Patexia Research
Case number 1:19-cv-07648

Hub Group, Inc. v. Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Feb 21, 2023 149 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Attorney Michael W. Carwin's motion for leave to appear pro hac vice 148 is granted. Counsel is directed to file his appearance on behalf of the plaintiff. Mailed notice (air, ) (Entered: 02/21/2023) (1)
Feb 21, 2023 150 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. by Michael William Carwin (Carwin, Michael) (Entered: 02/21/2023) (1)
Feb 17, 2023 148 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filing fee $ 150, receipt number AILNDC-20360398. (Carwin, Michael) (Entered: 02/17/2023) (3)
Feb 16, 2023 146 STATUS Report (Joint Status Report) by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew) (Entered: 02/16/2023) (3)
Feb 16, 2023 147 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: On review of the joint status report (doc. #146), the Court retains the 4/28/23 and commends the parties for moving on the scheduling of depositions already. As for expert discovery, the Court considered the proposed schedule to be generous but will enter it and declare it firm with slight modification. Plaintiffs' Rule 26(a)(2) reports to be served by 5 p.m. on 6/23/23, defendants' Rule 26(a)(2) reports to be served by 5 p.m. on 8/21/23, plaintiffs' rebuttal Rule 26(a)(2) reports (if any) to be served by 5 p.m. on 9/21/23. The proposed schedule is modified so that all non-rebuttal expert depositions are to be completed within 60 days of their disclosure so that expert discovery closes on 10/20/23 if there are no rebuttal experts and on 11/8/23 for rebuttal expert discovery if any. A further joint status report on discovery progress is due by noon on 4/27/23 on the anticipated closure of fact discovery. Mailed notice (smm) (Entered: 02/17/2023) (1)
Feb 10, 2023 144 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The settlement conference scheduled for 2/10/23 was not held. Instead, the Court engaged in a lengthy pre-settlement conference, by video, with the parties and their counsel concerning the state of the parties' preparedness to engage in the settlement conference. The Court determined that not all parties are truly prepared to engage in a settlement conference and that the conference should not proceed as scheduled on 2/10/23. Further, with one party reporting a personal emergency on the day of the scheduled conference, the Court determined that Rule 16(f)(1)(B) sanctions would not be levied on this occasion. The parties were instructed to have their counsel engage in further communication, and if and when all parties are truly prepared for a mediation, they may notify the Court of any renewed interest in, and commitment to, in the settlement process. In the meantime, the Court does not terminate the referral because the matter remains referred to the magistrate judge for discovery supervision. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 02/10/2023) (1)
Feb 10, 2023 145 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: This matter having been referred to the magistrate judge for discovery supervision (doc. # 74 ), the Court, as it previously foreshadowed (doc. # 141 ), sets the fact discovery cutoff at 4/28/23 and declares that cutoff firm in this 2019 case in view of previous delays associated with aborted settlement discussions, the latest having occurred today. The Court previously instructed the parties, on 1/18/23 (doc. # 141 ), to begin reaching out to witnesses to schedule their depositions so that the depositions may be completed by the anticipated 4/28/23 cutoff in the event of no settlement. A joint written status report is due by noon on 2/16/23 on the number of depositions noticed or completed, and on the number yet to be noticed, but the Court presumes that at least some depositions already have been scheduled in accord with the 1/18/23 order and its concern that the matter may not settle today, as it did not. The parties further are directed to include in their 2/16/23 status report a contested or agreed expert discovery schedule, if any expert discovery is anticipated. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 02/10/2023) (1)
Feb 9, 2023 143 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The start time of the settlement conference set for 2/10/23 is moved to 11:30 a.m. Chicago time. TIME CHANGE ONLY. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 02/09/2023) (1)
