as anti-HIV compounds, 1(2) ANTIVIRAL CHEM. & CHEMOTHERAPY 107-113 (1990) ("McGuigan 1990") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2089 patent_own Booth et al., Experimental Studies of the Anomeric Effect. Part V1. Ring Inversion Equilibria in Cyclohexane, Tetrahydropyran and Piperidine Rings Substituted by a Carbomethoxy or a Cyano Group, 48(29) TETRAHEDRON 6161-74 (1992) ("Booth 1992") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2088 patent_own Praly et al., Influence of solvent on the magnitude of the anomeric effect, 65 CANADIAN J. CHEM. 213-223 (1986) ("Praly 1986") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2087 patent_own Prevost et al., Synthesis of 1',2'-cis-Nucleoside Analogues: Evidence of Stereoelectronic Control for SN2 Reactions at the Anomeric Center of Furanosides, 132(35) J. AM. CHEM. SOC.12433-39 (2010) ("Prevost 2010") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2086 patent_own Uesugi et al., A Linear Relationship Between Electronegativity of 2'-Substituents and Conformation of Adenine Nucleosides, 42 TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 4073-76 (1979) ("Uesugi 1979") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2085 patent_own Venkatachalam et al., Rational Drug Design of Multifunctional Phosphoramidate Substituted Nucleoside Analogs, 10(15) CURRENT PHARM. DESIGN. 1713-26 (2004) ("Venkatachalam 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2084 patent_own Fox & Powell, NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE 337-343 (2d ed. 2001) ("Fox 2001") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2083 patent_own Hammen et al., Investigation of a side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond by mutagenesis, thermodynamics, and NMR spectroscopy, 4(5) PROTEIN SCIENCE 936-44 (1995) ("Hammen 1995") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2082 patent_own Ippolito et al., Hydrogen Bond Stereochemistry in Protein Structure and Function, 215(3) J. MOLECULAR BIO. 457-71 (1990) ("Ippolito 1990") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2081 patent_own Dolot et al., A new crystal form of human histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1 (hHINT1) in complex with adenosine 500-monophosphate at 1.38A resolution, in ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F: STRUCTURAL BIO. COMM'NS. 883-88 (2012) ("Dolot 2012") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2080 patent_own "1KPE, PKCI-Transition State Analog" PROTEIN DATA BANK,, (last accessed August 19, 2020) Download
Aug 21, 2020 2079 patent_own U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/584,958 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2078 patent_own Abraham et al., Synthesis, Biological Activity and Decomposition Studies of Amino Acid Phosphomonoester Amidates of Acyclovir, 16(10-11) NUCLEOSIDES, NUCLEOTIDES AND NUCLEIC ACIDS 2079-92 (1997) ("Abraham 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2077 patent_own Dudkin et al., Hydrolysis of Uridine-5' N-aryl and N-alkyl Phosphoramidates by Ribonucleoside-5' Phosphoramidase, 16(1) FEBS LETTERS 48-50 (1971) ("Dudkin 1971") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2076 patent_own Bieganowski et al., Adenosine Monophosphoramidase Activity of Hint and Hnt1 Supports Function of Kin28, Ccl1, and Tfb3, 277(13) J. BIO. CHEM. 10852-60 (2002) ("Bieganowski 2002") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2075 patent_own McGuigan et al., Phosphoramidate as Potent Prodrugs of Anti-HIV Nucleotides: Studies in the Amino Region, 7(1) ANTIVIRAL CHEM. AND CHEMOTHERAPY 31-36 (1996) ("McGuigan 1996") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2074 patent_own McGuigan et al., Phosphoramidate Derivatives of d4T as Inhibitors of HIV: The Effect of Amino Acid Variation, 35 ANTIVIRAL RSCH. 195-204 (1997) ("McGuigan 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2073 patent_own Abraham et al., A Phosphoramidite-Based Synthesis of Phosporamidate Amino Acid Deisters of Antivrial Nucleosides, 13 NECLEOSIDES AND NUCLEOTIDES 1891-1903 (1994) ("Abraham 1994") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2072 