Patexia Research
Case number PGR2021-00050

Spinal Elements, Inc. v. Spectrum Spine IP Holdings, LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Oct 31, 2022 48 patent_own Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Aug 17, 2022 47 board Final Written Decision: original Download
Jul 25, 2022 46 patent_own POs Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Jul 20, 2022 45 board Other: Hearing transcript Download
Jun 23, 2022 43 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Demonstratives for Oral Argument Download
Jun 23, 2022 44 patent_own PO Spectrum Spine Demonstratives for Oral Argument Download
Jun 14, 2022 41 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Sur-reply Re: Revised Contingent Motion to Amend Download
Jun 14, 2022 42 patent_own Reply to Opposition to Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
Jun 7, 2022 40 petitioner Spinal Elements Opposition to Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
May 31, 2022 38 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Objections to Admissibility of Evidence Download
May 31, 2022 39 patent_own POs Motion to Exclude Evidence Download
May 23, 2022 2075 patent_own Fourth Serhan Declaration Download
May 23, 2022 36 patent_own POs Reply to Pet. Opposition to Revised Motion to Amend Download
May 23, 2022 37 patent_own POs Updated Exhibit List Download
May 16, 2022 35 board Order: Granting Request for Oral Hearing - 37 CFR 42.70 Download
May 10, 2022 33 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Request for Oral Argument Download
May 10, 2022 34 patent_own Spectrum Oral Hearing Request Download
May 2, 2022 31 petitioner Petitioner's Authorized Sur-Sur-Reply Download
May 2, 2022 32 petitioner Petitioner's Opposition to Patent Owner's Revised Motion to Amend Download
Apr 13, 2022 30 patent_own POs Opposition to Motion to Strike Download
Apr 6, 2022 29 petitioner Petitioner's Authorized Motion to Strike Download
Apr 5, 2022 28 board Order: Conduct of the Proceeding - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Mar 31, 2022 2072 patent_own Transcript of 2022-03-30 Conference Call Download
Mar 31, 2022 27 patent_own POs Updated Exhibit List Download
Mar 31, 2022 3002 board Ex. 3002 Download
Mar 28, 2022 26 petitioner Petitioner Objections to Patent Owner Evidence Submitted 2022-03-21 Download
Mar 22, 2022 25 board Order: REVISED SCHEDULING ORDER Download
Mar 21, 2022 2070 patent_own PGR2021-00050-Ex. 2070 (13531844-Weiman Prosecution History) Download
Mar 21, 2022 2071 patent_own PGR2021-00050-Ex. 2071 (61787744) Download
Mar 21, 2022 22 patent_own Revised Contingent Motion to Amend Download
Mar 21, 2022 23 patent_own POs Sur-Reply to Petitioner Reply Download
Mar 21, 2022 24 patent_own POs Updated Exhibit List Download
Mar 2, 2022 21 board Preliminary Guidance on Patent Owner's Contingent Motion to Amend Download
Feb 7, 2022 1021 petitioner Transcript of 2022-01-24 Serhan Deposition with Errata Download
Feb 7, 2022 18 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Opposition to Patent Owner Contingent Motion to Amend Download
Feb 7, 2022 19 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Reply to Patent Owner Response to Petition Download
Feb 7, 2022 20 petitioner Petitioner Spinal Elements Updated Exhibit List Download
Dec 15, 2021 17 petitioner Spinal Elements Notice of Hassan Deposition Download
Nov 22, 2021 16 petitioner Petitioner Objections to Admissibility of Patent Owner Evidence Download
Nov 15, 2021 13 patent_own Patent Owner Updated Exhibit List Download
Nov 15, 2021 14 patent_own Patent Owner Response Download
Nov 15, 2021 15 patent_own Patent Owner Contingent Motion to Amend the Claims, Request for Preliminary Guidance, and Claims Listing Appendix Download
Nov 15, 2021 2041 patent_own Press release from Amendia, Inc. dated July 7, 2017, announcing name change to Spinal Elements, accessed on Oct. 25, 2021 at: Download
Nov 15, 2021 2042 patent_own Transcript of Deposition of Mr. Brad Culbert (Oct. 29, 2021) Download
Nov 15, 2021 2043 patent_own Third Declaration of Dr. Hassan Serhan (Nov. 15, 2021) Download
Nov 15, 2021 2044 patent_own Download
Nov 15, 2021 2045 patent_own Download
Nov 15, 2021 2046 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 6,902,547 to Aves Download
