Patexia Research
Case number 1:19-cv-02368

Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. et al v. Natco Pharma Ltd. et al > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Apr 11, 2024 218 SO ORDERED, re 217 Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice. (***Civil Case Terminated). Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 4/11/2024. (ceg) (Entered: 04/11/2024) (3)
Apr 11, 2024 219 Report to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks for Patent/Trademark Number(s) RE46,284 E; 9,527,833 C1; 10,457,666 B2. (Attachments: # 1 Stipulation of Dismissal)(ceg) (Entered: 04/11/2024) (0)
Apr 5, 2024 214 Letter to The Honorable Jennifer L. Hall from Brian A. Biggs regarding Settlement of Natco Defendants. (Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/05/2024) (1)
Apr 5, 2024 215 REDACTED VERSION of (202 in 1:19-cv-02368-JLH) Proposed Pretrial Order,, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/05/2024) (0)
Apr 5, 2024 216 ORAL ORDER: Having reviewed the parties' letter (C.A. No. 19-2342, D.I. 247; C.A. No. 19-2368, D.I. 214) and being advised that the Natco defendants have settled, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties' trial time is reduced to 6 hours per side. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 4/5/2024. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(ceg) (Entered: 04/05/2024) (0)
Apr 5, 2024 217 STIPULATION of Dismissal with Prejudice between Plaintiffs and Defendants Natco Pharma Ltd. and Natco Pharma, Inc., by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Biggs, Brian) Modified on 4/5/2024 (ceg). (Main Document 217 replaced on 4/11/2024) (ceg). (Entered: 04/05/2024) (3)
Apr 4, 2024 213 Letter to The Honorable Jennifer L. Hall from Brian A. Biggs regarding Witness List and Technical Terms. (Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/04/2024) (6)
Apr 2, 2024 210 ORDER granting 208 Natco's Motion for Exemption from the Court's Standing Order on Personal Electronic Devices for purposes of pre-trial courtroom set up and bench trial (April 5, 2024, to April 11, 2024). Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 4/2/2024. (ceg) (Entered: 04/02/2024) (2)
Apr 2, 2024 211 Letter to Judge Jennifer L. Hall from Brian A. Biggs regarding Settlement by Eugia Defendants. (Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/02/2024) (1)
Apr 2, 2024 212 ORAL ORDER: Having reviewed the parties' letter (C.A. No. 19-2309, D.I. 169; C.A. No. 19-2342, D.I. 242; C.A. No. 19-2368, D.I. 211) and being advised that the Eugia defendants have settled (see C.A. No. 19-2309, D.I. 168), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties' trial time is reduced to 9.5 hours per side. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 4/2/2024. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(twk) (Entered: 04/02/2024) (0)
Apr 1, 2024 208 MOTION for Exemption From The Court's Standing Order On Personal Electronic Devices - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/01/2024) (0)
Apr 1, 2024 209 SO ORDERED, re 207 MOTION for Exemption from the Court's Standing Order on Personal Electronic Devices. Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 4/1/2024. (twk) (Entered: 04/01/2024) (2)
Mar 29, 2024 207 MOTION for Exemption from the Court's Standing Order on Personal Electronic Devices - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 03/29/2024) (6)
Mar 25, 2024 205 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to Submit Redacted Verson of the Proposed Final Pretrial Order to April 5, 2024 - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Larson, Erin) (Entered: 03/25/2024) (2)
Mar 25, 2024 206 SO ORDERED, re (164 in 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 238 in 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 205 in 1:19-cv-02368-JLH) Stipulation and Order to Extend Time to Submit Redacted Verson of the Proposed Final Pretrial Order to April 5, 2024. Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 3/25/2024. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(ceg) (Entered: 03/25/2024) (2)
Mar 21, 2024 204 ORAL ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, as discussed at today's pretrial conference, the Proposed Pretrial Order (C.A. 19-2309, D.I. 160; C.A. 19-2342, D.I. 234; C.A. 19-2368, D.I. 202) will be ADOPTED; MSN's Motion to Strike and Daubert Motion to Exclude (C.A. 19-2342, D.I. 203) are DENIED; and Natco's Motion in Limine (C.A. 19-2309, D.I. 160, Ex. 20; C.A. 19-2342, D.I. 234, Ex. 20; C.A. 19-2368, D.I. 202, Ex. 20) is DENIED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the bench trial will begin on April 8, 2024, at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 6D; each side shall have 11 hours for its opening statement, affirmative evidence, and rebuttal evidence (subject to revision should a party settle). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, on or before April 5, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the parties shall (1) file with the court a letter listing witness names and technical terms for the court reporter, (2) provide electronic versions of all trial exhibits via email to or via a thumb drive delivered to the court. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 3/21/2024. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02321-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(twk) (Entered: 03/21/2024) (0)
Mar 20, 2024 203 NOTICE of Appearance by Steven J. Fineman on behalf of Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. (Fineman, Steven) (Entered: 03/20/2024) (1)
Mar 14, 2024 202 [SEALED] Proposed Pretrial Order by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Certificate of Service)(Biggs, Brian) (Main Document 202 replaced on 3/15/2024) (ceg). (Attachment 2 replaced on 3/15/2024) (ceg). (Attachment 11 replaced on 3/20/2024) (ceg). (Entered: 03/14/2024) (0)
Mar 8, 2024 201 NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' Notice of Prior Art Under 35 U.S.C. Section 282 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 03/08/2024) (2)
Feb 9, 2024 199 STIPULATION and Covenant Not to Sue regarding U.S. Patent No.10,457,666 by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Whitesell, Angela) Modified on 2/9/2024 (ceg). (Entered: 02/09/2024) (4)
Feb 9, 2024 200 SO ORDERED, re 199 Stipulation and Covenant Not to Sue regarding U.S. Patent No.10,457,666. Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 2/9/2024. (ceg) (Main Document 200 replaced on 2/9/2024) (ceg). (Entered: 02/09/2024) (4)