patent_own Dressman et al., Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) pH in Young, Healthy Men and Women, 7 PHARM. RSCH. 756-61 (1990) ("Dressman 1990") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2071 patent_own Mundy, Armold, and Amend, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY R1-16 (1993) ("Mundy 1993") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2070 patent_own Guschlbauer et al., Nucleoside Conformation Is Determined by the Electronegativity of the Sugar Substituent, 8(6) NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 1421-33 (1980) ("Guschlbauer 1980") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2069 patent_own Loudon, G.M., ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, excerpts (3rd ed. 1995) ("Loudon 1995") Part 1 of 2 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2069 patent_own Loudon, G.M., ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, excerpts (3rd ed. 1995) ("Loudon 1995") Part 2 of 2 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2068 patent_own De Clercq, E., Strategies in the Design of Antiviral Drugs, 1 NATURE REVS. DRUG DISCOVERY 13-25 (2002) ("De Clercq 2002") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2067 patent_own Glick and Pasternak, Chapter 3: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis, in MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY, PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF RECOMBINANT DNA 19-44 (2d ed. 1998) ("Glick 1998") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2066 patent_own Voet and Voet, BIOCHEMISTRY, excerpts (2d ed. 1995) ("Voet 1995") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2065 patent_own Hui et al., Gemcitabine: A Cytidine Analogue Active Against Solid Tumors, 84 AM. J. HEALTH-SYST. PHARM. 162-170 (1997) ("Hui 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2064 patent_own Kremer, Cytarabine, 82 ANNALS OF INTERNAL MED. 684-88 (1975) ("Kremer 1975") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2063 patent_own Chu, C. K., Chapter 1: Recent Advances in Antiviral Nucleosides, in ANTIVIRAL NUCLEOSIDES: CHIRAL SYNTHESIS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, 1-76 (2003) ("Chu 2003") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2062 patent_own Wagner et al., Pronucleotides: Toward the In Vivo Delivery of Antiviral and Anticancer Nucleotides, 20(6) MEDICINAL RESEARCH REVIEWS 417-51 (2000) ("Wagner 2000") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2061 patent_own Download
Aug 21, 2020 2060 patent_own De Clercq, In Search of a Selective Antiviral Chemotherapy, 4(10) CLINICAL MICROBIO. REVS. 674-93 (1997) ("De Clercq 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2059 patent_own Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Andrea Brancale Download
Aug 21, 2020 2058 patent_own Declaration of Dr. Andrea Brancale ("Brancale") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2057 patent_own Petition for Inter Partes Review, IPR2018-00119 (Filed October 25, 2017) Download
Aug 21, 2020 2056 patent_own International Publication No. WO 2006/063149 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2055 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 4,303,796 Download
Aug 21, 2020 2054 patent_own Chou et al., Phosphoramidate Pronucleotides, MOLECULAR PHARMS. 208-17 (2007) ("Chou 2007, Phosphoramidate Pronucleotides") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2053 patent_own Chou et al., Evidence that Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 3 (Hint3) Is a Distinct Branch of the Histidine Triad (HIT) Superfamily, 373(4) J. MOLECULAR BIO. 978-89 (2007) ("Chou 2007, Hint3") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2052 patent_own Drontle et al., Designing a Pronucleotide Strategem: Lessons from Amino Acid Phosphoramidates of Anticancer and Antiviral Pyrimidines, 4(4) MINI-REVS. IN MED. CHEM. 409-19 (2004) ("Drontle 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2051 patent_own Download
Aug 21, 2020 2050 patent_own Download
