Patexia Research
Case number 2015-1996

Medtronic, Inc. v. Boston Scientific Corporation > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Apr 23, 2021 0 MEDTRONIC, INC. v. BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION [OPINION] [nonprecedential] (0)
Jan 17, 2018 81 The petition for writ of certiorari, [17-625], filed on 10/27/2017, was Denied on 01/16/2018. [490133] [JAB] [Entered: 01/17/2018 08:46 AM] (1)
Oct 31, 2017 80 Petition for writ of Certiorari filed on 10/27/2017, and placed on the docket 10/27/2017, in the Supreme Court of the United States. Supreme Court #: 17-625, Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC v. Medtronic, Inc., et al. [471741] [JAB] [Entered: 10/31/2017 09:20 AM] (1)
Sep 26, 2017 79 Notice from the Supreme Court of the United States: The application for a further extension of time in the above-entitled case has been presented to the Chief Justice, who on September 21, 2017, extended the time to and including October 27, 2017. [463497] [SJ] [Entered: 09/26/2017 11:15 AM] (3)
Aug 21, 2017 78 Notice from the Supreme Court of the United States: The application for an extension of time within which to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the above-entitled case has been presented to the Chief Justice, who on August 21, 2017, extended the time to and including September 29, 2017. [457050] [SJ] [Entered: 08/28/2017 01:00 PM] (3)
Jun 8, 2017 77 Mandate issued to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [437464] [15-1996, 15-2074, 15-2075] [JAB] [Entered: 06/08/2017 11:24 AM] (1)
Jun 1, 2017 76 ORDER filed denying [74] petition for panel rehearing filed by Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC; denying [74] petition for en banc rehearing filed by Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. By: En Banc (Per Curiam). Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [435609] [JAB] [Entered: 06/01/2017 11:27 AM] (2)
May 1, 2017 75 18 paper copies of the petition for panel rehearing [74], petition for en banc rehearing [74] received from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. [428204] [CAB] [Entered: 05/01/2017 01:23 PM] (0)
Apr 28, 2017 74 Petition for panel rehearing, for en banc rehearing filed by Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 04/28/2017 by email. The paper copies of the petition must be filed within two business days (see Fed. Cir. R. 35(c)(4).The required paper copies should be received by the court on or before 05/02/2017 [427871] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 04/28/2017 02:44 PM] (36)
Apr 4, 2017 73 OPINION and JUDGMENT filed. The judgment or decision is: Affirmed. (Nonprecedential Opinion). (For the Court: Reyna,Circuit Judge; Linn,Circuit Judge and Wallach,Circuit Judge). [421148] [15-1996, 15-2074, 15-2075] [CAB] [Entered: 04/04/2017 09:04 AM] (17)
Nov 3, 2016 72 Submitted after ORAL ARGUMENT by Arthur Irwin Neustadt for Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC, J. Michael Jakes for Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation and Martin Richard Lueck for Medtronic, Inc. Panel: Judge: Reyna , Judge: Linn , Judge: Wallach. [380017] [JAB] [Entered: 11/03/2016 10:58 AM] (0)
Nov 3, 2016 71 ORDER filed denying [64] motion to seek more time for argument filed by Medtronic, Inc., Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. By: Per Curiam. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [379985] [CAB] [Entered: 11/03/2016 10:09 AM] (2)
Oct 24, 2016 70 ORDER filed granting motion to withdraw Stacie Elizabeth Oberts as counsel. [69] filed by Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. By: Per Curiam. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [377056] [CAB] [Entered: 10/24/2016 12:28 PM] (2)
Oct 20, 2016 69 MOTION of Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. to withdraw counsel Stacie E. Oberts. Response/Opposition is due 11/03/2016 [Consent: not addressed]. Service: 10/20/2016 by email. [376344] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 10/20/2016 04:21 PM] (4)