Feb 8, 2023 142 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: To ensure no confusion, the settlement conference over video Webex is set for 10:30 a.m. Chicago time on 2/10/23, and video meeting invitations will be going out shortly. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 02/08/2023) (1)
Jan 18, 2023 140 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Pre-settlement telephonic conference held. The settlement conference set for 1/20/23 is stricken and reset to 10:30 a.m. on 2/10/23. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 01/18/2023) (1)
Jan 18, 2023 141 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Discovery status hearing held telephonically and on the record. The Court directed the parties to reach out to yet-to-be-deposed witnesses so that their availability for depositions on specific dates in February, March and April 2023 can be confirmed, and so that such depositions may be noticed and conducted promptly in the event that this matter does not settle on 2/10/23. The Court further advised that it was envisioning a new fact discovery cutoff date of 4/28/23 in the event of no settlement, and that the parties will have an opportunity to advise the Court of their preference(s) concerning a revised expert discovery schedule. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 01/18/2023) (1)
Jan 17, 2023 139 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The pre-settlement telephonic conference set for 10 a.m. on 1/18/23 stands. After the pre-settlement telephonic conference, the Court will hold an on-the-record telephonic status conference concerning discovery scheduling. The discovery status conference, which is open to the public by phone, will commence about 10:15 a.m. The call-in number for the discovery status hearing is (888) 684-8852, and the access code is 2006804. Mailed notice. (lxk, ) (Entered: 01/17/2023) (1)
Oct 18, 2022 138 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Pre-settlement telephonic conference held. The parties reported that they are prepared to participate in a settlement conference. A video settlement conference is set over Cisco WebEx for 10 a.m. on 1/20/23. The parties are further instructed to submit a joint statement in "Word" format by no later than noon on 1/13/23 to Judge Fuentes' Settlement Correspondence box at The joint statement shall contain a list of all of the participants (for each side who will be participating by video) and the email addresses associated with each name, for the purposes of providing all of the parties with the email invites and the link to connect to the video conference. Parties are instructed to make sure all join the conference from their own email account through the "join meeting" link in their calendar event. Mediation statements in compliance with the Standing Order are due from plaintiff by 5 p.m. on 1/6/23 and from defendants by 5 p.m. on 1/13/23, to the Court's settlement correspondence mailbox and copied to opposing counsel. A pre-settlement telephonic conference is set for 10 a.m. on 1/18/23, when the parties are directed to contact the magistrate judge at the number they have been provided. Mailed notice. (jj, ) (Entered: 10/18/2022) (1)
Oct 11, 2022 137 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: On review of the parties' status report (doc. # 136 ), indicating interest in a settlement conference, the Court sets a pre-settlement telephonic conference with counsel is set for 10:30 a.m. on 10/18/22 to discuss format and scheduling of a video settlement conference. Counsel should be prepared with available settlement conference dates for counsel and clients in December 2022 and January 2023. Counsel should contact the magistrate judge at the time of the pre-settlement conference on the number to be provided to them by the courtroom deputy. Counsel are further directed to review the Court's Standing Order for Settlement Conferences and Top Ten Ways to Defeat Settlement, both available on the Court's website. The Court will take up the status report's request concerning discovery schedule when and if a settlement conference is set. Mailed notice. (jj, ) (Entered: 10/11/2022) (1)
Oct 7, 2022 136 STATUS Report (Joint Status Report) by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew) (Entered: 10/07/2022) (2)
Jul 22, 2022 133 status report (3)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint Status Report) by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew)
Jul 22, 2022 134 order on motion to withdraw as attorney (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Attorney Martha Jahn Snyder's motion to withdraw [132] is granted. Her appearance on the record is terminated. Mailed notice (cn).