Aug 21, 2020 2047 patent_own Petition for Inter Partes Review, IPR2017-02005 (Filed August 29, 2017) Download
Aug 21, 2020 2038 patent_own Boons et al., ORGANIC SYNTHESIS WITH CARBOHYDRATES (Sheffield Acad. Press. 2000) ("Boons 2000") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2030 patent_own Download
Aug 21, 2020 2029 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,964,580 ("the '580 Patent") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2028 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 7,951,787 ("the '787 Patent") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2027 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 6,475,985 ("the '985 Patent") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2026 patent_own Sofia et al., Nucleoside, Nucleotide, and Non-Nucleoside Inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus NS5B RNA-Dependent RNA-Polymerase, 55(6) J. MED. CHEM. 2481-2531 (2012) ("Sofia 2012") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2025 patent_own Sofia, M.J., Nucleotide prodrugs for HCV therapy, 22(1) ANTIVIRAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMOTHERAPY 23-49 (2011) ("Sofia 2011") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2024 patent_own Download
Aug 21, 2020 2023 patent_own Perrone et al., First Example of Phosphoramidate Approach Applied to a 4'-Substituted Purine Nucleoside (4'-Azidoadenosine) 50(22) J. MED. CHEM. 5463-5470 (2007) ("Perrone 2007") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2022 patent_own Chou et al., 31P NMR and Genetic Analysis Establish hinT as the Only Escherchia coli Purine Nucleoside Phosphoramidase and as Essential for Growth under High Salt Conditions, 280(15) J. BIO. CHEM. 15356-61 (2005) ("Chou 2005") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2021 patent_own Clark et al., Design, Synthesis, and Antiviral Activity of 2'-Deoxy-2'-Fluoro-2'-C-Methylcytidine, a Potent Inhibitor of Hepatitis C Virus Replication, 48(14) J. MED. CHEM. 5504-08 (2005) ("Clark 2005") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2020 patent_own U.S. Patent Publication No. 2005/0009737 ("Clark") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2019 patent_own De Clercq, Antivirals and Antiviral Strategies (Supplementary Information), 2(9) NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY 704-20 (2004) ("De Clercq 2004 Supplemental Information") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2018 patent_own De Clercq, Antivirals and Antiviral Strategies, 2(9) NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY 2(9):704-20 (2004) ("De Clercq 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2017 patent_own Kim et al., Monitoring the Intracellular Metabolism of Nucleoside Phosphoramidate Pronucleotides by 31P NMR, 23(1-2) NUCLEOSIDES NUCLEOTIDES NUCLEIC ACIDS 483-93 (2004) ("Kim 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2016 patent_own Eldrup et al., Structure-Activity Relationship of Purine Ribonucleosides for Inhibition of Hepatitis C Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase, 47(9) J. MED. CHEM. 2283-95 (2004) ("Eldrup 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2015 patent_own Marquez et al., Experimental and Structural Evidence that Herpes 1 Kinase and Cellular DNA Polymerase(s) Discriminate on the Basis of Sugar Pucker, 126(2) J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 543-49 (2004) ("Marquez 2004") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2014 patent_own Carroll et al., Inhibition of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Replication by 2'- Modified Nucleoside Analogs, 278(14) J. BIO. CHEM. 11979-84 (2003) ("Carroll 2003") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2013 patent_own Chang et al., Amino Acid Phosphoramidate Monoesters of 3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine: Relationship Between Antiviral Potency and Intracellular Metabolism, 44(2) J. MED. CHEM. 223-31 (2001) ("Chang 2001") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2012 patent_own Brenner et al., Crystal structures of HINT demonstrate that histidine triad proteins are GalT-related nucleotide-binding proteins, 