Jan 9, 2024 197 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Catherine Huang and Meera Midha - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 01/09/2024) (6)
Jan 9, 2024 198 Pro Hac Vice Fee - Credit Card Payment received for Catherine Huang and Meera Midha. ( re 197 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Catherine Huang and Meera Midha )( Payment of $ 100, receipt number ADEDC-4310382).(Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 01/09/2024) (0)
Dec 26, 2023 196 ORAL ORDER: Having reviewed the parties' letter to the Court, (C.A. 19-2309, D.I. 156; C.A. 19-2321, D.I. 170; C.A. 19-2342, D.I. 195; C.A. 19-2368, D.I. 195), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that (1) The 4-day bench trial is rescheduled from March 4, 2024 to April 8, 2024; and (2) The pretrial conference is rescheduled from February 26, 2024 to March 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm in Courtroom 6D. The Court will determine the number of trial days at the pretrial conference. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 12/26/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02321-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(ceg) (Entered: 12/26/2023) (0)
Dec 11, 2023 195 Joint Letter to The Honorable Jennifer L. Hall from Daniel A. Taylor regarding trial dates for asserted claims of the 833, 666, and 223 patents (the "polymorph" patents). (Taylor, Daniel) (Entered: 12/11/2023) (1)
Dec 1, 2023 194 ORAL ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a 4-day bench trial on the asserted claims of the '833, '666, and '223 patents will begin on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 9:30 AM before Judge Hall in courtroom 6D. A final pretrial conference shall be held on February 26, 2024 at 3:00 PM. The joint proposed pretrial order will be due in accordance with the Local Rules. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 12/1/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02321-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(ceg) (Entered: 12/01/2023) (0)
Nov 22, 2023 193 ORAL ORDR: A Status Telephone Conference is scheduled for December 1, 2023 at 10:00 AM before Judge Jennifer L. Hall. The parties shall call the Court's conference line at (877) 336-1829, access code: 7090640. Ordered by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 11/22/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-JLH, 1:19-cv-02321-JLH, 1:19-cv-02342-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-JLH(ceg) (Entered: 11/22/2023) (0)
Nov 17, 2023 192 CONSENT to Jurisdiction by U.S. Magistrate Judge filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc., Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Hall. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 11/17/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 11/17/2023) (6)
Nov 16, 2023 191 Joint NOTICE of Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 11/16/2023) (6)
Oct 27, 2023 190 NOTICE requesting Clerk to remove Tyler E. Cragg as co-counsel.. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 10/27/2023) (2)
Sep 25, 2023 189 REPLY BRIEF re 183 MOTION for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 09/25/2023) (17)
Sep 15, 2023 188 ANSWERING BRIEF in Opposition re 183 MOTION for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) Plaintiffs' Brief in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Certification Under Rule 54(b) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..Reply Brief due date per Local Rules is 9/22/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Verification)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 09/15/2023) (0)
Sep 13, 2023 187 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Marcelo Barros - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Larson, Erin) (Entered: 09/13/2023) (5)
Sep 1, 2023 183 MOTION for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 09/01/2023) (0)
Sep 1, 2023 184 OPENING BRIEF in Support re 183 MOTION for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..Answering Brief/Response due date per Local Rules is 9/15/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 09/01/2023) (0)
Sep 1, 2023 185 Letter to Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly from Tyler E. Cragg regarding Defendants' Proposed Final Judgment - re (183 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 144 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 180 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 154 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) MOTION for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) . (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 09/01/2023) (0)
Sep 1, 2023 186 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Brian A. Biggs regarding regarding proposed form of judgment. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 09/01/2023) (0)
Aug 24, 2023 182 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to Submit Proposed Order regarding Judgment to September 1, 2023 - filed by Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Aurobindo Pharma U.S.A., Inc., Eugia Pharma Specialities Ltd.. (Dorsney, Kenneth) (Entered: 08/24/2023) (6)
Aug 22, 2023 180 STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a Proposed Order to August 25, 2023 - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 08/22/2023) (6)
Aug 22, 2023 181 SO ORDERED, re (141 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 151 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 177 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 180 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to submit a Proposed Order to August 25, 2023 filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS SHALL BE GRANTED BEYOND SEPTEMBER 5, 2023. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 8/22/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf) (Entered: 08/22/2023) (6)
Aug 15, 2023 178 OPINION. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 8/15/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(kmd) (Entered: 08/15/2023) (69)
Aug 15, 2023 179 ORDER. The parties shall submit no later thanAugust 22, 2023, a proposed order by which the Court may enter final judgmentconsistent with the Opinion issued this day. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 8/15/2023. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(kmd) (Entered: 08/15/2023) (3)