Jul 22, 2022 135 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: On review if the parties' joint status report (doc. #133), the Court extends the deadline for compliance with the Court's 7/5/22 order (doc. #128) is extended to 8/8/22 by agreement. The Court adopts the parties' proposed remaining discovery schedule as follows: Fact depositions and fact discovery to close 10/14/22; and expert discovery as follows: (a) Rule 26(a)(2) liability reports due to be served no later than 11/11/22 for plaintiff and 12/9/22 for defendants; (b) rebuttal liability expert reports to be served no later than 12/30/22 for plaintiff; Rule 26(a)(2) damages expert reports due to be served no later than 2/3/23 for plaintiff and 3/3/23 for defendants; (d) plaintiff's rebuttal damages expert report to be served no later than 3/17/23, and expert discovery and thus all discovery to close on 4/14/23. The magistrate judge presumes that the district court will set a dispositive motion schedule at or near the close of discovery. The parties should consider the foregoing schedule to be firm. A further joint status report on the progress and anticipated closure of fact discovery is set for noon on 10/7/22. Mailed notice (lxs, )
Jul 21, 2022 132 motion to withdraw as attorney (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Martha Jahn Snyder to withdraw as attorney for Hub Group, Inc.. No party information provided (Snyder, Martha)
Jul 14, 2022 131 other (18)
Docket Text: Redacted Brief in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Protective Order (Dkt. 106) by Hub Group, Inc. (revised redacted version pursuant to Court's July 6, 2022 Order (Dkt. 128)) (Duchemin, Matthew)
Jul 11, 2022 130 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The Court re-reviewed the docket including the multiple motions to seal seeking to seal materials that do not qualify for sealing. The Court's order on 7/6/22 (doc. #[128]) is modified to reflect that the Court previously ruled (doc. #[109]) on the motions in question on 5/9/22, and to vacate the 7/6/22 to the extent it is inconsistent with the 5/9/22 order, which stands. Mailed notice. (jj, )
Jul 6, 2022 128 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes:The minute order dated 7/05/22 (doc. #[126]) is corrected as follows: Defendants' motion for protective order (doc. #'s [106],[108]) is partially granted and partially denied, for the reasons stated in the accompanying Order. Enter Order. A joint written status report on compliance with the order is due and to be filed by noon on 7/22/22. The agreed motion to extend the 5/27/22 fact discovery cutoff (doc. #[124]) is granted, and the parties should confer under Rule 26(f) and propose in the 7/22/22 report a revised fact and expert discovery schedule. On the motions to seal, defendants' motion (doc. #[107]) is granted in part and denied in part, with only Exhibits 1 and 2 to the motion allowed to remain under seal, and plaintiff's motion (doc. #[114]) is granted in part and denied in part, with only the first full paragraph of page 6 of plaintiff's response (doc. #[113]) allowed to remain under seal. The parties are to refile their briefs and exhibits in accord with the order by 5 p.m. on 7/15/22. Mailed notice. (jj, )
Jul 6, 2022 129 order (10)
Docket Text: ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes on 7/6/2022.Mailed notice.(jj, )
Jul 5, 2022 127 order (10)
Docket Text: ORDER signed by the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes on 7/5/2022. Mailed notice (sxw)
Dec 13, 2021 96 response in opposition to motion (9)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Hub Group, Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. to seal document sealed document, [39], sea[94] (Duchemin, Matthew)
Dec 7, 2021 95 order on motion to seal document (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Defendants' motion to seal or in the alternative strike [94] is taken under advisement. Plaintiff's response, if any, is due by 12/14/2021.Mailed notice. (jlj, )
Dec 6, 2021 94 motion to seal document (8)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. to seal document sealed document, [39], sealed document, [91] or in the alternative strike Exhibits 27, 33, 38, 39, and 43-45 to the Amended Complaint (Beck, Brian)
Nov 22, 2021 93 order on motion to seal document (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Defendants' motion for leave to file document under seal [92] is denied. The fact that disclosure of documents produced in discovery may be subject to a confidentiality order does not determine whether it is appropriate to seal such information from the public record if it is relevant to the Court's consideration of the matters in dispute. (That is why the Confidentiality Order expressly states that it does not itself authorize the filing of any information under seal.) The Court acknowledges that it previously granted a similarly inadequate motion to seal the Amended Complaint. [41] The Court, on its own motion, will reconsider that motion. If one (or both) of the parties seek to seal information in the pleadings or otherwise made part of the public record, a motion must be filed setting forth the justification for sealing and addressing the relevant Seventh Circuit guidance. See, e.g., Baxter Int'l Inc. v. Abbott Laboratories, 297 F.3d 544 (7th Cir. 2002). Any such motion(s) is/are due by 12/06/2021; the Amended Complaint and the provisionally sealed Answer will remain under seal pending ruling on such motion(s). Absent such motion, the relevant pleading(s) will be unsealed.Mailed notice (air, )
Nov 19, 2021 90 answer to amended complaint (30)
Docket Text: ANSWER, public redacted, to amended complaint by Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc.(Beck, Brian) Docket Text Modified by Clerk's Office on 11/22/2021 (cp, ).