4(3) NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 231-38 (1997) ("Brenner 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2011 patent_own Lima et al., Structure-Based Analysis of Catalysis and Substrate Definition in the HIT Protein Family, 278(5336) SCIENCE 286-90 (1997) ("Lima 1997") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2010 patent_own Marquez et al., HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Can Discriminate between Two Conformationally Locked Carbocyclic AZT Triphosphate Analogues, 120 J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2780-89 (1998) ("Marquez 1998") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2009 patent_own Balzarini et al., Antiretrovirus Specificity and Intracellular Metabolism of 2',3'-Didehydro-2',3'-Dideoxythymidine (Stavudine) and Its 5'-Monophosphate Triester Prodrug So324, 50(5) MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 1207-13 (1996) ("Balzarini 1996") Download
Aug 21, 2020 2008 patent_own Abraham et al., Synthesis and Biological Activity of Aromatic Amino Acid Phosphoramidates of 5-Fluoro-2'-Deoxyuridine and 1-Beta-Arabinofuranosylcytosine: Evidence of Phosphoramidase Activity, 39(23) J. MED. CHEM. 4569-75 (1996) ("Abraham 1996") Download
Jul 1, 2020 2007 patent_own Declaration of Charles T. Steenburg in Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice Download
Aug 23, 2019 2006 Transcript of August 20, 2019 Conference Call Download
Nov 8, 2017 2005 Transcript of October 24, 2017 Conference Call Download
Sep 18, 2017 2004 Patent Assignment Download
Sep 18, 2017 2003 Gilead Sciences, Inc.¿¿¿s Answer to Plaintiff¿¿¿s Complaint for Patent Infringement Download
Sep 18, 2017 2002 University of Minnesota¿¿¿s Consolidated Financial Statements (2015 & 2016) Download
Sep 18, 2017 2001 University of Minnesota Charter Download
Feb 1, 2021 1042 petitioner Petitioner's Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Oct 30, 2020 1041 petitioner Florante A. Quiocho, Protein-carbohydrate interactions: basic molecular features, Pure & Appl. Chem. 61(7):1293-1306 (1989) Download
Oct 30, 2020 1040 petitioner Judith Howard et al., How Good is Fluorine as a Hydrogen Bond Acceptor?, Tetrahedron 52(38):12613-22 (1996) Download
Oct 30, 2020 1039 petitioner Second Declaration of Dr. Gerardus Josephus Petrus Henricus Boons Download
Oct 30, 2020 1038 petitioner Transcript of the October 8, 2020 Deposition of Dr. Andrea Brancale Download
Oct 30, 2020 1037 petitioner World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) FAQs: Amendments to the PCT Regulations (April 1, 2007) Download
Jul 1, 2020 1036 petitioner Declaration of Dr. Gerardus Josephus Petrus Henricus Boons Download
Feb 9, 2018 1035 Gilead's Motion to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review, Regents of the University of Minnesota v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., 17-cv-6056-VC, D.I. 297 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 7, 2018) Download
Feb 9, 2018 1034 Order, Regents of the University of Minnesota v. AT&T Mobility LLC (D. Minn. May 19, 2017) Download
Feb 9, 2018 1033 Stipulation and Proposed Order to Exclude Filings From IPR Proceedings, Regents of the Univ. of Calif. v. St. Jude Medical, LLC (N.D. Cal. Feb. 2, 2018) Download
Feb 9, 2018 1032 January 28, 2018 Email from Counsel for Petitioner to Board and Counsel for Patent Owner Download
Feb 9, 2018 1031 January 26, 2018 Email Chain Between Counsel for Petitioner and Counsel for Patent Owner Download
Feb 9, 2018 1030 January 26 Email from Counsel for Patent Owner to Board and Counsel for Petitioner Download
Feb 9, 2018 1029 Stipulated Case Management Statement, Regents of the University of Minnesota v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., 17-cv-6056-VC, D.I. 275 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 2, 2018) Download
Feb 9, 2018 1028 Order, Regents of the University of Minnesota v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., Civil Action No. 0:16-cv-02915-SRN-HB, D.I. 139 (D. Minn. Jun. 9, 2017) Download
Feb 9, 2018 1027 Preliminary Amendment, U.S. Patent Application No. 14/229,292, (Mar. 31, 2014) Download