Aug 7, 2023 177 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Counsel by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 08/07/2023) (3)
Jul 14, 2023 176 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Appearance of Christian F. Chessman by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. (Whitesell, Angela) (Entered: 07/14/2023) (3)
May 15, 2023 173 APPENDIX re (164 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 130 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 140 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 169 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Findings of Fact (Volume I of III; Exhibits DTX0008-JTX0151) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Main Document) (9)
May 15, 2023 174 APPENDIX re (144 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 168 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 134 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 173 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Appendix, (Volume II of III; Exhibits PTX0467-PTX2003) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Main Document) (3)
May 15, 2023 175 APPENDIX re (134 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 173 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 144 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 168 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH) Appendix, (Volume III of III; Trial Transcripts) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Trial Transcripts)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Main Document) (3)
May 15, 2023 173 APPENDIX re (164 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 130 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 140 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 169 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Findings of Fact (Volume I of III; Exhibits DTX0008-JTX0151) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Exhibit part 1) (30)
May 15, 2023 173 APPENDIX re (164 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 130 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 140 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 169 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Findings of Fact (Volume I of III; Exhibits DTX0008-JTX0151) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Exhibit part 2) (30)
May 15, 2023 174 APPENDIX re (144 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 168 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 134 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 173 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Appendix, (Volume II of III; Exhibits PTX0467-PTX2003) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Exhibit part 1) (30)
May 15, 2023 174 APPENDIX re (144 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 168 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 134 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 173 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Appendix, (Volume II of III; Exhibits PTX0467-PTX2003) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit part 1, # 2 Exhibit part 2)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Exhibit part 2) (30)
May 15, 2023 175 APPENDIX re (134 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 173 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 144 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 168 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH) Appendix, (Volume III of III; Trial Transcripts) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Trial Transcripts)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/15/2023) (Exhibit Trial Transcripts) (30)
May 12, 2023 171 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Andrew C. Mayo regarding Taiho's hyperlinked post-trial briefing. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 05/12/2023) (1)
May 12, 2023 172 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Tyler E. Cragg regarding USB Drives Containing Defendants' Hyperlinked Post-Trial Briefs - re (132 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 123 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 156 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 161 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Order,,. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 05/12/2023) (2)
May 11, 2023 170 POST TRIAL BRIEF (Defendants' Reply) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 05/11/2023) (Main Document) (30)
May 11, 2023 170 POST TRIAL BRIEF (Defendants' Reply) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 05/11/2023) (Certificate of Compliance) (1)
May 4, 2023 168 POST TRIAL BRIEF (Plaintiffs' Answering Post-Trial Brief) by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc.. (Balick, Steven) (Main Document 168 replaced on 5/11/2023) (nmf, ). (Entered: 05/04/2023) (30)
May 4, 2023 169 Proposed Findings of Fact by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven) (Main Document 169 replaced on 5/11/2023) (nmf, ). (Entered: 05/04/2023) (30)
May 1, 2023 167 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Post-Trial Brief and Findings of Fact - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 05/01/2023) (4)
Apr 27, 2023 165 NOTICE of Appearance by Brian A. Biggs on behalf of Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (2)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Main Document) (2)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Text of Proposed Order) (1)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Certification of Michael Sitzman) (1)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Certification of Raymond Miller) (1)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Certification of Shuzo Maruyama) (1)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Certification of Christian Chessman) (1)
Apr 27, 2023 166 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael Sitzman, Raymond Miller, Shuzo Maruyama, Christian Chessman, and Megan E. Bowers - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order, # 2 Certification of Michael Sitzman, # 3 Certification of Raymond Miller, # 4 Certification of Shuzo Maruyama, # 5 Certification of Christian Chessman, # 6 Certification of Megan E. Bowers)(Biggs, Brian) (Entered: 04/27/2023) (Certification of Megan E. Bowers) (1)
