Patexia Research
Case number IPR2015-00664

Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation v. MiMedx Group, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Apr 25, 2016 2033 patent_owner Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Revised Demonstratives Download
Apr 19, 2016 2032 patent_owner Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Demonstratives Download
Mar 18, 2016 2031 patent_owner Exhibit 2031 - Transcript of the Dec. 22, 2015 Markman Hearing in Civ. A. No. 14-cv-1178 (N.D.Ga.) Download
Nov 20, 2015 2030 patent_owner Declaration of Rebecca N. Baergen, M.D., dated Nov. 19, 2015 Download
Nov 20, 2015 2029 patent_owner Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 8323,701 Download
Nov 20, 2015 2028 patent_owner Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 8,709,494 B2 Download
Nov 20, 2015 2027 patent_owner Transcript of the Oct. 27, 2015 Deposition of Helen N. Jones, Ph.D. Download
Nov 20, 2015 2026 patent_owner Declaration of Helen N. Jones, Ph.D., dated Feb. 2, 2015 Download
Nov 20, 2015 2025 patent_owner Expert Declaration of Dr. Helen N. Jones, dated Jan. 16, 2015 Download
Jun 29, 2015 2024 patent_owner Patent Owner's Corrected Preliminary Response Redlined Download
May 20, 2015 2023 patent_owner Gilbert, Decellularization of tissues and organs, 27 Biomaterials Download
May 20, 2015 2022 patent_owner U.S. Pat. Publ. No. 2004/0048796 Download
May 20, 2015 2021 patent_owner Volkov, Anthroplasty of Joints Using Amniotic Membrane, Arthroplasty of the Hip Download
May 20, 2015 2020 patent_owner U.S. Pat. No. 5,612,028 Download
May 20, 2015 2019 patent_owner Definition of Denude Download
May 20, 2015 2018 patent_owner Adams, Methods in Molecular Biology Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols Download
May 20, 2015 2017 patent_owner Definition of Laminate Download
May 20, 2015 2016 patent_owner Definition of Intact Download
May 20, 2015 2015 patent_owner MiMedx Group, Inc. v. Liventa Bioscience, Inc. et al., Case No. 14-cv-01178-MHC, Plaintiffs Opening Claim Construction Brief Download
May 20, 2015 2014 patent_owner Zelen, A prospective randomized comparative study of weekly versus biweekly application of dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allograft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers Download
May 20, 2015 2013 patent_owner Zelen, Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allografts in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers A long-term follow-up study, Download
May 20, 2015 2012 patent_owner Zelen, A prospective randomized comparative parallel study of amniotic membrane wound graft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers Download
May 20, 2015 2011 patent_owner Maan, Cell recruitment by amnion chorion grafts promotes neovascularization Download
May 20, 2015 2010 patent_owner Koob, Angiogenic properties of dehydrated human amnion/chorion allografts therapeutic potential for soft tissue repair and regeneration Download
May 20, 2015 2009 patent_owner Koob, Biological Properties of dehydrated human amnio/chorion composite graft implications for chronic wound healing Download
May 20, 2015 2008 patent_owner Vicovac, Epithelia-Mesenchymal Transition during Trophoblast Differentiation Download
May 20, 2015 2007 patent_owner Koob, Properties of Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Composite Grafts Implications for Wound Repair and Soft Tissue Regeneration Download
May 20, 2015 2006 patent_owner Benirschke and Kaufman, Pathology of the Human Placenta Download
May 20, 2015 2005 patent_owner Malak, Confocal Immunoflourescence Localization of Collagen Types I, III, IV, V and VI and Their Ultrastructural Organization in Term Human Fetal Membranes Download
May 20, 2015 2004 patent_owner Gartner, Color Textbook of Histology - Part 1 Download
May 20, 2015 2004 patent_owner Gartner, Color Textbook of Histology - Part 1 Download
May 20, 2015 2004 patent_owner Gartner, Color Textbook of Histology - Part 2 Download
May 20, 2015 2003 patent_owner Baergen, Manual of Benirschke and Kaufmann's Pathology of the Human Placenta Download
May 20, 2015 2002 patent_owner Bourne, The Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Amnion and Chorion Download
May 20, 2015 2001 patent_owner Bourne, The Foetal Membranes Download
