Patexia Research
Case number IPR2019-01392

NOF CORPORATION v. Nektar Therapeutics > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Mar 18, 2020 29 Notice of Refund Download
Mar 11, 2020 27 Patent Owner's Unopposed Motion to Withdraw Counsel Download
Mar 11, 2020 28 Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Mar 5, 2020 25 Petitioners Request for Refund of Post-Institution Fees Download
Mar 5, 2020 26 Petitioners Unopposed Motion to Expunge Download
Feb 18, 2020 24 Order - Granting the Parties' Motions to Seal and Permitting the Parties to Submit Redacted Versions of the Institution Decisions - 37 CFR 42.5, 42.14 Download
Feb 4, 2020 23 Trial Instituted Document Download
Dec 23, 2019 2022 Ex. 2022 - Email to Board from T. Donovan dated November 27, 2019 Download
Dec 23, 2019 21 Patent Owner's Sur-Reply Regarding Patent Owner's Preliminary Response (Redacted) Download
Dec 23, 2019 22 Motion to Seal Patent Owner's Sur-Reply Regarding Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Dec 17, 2019 17 Motion to Seal Petitioners Reply to Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Dec 17, 2019 19 REDACTED Petitioners Reply to Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Dec 11, 2019 16 Revised Redacted Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Dec 5, 2019 15 ORDER Granting the Parties' Joint Motions to Seal; Entering the Parties' Proposed Stipulated Protective Order; and Authorizing the Filing of Revised, Redacted Versions of Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Dec 5, 2019 3001 Ex. 3001 Download
Nov 27, 2019 14 Corrected Proposed Motion to Seal and Protective Order Download
Nov 25, 2019 13 Download
Nov 12, 2019 12 Conduct of the Proceeding: Denying the Parties' Joint Motion to Seal Without Prejudice Download
Nov 6, 2019 2018 Joint Claim Construction Brief (DI 246), Baxalta Inc. et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2010 Letter from Haug Partners LLP to Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Sept. 10, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2019 Claim Construction Order (DI 273), Baxalta Inc. et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2001 Part 1 Certified File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,026,440 Part 1 of 3 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2001 Part 1 Certified File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,026,440 Part 1 of 3 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2006 Memorandum Order (DI 343), Baxalta Inc. et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 11 REDACTED Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Nov 6, 2019 2014 REDACTED Letter from Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP to Magistrate Fallon, USDC D. Del. Sept. 24, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2001 Part 1 Certified File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,026,440 Part 1 of 3 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2020 E.W. Merrill, U.S. Patent No. 5,171,264 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2012 REDACTED Letter from Sidley Austin LLP to Haug Partners LLP, Sept. 16, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2008 Ex. 2008 Letter from Barnes & Thornburg LLP to Haug Partners LLP, Oct. 25, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2007 Ex. 2007 Letter from Haug Partners LLP to Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Oct. 23, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 9 Patent Owner's Response to Petitioner's Notice Ranking Petitions Download
Nov 6, 2019 2009 Protective Order (DI 70), Nektar Therapeutics et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2004 Baumann et al Download
Nov 6, 2019 2017 Letter from Barnes & Thornburg LLP to Haug Partners LLP, Sept. 12, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2005 Letter from Barnes & Thornburg LLP to Haug Partners LLP, Sept. 17, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2013 REDACTED Letter from Richards Layton & Finger to Magistrate Fallon, USDC D. Del. Sept. 16, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2021 Scheduling Order (DI 293), Baxalta Inc. et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2003 Complaint (DI 1), Nektar Therapeutics et al. v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, C.A. No. 17-01316 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2011 Letter from Haug Partners LLP to Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Sept. 13, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2015 REDACTED Joint Letter from Richards Layton & Finger to Magistrate Fallon, USDC D. Del. Oct. 3, 2019 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2001 Part 3 Certified File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,026,440 Part 3 of 3 Download
Nov 6, 2019 2001 Part 2 Certified File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,026,440 Part 2 of 3 Download
Aug 15, 2019 6 PATENT OWNER¿¿¿S MANDATORY NOTICES PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. ¿¿ 42.8(A)(2) Download
Aug 6, 2019 5 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jul 25, 2019 1041 Polymer Preprints - 1997 - Fung et al Download
Jul 25, 2019 1063 Nektar 221 - US7786221 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1080 US4827011 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1077 Weisberger - WO1999048918 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1030 Bailon - PSTT Download
Jul 25, 2019 1083 Yamamoto Declaration Download
Jul 25, 2019 1060 US7201897 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1027 Kohno - WO9534326A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1055 Yokoyama et al (1992) Bioconjugate Chem 3 275 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1042 US4917888 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1040 Enzon WO1998041562A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1043 US5080891 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1074 Butler - Maleylation of amino groups Download
