Patexia Research
Case number IPR2014-00128

SILVER PEAK SYSTEMS, INC. v. Riverbed Technology, Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Aug 7, 2014 20 board Final Decision Download
Jul 16, 2014 19 patent_own Patent Owner's Motion to Amend Download
Jun 20, 2014 18 patent_own Patent Owner's Notice of Deposition of Petitioner's Expert Dr. David B. Johnson Download
Jun 20, 2014 17 patent_own Patent Owner's Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Jun 4, 2014 15 board Expunged Download
Jun 4, 2014 16 board Order - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
May 29, 2014 14 patent_own Patent Owner's Riverbed Technology, Inc.'s Listing of Proposed Motions Download
May 28, 2014 13 petitioner Petitioner's List of Proposed Motions Download
May 2, 2014 11 board Decision - Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
May 2, 2014 12 board Scheduling Order Download
May 2, 2014 3001 board Microsoft Computer Dictionary Download
Feb 12, 2014 10 patent_own PO Waiver of Preliminary Response and Statement Download
Nov 22, 2013 6 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Nov 22, 2013 5 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Nov 22, 2013 8 patent_own Patent Owner's Mandatory Notice Download
Nov 15, 2013 4 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Nov 7, 2013 1006 petitioner Action Closing Prosecution of Reexamination Serial No. 95/002,308 (U.S. Patent No. 7,428,573) Download
Nov 7, 2013 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Nov 7, 2013 1009 petitioner Peribit Networks, Inc. SR-50 Sequence Reducer Performance Evaluation, The Tolly Group, October 2001 (“Tolly”) Download
Nov 7, 2013 1001 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 8,271,688 to McCanne et al. Download
Nov 7, 2013 1010 petitioner Unleashing the True Power of Today’s Networks: A Peribit White Paper, Peribit Networks, Inc., August 2002 (“White Paper”; “Peribit white paper”) Download
Nov 7, 2013 3 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 8,271,688 Download
Nov 7, 2013 1002 petitioner File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,271,688 Download
Nov 7, 2013 1012 petitioner Curriculum Vitae of David B. Johnson Download
Nov 7, 2013 1005 petitioner Border, J. et al., “Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Link-Related Degradations,” Request for Comments 3135, published June 2001 (“RFC 3135”) Download
Nov 7, 2013 1011 petitioner Chart: ’688 Patent Claims Compared to ’573 & ’134 Invalidated Patent Claims Download
Nov 7, 2013 1007 petitioner Action Closing Prosecution of Reexamination Serial No. 95/002,310 (U.S. Patent No. 7,849,134) Download
Nov 7, 2013 1004 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 6,856,651 to Singh Download
Nov 7, 2013 1003 petitioner Declaration of David B. Johnson, Ph.D. Download
Nov 7, 2013 1008 petitioner USPTO Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) & Assignments on the Web Screen Captures for U.S. Patent No. 8,271,688 Download