Patexia Research
Case number IPR2014-00364

Oil States Energy Services, L.L.C. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
May 1, 2015 37 board Final Written Decision - 35 U.S.C. 318(a) and 37 C.F.R. 42.73 Download
Apr 1, 2015 36 board Record of Oral Hearing Download
Feb 9, 2015 35 patent_owner PO's Objections to Petitioner's Demonstratives Download
Feb 4, 2015 2016 patent_owner Patent Owner's Demonstrative Exhibit for '993 Petition for Oral Hearing Download
Feb 4, 2015 34 petitioner Petitioner's List of Exhibits Download
Feb 4, 2015 33 patent_owner Patent Owner's Updated List of Exhibits Download
Feb 4, 2015 32 patent_owner Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Feb 4, 2015 1029 petitioner Petitioner's Oral Argument Presentation Download
Jan 22, 2015 31 patent_owner Patent Owner's Updated List of Exhibits Download
Jan 22, 2015 2015 patent_owner Deposition Transcript of Gregg S. Perkin Download
Jan 16, 2015 30 board Order - Trial Hearing - 37 CFR 42.70 Download
Jan 7, 2015 29 patent_owner IPR2014-00364 PO's Request for Oral Argument Download
Jan 7, 2015 28 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Jan 5, 2015 27 petitioner Petitioner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Dec 4, 2014 26 patent_owner Notice of Deposition of Gregg Perkin Download
Dec 1, 2014 1024 petitioner 2d Composite Catalog Download
Dec 1, 2014 1009 petitioner G. Wooley Deposition Download
Dec 1, 2014 25 petitioner Unopposed Filing of Errata Sheets for Transcript of Don Shackelford Download
Dec 1, 2014 24 petitioner Petitioner's List of Exhibits Download
Dec 1, 2014 1010 petitioner Perkin Declaration Download
Dec 1, 2014 23 petitioner Petitioner Reply Download
Nov 20, 2014 22 board Order - Conduct of the Proceeding 37 C.F.R. 42.5 Download
Nov 10, 2014 21 petitioner Notice of Stipulation to Amend Scheduling Order Download
Oct 26, 2014 20 petitioner Notice of Deposition - L. Murray Dallas Download
Oct 26, 2014 19 petitioner Notice of Deposition - Gary Wooley Download
Aug 28, 2014 18 patent_owner Patent Owner's List of Exhibits Download
Aug 27, 2014 2012 patent_owner Declaration of Gary R. Wooley in Support of IPR Response Download
Aug 27, 2014 2014 patent_owner Declaration of L. Murray Dallas Download
Aug 27, 2014 2013 patent_owner Deposition Transcript of Donald W. Shackelford Download
Aug 27, 2014 17 patent_owner Patent Owner Response Download
Aug 1, 2014 16 patent_owner Notice of Deposition of Donald Shackelford Download
Jul 1, 2014 15 board Initial Conference Summary Download
Jun 25, 2014 14 patent_owner Patent Owner's List of Proposed Motions Download
Jun 24, 2014 13 petitioner Petitioner List of Proposed Motions Download
Jun 12, 2014 11 board Decision - Institution of Inter Partes Review 37 C.F.R. 42.108 Download
Jun 12, 2014 12 board Scheduling Order Download
Apr 29, 2014 10 patent_owner OSES Preliminary Response Download
Apr 29, 2014 2002 patent_owner OSES Preliminary Response - '993 File History Download
Apr 29, 2014 2001 patent_owner OSES Peliminary Response - '851 Patent Download
Apr 25, 2014 9 board Notice Accepting Corrected Petition Download
Feb 6, 2014 8 potential_po Related Matters Download
Feb 6, 2014 6 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Feb 6, 2014 7 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Feb 4, 2014 5 petitioner Reformatted Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Jan 29, 2014 4 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded Download
Jan 17, 2014 1 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Jan 17, 2014 1008 petitioner Feldhaus Decl. Download
Jan 17, 2014 1003 petitioner Herricks '079 Patent Download
Jan 17, 2014 1006 petitioner Composite Catalog Reference (Pgs. 66-125) Download
Jan 17, 2014 1001 petitioner ‘993 Patent Download
Jan 17, 2014 1007 petitioner Durometer Reference Download
Jan 17, 2014 1004 petitioner McLeod '183 Patent Download
Jan 17, 2014 3 petitioner '993 Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Jan 17, 2014 1002 petitioner Shackleford Decl. Download
Jan 17, 2014 1005 petitioner McLeod_2 '488 Patent Download
Jan 17, 2014 1006 petitioner Composite Catalog Reference (Pgs. 66-125) Download
Jan 17, 2014 1006 petitioner Composite Catalog Reference (Pgs. 1-65) Download