Nov 19, 2021 92 motion to seal document (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. to seal document sealed document, [91] ANSWER to Amended Complaint (Beck, Brian)
Nov 8, 2021 89 terminate deadlines (2)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Upon review of the parties' status report (doc. #[88]), the Court enters the following discovery schedule: (1) Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures to be served by no later than 12/3/21; (2) written discovery to be completed by no later than 2/18/22; (3) production of documents and any rolling ESI substantially to be completed by no later than 3/18/22; (4) fact depositions and fact discovery to close on 4/1/22; and (5) expert discovery as follows: (a) Rule 26(a)(2) liability reports due and to be served by no later than 4/15/22 for plaintiff and 5/13/22 for defendants; (b) rebuttal liability expert deadline(s) to be set on motion to be filed by no later than 5/27/22 in the event plaintiff concludes that rebuttal expert liability opinion testimony is required; (c) Rule 26(a)(2) damages expert reports due to be served by no later than 7/15/22 for plaintiff and 8/12/22 for defendants; (d) rebuttal damages expert deadline(s) to be set on a motion filed by no later than 8/26/22 in the event plaintiff concludes that rebuttal damages expert testimony is required; and (e) expert discovery and thus all discovery to close on 10/14/22. In the event parties wish to impose Court-ordered deadlines for amending the pleadings and dispositive motions, they should direct such agreed or contested scheduling to the district court. A joint status report on the progress of discovery and the status of settlement, including as to whether the parties wish to participate in a settlement conference with the magistrate judge, is due and to be filed by noon on 2/28/22, although if the parties reach that conclusion at any time, they may contact the courtroom deputy, Jenny Jauregui, at 312-818-6514 to begin to make the arrangements. Mailed notice. (jj, )
Nov 5, 2021 88 status report (9)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint Status Report) by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew)
Oct 21, 2021 86 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. by Brian J. Beck (Beck, Brian)
Oct 21, 2021 87 terminate deadlines (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: Counsel now having appeared for defendants (doc. #[86]), the Court orders the parties to confer under Rule 26(f) and to file a joint written status report by noon on 11/5/21 setting forth a proposed agreed or contested discovery schedule, including for expert discovery, if applicable. The joint status report previously set for 10/29/21 is vacated. Mailed notice. (jj, )
Sep 27, 2021 84 notice of correction (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Correction [83] (gw, )
Sep 27, 2021 85 order on motion to withdraw as attorney (1)
Docket Text: ORDER: On review of the defense counsel status report (doc. #[82]), the Court's order granting leave to defense counsel to withdraw (doc. #'s [76], [78], [79]) will take effect as scheduled at 5:00 p.m. today, with withdrawing counsel's last obligation being the transmittal of this order to the defendants. Defendants are ordered to file a status report as to their representation by counsel by noon on 10/29/21. If no replacement counsel has appeared or is reported to be appearing promptly, the Court will retain the discretion to order discovery to proceed with defendants unrepresented. The joint status report previously set for 10/1/21 is vacated. The Court will enter a further status report or hearing upon review of the 10/29/21 defendants' report. Signed by the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes on 9/27/2021:Mailed notice(gw, ) Modified on 9/30/2021 (gw, ).
Sep 24, 2021 82 status report (3)
Docket Text: STATUS Report Per Motions to Withdraw as Counsel (as required by Court at Doc. 81) by Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. (Thornburg, Robert)
Sep 24, 2021 83 order (1)
Docket Text: ENTERED in Error Modified on 9/27/2021 (gw, ).