Apr 26, 2023 164 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney W. Reid Morris - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 04/26/2023) (3)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Main Document) (7)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Main Document) (7)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24) (23)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 163 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 2 of 2 (JTX-12-part 2 through PTX-1723)) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 18, # 2 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 19, # 3 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 20, # 4 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 21, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 22, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 23, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 24, # 8 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 1, # 9 Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit PTX Exhibits-part 2) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1) (24)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2) (8)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1) (11)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2) (27)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3) (18)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4) (28)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5) (26)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15) (3)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (30)
Apr 24, 2023 162 Joint APPENDIX re (130 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 154 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 159 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 121 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Findings of Fact Vol. 1 of 2 (DTX 4 through JTX-12-part 1) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 1, # 2 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 2, # 3 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 3, # 4 Exhibit DTX Exhibits-part 4, # 5 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 1, # 6 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 2, # 7 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 3, # 8 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 4, # 9 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 5, # 10 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 6, # 11 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 7, # 12 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 8, # 13 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 9, # 14 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 10, # 15 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 11, # 16 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 12, # 17 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 13, # 18 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 14, # 19 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 15, # 20 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 16, # 21 Exhibit JTX Exhibits-part 17)(Farnan, Kelly) (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/25/2023: # 25 Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/24/2023) (Exhibits DTX 0004 - 0235) (30)
Apr 21, 2023 161 ORDER re (129 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 158 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 120 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 153 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH) STIPULATION and Order Regarding Post-Trial Briefing: Defendants' Opening Post-trial Brief: April 20, 2023; Defendants' Proposed Findings of Fact April 20, 2023; Plaintiffs' Answering Post-trial Brief May 4, 2023; Plaintiffs' Proposed Findings of Fact May 4, 2023; Defendants' Reply Post-trial Brief May 11, 2023; The parties will separately submit hyperlinked briefs May 12, 2023. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 4/21/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 04/21/2023) (7)
Apr 20, 2023 158 STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Regarding Post-Trial Briefing Schedule by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 04/20/2023) (7)
Apr 20, 2023 159 Proposed Findings of Fact by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Main Document 159 replaced on 4/28/2023) (nmf). (Attachment 1 replaced on 4/28/2023) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/20/2023) (Main Document) (30)
Apr 20, 2023 160 POST TRIAL BRIEF (Defendants' Opening) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/20/2023) (Main Document) (30)
Apr 20, 2023 159 Proposed Findings of Fact by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Main Document 159 replaced on 4/28/2023) (nmf). (Attachment 1 replaced on 4/28/2023) (nmf, ). (Entered: 04/20/2023) (Certificate of Compliance) (1)
Apr 20, 2023 160 POST TRIAL BRIEF (Defendants' Opening) by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Compliance)(Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 04/20/2023) (Certificate of Compliance) (1)
Apr 11, 2023 156 Official Transcript of Bench Trial held on March 29, 2023 before Chief Judge Connolly. Court Reporter/Transcriber Bonnie Archer, Email: Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or order/purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date, it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 5/2/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/12/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/10/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 04/11/2023) (0)
Apr 11, 2023 157 Official Transcript of Bench Trial held on March 30, 2023 before Chief Judge Connolly. Court Reporter/Transcriber Bonnie Archer, Email: Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or order/purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date, it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 5/2/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/12/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/10/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 04/11/2023) (0)
Mar 28, 2023 155 STIPULATION Seeking to Update Both Sides' Trial Exhibit Lists, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Amended PTO Ex. 7, # 2 Amended PTO Ex. 8)(Balick, Steven) (Entered: 03/28/2023) (Main Document) (6)
