Patexia Research
Case number IPR2014-00534

Google Inc. v. Micrografx, LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Mar 24, 2014 1 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 24, 2014 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 24, 2014 3 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 24, 2014 4 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 24, 2014 5 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Apr 8, 2014 6 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Pettion Download
Apr 14, 2014 7 potential_ Related Matters Download
Jun 4, 2014 8 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Jun 4, 2014 9 potential_ Related Matters Download
Jul 8, 2014 10 patent_own Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Aug 12, 2014 11 board Decision - Institution of Inter Partes Review - 37 CFR 42.108 Download
Aug 12, 2014 12 board Scheduling Order Download
Sep 16, 2014 13 board Order Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Sep 17, 2014 14 patent_own Notice of Joint Stipulation to Modify Due Dates 1, 2 and 3 of the Scheduling Order Download
Sep 17, 2014 15 petitioner Petitioners Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Sep 25, 2014 17 board Decision - Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission 37 C.F.R. 42.10 Download
Sep 30, 2014 18 petitioner Supplemental Information for Petitioner's Motion for Pro Hac Vice Download
Oct 28, 2014 19 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Deposition of Dr. Anselmo Lastra Download
Nov 21, 2014 20 board Decision - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Nov 21, 2014 21 patent_own Patent Owner's Response Under 37 CFR 42.120 to Petition for Inter Partes Review of US Patent No. 6,552,732 Download
Dec 9, 2014 22 petitioner Notice of Deposition of Gary Kitchen Download
Jan 13, 2015 23 petitioner Petitioners Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Feb 19, 2015 25 board DECISION Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Feb 20, 2015 26 patent_own Notice of Joint Stipulation to Modify Due Date 3 of the Scheduling Order Download
Feb 20, 2015 27 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Deposition of Dr. Anselmo Lastra Download
Mar 6, 2015 28 petitioner Petitioners Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Mar 27, 2015 29 board Order - re Patent Owner's Request for Authorization to File a Surreply Download
Apr 2, 2015 30 petitioner Request for Oral Argument Download
Apr 3, 2015 31 patent_own Patent Owner's Request for Oral Argument Pursuant to 37 CFR 42.70 Download
Apr 3, 2015 32 patent_own Patent Owner's Motion for Observation Regarding Cross-Examination Download
Apr 17, 2015 34 petitioner Petitioner's Response to Micrografx's Motion for Observations Download
May 13, 2015 35 patent_own Patent Owner's Demonstratives Download
Jun 4, 2015 36 board Record of Oral Hearing Download
Jun 17, 2015 37 board Final Written Decision Download
Aug 18, 2015 38 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Appeal Download
Feb 1, 2017 39 Federal Circuit Opinion Download
Mar 24, 2014 1001 petitioner US Patent No. 6,552,732 Download
Mar 24, 2014 1002 petitioner Prosecution History of the 732 Patent Download
Mar 24, 2014 1003 petitioner Declaration of Dr Anselmo Lastra Download
Mar 24, 2014 1004 petitioner VRML - Browsing and Building Cyberspace by Mark Pesce (Part 3 of 3) Download
Mar 24, 2014 1004 petitioner VRML - Browsing and Building Cyberspace by Mark Pesce (Part 3 of 3) Download
Mar 24, 2014 1004 petitioner VRML - Browsing and Building Cyberspace by Mark Pesce (Part 3 of 3) Download
Mar 24, 2014 1004 petitioner VRML - Browsing and Building Cyberspace by Mark Pesce (Part 2 of 3) Download
Mar 24, 2014 1004 petitioner VRML - Browsing and Building Cyberspace by Mark Pesce (Part 1 of 3) Download
Mar 24, 2014 1005 petitioner US Patent No. 5,966,135 Download
Mar 24, 2014 1006 petitioner Prosecution History of US 6,057,854 Download
Mar 24, 2014 1007 petitioner Micrografx LLC v. Google Preliminary Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Infringement Contentions Download
Sep 30, 2014 1009 petitioner Second Almeling Declaration Download
Feb 13, 2015 1010 petitioner Assignment history of the 732 patent Download
Feb 13, 2015 1011 petitioner Transcript of the Deposition of Mr. Garry Kitchen Download
Feb 13, 2015 1012 petitioner Second Declaration of Dr. Anselmo Lastra Download
Feb 13, 2015 1013 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2004 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1014 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2005 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1015 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2006 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1016 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2007 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1017 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2008 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1018 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2009 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1019 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2010 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1020 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2011 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1021 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2013 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1022 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2014 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1023 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2015 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1024 petitioner Exhibit MICROGRAFX-2016 (from 11/7/2014 Deposition of Dr. Lastra) Download
Feb 13, 2015 1025 petitioner Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developers Guide Download
Feb 13, 2015 1026 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 5,883,639 to Walton et al Download
Feb 13, 2015 1027 petitioner What Is Inheritance Download
Feb 13, 2015 1028 petitioner Inheritance (The Java Tutorials) (1995) Download
Nov 21, 2014 2001 patent_own Lastra, Anselmo 11-7-14 DepositionTranscript Download
Nov 21, 2014 2002 patent_own Declaration of Garry Kitchen Download
Nov 21, 2014 2003 patent_own IEEE Dictionary Download
Nov 21, 2014 2012 patent_own VRML Code Download
Nov 21, 2014 2017 patent_own Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary Download
Nov 21, 2014 2018 patent_own Webopedia - Object Definition Download
Nov 21, 2014 2019 patent_own University of Minnesota Duluth - Object-Oriented Terminology Download
Nov 21, 2014 2020 patent_own PCMag - Object-Oriented-Programming Download
Nov 21, 2014 2021 patent_own Dunlop - Modern Object-Oriented Software Development Download
Nov 21, 2014 2022 patent_own NASA Definition Object-Oriented Data Anyalysis Software Concept Download
Nov 21, 2014 2023 patent_own HWS EDU - Objects and Object Oriented Programming Download
Nov 21, 2014 2024 patent_own Oracle Lesson 8 - Object Oriented Programming Download
Nov 21, 2014 2025 patent_own Huang Most Things You need to Know about C Download
Nov 21, 2014 2026 patent_own Oracle - What is an Object Download
Nov 21, 2014 2027 patent_own Scan of Pesce CD Download
Nov 21, 2014 2028 patent_own QVSPHERE.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2029 patent_own QVINDEXEDFACESET.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2030 patent_own QVCONE.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2031 patent_own QVCUBE.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2032 patent_own QVCYLINDER.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2033 patent_own QVINDEXEDLINESET.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2034 patent_own QVPOINTSET.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2035 patent_own QVNODE.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2036 patent_own QVWWWANCHOR.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2037 patent_own QVGROUP.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2038 patent_own QVGROUP.CPP Download
Nov 21, 2014 2039 patent_own QVLISTS.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2040 patent_own QVTRANSFORM.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2041 patent_own README Download
Nov 21, 2014 2042 patent_own QVELEMENT.CPP Download
Nov 21, 2014 2043 patent_own QVSTATE.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2044 patent_own QVCHILDLIST.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2045 patent_own QVPLIST.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2046 patent_own QVNODE.CPP Download
Nov 21, 2014 2047 patent_own QVELEMENT.H Download
Nov 21, 2014 2048 patent_own C Plus Plus Tutorials - Classes Download
Nov 21, 2014 2049 patent_own Farrell Download
Nov 21, 2014 2050 patent_own AON Aware - Classes Download
Apr 3, 2015 2053 patent_own Deposition on 03/27/2015 of Dr. Anselmo Lastra Download
Jun 17, 2015 3003 board The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms Download