Patexia Research
Case number 2:08-cv-02137


Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 139 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order Amended (4)
Jan 18, 2014 155 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion In Limine No (1)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine On (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Brief to Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion In Limine No. 2 (6)
Jan 18, 2014 137 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 19 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 20 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 21 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 22 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Exhibit G (1)
Jan 18, 2014 14 Exhibit H (1)
Jan 18, 2014 15 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Preclude Defendants' Experts From T (4)
Jan 18, 2014 16 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude Certain Evidence Concerning Pros (1)
Jan 18, 2014 18 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit D (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Exhibit E (1)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit F (1)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit B (1)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit C (1)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Brief Motion In Limine To Preclude Testimony of Jackie White (7)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit A (7)
Jan 18, 2014 121 Main Document (6)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Brief Pfizer's Motion In Limine To Exclude The Testimony of Mylan's Ex (8)
Jan 18, 2014 116 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 4 (79)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit 6 (33)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Plaintiffs' Revised Deposition Designations (35)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Plaintiffs' Revised Objections to Defendants' Trial Exhibits (27)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Plaintiffs' Revised Trial Exhibit List (42)
Jan 18, 2014 113 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 114 Main Document (34)
Jan 18, 2014 106 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 110 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 96 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Sheila F. McShane (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Declaration of James S. Trainor, Jr. in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Consent Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 94 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Jeffrey J. Oelke in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 13 Answer to Complaint (13)
Jan 18, 2014 17 Main Document (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Dimitrios T. Drivas in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Adam Gahtan in Support of Pro Hac Vice Admission (3)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 153 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Notice of Appearance (2)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit O to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Defendants' Motions in Limin (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit 1 to the Cunning Declaration (12)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit L to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit A to the Hunnicutt Declaration (6)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit B to the Hunnicutt Declaration (7)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit C to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit D to the Hunnicutt Declaration (12)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Exhibit E to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit G to the Hunnicutt Declaration (4)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit K to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Exhibit O to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (6)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit P to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 151 Main Document (29)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Defendants' Motions in Li (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (5)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit D to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (49)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit E to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (7)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit N to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (22)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (21)
Jan 18, 2014 149 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 147 Redacted Document (21)
Jan 18, 2014 148 Redacted Document (10)
Jan 18, 2014 145 Main Document (20)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of John B. Wyss (4)
Jan 18, 2014 146 Redacted Document (19)
Jan 18, 2014 144 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A-B Redacted (16)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit D-E (16)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 143 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 135 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 120 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 119 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Motion to Seal Portions of Motions (4)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 98 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Statement in Lieu of Brief in Support of Defendants' Motion to Seal Portion (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal Portions of Moti (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of John B. Wyss (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 97 Motion in Limine (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 81 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Statement in Lieu of Brief (3)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit G to the Hunnicutt Declaration (4)
Jan 18, 2014 8 Exhibit K to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 9 Exhibit L to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 10 Exhibit O to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 11 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Defendants' Motions in Limin (2)
Jan 18, 2014 12 Exhibit 1 to the Cunning Declaration (12)
Jan 18, 2014 153 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Defendants' Motions in Li (4)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit A to the Hunnicutt Declaration (6)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit B to the Hunnicutt Declaration (7)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit C to the Hunnicutt Declaration (8)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit D to the Hunnicutt Declaration (12)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Exhibit E to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 6 Exhibit O to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (6)
Jan 18, 2014 7 Exhibit P to the Hunnicutt Declaration (9)
Jan 18, 2014 151 Main Document (29)
Jan 18, 2014 149 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (21)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit B to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (5)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Exhibit D to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (49)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Exhibit E to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (7)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Exhibit N to the Hunnicutt Declaration Redacted (22)
Jan 18, 2014 148 Redacted Document (10)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of John B. Wyss (4)
Jan 18, 2014 146 Redacted Document (19)
Jan 18, 2014 147 Redacted Document (21)
Jan 18, 2014 144 Main Document (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Exhibit A-B Redacted (16)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Exhibit D-E (16)
Jan 18, 2014 145 Main Document (20)
Jan 18, 2014 135 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 143 Redacted Document (30)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 120 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 119 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Mylan's Local Civil Rule 7.1(d)(4) Statement in Lieu of Brief (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Motion to Seal Portions of Motions (4)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Text of Proposed Order (4)
Jan 18, 2014 5 Certificate of Service (1)
Jan 18, 2014 97 Motion in Limine (3)
Jan 18, 2014 98 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Statement in Lieu of Brief in Support of Defendants' Motion to Seal Portion (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Rachel K. Hunnicutt in Support of Motion to Seal Portions of Moti (4)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Impax's Joinder and Oppositio (7)
Jan 18, 2014 101 Response in Opposition to Motion (3)
Jan 18, 2014 81 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Statement in Lieu of Brief (3)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of John B. Wyss (4)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (3)
Jan 18, 2014 62 Notice (Other) (1)
Jan 18, 2014 100 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Robert J. Fettweis (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Michael M. Shen (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 61 Notice of Change of Address (1)
Jan 18, 2014 59 Notice of Change of Address (1)
Jan 18, 2014 60 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 40 Declaration (2)
Jan 18, 2014 41 Declaration (2)
Jan 18, 2014 42 Notice (Other) (2)
Jan 18, 2014 39 Motion for Leave to Appear (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of John W. Bateman in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of C. Kyle Musgrove in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Robert J. Fettweis in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Text of Proposed Order for pro hac vice appearances (2)
Jan 18, 2014 27 Notice of Appearance (3)
Jan 18, 2014 29 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 101 Response in Opposition to Motion (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Main Document (1)
Jan 18, 2014 62 Notice (Other) (1)
Jan 18, 2014 100 Main Document (5)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Scott A. Cunning in Support of Impax's Joinder and Oppositio (7)
Jan 18, 2014 60 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of Robert J. Fettweis (2)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of Michael M. Shen (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Jan 18, 2014 61 Notice of Change of Address (1)
Jan 18, 2014 41 Declaration (2)
Jan 18, 2014 42 Notice (Other) (2)
Jan 18, 2014 59 Notice of Change of Address (1)
Jan 18, 2014 2 Declaration of C. Kyle Musgrove in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 3 Declaration of Robert J. Fettweis in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 4 Text of Proposed Order for pro hac vice appearances (2)
Jan 18, 2014 39 Motion for Leave to Appear (3)
Jan 18, 2014 40 Declaration (2)
Jan 18, 2014 27 Notice of Appearance (3)
Jan 18, 2014 29 Main Document (3)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Declaration of John W. Bateman in support of pro hac vice motion (2)
Jan 18, 2014 1 Main Document (1)