Oct 19, 2016 68 CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: Notice regarding the ECF account of Stacie Elizabeth Oberts, Esq. for Medtronic, Inc.. The e-mail address, (, associated with your CM/ECF account has generated a delivery failure notice. Counsel should promptly report a change in contact information with the Pacer Service Center (see Fed. Cir. R. 47.3(c)(1). If the attorney is no longer associated with the case, counsel should promptly move to withdraw the attorney (see Fed. Cir. R. 47.3(c)(5)). [375744] [PMM] [Entered: 10/19/2016 10:58 AM] (0)
Oct 17, 2016 67 Response to oral argument order from the Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. designating J. Michael Jakes as arguing attorney. Designated time for argument: 15 minutes. Designated time for rebuttal: 0 minutes. Service of other counsel by Notice of Docket Activity from this entry. [375004] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 10/17/2016 03:45 PM] (0)
Oct 17, 2016 66 Response to oral argument order from the Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. designating Martin R. Lueck as arguing attorney. Designated time for argument: 15 minutes. Designated time for rebuttal: 0 minutes. Service of other counsel by Notice of Docket Activity from this entry. [374990] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 10/17/2016 03:34 PM] (0)
Oct 17, 2016 65 Response to oral argument order from the Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. designating Arthur I. Neustadt as arguing attorney. Designated time for argument: 10 minutes. Designated time for rebuttal: 5 minutes. Service of other counsel by Notice of Docket Activity from this entry. [374851] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 10/17/2016 01:08 PM] (0)
Oct 5, 2016 64 MOTION of Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Guidant Corporation and Medtronic, Inc. for additional time at oral argument. Response/Opposition is due 10/20/2016 [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 10/05/2016 by email. [371729] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 10/05/2016 10:52 AM] (6)
Sep 21, 2016 63 NOTICE OF CALENDARING. Panel: 1611H. Case scheduled Nov 03, 2016 10:00 a.m. at the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Howard T. Markey National Courts Building, 717 Madison Place, N.W. Washington, DC 20439), Courtroom 402. Response to oral argument order due: 10/17/2016. Counsel should check-in 30 minutes prior to the opening of the session. Please review the Oral Argument Order. [368149] THIS NOTICE APPLIES TO CASE(S): [15-1996, 16-1024, 16-1233, 16-1461] [JAB] [Entered: 09/21/2016 01:43 PM] (0)
Sep 14, 2016 62 Notice from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC regarding conflicts with oral argument (Scheduling conflict). Service: 09/14/2016 by email. [366365] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/14/2016 12:40 PM] (2)
Aug 8, 2016 61 Notice from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument (previous commitments). Service: 08/08/2016 by email. [357052] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 08/08/2016 04:43 PM] (2)
Aug 8, 2016 60 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY: The party letter Document No. [59] filed by Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. in 15-1996 is submitted using the incorrect event and therefore cannot be accepted for filing at this time. [Please re-file the document under the "Notice Regarding Conflicts with Argument Dates" event.] You are being afforded the opportunity to correct the deficiency. At the discretion of the court, the corrected document may be accepted for filing if received before midnight (EST) on the date of this notice. [357048] [CAB] [Entered: 08/08/2016 04:34 PM] (0)
Aug 8, 2016 59 Notice from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. regarding conflicts with oral argument (previous commitments). Service: 08/08/2016 by email. [356899] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 08/08/2016 01:58 PM] (0)
Aug 3, 2016 58 Notice from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC regarding conflicts with oral argument (Rosh Hashanah Jewish Holiday). Service: 08/03/2016 by email. [356004] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 08/03/2016 05:24 PM] (2)
Jul 8, 2016 57 Notice from Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation regarding conflicts with oral argument (Rrequesting that the oral arguments for 2015-1996,-2074,-2075 and 2016-1034 not be scheduled on the same day). Service: 07/08/2016 by email. [349265] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 07/08/2016 09:26 AM] (2)
