Patexia Research
Case number 337-TA-1111

Portable Gaming Console Systems with Attachable Handheld Controllers and Components Thereof > Summary

Court Case Number 337-TA-1111

Filing Date Apr 2, 2018

Docket Number 3305

Investigation Type Violation

Unfair Act Patent Infringement

Institution Date May 4, 2018

Markman Hearing Start Date Aug 23, 2018

Markman Hearing End Date Aug 23, 2018

Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled Start Date Jan 7, 2019

Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled End Date Jan 11, 2019

Evidentiary Hearing Actual Start Date -

Evidentiary Hearing Actual End Date -

Target Date Oct 4, 2019

Final ID On Violation Due Date May 3, 2019

Final ID On Violation Issue Date -

Non Final (Terminating) ID Issued Feb 14, 2019

Final Determination of No Violation -

Final Determination of Violation Oct 4, 2019

Termination Date Oct 4, 2019

Court International Trade Commission

Status Terminated


Administrative JudgesDavid P. Shaw, Clark Cheney

Active JudgeDavid P. Shaw



Complainant Attorneys


Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Patrick J. Stafford
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Jeffrey S. Gerchick
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Mimi Derle
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Becca Davis
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Ryan Herrington
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Stacey L. Daywalt
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Joseph Tanimura
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: C. Paul Wazzan
FTI Consulting, Inc.

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: George Derpanopoulos
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Lisa A. Marovich
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Razmig H. Messerian
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Valerie Roddy
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Tiffany Valentine
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Tigran Guledjian
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Scott A. Florance
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Nima Hefazi
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: David R. Stubben
Gamevice Inc.

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Kara Borden
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Ian Wang
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Justin C. Griffin
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Richard H. Doss
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Bruce R. Zisser
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Smith R. Brittingham IV
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: James R. Barney
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Rajeev Gupta
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Karthik Kumar
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Christina Ji-Hye Yang
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Michael Kudravetz
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Alexander E. Harding
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner

Attorney Name: Bruce R. Zisser
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

Gamevice Inc.
Attorney Name: Christopher A. Mathews
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

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