Patexia Research
Case number IPR2014-00256

TRW Automotive U.S. LLC v. Magna Electronics Inc. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Dec 17, 2013 1 petitioner Petition For Inter Partes Review Download
Dec 17, 2013 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Dec 30, 2013 3 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Jan 7, 2014 4 potential_po Power of Attorney Download
Jan 7, 2014 5 potential_po Related Matters Download
Feb 28, 2014 6 patent_owner Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Mar 28, 2014 7 patent_owner IPR2014-00256 Patent Owner Preliminary Response Download
Mar 28, 2014 8 patent_owner IPR2014-00256 Patent Owner Preliminary Response Exhibit List Download
Apr 3, 2014 9 petitioner Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Apr 11, 2014 10 board Expunged Download
Apr 11, 2014 11 board Order - Conduct of the Proceedings - 37 CFR 42.5 Download
Apr 17, 2014 12 petitioner Petitioner TRW Automotive US LLCs Group 1 Brief Pursuant To Order Of April 11 2014 Download
Apr 23, 2014 13 patent_owner Magna's Reply Brief to TRW's Brief for Group 1 Download
Apr 23, 2014 14 patent_owner Exhibit List Filed with Group 1 Reply Brief Download
May 30, 2014 15 board Decision 35 U.S.C. 315(b) Download
Jun 26, 2014 16 board Decision Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Jun 26, 2014 17 board Scheduling Order Download
Jul 10, 2014 18 petitioner Request For Panel Rehearing Of Non-Instituted Grounds Download
Jul 21, 2014 19 board ORDER Conduct of the Proceeding Download
Jul 31, 2014 20 board Decision - Petitioner's Request for Rehearing Download
Aug 27, 2014 21 patent_owner Joint Stipulation to Modify Trial Due Dates 1-2 Download
Sep 30, 2014 22 patent_owner Patent Owner Updated Exhibit List Download
Sep 30, 2014 23 patent_owner Patent Owner Response Download
Nov 3, 2014 24 petitioner Notice of Deposition of Dr. Matthew Turk Download
Nov 6, 2014 25 patent_owner Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Dec 15, 2014 26 petitioner Petitioner Rebuttal to Patent Owner Response Download
Dec 15, 2014 27 petitioner Petitioner Updated Exhibit List Download
Jan 12, 2015 28 patent_owner Request for Oral Argument Download
Jan 13, 2015 29 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Oral Argument Download
Jan 20, 2015 30 board Order - Trial Hearing Download
Feb 5, 2015 31 patent_owner PO Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Feb 10, 2015 32 petitioner Updated Mandatory Notice Download
Feb 16, 2015 33 petitioner Petitioner TRW Automotive U.S. LLCs Demonstratives Download
Feb 16, 2015 34 patent_owner Transmittal re PO Demonstratives Download
Apr 3, 2015 35 board Record of Oral Hearing Download
Jun 25, 2015 36 board Final Written Decision Download
Aug 27, 2015 37 patent_owner PO Notice of Appeal Download
Dec 17, 2013 1001 petitioner Exhibit List Download
Dec 17, 2013 1002 petitioner U.S. PATENT NO. 7,459,664 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1003 petitioner FILE HISTORY FOR UNITED STATES PATENT NO. 7,459,664 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1004 petitioner U.S. PATENT NO. 4,970,653 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1005 petitioner U.S. PATENT NO. 5,096,287 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1006 petitioner VELLACOTT, CMOS IN CAMERA, IEE Download
Dec 17, 2013 1007 petitioner JAPANESE KOKAI APPLICATION NO. S62-131837 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1008 petitioner EUROPEAN PATENT PUBLICATION EP0353200A2 Download
Dec 15, 2014 1009 petitioner Merriam-Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Identify Download
Dec 15, 2014 1009 petitioner Merriam-Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Identify Download
Dec 17, 2013 1009 petitioner WO94/19212 Download
Dec 15, 2014 1010 petitioner McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Array and Sensor Download
Dec 15, 2014 1010 petitioner McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Array and Sensor Download
Dec 17, 2013 1010 petitioner INTERROGATORY RESPONSES IN CIVIL ACTION Download
Dec 15, 2014 1011 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 7,339,149 Download
Dec 15, 2014 1011 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 7,339,149 Download
Dec 17, 2013 1011 petitioner EXPERT DECLARATION OF JEFFERY A. MILLER Download
Dec 15, 2014 1012 petitioner First Rebuttal Declaration of Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D. Download
Dec 15, 2014 1013 petitioner Deposition of Dr. Matthew A. Turk, November 11 and 12, 2014. Download
Apr 17, 2014 1052 petitioner MCR 1.205 Download
Apr 17, 2014 1053 petitioner Dec 6 Email From N Lynam To S Chmielewski Download
Apr 17, 2014 1054 petitioner Printout of Docket Entries Between Dec 17 2012 And Dec 26 2012 In Case No 12-CV-654 Download
Apr 17, 2014 1055 petitioner Screen Shot Of Date Of Service Form For 12-CV-654 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2001 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2001 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2002 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2002 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2003 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2003 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2004 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2004 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2005 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2005 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2006 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2006 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2007 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2007 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2008 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2008 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2009 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2009 Download
Mar 28, 2014 2010 patent_owner Magna Exhibit 2010 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2015 patent_owner Lynam E-mail, June 20, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2016 patent_owner Linn E-mail, September 18, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2017 patent_owner Chmielewski E-mail re Extension of Time, September 19, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2018 patent_owner Chmielewski E-Mail re OK to Modification, September 19, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2019 patent_owner Linn E-mail, September 20, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2020 patent_owner Linn E-mail, December 6, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2021 patent_owner Magna v TRW, Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time Download
Apr 23, 2014 2022 patent_owner Magna v TRW, Plaintiff's Brief in Support of Motion for Extension of Time Download
Apr 23, 2014 2023 patent_owner Magna v TRW, Proposed Order Download
Apr 23, 2014 2024 patent_owner Magna v TRW, Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time Download
Apr 23, 2014 2025 patent_owner Magna v TRW, Amended Complaint Download
Apr 23, 2014 2026 patent_owner Summons Issued to TRW Automotive Holdings Corp, November 28, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2027 patent_owner Summons Issued to TRW Automotive US LLC, November 28, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2028 patent_owner Summons Issued to TRW Vehicle Safety Systems, November 28, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2029 patent_owner Cohn E-mail, December 13, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2030 patent_owner Linn E-mail, September 14, 2012 Download
Apr 23, 2014 2031 patent_owner Eisenberg Declaration Download
Sep 30, 2014 2032 patent_owner MAGNA 2032 - Turk Declaration Download
Sep 30, 2014 2033 patent_owner MAGNA 2033 - Turk CV Download
Sep 30, 2014 2034 patent_owner MAGNA 2034 - Wirtz Download
Sep 30, 2014 2035 patent_owner MAGNA 2035 - Attach definition Download
Sep 30, 2014 2036 patent_owner MAGNA 2036 - Tadashi Download
Feb 16, 2015 2037 patent_owner PO Demonstratives Download