Jun 3, 2016 56 6 paper copies of the Joint Appendix [54] received from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. [341823] [MJL] [Entered: 06/08/2016 11:56 AM] (0)
Jun 1, 2016 55 Notice from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC regarding conflicts with oral argument (Previously scheduled summer vacation.). Service: 06/01/2016 by email. [340040] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 06/01/2016 03:44 PM] (2)
Jun 1, 2016 54 JOINT APPENDIX FILED for Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC [50]. Number of Pages: 297. Service: 06/01/2016 by email. Pursuant to Fed. Cir. R. 30(a)(5), filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 06/06/2016. [340005] [CAB] [Entered: 06/01/2016 03:25 PM] (297)
Jun 1, 2016 53 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY: The party letter Document No. [52] filed by Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC in 15-1996 is submitted using the incorrect event and therefore cannot be accepted for filing at this time. You are being afforded the opportunity to correct the deficiency. [THE CORRECT EVENT IS "NOTICE REGARDING CONFLICT WITH ARGUMENT DATES".] At the discretion of the court, the corrected document may be accepted for filing if received before midnight (EST) on the date of this notice. [339994] [CAB] [Entered: 06/01/2016 03:16 PM] (0)
Jun 1, 2016 52 Letter from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC Oral argument schedule. Service: 06/01/2016 by email. [339918] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 06/01/2016 12:49 PM] (0)
Jun 1, 2016 51 Statement of Compliance with Fed. Cir. R. 33 for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC and Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Guidant Corporation and Medtronic, Inc.. Service: 06/01/2016 by email. [339899] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 06/01/2016 12:08 PM] (3)
Jun 1, 2016 50 TENDERED from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC and Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Guidant Corporation and Medtronic, Inc.. Title: JOINT APPENDIX. Service: 06/01/2016 by email. [339898] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 06/01/2016 12:07 PM] (297)
May 25, 2016 49 6 paper copies of the Reply Brief [48] received from Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. [338699] [MJL] [Entered: 05/26/2016 11:44 AM] (0)
May 23, 2016 48 REPLY BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation [47]. Number of Pages: 6. Service: 05/23/2016 by email. Pursuant to Fed. Cir. R. 31(b), filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 05/31/2016. Appendix is due 06/03/2016. [337542] [CAB] [Entered: 05/23/2016 01:14 PM] (12)
May 23, 2016 47 TENDERED from Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. Title: REPLY BRIEF. Service: 05/23/2016 by email. [337512] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 05/23/2016 12:13 PM] (12)
May 10, 2016 46 6 paper copies of the Reply Brief [44] received from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. [334207] [JCP] [Entered: 05/11/2016 01:46 PM] (0)
May 5, 2016 45 CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: ERROR: Attorney John F. Presper (entry of appearance [6]) is not registered with CM/ECF for the Federal Circuit. CORRECTION: Pursuant to FCR 25(a)(2), attorneys who appear before this court must register for the court's CM/ECF system. Please register promptly. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. [332557] [MJL] [Entered: 05/05/2016 03:29 PM] (0)
May 5, 2016 44 REPLY BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. [43]. Number of Pages: 14. Service: 05/05/2016 by email. Pursuant to Fed. Cir. R. 31(b), filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 05/10/2016. [332555]--[Edited 05/09/2016 by clerk to correct docket text] [MJL] [Entered: 05/05/2016 03:23 PM] (21)
May 5, 2016 43 TENDERED from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. Title: REPLY BRIEF. Service: 05/05/2016 by email, US mail. [332515] [Stacie Oberts] [Entered: 05/05/2016 01:28 PM] (21)