Mar 28, 2023 155 STIPULATION Seeking to Update Both Sides' Trial Exhibit Lists, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Amended PTO Ex. 7, # 2 Amended PTO Ex. 8)(Balick, Steven) (Entered: 03/28/2023) (Amended PTO Ex. 7) (23)
Mar 28, 2023 155 STIPULATION Seeking to Update Both Sides' Trial Exhibit Lists, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Amended PTO Ex. 7, # 2 Amended PTO Ex. 8)(Balick, Steven) (Entered: 03/28/2023) (Amended PTO Ex. 8) (10)
Mar 27, 2023 151 REDACTED VERSION of (136 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 104 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 140 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 113 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume I of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-25)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Main Document) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 152 REDACTED VERSION of (141 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 137 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 105 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 114 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume II of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 26, # 2 Exhibit 27)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Main Document) (2)
Mar 27, 2023 153 REDACTED VERSION of (138 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 142 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 115 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 106 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume III of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 28-29)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Main Document) (2)
Mar 27, 2023 154 REDACTED VERSION of (117 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 109 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 141 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 146 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Pretrial Order, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-13)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Main Document) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 153 REDACTED VERSION of (138 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 142 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 115 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 106 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume III of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 28-29)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Exhibit 28-29) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 154 REDACTED VERSION of (117 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 109 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 141 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 146 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Pretrial Order, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-13)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Exhibit 1-13) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 152 REDACTED VERSION of (141 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 137 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 105 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 114 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume II of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 26, # 2 Exhibit 27)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Exhibit 26) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 152 REDACTED VERSION of (141 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 137 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 105 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 114 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume II of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 26, # 2 Exhibit 27)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Exhibit 27) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 151 REDACTED VERSION of (136 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 104 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 140 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 113 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume I of III) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-25)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (Exhibit 1-25) (30)
Mar 13, 2023 150 NOTICE requesting Clerk to remove Hayley M. Ostrin as co-counsel. Reason for request: Left firm. (Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 03/13/2023) (2)
Feb 21, 2023 149 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Kelly E. Farnan regarding Trial Schedule. (Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 02/21/2023) (2)
Feb 4, 2023 148 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding Plaintiffs' Request to Postpone the February 7 Trial. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 02/04/2023) (2)
Feb 3, 2023 147 Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding the February 7 Trial. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 02/03/2023) (1)
Feb 2, 2023 146 [SEALED] Proposed Pretrial Order by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13)(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 02/02/2023) (0)
Jan 30, 2023 145 Official Transcript of Pretrial Conference held on January 26, 2023 before Chief Judge Connolly. Court Reporter/Transcriber Bonnie Archer, Email: Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or order/purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date, it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 2/21/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/2/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/1/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 01/30/2023) (44)
Jan 24, 2023 144 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Jason M. Wiener - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 01/24/2023) (3)
Jan 23, 2023 143 SO ORDERED, re 139 STIPULATION of infringement of claim 13 of the '284 Patent by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/23/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 01/23/2023) (5)
Jan 19, 2023 139 STIPULATION of infringement of claim 13 of the '284 Patent by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 01/19/2023) (5)
Jan 19, 2023 140 [SEALED] Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume 1 of 3) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-25 (Volume 1 of 3))(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 01/19/2023) (0)
