Patexia Research
Case number IPR2024-00022

Home Depot USA, Inc. et al. v. Innovaport, LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Mar 28, 2024 12 board Notice: refund approved Download
Mar 25, 2024 11 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Refund Download
Mar 19, 2024 10 board Termination Decision: Pre-DI settlement Download
Mar 14, 2024 9 petitioner Joint Motion to Keep Confidential Download
Mar 14, 2024 8 petitioner Joint Motion to Terminate Download
Mar 6, 2024 7 board Download
Mar 6, 2024 3002 board Exhibit 3002 Download
Feb 27, 2024 6 board Order: Granting Joint Request for Extension of Time Download
Feb 27, 2024 3001 board Exhibit 3001 Download
Dec 11, 2023 5 patent_own Notice : Mandatory Notice Download
Dec 11, 2023 4 patent_own Notice : Power of Attorney Download
Nov 29, 2023 3 board Notice: Notice filing date accorded Download
Nov 20, 2023 1012 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Target Corp., No. 3:22-cv-00425, Dkt. 1 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1013 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Best Buy Co., Inc., No. 3:23-cv-00016, Dkt. 1 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1014 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. IKEA North America Services, No. 2:21-cv-00789, Dkt. 1 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1015 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. IKEA North America Services, No. 2:21-cv-00789, Dkt. 31 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1016 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. IKEA North America Services, No. 2:21-cv-00789, Dkt. 41 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1017 petitioner Alternative Service of Complaint Acceptance Email (May 5, 2023) Download
Nov 20, 2023 1018 petitioner Interim Procedure for Discretionary Denials in AIA Post-Grant Proceedings Download
Nov 20, 2023 1019 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Target Corp., No. 3:22-cv-00425, Dkt. 38 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1020 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1021 petitioner Jennifer Rowley, Multimedia kiosks in retailing Download
Nov 20, 2023 1 petitioner Petition : as filed Download
Nov 20, 2023 1023 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1024 petitioner Kearsley, Public Access Systems: Bringing Computer Power to the People Download
Nov 20, 2023 1025 petitioner Lucy A. Tedd, OPACs through the Ages, LIBR. REV. 43: 27-37 (1994) Download
Nov 20, 2023 1026 petitioner Doub, Community Memory: Precedents in Social Media and Movements Download
Nov 20, 2023 1027 petitioner Apple iBook G3/300 (Original/Clamshell) Specs, Download
Nov 20, 2023 1030 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1031 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1032 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 8,787,933 file history Download
Nov 20, 2023 2 petitioner Notice : Power of Attorney Download
Nov 20, 2023 1011 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Best Buy Co., Inc., No. 3:23-cv-00016, Dkt. 27 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1010 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Target Corp., No. 3:22-cv-00425, Dkt. 18 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1009 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., No. 3:23-cv-00225, Dkt. 16 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1008 petitioner Innovaport LLC v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., No. 3:23-cv-00225, Dkt. 1 Download
Nov 20, 2023 1007 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1006 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1005 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1004 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1003 petitioner 690 patent file history Download
Nov 20, 2023 1002 petitioner Declaration of Dr. Don Turnbull Download
Nov 20, 2023 1001 petitioner Download
Nov 20, 2023 1022 petitioner Otto & Chung, A Framework for Cyber-enhanced Retailing Download