Nov 15, 2021 2047 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 4,545,374 to Jacobson Download
Nov 15, 2021 2048 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 5,653,763 to Errico Download
Nov 15, 2021 2049 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 4,863,476 to Shepperd Download
Nov 15, 2021 2050 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2012/0143341 to Zipnick Download
Nov 15, 2021 2051 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2008/0161919 to Melkent Download
Nov 15, 2021 2052 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2002/0068977 to Jackson Download
Nov 15, 2021 2053 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2006/0206207 to Dryer Download
Nov 15, 2021 2054 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2011/0093074 to Glerum Download
Nov 15, 2021 2055 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2011/0319997 to Glerum Download
Nov 15, 2021 2056 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2012/0059473 to Weiman Download
Nov 15, 2021 2057 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2002/0128713 to Ferree Download
Nov 15, 2021 2058 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2005/0015149 to Michelson Download
Nov 15, 2021 2059 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2006/0253201 to McLuen Download
Nov 15, 2021 2060 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2012/0059470 to Weiman Download
Nov 15, 2021 2061 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2014/0277473 to Perrow Download
Nov 15, 2021 2062 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2004/0087947 to Lim Download
Nov 15, 2021 2063 patent_own U.S. Patent Appl. Publ. No. 2011/0172774 to Varela Download
Nov 15, 2021 2064 patent_own Download
Nov 15, 2021 2065 patent_own Download
Nov 15, 2021 2066 patent_own Download
Nov 15, 2021 2067 patent_own FR2771282 to Taylor Download
Nov 15, 2021 2068 patent_own FR2771282 to Taylor (English Translation) Download
Nov 15, 2021 2069 patent_own EP1504735B1 to Michelson Download
Oct 18, 2021 12 patent_own POs Notice of Culbert Deposition Download
Sep 27, 2021 3001 board Ex. 3001 Download
Sep 3, 2021 10 patent_own Patent Owner's Objections to Petitioner's Pre-Institution Evidence Download
Sep 3, 2021 11 petitioner Petitioner Objections to Admissibility of Patent Owner Evidence Submitted Before Trial Institution Download
Aug 23, 2021 8 board Trial Instituted Document Download
Aug 23, 2021 9 board SCHEDULING ORDER Download
May 25, 2021 2001 patent_own Declaration of Dr. Hassan Serhan Download
May 25, 2021 2002 patent_own Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Hassan Serhan Download
May 25, 2021 2003 patent_own U.S. Patent Publication No. 2012/0059473 by Weiman (Weiman Parent) Download
May 25, 2021 2004 patent_own Download
May 25, 2021 2005 patent_own U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval letter for SynExTM Spacer product from Synthes Spine, May 29, 2001. Download
May 25, 2021 2006 patent_own U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval letter for CALIBERTM Spacer product from Globus Medical, January 5, 2011. Download
May 25, 2021 2007 patent_own Download
May 25, 2021 2008 patent_own Stryker Bone Mill product guide, Stryker, 2019 Download
May 25, 2021 2009 patent_own Download
May 25, 2021 2010 patent_own ProLift Expandable Spacer System surgical technique guide, Zimmer Biomet, 2018. Download
May 25, 2021 2011 patent_own U.S. Food and Drug Administration recall for Concorde Lift Expandable Interbody Device, April 27, 2019, accessed on May 24, 2021 at Download
May 25, 2021 2012 patent_own Prosecution History of U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729 filed August 8, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2013 patent_own Spectrum Spine production drawings for expandable cage prototype manufacture dated April 10, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2014 patent_own Correspondence from A. DoVale to patent search company related to patentability search, dated December 13, 2011 Download
May 25, 2021 2015 patent_own Drawings from Spectrum for direct lateral cage embodiment, sent to patent search company on December 13, 2011. Download