Apr 25, 2016 1076 petitioner Revised Petitioner Demonstratives Download
Apr 19, 2016 1075 petitioner Petitioner's Demonstratives Download
Feb 10, 2016 1074 petitioner Adds Download
Feb 10, 2016 1073 petitioner John Download
Feb 10, 2016 1072 petitioner Koizumi Download
Feb 10, 2016 1071 petitioner Akle Download
Feb 10, 2016 1070 petitioner Feterolf - Scientific Download
Feb 10, 2016 1069 petitioner Fetterolf-Dehydrated Download
Feb 10, 2016 1068 petitioner Koob Primer Download
Feb 10, 2016 1067 petitioner IOP Download
Feb 10, 2016 1066 petitioner FDA Download
Feb 10, 2016 1065 petitioner Management Download
Feb 10, 2016 1064 petitioner Annual Report Download
Feb 10, 2016 1063 petitioner Wounds Online Download
Feb 10, 2016 1062 petitioner E. Bleich Declaration Download
Feb 10, 2016 1061 petitioner Wounds Download
Feb 10, 2016 1060 petitioner Tseng 142 Patent Download
Feb 10, 2016 1059 petitioner 701 Patent Download
Feb 10, 2016 1058 petitioner MiMedx Pub 2014-00522547 Download
Feb 10, 2016 1057 petitioner Manual Pathology Human Placenta Download
Feb 10, 2016 1056 petitioner Pathology Human Placenta Download
Feb 10, 2016 1055 petitioner Baergen Dep Correspondence Table Download
Feb 10, 2016 1054 petitioner R. Baergen Deposition Transcript (Part 2) Download
Feb 10, 2016 1053 petitioner R. Baergen Deposition Transcript (Part 1) Download
Feb 10, 2016 1052 petitioner PO Responsive CC Brief Download
Feb 10, 2016 1051 petitioner Petitioner's Opening CC Brief Download
Feb 10, 2016 1050 petitioner Baergen Reply Dec Download
Feb 10, 2016 1049 petitioner PO Opening CC Brief Download
Feb 10, 2016 1048 petitioner Prelim Response in 494 Patent IPR Download
Jul 2, 2015 1047 petitioner Exhibit 1047 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1046 petitioner Toda Download
Feb 2, 2015 1045 petitioner Lee Download
Feb 2, 2015 1044 petitioner Hanada Download
Feb 2, 2015 1043 petitioner Matsui Download
Feb 2, 2015 1042 petitioner Wang Download
Feb 2, 2015 1041 petitioner Taguchi Download
Feb 2, 2015 1040 petitioner JP Language Taguchi Download
Feb 2, 2015 1039 petitioner Ishino Download
Feb 2, 2015 1038 petitioner Kinoshita-07 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1037 petitioner JP Language Kinoshita-07 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1036 petitioner Kinoshita-06 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1035 petitioner Rinastiti Download
Feb 2, 2015 1034 petitioner '796 Patent Publication to Hariri Download
Feb 2, 2015 1033 petitioner Robson Download
Feb 2, 2015 1032 petitioner Dino Download
Feb 2, 2015 1031 petitioner Dioguardi Download
Feb 2, 2015 1030 petitioner Douglas Download
Feb 2, 2015 1029 petitioner Dua-07 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1028 petitioner Burgos Download
Feb 2, 2015 1027 petitioner Oxlund Download
Feb 2, 2015 1026 petitioner Farazdaghi Download
Feb 2, 2015 1025 petitioner Sulner Provisional Application Download
Feb 2, 2015 1024 petitioner Wei He Download
Feb 2, 2015 1023 petitioner CN Language Wei He Download
Feb 2, 2015 1022 petitioner Shimazaki Download
Feb 2, 2015 1021 petitioner JP Language Shimazaki Download
Feb 2, 2015 1020 petitioner McGraw-Hill Image Download
Feb 2, 2015 1019 petitioner '467 Provisional Application Download
Feb 2, 2015 1018 petitioner '515 Patent Publication to Hariri Download
Feb 2, 2015 1017 petitioner Dua-99 Download
Feb 2, 2015 1016 petitioner WO 93/10722 to Shenaq Download
Feb 2, 2015 1015 petitioner '298 Patent Publication to Sulner Download
Feb 2, 2015 1014 petitioner Ward Download
Feb 2, 2015 1013 petitioner Klen Download
Feb 2, 2015 1012 petitioner Vishwakarma Download
Feb 2, 2015 1011 petitioner Tseng Download
Feb 2, 2015 1010 petitioner Jones Expert Declaration Download
Feb 2, 2015 1009 petitioner Parry Download
Feb 2, 2015 1008 petitioner '494 Patent File Wrapper Download
Feb 2, 2015 1007 petitioner '494 Patent Download
Feb 2, 2015 1006 petitioner Baergen Expert Declaration Download
Feb 2, 2015 1005 petitioner MiMedx's Proposed Claim Construction Download
Feb 2, 2015 1004 petitioner Joint Claim Construction Statement Download
Feb 2, 2015 1003 petitioner Complaint from Related Litigation Download
Feb 2, 2015 1002 petitioner '437 Patent File Wrapper Download