Jul 25, 2019 1046 Sunder - Macromolecules 2000 33 7682-7692 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1076 Reddy - J. Org. Chem. 1997, 62, 2652-2654 (1997) Download
Jul 25, 2019 1057 Zalipsky_Bioconjugate Chem 1995 6 150-165 Download
Jul 25, 2019 4 Petitioners Explanation Download
Jul 25, 2019 1078 Eaton - WO1999052858A2 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1079 Damico - 2benzyloxypropanediol(1967) Download
Jul 25, 2019 1029 MDD - Modern Drug Discovery - Sept 2000 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1044 US5153265 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1025 JPH02-032035 Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1023 JP3067541B2 Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1047 Spivey - Annu Rep Prog Chem Sect B 1999 95 83-95 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1066 Ekwuribe - WO9426778A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1065 Martinez - US5643575 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1069 Shimomura - EP0899310B1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1056 Takahashi-Yukagaku Vol 24 No 1 43-49 (1975) Download
Jul 25, 2019 1071 Kogan - SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 22(16) 2417-2424 (1992) Download
Jul 25, 2019 2 Petitioners Power of Attorney Download
Jul 25, 2019 1045 Thompson - WO1992016221 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1064 Nektar 221 Patent Pros Hist Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 3 Petitioners Exhibit List Download
Jul 25, 2019 1034 JP2000044674A Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1032 Choi - WO1999029759A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1051 Nakamura - Bioconjugate Chem Download
Jul 25, 2019 1033 Dalborg - WO1997011957A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1024 Umehara - JP3067541B2 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1035 JP-674 - JP2000044674A Download
Jul 25, 2019 1026 JP-035 - JPH02-032035 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1054 Huang - J Polym Sci Polym Chem Ed 23 795-799 (1985) Download
Jul 25, 2019 1052 Cooper - US5371253 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1081 Fukunishi 1981 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1068 Taylor - US5684096 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1053 Reed - A One-Step Synthesis of Monoprotected Polyethylene Glycol Ethers Download
Jul 25, 2019 1062 Monfardini et al. Bioconjugate Chem. 1995, 6, 62-69 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1067 Harris 543 - US6541543 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1061 US5252714 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1037 Shearwater Catalog 1997-1998 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1070 Acemoglu - WO1993020126A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1072 Goodson Bio_Technology Vol 8 April 1990 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1082 PCT-692 - WO2001026692A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1031 Katre - WO1987000056A1 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1036 Katre II - Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews - 10 (1993) 91-114 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1050 Ito - Poly(ethylene oxide) Macromonomers Download
Jul 25, 2019 1058 Biotechnical and Biomedical - Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Chemistry 21 (Edited by J. Milton Harris) 1992 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1049 Chao - 1991 Polymer Journal Vol 23 No 9 1045-52 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1048 Durvasula - US5103042 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1073 Romani - Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Cystine-Peptides Download
Jul 25, 2019 1028 Greene 3rd Ed Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1039 ORGANIC PREPARATIONS AND PROCEDURES INT 25(6) 639-647 1993 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1075 Wunsch - Immunodetermination of peptide factors Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler Vol. 366 53-61 1985 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1 Petition for Inter Partes Review of US Patent 7026440 (Process) Download
Jul 25, 2019 1017 JP200001542 Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1022 JP-685 - JPH11228685A Download
Jul 25, 2019 1019 Liebigs Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1021 JPH11228685A Combined Translation - Declaration - Original Download
Jul 25, 2019 1015 Bentley 237 Patent - US5990237 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1012 9187569 Nektar 569 Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1005 Nektar 569 Patent - US9187569 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1016 Harris 462 Patent - US5932462 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1018 JP-542 - JP2000001542A Download
Jul 25, 2019 1004 Nektar 453 patent - US8809453 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1009 7872072 Nektar 072 Pros Hist Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1008 7026440 file history Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1014 Nektar Pending appln Pros Hist Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1013 Nektar 816 Pros Hist Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1020 Liebigs Ann Chem 1983 770-801 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1011 8809453 Nektar 453 Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1007 Nektar Provisional Appln 60337613 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1010 8273833 Nektar 833 Pros Hist Excerpts Download
Jul 25, 2019 1002 Nektar 072 patent - US7872072 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1006 Nektar 816 patent - US8440816 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1001 Nektar 440 patent - US7026440 Download
Jul 25, 2019 1003 Nektar 833 patent - US8273833 Download