Patexia Research
Case number IPR2021-00606

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al. v. ACQIS LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Mar 8, 2021 1 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Mar 8, 2021 1001 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 8,977,797 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1002 petitioner Prosecution File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,977,797 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1003 petitioner Declaration of Dr. Stephen A. Edwards Download
Mar 8, 2021 1004 petitioner U.S. Provisional Application 60/083,886 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1005 petitioner U.S. Patent 6,345,330 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1006 petitioner File History of Chu '330 - Part 1 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1006 petitioner File History of Chu '330 - Part 2 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1007 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 8,253,750 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1008 petitioner U.S. Patent No 6,718,415 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1009 petitioner File History of Chu '415 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1010 petitioner U.S. Patent No 6,216,185 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1011 petitioner File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,234,436 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1012 petitioner PCT Publication No. WO 99/57626 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1013 petitioner U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2001/0011312 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1014 petitioner Plaintiff ACQIS LLC's Disclosure Of Asserted Claims And Infringement Contentions, Exhibit D-2 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1020 petitioner Defendants' Stipulation of Invalidity Contentions Download
Mar 8, 2021 1021 petitioner PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.1 March 28, 2005 ("PCIe Spec") Download
Mar 8, 2021 1022 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 2,799,449 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1023 petitioner IBM Personal Computer Technical Reference Manual, 1981 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1024 petitioner PCI Local Bus Specification 2.2, December 18, 1998 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1025 petitioner I2C-Bus Specification and User Manual rev 6, 2014 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1026 petitioner IEEE Std 1394-1995 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1027 petitioner SATA Infographic, 2020 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1028 petitioner Yourke's 1960 U.S. Patent No. 2,964,652 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1029 petitioner Yourke, Millimicrosecond Transistor Current Switching Circuits, IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory, 4(3), September 1957 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1030 petitioner MECL System Design Handbook, 1971 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1031 petitioner IEEE Std 1596.3-1996 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1032 petitioner IEEE Std 1596-1992 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1033 petitioner File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,234,436 ("'912 application"), Preliminary Amendment dated April 15, 2011 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1034 petitioner File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,234,436 ('"912 application"), Response dated December 16, 2011 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1035 petitioner Plaintiff ACQIS LLC's Disclosure Of Asserted Claims And Infringement Contentions, Exhibit D-1 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1036 petitioner Plaintiff ACQIS LLC's Disclosure Of Asserted Claims And Infringement Contentions, Exhibit D-3 Download
Mar 8, 2021 1037 petitioner Plaintiff ACQIS LLC's Disclosure Of Asserted Claims And Infringement Contentions, Exhibit D-4 Download
Mar 8, 2021 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Mar 25, 2021 3 patent_own Patent Owner's Mandatory Notice Download
Mar 25, 2021 4 patent_own Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
Mar 26, 2021 5 board Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jun 25, 2021 2001 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 6,718,415 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2002 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 7,099,981 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2003 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,099,981 (Part A - Pages 1-204) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2003 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,099,981 (Part B - Pages 205-407) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2003 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,099,981 (Part C - Pages 408-542) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2004 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2005 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415 (Part A - Pages 1-203) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2005 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415 (Part D - Pages 542-683) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2005 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415 (Part B - Pages 204-394) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2005 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415 (Part C - Pages 395-541) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2006 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2007 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779 (Part D - Pages 512-669) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2007 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779 (Part C - Pages 332-511) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2007 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779 (Part A - Pages 1-146) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2007 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779 (Part B - Pages 147-331) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2008 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 7,676,624 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2009 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 7,676,624 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2010 patent_own U.S. Pat. No. 8,041,873 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2011 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. No. 8,041,873 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2012 patent_own File History of U.S. Pat. App. No. 12/561,138 Download
Jun 25, 2021 2013 patent_own Acorn Semi, LLC v. Samsung Elecs. Co., Ltd., et al., No. 19-cv-00347, slip. op. (E.D. Tex. Mar. 22, 2021) (order denying motion to stay pending instituted inter partes reviews) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2014 patent_own Download
Jun 25, 2021 2015 patent_own ACQIS LLC v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., et al., Case No. 2:20-cv-00295-JRG, Dkt. 37 (E.D. Tex. Feb. 11, 2021) (First Amended Docket Control Order) Download
Jun 25, 2021 2016 patent_own ACQIS LLC v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., et al., Case No. 2:20-cv-00295-JRG, Dkt. 32 (E.D. Tex. Feb. 8, 2021) (Docket Control Order) Download
Jun 25, 2021 6 patent_own Download
Aug 25, 2021 7 board Trial Instituted Document Download
Sep 24, 2021 1038 petitioner August 11, 2021 Minutoli to Trials Email Download
Sep 24, 2021 1039 petitioner August 12, 2021 Trials to Minutoli Email Download
Sep 24, 2021 1040 petitioner August 12, 2021 Minutoli to Trials Email Download
Sep 24, 2021 8 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Dec 10, 2021 9 board Rehearing: Denying Petitioners Request on Rehearing of Decision on Institution Download
Dec 13, 2021 10 petitioner Request for Refund Download
Dec 15, 2021 11 board Notice: refund approved Download