Sep 12, 2017 1026 Transcript of Sept. 11, 2017 Conference Call Download
Sep 11, 2017 1025 Declaration of Robert S. Schwartz Download
Sep 11, 2017 1024 Declaration of J. Scott McBride Download
Sep 11, 2017 1023 Declaration of Adam K. Mortara Download
Sep 11, 2017 1022 Declaration of Nevin M. Gewertz Download
Jun 30, 2017 1021 Pauling, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 54: 3570-3582 (1932) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1020 Yoo et al., J. Med. Chem. 2008, 51: 7593-7601 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1019 CenterWatch 2005 FDA Approved Drugs Download
Jun 30, 2017 1018 Kim et al., Molecular Pharmaceutics, 1: 102-111 (2004) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1017 Sicardi et al., European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 22: 25-31 (2004) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1016 Highleyman, "Lodenosine trials stopped due to safety concerns," BETA 12(4): 4 (1999) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1015 Cahard et al., Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2004, 4: 371-381 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1014 Calogeropoulou et al., Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2003, 3: 1467-1495 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1013 Anastasi et al., Current Medicinal Chemistry 2003, 10: 1825-1843 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1012 Curriculum Vitae of Victor E. Marquez, Ph.D. Download
Jun 30, 2017 1011 Declaration of Victor E. Marquez, Ph.D. Download
Jun 30, 2017 1010 U.S. Patent No. 8,399,428 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1009 U.S. Patent No. 8,765,935 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1008 U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/634,677 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1007 International Application No. PCT/US2005/044442 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1006 Preliminary Amendment, U.S. Patent Application No. 11/721,325 (Jun. 8, 2007) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1005 U.S. Patent Application No. 13/753,252 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1004 U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2010/0016251 (Sofia) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1003 Complaint, Regents of the University of Minnesota v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., Civil Action No. 0:16-cv-02915-SRN-HB (D. Minn., Aug. 29, 2016) Download
Jun 30, 2017 1002 File History of U.S. Patent Application No. 14/229,292 Download
Jun 30, 2017 1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,815,830 Download
Jul 23, 2021 68 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Appeal Download
May 21, 2021 67 board Termination Decision Document Download
Apr 23, 2021 66 board Hearing Transcript Download
Feb 2, 2021 65 patent_own Patent Owner's Objections to Petitioner's Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Feb 1, 2021 64 petitioner Petitioner's Objections to Patent Owner's Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Feb 1, 2021 63 petitioner Petitioner's Updated Exhibit List Download
Feb 1, 2021 62 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Filing Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Jan 7, 2021 61 board Order - Setting Oral Argument - 37 CFR 42.70 Download
Dec 18, 2020 60 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Dec 18, 2020 59 patent_own Patent Owner's Request for Oral Hearing Download
Dec 11, 2020 58 patent_own Patent Owner's Sur-Reply to Gilead's Reply Download
Oct 30, 2020 57 petitioner Petitioner's Reply Download
Sep 22, 2020 56 petitioner Notice of Deposition of Dr. Andrea Brancale Download
Sep 22, 2020 55 petitioner Petitioner's Sixth Amended Mandatory Notices Download
Aug 21, 2020 54 patent_own Patent Owner's Response Download
Jul 28, 2020 53 board Granting Patent Owners Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission of Charles T. Steenburg 37 C.F.R. sec 42.10 Download