Sep 23, 2021 81 order on motion to withdraw as attorney (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: The motions by the respective attorneys for defendants for leave to withdraw (doc. #'s [76],[77],[78]), which are before the magistrate judge on referral from the district court (doc. #[80]), are provisionally granted, effective at 5:00 p.m. on 10/1/21. In the meantime, by noon on 10/1/21, defendants, through current counsel, are directed to file a written status report addressing their current timetable for engagement of replacement counsel, if known. In the meantime, all discovery-related deadlines are suspended pending further order of Court. The Court is reserving the right to extend the effective date of its grant of the attorneys' motions to withdraw based on the content of the status report. Mailed notice. (jj, )
Sep 22, 2021 79 Main Document (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. re MOTION by Attorney Robert H. Thornburg to withdraw as attorney for Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc.[78] of Filing Notification of Party Contact Information and Return of Service for Motion to Withdraw as Counsel (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit - Notification of Party Contact Information, # (2) Exhibit - Return of Service on Go Hub Group)(Thornburg, Robert)
Sep 22, 2021 79 Exhibit - Notification of Party Contact Information (1)
Sep 22, 2021 79 Exhibit - Return of Service on Go Hub Group (2)
Sep 22, 2021 80 text entry (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The motions to withdraw filed by defendants' counsel [76] [77] [78] are referred to Magistrate Judge Fuentes. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 21, 2021 76 motion to withdraw as attorney (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Thad Chaloemtiarana to withdraw as attorney for Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc.. No party information provided (Chaloemtiarana, Thad)
Sep 21, 2021 77 motion to withdraw as attorney (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Robert H. Thornburg to withdraw as attorney for Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc.. New address information: Go Hub Group Corp., 3300 NW 110 Street, Miami, FL 33167 (Thornburg, Robert)
Sep 21, 2021 78 motion to withdraw as attorney (4)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Robert H. Thornburg to withdraw as attorney for Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc.. New address information: Go Hub Group Corp., 3300 NW 110 Street, Miami, FL 33167 (Thornburg, Robert)
Sep 20, 2021 72 order on motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:The defendants' motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction or alternatively to transfer this action to the Southern District of Florida [54] is denied. Enter Memorandum Opinion and Order. This case is referred to the assigned Magistrate Judge for all further discovery-related matters and for any settlement conference the parties may jointly request. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 20, 2021 73 memorandum opinion and order (17)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 9/20/2021. Mailed notice(air, )
Sep 20, 2021 74 Expedited referral to magistrate judge (1)
Docket Text: Pursuant to Local Rule 72.1, this case is hereby referred to the calendar of Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes for the purpose of holding proceedings related to: for all further discovery-related matters and for any settlement conference.(air, )Mailed notice.
Sep 20, 2021 75 set deadlines (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes: This matter having been referred to the magistrate judge for discovery supervision and settlement (doc. #[73]), the magistrate judge directs the parties to confer under Rule 26(f) and propose a case management and discovery schedule in a joint written status report due by noon on 10/1/21. The parties are directed to review the Court's Standing Order for Civil Cases Before Magistrate Judge Fuentes and the Top Ten Ways to Defeat Settlement, both available on the Court's website. Mailed notice (dal, )
Dec 17, 2020 71 order on motion to withdraw as attorney (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Attorney Anne C. Lewis's motion to withdraw as counsel [70] is granted. Attorney Anne C. Lewis's appearance as counsel shall be terminated. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 16, 2020 70 motion to withdraw as attorney (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Anne C. Lewis to withdraw as attorney for Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp.. No party information provided (Lewis, Anne)
Oct 8, 2020 69 order on motion to seal document (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Defendant's motion for leave to file Exhibit A under seal [68] is granted. Mailed notice (air, )
Oct 2, 2020 66 Main Document (15)
Docket Text: REPLY by Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. to sealed response, [58] (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Lease Agreement, # (2) Exhibit B - Luis Lopez Deposition Excerpts, # (3) Exhibit C - Florida Corporate Document)(Chaloemtiarana, Thad)
Oct 2, 2020 66 Exhibit A - Lease Agreement (1)
Oct 2, 2020 66 Exhibit B - Luis Lopez Deposition Excerpts (4)
Oct 2, 2020 66 Exhibit C - Florida Corporate Document (31)
Oct 2, 2020 68 motion to seal document (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendants Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Freight Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Hazmat Hub, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc. to seal document exhibit, [67] Exhibit A to Reply (Chaloemtiarana, Thad)
