Patexia Research
Case number IPR2016-00151

Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Nov 5, 2015 1 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Nov 5, 2015 2 petitioner Petition Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 Download
Nov 5, 2015 3 petitioner Motion for Joinder Download
Nov 17, 2015 4 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition - Defective Petition Download
Nov 19, 2015 5 petitioner Notice of Filing Corrected Exhibit 1002 Download
Nov 23, 2015 6 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Nov 23, 2015 7 potential_ Related Matters Download
Feb 17, 2016 8 patent_own Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Mar 2, 2016 9 patent_own Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Apr 20, 2016 10 board Decision - Partial Institution of Inter Partes Review, Motion for Joinder Download
Apr 20, 2016 11 board Scheduling Order Download
May 4, 2016 12 patent_own Patent Owner's Objections to Evidence Download
May 4, 2016 13 patent_own Patent Owner's Partial Request for Rehearing Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. Secs. 42.71(c) and 42.71(d) Download
May 11, 2016 14 petitioner ADR Statement Download
May 18, 2016 15 patent_own Patent Owner's List of Proposed Motions Download
Jun 2, 2016 16 board Decision Denying Patent Owners Request for Rehearing Download
Jun 16, 2016 17 petitioner Joint Notice of Stipulation to Amend Scheduling Order Download
Aug 5, 2016 18 Patent Owner's Notice of Taking Deposition of Dr. Aviel Rubin Download
Aug 31, 2016 19 Patent Owner Response Download
Aug 31, 2016 20 Motion to Seal Patent Owner Response and Exhibits Download
Sep 8, 2016 21 IPR2016-01071 Decision to Institute and Grant of Joinder Download
Sep 8, 2016 22 Petitioner's Objection to Evidence Download
Sep 30, 2016 23 Petitioner's Opposition to Patent Owner's Motion to Seal Download
Oct 20, 2016 24 Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Oct 26, 2016 25 Joint Stipulation to Amend Scheduling Order Download
Oct 27, 2016 26 Notice of Deposition of Marc Berger PhD Download
Oct 27, 2016 27 Notice of Deposition of Nenad Medvidovic PhD Download
Oct 27, 2016 28 Notice of Deposition of Yuval Ben-Itzhak Download
Oct 27, 2016 29 Patent Owner Reply to Opposition to Motion to Seal Download
Nov 15, 2016 30 Petitioner Palo Alto Networks, Inc.'s Brief on Estoppel Download
Nov 15, 2016 31 Patent Owner's Brief Concerning Petitioner Estoppel Under 35 USC ¿¿ 315(e)(1) Download
Dec 6, 2016 32 Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner Response Download
Dec 9, 2016 33 Patent Owner's Objections to Evidence in Petitioner's Reply Under 37 C.F.R. ¿¿ 42.64 Download
Dec 15, 2016 34 Patent Owner's Notice of Taking Deposition of Dr. Aviel Rubin Download
Dec 19, 2016 35 Joint Stipulation to Modify Due Dates 4-5 Download
Dec 19, 2016 36 Patent Owner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Dec 22, 2016 37 Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Dec 28, 2016 38 Petitioner's Motion to Exclude Download
Dec 28, 2016 39 Patent Owner's Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Dec 28, 2016 40 Patent Owner's Motion for Observations Download
Dec 28, 2016 41 Patent Owner Updated Exhibit List Download
Jan 4, 2017 42 Petitioner¿¿¿s Opposition to Patent Owner¿¿¿s Motion to Exclude Download
Jan 4, 2017 43 Petitioner¿¿¿s Response to Patent Owner¿¿¿s Motion for Observations Download
Jan 4, 2017 44 Patent Owner's Opposition to Motion to Exclude Download
Jan 10, 2017 45 Petitioner's Reply in Support of Motion to Exclude Download
Jan 10, 2017 46 Patent Owner Reply to Petitioner's Opposition to Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Jan 10, 2017 47 Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Jan 17, 2017 48 ORDER Granting Request for Oral Argument Download
Feb 17, 2017 49 Record of Oral Hearing Download
Feb 24, 2017 50 Decision Denying Patent Owner¿¿¿s Motion to Seal and Entry of Protective Order Download
Mar 15, 2017 51 FINAL WRITTEN DECISION Download
Apr 14, 2017 52 Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Jul 17, 2017 54 Petitioners Notice of Appeal Download
Jan 23, 2019 55 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Jan 23, 2019 56 Order Conduct of the Proceeding - Remand Briefing Schedule Download
Jan 28, 2019 57 Joint Motion to Terminate and Joint Notice of Agreement Download
Jan 28, 2019 58 Joint Motion to File Settlement Agreement Download
Jan 29, 2019 59 ORDER Granting Joint Motion to Terminate as to Symantec Corp. Download
Feb 13, 2019 60 Petitioner Opening Brief on Remand Download
Mar 6, 2019 61 Patent Owner's Response on Remand Download