Apr 28, 2016 42 REMINDER: All counsel of record are reminded of their responsibility per Fed. Cir. R. 47.4(a), Fed. Cir. R. 47.3 and ECF-2(E) to promptly submit an amended Certificate of Interest (COI) and/or Entry of Appearance (EOA) as information changes during the pendency of the appeal. Failure to comply with these Rules may delay the timely processing of your case or result in adverse action. [330432] [CAB] [Entered: 04/28/2016 03:23 PM] (0)
Apr 20, 2016 41 6 paper copies of the Response and Reply Brief [40] received from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. [327974] [MJL] [Entered: 04/20/2016 10:53 AM] (0)
Apr 18, 2016 40 REPLY BRIEF FILED for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC [39]. Number of Pages: 30. Service: 04/18/2016 by email. Pursuant to Fed. Cir. R. 31(b), filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 04/25/2016. Cross-Appellants' reply brief is due 05/05/2016. [327485] [CAB] [Entered: 04/19/2016 10:23 AM] (39)
Apr 18, 2016 39 TENDERED from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Title: RESPONSE BRIEF. Service: 04/18/2016 by email, US mail. [327028] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 04/18/2016 10:35 AM] (39)
Mar 15, 2016 38 6 paper copies of the Opening Response Brief [37] received from Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. [318860] [LAJ] [Entered: 03/15/2016 03:14 PM] (0)
Mar 10, 2016 37 BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation [36]. Number of Pages: 31. Service: 03/10/2016 by email. Pursuant to ECF-10, filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 03/16/2016. Appellant's reply brief is due 04/22/2016. [317826] [CAB] [Entered: 03/11/2016 11:58 AM] (41)
Mar 10, 2016 36 TENDERED from Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. Title: RESPONSE BRIEF. Service: 03/10/2016 by email, US mail. [317567] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 03/10/2016 03:09 PM] (41)
Feb 5, 2016 35 **TEXT ONLY** ORDER granting motion to extend time to file appellee/respondent/cross-appellant principal brief [34] filed by Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation brief due 03/11/2016. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. This order has been issued without an attached document and is official and binding. [308993] [JCA] [Entered: 02/05/2016 03:47 PM] (0)
Feb 5, 2016 34 MOTION of Cross-Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation to extend the time to 03/11/2016 at 11:59 pm to file the appellee/respondent/cross-appellant's principal brief. Response/Opposition is due 02/19/2016 [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 02/05/2016 by email, US mail. [308977] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 02/05/2016 03:27 PM] (4)
Jan 19, 2016 33 6 paper copies of the Opening Response Brief [32] received from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. [304612] [LAJ] [Entered: 01/20/2016 10:41 AM] (0)
Jan 14, 2016 32 CORRECTED BRIEF FILED for Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. [31]. Number of Pages: 30. Service: 01/14/2016 by email. Pursuant to ECF-10, filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 01/19/2016. [303051] [LN] [Entered: 01/14/2016 04:13 PM] (37)
Jan 14, 2016 31 TENDERED from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. Title: CORRECTED OPENING BRIEF. Service: 01/14/2016 by email. [302994] [Stacie Oberts] [Entered: 01/14/2016 02:55 PM] (37)
Jan 14, 2016 30 NOTICE OF REJECTION: The brief of Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc., Cross-Appellant Opening Brief [29], is not in compliance with the rules of this court and is therefore rejected for filing. Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. brief due 01/28/2016. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [302955] [LN] [Entered: 01/14/2016 01:41 PM] (2)
Jan 14, 2016 29 TENDERED from Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. Title: OPENING BRIEF. Service: 01/14/2016 by email. [302873] This brief has been rejected. See Doc No.[30] [Stacie Oberts] [Entered: 01/14/2016 11:34 AM] (0)
Dec 29, 2015 28 ORDER filed. The motion to reform the caption [20] is granted. The revised official caption is reflected in the order. The briefing schedule is as follows: Medtronic Inc.'s opening brief is due January 14, 2016. Boston Scientific's opening brief is due within 40 days of Medtronic's opening brief. Mirowski's response/reply brief is due within 40 days thereafter. Medtronic's reply brief is due within 14 days of the filing of Mirowski's response/reply. Boston Scientific's reply brief is due within 14 days of Medtronic's reply brief. Service: 12/29/2015 by clerk. [299248] [LMS] [Entered: 12/29/2015 03:07 PM] (2)
