Patexia Research
Case number IPR2017-00045

Sienna Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. v. William Marsh Rice University > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Oct 7, 2016 1 944 IPR Petition Download
Oct 7, 2016 2 Power of Attorney Download
Oct 18, 2016 3 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Nov 21, 2016 4 William Marsh Rice University Mandatory Notice Download
Nov 21, 2016 5 William Marsh Rice University Power of Attorney Download
Jan 18, 2017 6 Download
Mar 30, 2017 7 William Marsh Rice University Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Apr 11, 2017 8 DECISION - Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Apr 11, 2017 9 Scheduling Order Download
Apr 24, 2017 10 Patent Owner Objections to Evidence Download
May 2, 2017 11 Joint ADR Statement Download
May 9, 2017 12 Petitioner's Motion to Stay Ex Parte Reexamination Download
May 11, 2017 13 Patent Owner Power of Attorney Download
May 11, 2017 14 Patent Owner Update Mandatory Notice Download
May 12, 2017 15 Amended Scheduling Order - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
May 16, 2017 16 Patent Owner Response to Petitioner Motion to Stay Ex Parte Reexamination Download
May 19, 2017 17 Petitioner's Reply to PO's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Stay Download
May 26, 2017 18 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Jun 7, 2017 19 Patent Owner Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Philippe Bennett Download
Jun 7, 2017 19 Patent Owner Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Philippe Bennett Download
Jun 7, 2017 20 Declaration of Philippe Bennett in Support of Pro Hac Vice Motion Download
Jun 14, 2017 21 Opposition to Patent Owner's Motion for PHV Admission Download
Jun 23, 2017 22 Order Staying Ex Parte Reexamination Control No. 90/013,924 Download
Jun 28, 2017 23 Patent Owner's Response Download
Jun 28, 2017 24 Patent Owner Exhibit List Download
Jun 30, 2017 25 Patent Owner William March Rice University's Reply to Petitioner's Opposition to Patent Owner's Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Philippe Bennett Download
Jul 6, 2017 26 Petitioner's Objections to Evidence Download
Jul 19, 2017 27 Notice of Deposition of Dr. Jain Download
Sep 20, 2017 28 Petitioner's Reply Download
Sep 26, 2017 29 Rice Objection to Sienna Evidence Download
Oct 16, 2017 30 Order Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Oct 18, 2017 31 Patent owner LIST OF PETITIONER'S NEW ARGUMENTS ON REPLY Download
Oct 23, 2017 32 Petitioner's Response to Patent Owner's List of Improper Reply Arguments Download
Oct 31, 2017 33 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice Download
Nov 1, 2017 34 Petitioner's Motion for Withdrawal Download
Nov 3, 2017 35 Request for Oral Hearing Download
Nov 10, 2017 36 Patent Owner Request for Oral Argument Download
Nov 10, 2017 37 Patent Owner Motion to Exclude Download
Nov 10, 2017 38 Patent Owner Motion for Observations Download
Nov 10, 2017 39 Motion to Exclude Download
Nov 16, 2017 40 Order Trial Hearing Download
Nov 29, 2017 41 Patent Owner Opposition to Petitioner Motion to Exclude Download
Nov 29, 2017 42 Petitioner's Response to Patent Owner's Motion for Observations Download
Nov 29, 2017 43 Petitioner's Opposition to Patent Owner's Motion to Exclude Download
Dec 5, 2017 44 Patent Owner Objections to Evidence Download
Dec 8, 2017 45 Patent Owner Reply re Motion to Exclude Download
Dec 8, 2017 46 Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner's Opposition to Motion to Exclude Download
Dec 13, 2017 47 PO Demonstratives 00045 Download
Dec 13, 2017 48 PO demonstratives objections IPR2017-00045 Download
Dec 13, 2017 49 Petitioner's Objections to Patent Owner's Demonstrative Exhibits Download
Dec 13, 2017 50 Petitioner's Demonstratives Download