May 25, 2021 2016 patent_own Drawings from Spectrum for expandable cage embodiment, sent to patent search company on December 13, 2011. Download
May 25, 2021 2017 patent_own Correspondence between J. Robinson, A. DoVale and S. Anderson related to U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729 filed August 8, 2012, dated July 3-30, 2012. Download
May 25, 2021 2018 patent_own Correspondence between J. Robinson and A. DoVale related to patentability search, dated March 6, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2019 patent_own Correspondence between J. Robinson and A. DoVale related to updated patentability search, dated April 19, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2020 patent_own Invoices from FisherBroyles to Spectrum for Dec. 2011-Aug. 2012 [REDACTED]. Download
May 25, 2021 2021 patent_own Correspondence between J. Robinson and A. DoVale related to patentability search, dated Jan 2-4, 2012. Download
May 25, 2021 2022 patent_own Drawings for U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729, sent to J. Robinson on July 3, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2023 patent_own Text for U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729, sent to J. Robinson on July 3, 2012. Download
May 25, 2021 2024 patent_own Color drawings for U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729, sent to J. Robinson on July 23, 2012. Download
May 25, 2021 2025 patent_own Text for U.S. Provisional Patent Appl. No. 61/680,729, sent from J. Robinson on July 30, 2012 Download
May 25, 2021 2026 patent_own Download
May 25, 2021 2027 patent_own Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 10,111,758. Download
May 25, 2021 2028 patent_own Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 10,154,914 Download
May 25, 2021 2029 patent_own Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 9,585,767 Download
May 25, 2021 2030 patent_own Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 9,585,766 Download
May 25, 2021 2032 patent_own Download
May 25, 2021 2034 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 10,111,758 Download
May 25, 2021 2035 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 10,154,914 Download
May 25, 2021 2036 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,585,767 Download
May 25, 2021 2037 patent_own U.S. Patent No. 9,585,766 Download
May 25, 2021 6 patent_own Patent Owner Exhibit List Download
May 25, 2021 7 patent_own Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Mar 3, 2021 4 patent_own Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
Mar 3, 2021 5 patent_own Patent Owner's Initial Mandatory Notice Download
Feb 25, 2021 3 board Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Feb 9, 2021 1 petitioner Spinal Elements Petition for Post Grant Review of Patent 10,709,575 Download
Feb 9, 2021 1001 petitioner Patent 10,709,575 B2 to Robinson Download
Feb 9, 2021 1002 petitioner File history of Patent 10,709,575 B2 Download
Feb 9, 2021 1003 petitioner Brad Culbert Declaration Download
Feb 9, 2021 1004 petitioner Patent 8,382,842 B2 to Greenhalgh Download
Feb 9, 2021 1005 petitioner Patent 8,852,279 B2 to Weiman Download
Feb 9, 2021 1006 petitioner Patent 8,062,375 B2 to Glerum Download
Feb 9, 2021 1007 petitioner Patent 8,343,224 B2 to Lynn Download
Feb 9, 2021 1008 petitioner Patent Publication 2007 0270968 A1 to Baynham Download
Feb 9, 2021 1009 petitioner Patent 8,216,316 B2 to Kirschman Download
Feb 9, 2021 1010 petitioner Pat. Pub. US2009 0222100 A1 to Cipoletti Download
Feb 9, 2021 1011 petitioner Patent D566,276 S to Blain Download
Feb 9, 2021 1012 petitioner Appln. 15_666,103 to Robinson Download
Feb 9, 2021 1013 petitioner Patent 8,398,713 B2 to Weiman Download
Feb 9, 2021 1014 petitioner Definition of key Download
Feb 9, 2021 1015 petitioner Definition of keyed Download
Feb 9, 2021 1016 petitioner File history of appln 14_878,929 to Robinson Download
Feb 9, 2021 1017 petitioner Culbert CV Download
Feb 9, 2021 1018 petitioner Opticage brochure Download
Feb 9, 2021 1019 petitioner Patent 8,105,382 to Olmos et al. Download
Feb 9, 2021 1020 petitioner Patent 8,568,481 to Olmos et al. Download
Feb 9, 2021 2 petitioner Spinal Elements Power of Attorney Download