Jul 15, 2020 52 patent_own Notice of Deposition of Dr. Gerardus Josephus Petrus Henricus Boons Download
Jul 1, 2020 51 petitioner Petitioner's Fourth Amended Exhibit List Download
Jul 1, 2020 50 patent_own Patent Owner's Unopposed Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission of Charles T. Steenburg Download
Jun 26, 2020 49 patent_own Joint Notice of Stipulation Modifying Scheduling Order Download
Jun 24, 2020 48 board Download
May 28, 2020 47 Order Conduct of the Proceeding Scheduling Order Download
May 28, 2020 46 Decision Granting Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Apr 22, 2020 45 Petitioner's Updated Power of Attorney Download
Apr 22, 2020 44 Petitioner's Fifth Amended Mandatory Notices Download
Mar 23, 2020 43 Petitioner's Authorized Table of Supplemental Authority Download
Mar 2, 2020 42 Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Feb 28, 2020 41 Patent Owner's Response to Petitioner's Notice of Ranking Petitions Download
Feb 21, 2020 40 Petitioner's Notice Download
Feb 13, 2020 39 Download
Feb 6, 2020 38 ORDER Granting Patent Owner's Motion to Substitute Lead Counsel Download
Feb 4, 2020 37 Patent Owner's Unopposed Motion to Substitute Lead Counsel Download
Jan 29, 2020 36 Patent Owner's Updated Power of Attorney Download
Jan 29, 2020 35 Patent Owner's Second Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Jan 14, 2020 34 Denying Patent Owner's Motion to Dismiss Download
Jan 13, 2020 33 Patent Owner's Notice of Denial of Petition for Cert in Regents of the University of Minnesota v. LSI Corp. Download
Nov 25, 2019 32 Download
Aug 23, 2019 31 Patent Owner's Notice of Filing Transcript of August 20, 2019 Conference Call Download
Aug 21, 2019 30 Decision - 37 C.F.R. 42.71(b) Download
Dec 5, 2018 29 Petitioner¿¿¿s Fourth Amended Mandatory Notices Download
May 16, 2018 28 Petitioner's Third Amended Mandatory Notices Download
Feb 22, 2018 27 Decision Denying Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Feb 9, 2018 26 Petitioner's Third Amended Exhibit List Download
Feb 9, 2018 25 Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Feb 5, 2018 24 Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Nov 13, 2017 23 Petitioner's Second Amended Mandatory Notices Download
Nov 9, 2017 22 Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Nov 8, 2017 21 Patent Owner Notice of Filing Transcript of October 24, 2017 Conference Call Download
Oct 26, 2017 20 Decision Petitioner's Motions for Pro Hac Vice Admission of Nevin M. Gewertz, Adam K. Mortara, J. Scott McBride, and Robert S. Schwartz Download
Oct 25, 2017 19 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Sep 28, 2017 18 Patent Owner's Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss Download
Sep 25, 2017 17 Gilead Sciences, Inc. Opposition to Regents of the University of Minnesota's Motion to Dismiss Download
Sep 21, 2017 16 Request for Refund Download
Sep 18, 2017 15 Patent Owner's Corrected Certificate of Service Download
Sep 18, 2017 14 Patent Owner's Motion to Dismiss Download
Sep 12, 2017 13 Petitioner's Second Amended Exhibit List Download
Sep 12, 2017 12 Petitioner's First Amended Mandatory Notices Download
Sep 12, 2017 11 Petitioner's Submission of Transcript Download
Sep 11, 2017 10 Petitioner's First Amended Exhibit List Download
Sep 11, 2017 9 Petitioner's Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice Of Robert S. Schwartz Under 37 C.F.R. 42.10(c) Download
Sep 11, 2017 8 Petitioner's Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice Of J. Scott McBride Under 37 C.F.R. 42.10(c) Download
Sep 11, 2017 7 Petitioner's Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice Of Adam K. Mortara Under 37 C.F.R. 42.10(c) Download
Sep 11, 2017 6 Petitioner¿¿¿s Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice Of Nevin M. Gewertz Under 37 C.F.R. ¿¿ 42.10(c) Download
Jul 29, 2017 5 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jul 10, 2017 4 Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
Jul 10, 2017 3 Patent Owner's Mandatory Notices Download
Jun 30, 2017 2 Petitioner's Power of Attorney Download
Jun 30, 2017 1 Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 8,815,830 Download