Dec 3, 2015 27 ORDER granting motion to extend time to file cross-appellant's principal brief [26] filed by Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. The brief is due January 14, 2016. Service: 12/03/2015 by clerk. [293466] [LMS] [Entered: 12/03/2015 04:08 PM] (2)
Dec 2, 2015 26 MOTION of Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. to extend the time to 01/14/2016 to file the appellee/respondent/cross-appellant's principal brief. Response/Opposition is due 12/17/2015 [Consent: unopposed]. Service: 12/02/2015 by email. [293091] [Stacie Oberts] [Entered: 12/02/2015 04:33 PM] (3)
Nov 24, 2015 25 RESPONSE of Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation to the clerk order to show cause [21] ,clerk order to set briefing schedule [21] ,clerk order to set case manager tickler date [21] ,clerk order [21]. Service: 11/24/2015 by email, US mail. [291358] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 11/24/2015 10:27 AM] (8)
Nov 20, 2015 24 6 paper copies of the Opening Brief [23] received from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. [290971] [JB] [Entered: 11/23/2015 12:43 PM] (0)
Nov 18, 2015 23 BRIEF FILED for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC [22]. Number of Pages: 33. Service: 11/18/2015 by email. Pursuant to ECF-10, filer is directed to file six copies of the brief in paper format. The paper copies of the brief should be received by the court on or before 11/24/2015. Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. brief is due 12/31/2015. [289975] [JCA] [Entered: 11/19/2015 10:49 AM] (54)
Nov 18, 2015 22 TENDERED from Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Title: OPENING BRIEF. Service: 11/18/2015 by email, US mail. [289847] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 11/18/2015 04:27 PM] (54)
Nov 13, 2015 21 ORDER filed. Boston Scientific and Guidant are directed to show cause as to why 2015-2074 should not be dismissed and why the caption should not be revised to indicate that they are appellees. Boston Scientific and Guidant's response to the show cause order is due within 14 days of the date of this order.; The motion to modify the briefing schedule [20] filed by Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC, Guidant Corporation and Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc., is granted to the extent that Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures’s opening brief is due no later than November 24, 2015. Medtronic’s opening brief is due within 40 days of the filing of Mirowski’s brief. The brief of Boston Scientific and Guidant is due within 40 days of Medtronic’s opening brief. Mirowski’s response/reply brief is due within 40 days thereafter. Medtronic’s reply brief is due within 14 days of the filing of Mirowski’s response/reply.; Ruling on the motion to reform the caption, and whether Boston Scientific and Guidant may file a reply brief, is held in abeyance pending any response to this show cause order. [20] filed by Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC, Guidant Corporation and Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc.. Service: 11/13/2015 by clerk. [288514] [NL] [Entered: 11/13/2015 10:55 AM] (2)
Oct 30, 2015 20 MOTION of Appellants Boston Scientific Corporation, Guidant Corporation, Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC and Cross-Appellant Medtronic, Inc. to modify the official caption. Response/Opposition is due 11/12/2015, to set briefing schedule. Response/Opposition is due 11/12/2015 [Consent: not addressed]. Service: 10/30/2015 by US mail, email. [284837] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 10/30/2015 01:17 PM] (11)
Sep 25, 2015 19 Clerk's Note to the File: Pursuant to Rule 31 practice note, the due date for all appellants' briefs is recalculated from the date of docketing of the later appellants' appeal (15-2074 docketed 9/25/15, consolidated with lead appeal 15-1996). Appellants' briefs are due on 11/24/15. [275346] [AT] [Entered: 09/25/2015 01:41 PM] (0)