Sep 30, 2020 65 response in opposition to motion (18)
Docket Text: RESPONSE by Hub Group, Opposition to MOTION by Defendants Logistics Hub Group Inc., Team DGD, Inc., LTL Hub Corp., Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp., Assetco Freight Brokers, Inc., Truck Hub LLC, WHSE Hub, Inc., Hazmat Hub, Inc., Freight Hub Corp. to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction or, alte[54] (Redacted Brief) (Snyder, Martha)
Sep 25, 2020 64 order on motion to seal document (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Plaintiff's motion for leave to file document under seal [62] is granted. As such, plaintiff's unredacted version of the replacement exhibit [58], provisionally under seal pending order, is permitted to remain under seal. The Clerk is directed to remove unredacted entry [59] from the docket. Plaintiff is given until 10/7/20 to replace the removed document with a version that has redacted material designated as confidential. Mailed notice (air, )
Sep 22, 2020 63 exhibit (2)
Docket Text: EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. (1 CD, Original Document on File) (jh, )
Sep 18, 2020 60 Main Document (9)
Docket Text: DECLARATION of Bryce A. Loken regarding motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction, [54] in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition (Redacted Declaration) (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Notice of Filing 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18, # (19) Exhibit 19, # (20) Exhibit 20, # (21) Exhibit 21, # (22) Exhibit 22, # (23) Exhibit 23, # (24) Exhibit 24, # (25) Exhibit 25, # (26) Exhibit 26, # (27) Exhibit 27, # (28) Exhibit 28, # (29) Exhibit 29, # (30) Exhibit 30, # (31) Exhibit 31, # (32) Exhibit 32, # (33) Exhibit 33, # (34) Exhibit 34, # (35) Exhibit 35, # (36) Exhibit 36, # (37) Exhibit 37, # (38) Exhibit 38, # (39) Exhibit 39, # (40) Exhibit 40, # (41) Exhibit 41, # (42) Exhibit 42, # (43) Exhibit 43, # (44) Exhibit 44, # (45) Exhibit 45)(Snyder, Martha) (Attachment 11 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 10 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 9 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 8 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 7 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 6 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 5 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 4 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ). (Attachment 3 replaced on 1/4/2022) (lxk, ).
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 1 (17)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 2 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 3 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 4 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 5 (4)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 6 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 7 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 8 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 9 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 10 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 11 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Notice of Filing 12 (2)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 13 (24)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 14 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 15 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 16 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 17 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 18 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 19 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 20 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 21 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 22 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 23 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 24 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 25 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 26 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 27 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 28 (2)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 29 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 30 (14)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 31 (4)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 32 (2)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 33 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 34 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 35 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 36 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 37 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 38 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 39 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 40 (3)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 41 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 42 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 43 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 44 (1)
Sep 18, 2020 60 Exhibit 45 (5)
Sep 18, 2020 62 motion to seal document (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. to seal document sealed response, [58], sealed document,, [61] (Snyder, Martha)
Apr 16, 2020 29 motion to withdraw as attorney (3)
Docket Text: MOTION by Attorney Jason Koransky to withdraw as attorney for Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp.. No party information provided (Koransky, Jason)