Mar 13, 2019 62 Petitioner's Reply Brief on Remand Download
Mar 20, 2019 63 Patent Owner's Sur-Reply to Petitioner's Reply Brief on Remand Download
Mar 20, 2019 64 Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Mar 21, 2019 65 Order - Oral Hearing - 37 CFR 42.70(a) Download
Mar 22, 2019 66 CAFC Decision entered 19 Nov 2018 AFFIRMED-IN-PART, VACATED AND REMANDED-IN-PART Download
Apr 9, 2019 67 Hearing Transcript Download
May 15, 2019 68 Final Written Decision on Remand Download
Jul 17, 2019 69 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.'s Notice of Appeal Download
Nov 5, 2015 1001 petitioner Exhibit 1001 Download
Nov 19, 2015 1002 petitioner Exhibit 1002 - Corrected Download
Nov 19, 2015 1002 petitioner Exhibit 1002 - Corrected Download
Nov 5, 2015 1002 petitioner Exhibit 1002 Download
Nov 5, 2015 1003 petitioner Exhibit 1003 Download
Nov 5, 2015 1004 petitioner Exhibit 1004 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1005 Exhibit 1005 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1006 Exhibit 1006 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1007 Exhibit 1007 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1008 Exhibit 1008 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1009 Exhibit 1009 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1010 Exhibit 1010 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1011 Exhibit 1011 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1012 Exhibit 1012 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1013 Exhibit 1013 Download
Dec 6, 2016 1014 Exhibit 1014 Download
Dec 28, 2016 1015 Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Marc Berger, Ph.D. Download
Feb 17, 2016 2001 patent_own Exhibit 2001 Download
Feb 17, 2016 2002 patent_own Exhibit 2002 Download
Feb 17, 2016 2003 patent_own Exhibit 2003 Download
Feb 17, 2016 2004 patent_own Exhibit 2004 Download
Feb 17, 2016 2005 patent_own Exhibit 2005 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2006 Exhibit 2006 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2007 Exhibit 2007 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2008 Exhibit 2008 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2009 Exhibit 2009 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2010 Exhibit 2010 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2011 Exhibit 2011 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2012 Exhibit 2012 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2013 Exhibit 2013 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2014 Exhibit 2014 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2015 Exhibit 2015 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2016 Exhibit 2016 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2017 Exhibit 2017 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2018 Exhibit 2018 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2019 Exhibit 2019 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2020 Exhibit 2020 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2021 Exhibit 2021 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2022 Exhibit 2022 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2023 Exhibit 2023 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2024 Exhibit 2024 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2025 Exhibit 2025 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2026 Exhibit 2026 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2027 Exhibit 2027 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2028 Exhibit 2028 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2029 Exhibit 2029 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2030 Exhibit 2030 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2031 Exhibit 2031 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2032 Exhibit 2032 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2033 Exhibit 2033 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2034 Exhibit 2034 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2035 Exhibit 2035 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2036 Exhibit 2036 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2037 Exhibit 2037 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2038 Exhibit 2038 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2039 Exhibit 2039 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2040 Exhibit 2040 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2041 Exhibit 2041 Download
Aug 31, 2016 2042 Exhibit 2042 Download
Dec 28, 2016 2043 Exhibit 2043 Download
Jan 23, 2019 3001 Ex. 3001 Download