Mar 22, 2018 51 Hearing Transcript Download
Apr 5, 2018 52 Final Written Decision Download
May 16, 2018 53 Joint Motion to Lift Stay Download
Jun 4, 2018 54 Lifting Stay of Ex Parte Reexamination Control No. 90/013,924 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1001 Ex 1001 West 6,530,944 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1002 Ex 1002 Tankovich I US 5,226,907 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1003 Ex 1003 Tankovich II US 5,817,089 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1004 Ex 1004 Anderson US 6,183,773 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1005 Ex 1005 Esenaliev US 6,165,440 Download
Oct 7, 2016 1006 Ex 1006 Suslick Declaration Download
Oct 7, 2016 1007 Ex 1007 Suslick CV Download
Oct 7, 2016 1008 Ex 1008 '944 Prosecution History Download
Oct 7, 2016 1009 Ex 1009 Dictionary Definitions Download
Oct 7, 2016 1010 Ex 1010 Vogt Article Download
Sep 20, 2017 1011 Ex 1011 Jain Article - ACS Download
Sep 20, 2017 1012 Ex 1012 Jain Article - JPC Download
Sep 20, 2017 1013 Ex 1013 Jain Invited Talks Download
Sep 20, 2017 1014 Ex 1014 Jain Article - NanoLetters Download
Sep 20, 2017 1015 Ex 1015 Jain Article - Cancer 3 Download
Sep 20, 2017 1016 Ex 1016 '944 OAR Download
Sep 20, 2017 1017 Ex 1017 Jain Depo with Corrections (Executed) Download
Sep 20, 2017 1018 Ex 1018 Dmochowski Depo 2017-09-07 Download
Sep 20, 2017 1019 Ex 1019 Suslick Supplemental Declaration Download
Sep 20, 2017 1020 Ex 1020 Hyperthermia Definition Download
Nov 29, 2017 1021 Ex 1021 Merriam Webster's Dictionary 11th Edition Download
Nov 29, 2017 1022 Ex 1022 Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Download
Jan 18, 2017 2001 Gabor L. Hornyak, Joydeep Dutta, H.F. Tibbals, Anil Rao, Introduction to Nanoscience, 274-284 (2008). Download
Jan 18, 2017 2002 Download
Jan 18, 2017 2003 Silver Nanomaterials: Properties & Applications Download
Jan 18, 2017 2004 Gold Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications Download
Jan 18, 2017 2005 Download
Jan 18, 2017 2006 US 6,344, 272 Download
Jun 26, 2017 2007 Deposition Transcript of Kenneth S. Suslick, PH.D. Download
Jun 28, 2017 2008 Declaration of Patent Owner Expert Download
Jun 28, 2017 2009 U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/222,437, filed Aug. 1, 2000 (West) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2010 U.S. Patent No. 5,411,730 (Kirpotin) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2011 U.S. Patent No. 6,375,634 (Carroll) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2012 U.S. Patent No. 4,106,488 (Gordon) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2013 U.S. Patent No. 4,303,636 (Gordon) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2014 U.S. Patent No. 8,821,941 (Harris) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2015 Stern, et al., Selective Prostate Cancer Thermal Ablation with Laser Activated Gold Nanoshells. The Journal of Urology. Vol. 179, 748-753, February 2008 Download
Jun 28, 2017 2016 Huang, et al., Gold Nanoparticles: Optical Properties And Implementations In Cancer Diagnosis And Photothermal Therapy, J. Advanced Research (2010) 1, 13-28 (2010) Download
Jun 28, 2017 2017 U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 60/181,109, filed Feb. 8, 2000 Download
Jun 28, 2017 2018 U.S. Patent No. 6,428,811 Download
Jun 28, 2017 2019 International Patent Application PCT/US00/19268, filed Jul. 14, 2000 Download
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Jun 28, 2017 2025 Yang, et al., Hum. Gene Ther. 9(13):1929-37 (1998) Download
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Jun 28, 2017 2063 McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition (2003) Download
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