Sep 25, 2015 18 Official caption revised to include the consolidated appeal 2015-2074 and cross appeal 2015-2075. The short title is "Medtronic, Inc. v. Boston Scientific Corporation". The official caption is reflected on the electronic docket under the listing of the parties and counsel. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [275340] [AT] [Entered: 09/25/2015 01:34 PM] (0)
Sep 25, 2015 17 Note to file: The following cases are associated: LEAD APPEAL 15-1996 with consolidated appeal 15-2074 and cross appeal 15-2075. FURTHER ENTRIES WILL BE ADDED TO THE LEAD APPEAL ONLY. [275337] [AT] [Entered: 09/25/2015 01:30 PM] (0)
Sep 24, 2015 16 Docketing Statement for the Appellees Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. Service: 09/24/2015 by US mail, email. [274752] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 09/24/2015 11:18 AM] (3)
Sep 24, 2015 15 Official caption revised Appellees Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation making an appearance. The official caption is reflected on the electronic docket under the listing of the parties and counsel. Service as of this date by Clerk of Court. [274743] [CAB] [Entered: 09/24/2015 11:02 AM] (0)
Sep 22, 2015 14 Certificate of Interest for the Not Parties Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. Service: 09/22/2015 by US mail, email. [274246] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 09/22/2015 11:02 AM] (3)
Sep 22, 2015 13 Entry of appearance for J. Michael Jakes as principal counsel for Not Parties Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation. Service: 09/22/2015 by US mail, email. [274243] [J. Jakes] [Entered: 09/22/2015 11:00 AM] (2)
Sep 16, 2015 12 Corrected Certificate of Interest for the Appellee Medtronic Inc.. Service: 09/16/2015 by email. [272642] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 09/16/2015 10:21 AM] (2)
Sep 16, 2015 11 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY: The certificate of interest Document No. [9] filed by Appellee Medtronic Inc. in 15-1996 the form is incomplete and therefore cannot be accepted for filing at this time. You are being afforded the opportunity to correct the deficiency. At the discretion of the court, the corrected document may be accepted for filing if received before midnight (EST) on the date of this notice. [272605] [LN] [Entered: 09/16/2015 09:23 AM] (0)
Sep 15, 2015 10 Entry of appearance for Stacie E. Oberts as of counsel for Appellee Medtronic Inc.. Service: 09/15/2015 by email. [272351] [Stacie Oberts] [Entered: 09/15/2015 01:49 PM] (2)
Sep 15, 2015 9 Certificate of Interest for the Appellee Medtronic Inc.. Service: 09/15/2015 by email. [272347] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 09/15/2015 01:45 PM] (0)
Sep 15, 2015 8 Docketing Statement for the Appellee Medtronic Inc.. Service: 09/15/2015 by email. [272345] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 09/15/2015 01:44 PM] (4)
Sep 15, 2015 7 Entry of appearance for Martin R. Lueck as principal counsel for Appellee Medtronic Inc.. Service: 09/15/2015 by email. [272344] [Martin Lueck] [Entered: 09/15/2015 01:41 PM] (2)
Sep 11, 2015 6 Entry of appearance for John F. Presper as of counsel for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 09/11/2015 by email. [271539] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/11/2015 03:00 PM] (2)
Sep 11, 2015 5 Entry of appearance for Thomas J. Fisher as of counsel for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 09/11/2015 by email. [271537] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/11/2015 02:59 PM] (2)
Sep 11, 2015 4 Entry of appearance for Arthur I. Neustadt as principal counsel for Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 09/11/2015 by email. [271535] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/11/2015 02:57 PM] (2)
Sep 11, 2015 3 Docketing Statement for the Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 09/11/2015 by email. [271533] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/11/2015 02:56 PM] (4)
Sep 11, 2015 2 Certificate of Interest for the Appellant Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC. Service: 09/11/2015 by email. [271529] [Arthur Neustadt] [Entered: 09/11/2015 02:55 PM] (3)
Sep 9, 2015 1 Appeal docketed. Received: 09/02/2015. [270516]Entry of Appearance due 09/23/2015. Certificate of Interest is due on 09/23/2015. Docketing Statement due 09/23/2015. Appellant/Petitioner's brief is due 11/09/2015. [SJ] [Entered: 09/09/2015 10:42 AM] (29)