Feb 2, 2015 1001 petitioner '437 Patent Download
Oct 11, 2016 50 Patent Owner's Notice of Appeal Download
Aug 16, 2016 49 Termination Decision Document Download
Aug 8, 2016 48 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 C.F.R. 42.5 Download
Jun 17, 2016 47 board Record of Oral Hearing Download
Apr 25, 2016 46 patent_owner Notice of Submission of Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Revised Demonstratives Download
Apr 25, 2016 45 petitioner Notice of Submission of Petitioners Revised Demonstratives Download
Apr 19, 2016 44 petitioner Notice of Submission of Petitioner's Demonstratives Download
Apr 19, 2016 43 patent_owner Notice of Submission of Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Demonstratives Download
Apr 13, 2016 42 patent_owner Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Apr 12, 2016 41 board Order- Trial Hearing Download
Apr 6, 2016 40 petitioner Petitioner's Opposition to Patent Owner's Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Mar 23, 2016 39 patent_owner Request for Oral Argument by Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc. Download
Mar 23, 2016 38 patent_owner Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Mar 23, 2016 37 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Oral Hearing under 37 CFR 42.70(a) Download
Mar 18, 2016 36 patent_owner Notice of Submission of Patent Owner MiMedx Group, Inc.'s Exhibit No. 2031 Download
Mar 9, 2016 35 board ORDER Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Mar 4, 2016 34 petitioner Petitioner's Objection to Evidence Download
Mar 4, 2016 33 petitioner Petitioner's Objection to Evidence Download
Feb 17, 2016 32 patent_owner Patent Owner's Objections to Evidence Submitted with Petitioners' Reply Download
Feb 10, 2016 31 petitioner Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner's Response Download
Dec 22, 2015 30 board Decision Denying Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Dec 21, 2015 29 petitioner Petitioner's Notice of Deposition of Rebecca N. Baergen, M.D. Download
Nov 20, 2015 28 petitioner Petitioner's Updated Mandatory Notice Pursuant to 37 CFR 42.8(a)(3) Download
Nov 19, 2015 27 patent_owner Patent Owner's Response Download
Oct 23, 2015 26 petitioner Petitioner's Updated mandatory Notices Pursuant to 37 CFR 42.8(a)(3) Download
Oct 22, 2015 25 petitioner Petitioner's Power of Attorney Download
Oct 19, 2015 24 patent_owner Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Pursuant to 37 CFR 42.8(a)(2) Download
Oct 13, 2015 23 patent_owner Patent Owner's Notice of Deposition of Helen N. Jones, Ph.D. Download
Oct 12, 2015 22 patent_owner Joint Notice of Stipulation to Revised Schedule Download
Oct 1, 2015 21 petitioner Petitioner's reply in support of petitioner's request for rehearing Download
Sep 24, 2015 20 patent_owner Patent Owner's Opposition to Request for Rehearing Download
Sep 17, 2015 19 patent_owner Patent Owner's List of Proposed Motions Download
Sep 17, 2015 18 petitioner Petitioner's List of Proposed Motions Download
Sep 1, 2015 17 petitioner Petitioner's Motion for Rehearing Download
Aug 18, 2015 16 board Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 C.F.R. 42.5 Download
Aug 18, 2015 15 board EXPUNGED Download
Aug 18, 2015 14 board Scheduling Order Download
Aug 18, 2015 13 board Decision Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Jul 31, 2015 12 patent_owner Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. 42.8(a)(2) Download
Jul 2, 2015 11 petitioner Corrected Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Jun 29, 2015 10 patent_owner Patent Owner's Corrected Preliminary Response Download
May 20, 2015 9 patent_owner Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Mar 23, 2015 8 patent_owner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 23, 2015 7 patent_owner Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. Section 42.8(a)(2) Download
Mar 9, 2015 6 board Errata Download
Feb 25, 2015 5 patent_owner Patent Owner's Mandatory Notices Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. 42.8(a)(2) Download
Feb 23, 2015 4 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Feb 20, 2015 3 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Feb 2, 2015 2 petitioner Petition for IPR Download
Feb 2, 2015 1 petitioner Power of Attorney Download