Mar 30, 2020 28 order (10)
Docket Text: ORDER Seconded Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on March 30, 2020. All open cases are impacted by this Second Amended General Order. Amended General Order 20-0012, entered on March 17, 2020, and General Order 20-0014, entered on March 20, 2020, are vacated and superseded by this Second Amended General. See attached Order for guidance.Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/30/2020: Mailed notice. (docket5, )
Mar 16, 2020 27 order (5)
Docket Text: ORDER Amended General Order 20-0012 IN RE: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 PUBLIC EMERGENCY Signed by the Chief Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on March 16, 2020. All open cases are impacted by this Amended General Order. See attached Order for guidance.Signed by the Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on 3/16/2020: Mailed notice. (ecw, )
Feb 24, 2020 25 order on motion for protective order (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Upon review of the parties' joint motion for entry of agreed confidentiality order [23], the Court grants the motion and resolves the limited disagreements between the parties. No appearance is required on 2/26/20. Enter Confidentiality Order. Mailed notice (air, )
Feb 24, 2020 26 order (14)
Docket Text: CONFIDENTIALITY Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 2/24/2020. Mailed notice(air, )
Feb 21, 2020 23 motion for protective order (2)
Docket Text: MOTION by Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. for protective order (Joint Motion for Entry of Agreed Confidentiality Order) (Snyder, Martha)
Feb 21, 2020 24 notice of motion (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Motion by Martha J Snyder for presentment of motion for protective order[23] before Honorable John J. Tharp Jr. on 2/26/2020 at 09:00 AM. (Snyder, Martha)
Feb 6, 2020 22 order on motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Status hearing held and continued to 6/4/20 at 9:00 a.m. Rulings on topics listed in the joint report on plan for jurisdiction discovery [21] are entered as stated on the record. Briefing as to Defendant GHGH's motion to dismiss is set as follows: Plaintiff's response is due by 4/15/20; Defendant's reply is due by 4/29/20. Parties are directed to further confer regarding differences as to a protective order and to file a motion outlining areas of dispute if unable to agree. Mailed notice (air, )
Feb 4, 2020 21 other (9)
Docket Text: Joint Report on Plan for Jurisdictional Discovery by Hub Group, Inc. (Snyder, Martha)
Jan 30, 2020 20 order on motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Motion hearing held. Defendant's motion to dismiss [17] is taken under advisement. Parties are directed to confer and submit an agreed or disputed expedited jurisdictional discovery schedule by the close of business 2/4/20. Status hearing set on 2/6/20 at 9:00 a.m. A briefing schedule will be set for Defendant's motion to dismiss at the next status hearing. Defendant is not required to answer the complaint, and MIDP program compliance, is not required until further order of the Court.Mailed notice (air, )
Jan 24, 2020 19 declaration (6)
Docket Text: DECLARATION of Luis Lopez regarding motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction[17] (Koransky, Jason)
Jan 23, 2020 12 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. by Thad Chaloemtiarana (Chaloemtiarana, Thad)
Jan 23, 2020 13 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. by Jason Michael Koransky (Koransky, Jason)
Jan 23, 2020 14 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. by Robert H. Thornburg (Thornburg, Robert)
Jan 23, 2020 15 status report (12)
Docket Text: STATUS Report (Joint Initial Status Report) by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew)
Jan 23, 2020 16 notification of affiliates pursuant to local rule 3.2 (2)
Docket Text: NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. (Koransky, Jason)
Jan 23, 2020 17 Main Document (17)
Docket Text: MOTION by Defendant Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A Declaration of Luis Lopez, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(Koransky, Jason)
Jan 23, 2020 17 Exhibit A Declaration of Luis Lopez (6)
Jan 23, 2020 17 Exhibit B (489)
Jan 23, 2020 17 Exhibit C (3)
Jan 23, 2020 18 notice of motion (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Motion by Jason Michael Koransky for presentment of motion to dismiss/lack of jurisdiction[17] before Honorable John J. Tharp Jr. on 1/30/2020 at 09:00 AM. (Koransky, Jason)
Dec 18, 2019 11 set/reset hearings (1)
Docket Text: MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the parties' stipulation [10], the defendant's answer or other responsive pleading is now due 1/23/20. This case is set for an initial status conference on 1/30/20 at 9:00 a.m. The parties are directed to review the procedures for initial status conferences, located at [], and to submit the required initial status report no later than 1/23/20. Mailed notice (air, )
Dec 16, 2019 10 stipulation (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION for Extension of Time and Acceptance of Service of Complaint (Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 20, 2019 N/A summons issued (0)
Docket Text: SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Go Hub Group Holdings, Corp. (txl, )
Nov 20, 2019 9 Notice re Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot(MIDP) (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE TO THE PARTIES - The Court is participating in the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot (MIDP). The key features and deadlines are set forth in this Notice which includes a link to the (MIDP) Standing Order and a Checklist for use by the parties. In cases subject to the pilot, all parties must respond to the mandatory initial discovery requests set forth in the Standing Order before initiating any further discovery in this case. Please note: The discovery obligations in the Standing Order supersede the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1). Any party seeking affirmative relief must serve a copy of the following documents (Notice of Mandatory Initial Discovery and the Standing Order) on each new party when the Complaint, Counterclaim, Crossclaim, or Third-Party Complaint is served. (smm, )
Nov 19, 2019 N/A case assigned (0)
Docket Text: CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes. Case assignment: Random assignment. (txl, )
Nov 19, 2019 1 Main Document (22)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT filed by Hub Group, Inc.; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0752-16456481. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1- U.S. Reg. No. 1,997,149, # (2) Exhibit 2- U.S. Reg. No. 4,746,318, # (3) Exhibit 3- U.S. Reg. No. 4,949,945, # (4) Exhibit 4- U.S. Reg. No. 4,949,946, # (5) Exhibit 5- U.S. Reg. No. 5,487,111, # (6) Exhibit 6- U.S. Reg. No. 5,587,286, # (7) Exhibit 7- U.S. Reg. No. 5,587,287, # (8) Exhibit 8- U.S. Reg. No. 5,681,287, # (9) Exhibit 9- U.S. Reg. No. 5,692,458, # (10) Exhibit 10- App. No. 88398136, TRUCKHUB, # (11) Exhibit 11- App. No. 88396098, FTL HUB, # (12) Exhibit 12- App. No. 88396114, FTL HUB, # (13) Exhibit 13- App. No. 88396218, LTL HUB, # (14) Exhibit 14- App. No. 88396227, LTL HUB, # (15) Exhibit 15- App. No. 88396147, DRAY HUB, # (16) Exhibit 16- App. No. 88396170, DRAY HUB, # (17) Exhibit 17- App. No. 88396191, HAZMAT HUB, # (18) Exhibit 18- App. No. 88396196, HAZMAT HUB, # (19) Exhibit 19- App. No. 88396243, WHSE HUB, # (20) Exhibit 20- App. No. 88396261, WHSE HUB, # (21) Exhibit 21- Truck Hub Website Screenshot, # (22) Exhibit 22- FTL Hub Website Screenshot, # (23) Exhibit 23- LTL Hub Website Screenshot, # (24) Exhibit 24- Dray Hub Website Screenshot, # (25) Exhibit 25- Hazmat Hub Website Screenshot, # (26) Exhibit 26- WHSE Hub Website Screenshot, # (27) Exhibit 27- U.S. Reg. No. 5,654,896)(Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 1- U.S. Reg. No. 1,997,149 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 2- U.S. Reg. No. 4,746,318 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 3- U.S. Reg. No. 4,949,945 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 4- U.S. Reg. No. 4,949,946 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 5- U.S. Reg. No. 5,487,111 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 6- U.S. Reg. No. 5,587,286 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 7- U.S. Reg. No. 5,587,287 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 8- U.S. Reg. No. 5,681,287 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 9- U.S. Reg. No. 5,692,458 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 10- App. No. 88398136, TRUCKHUB (11)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 11- App. No. 88396098, FTL HUB (15)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 12- App. No. 88396114, FTL HUB (15)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 13- App. No. 88396218, LTL HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 14- App. No. 88396227, LTL HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 15- App. No. 88396147, DRAY HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 16- App. No. 88396170, DRAY HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 17- App. No. 88396191, HAZMAT HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 18- App. No. 88396196, HAZMAT HUB (13)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 19- App. No. 88396243, WHSE HUB (15)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 20- App. No. 88396261, WHSE HUB (15)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 21- Truck Hub Website Screenshot (9)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 22- FTL Hub Website Screenshot (11)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 23- LTL Hub Website Screenshot (11)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 24- Dray Hub Website Screenshot (12)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 25- Hazmat Hub Website Screenshot (11)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 26- WHSE Hub Website Screenshot (14)
Nov 19, 2019 1 Exhibit 27- U.S. Reg. No. 5,654,896 (2)
Nov 19, 2019 2 civil cover sheet (2)
Docket Text: CIVIL Cover Sheet (Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 19, 2019 3 other (4)
Docket Text: Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 19, 2019 4 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. by Matthew J Duchemin (Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 19, 2019 5 notification of affiliates pursuant to local rule 3.2 (2)
Docket Text: NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Hub Group, Inc. (Duchemin, Matthew)
Nov 19, 2019 6 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. by Martha J Snyder (Snyder, Martha)
Nov 19, 2019 7 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. by Anita Marie Boor (Boor, Anita)
Nov 19, 2019 8 attorney appearance (1)
Docket Text: ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Hub Group, Inc. by Christian G. Stahl (Stahl, Christian)