Jan 19, 2023 141 [SEALED] Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume 2 of 3) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 26-27 (Volume 2 of 3))(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 01/19/2023) (0)
Jan 19, 2023 142 [SEALED] Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume 3 of 3) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 28-29 (Volume 3 of 3))(Mayo, Andrew) (Entered: 01/19/2023) (0)
Dec 28, 2022 137 Official Transcript of In-Person Status and Scheduling Conference held on December 21, 2022 before Chief Judge Connolly. Court Reporter/Transcriber Bonnie Archer, Email: Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or order/purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date, it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 1/18/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/30/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/28/2023. (nmf) (Entered: 12/28/2022) (83)
Dec 28, 2022 138 STANDING ORDER REGARDING BRIEFING IN ALL CASES. Associated Cases: 1:22-cv-01611-CFC et al.(kmd) (Entered: 12/28/2022) (2)
Dec 27, 2022 136 REDACTED VERSION of (109 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 99 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 21 in 1:21-cv-00838-CFC, 8 in 1:22-cv-01480-CFC, 131 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 134 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Letter by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 12/27/2022) (8)
Dec 22, 2022 135 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Hayley M. Ostrin - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 12/22/2022) (3)
Dec 20, 2022 134 [SEALED] Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding the Parties' Joint Submission Concerning Issues Relevant to the December 21 Status and Scheduling Conference. (Balick, Steven) (Entered: 12/20/2022) (0)
Sep 26, 2022 133 [SEALED] Joint Letter to Chief Judge Connolly from Eve H. Ormerod regarding Request for Status Conference, RE: new developments that may affect case & trial scheduling. (Ormerod, Eve) (Entered: 09/26/2022) (0)
Sep 22, 2022 132 NOTICE requesting Clerk to remove Karen L. Beckman as co-counsel. Reason for request: Leaving Firm. (Farnan, Kelly) (Entered: 09/22/2022) (2)
Aug 16, 2022 131 NOTICE of Appearance by Tyler E. Cragg on behalf of Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. (Cragg, Tyler) (Entered: 08/16/2022) (2)
Aug 1, 2022 130 Notice Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE requesting Clerk to remove Renee Mosley Delcollo as co-counsel. Reason for request: no longer with firm. (Delcollo, Renee)
Jun 30, 2022 126 Redacted Document (30)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of (95 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 118 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 120 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 89 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume I of IV) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jun 30, 2022 127 Redacted Document (30)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of (121 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 96 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 119 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 90 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume II of IV) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jun 30, 2022 128 Redacted Document (30)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of (120 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 97 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 91 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 122 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume III of IV) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jun 30, 2022 129 Redacted Document (30)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of (98 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 121 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 92 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 123 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Proposed Pretrial Order (Volume IV of IV) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jun 27, 2022 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER: The 6/30/2022 Final Pretrial Conference and the 7/11/2022 Bench Trial are canceled. They will be rescheduled at a later date. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 6/27/2022. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Jun 24, 2022 125 Letter (1)
Docket Text: Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding the Parties' Joint Response to the Court's Inquiry Concerning Possible Referral to Magistrate Judge Hall. (Balick, Steven)
Jun 22, 2022 N/A Telephone Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Colm F. Connolly - Telephone Conference held on 6/22/2022. (Court Reporter not present.) Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Jun 21, 2022 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER Setting Teleconference: Counsel for Plaintiffs shall coordinate the call and email the dial-in information to chambers. (A Telephone Conference is set for 6/22/2022 at 10:00 AM Telephonically before Judge Colm F. Connolly.) Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 6/21/2022. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Jun 10, 2022 124 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' Joint 282 Notice filed by Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Aurobindo Pharma U.S.A., Inc., Eugia Pharma Specialities Ltd..(Dorsney, Kenneth)
Jun 9, 2022 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorney Tiffany K. Sung for Taiho Oncology, Inc. Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(twk)
Apr 8, 2022 118 Main Document (15)
Docket Text: REPLY BRIEF re [114] MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit AA)(Balick, Steven)
Apr 8, 2022 118 Exhibit AA (6)
Apr 8, 2022 119 Main Document (5)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of (117 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) Declaration, (89 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Declaration by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1-12)(Farnan, Kelly)
Apr 8, 2022 119 Exhibit 1-12 (158)
Apr 4, 2022 N/A Case No Longer Referred to Mediation (0)
Docket Text: CASE NO LONGER REFERRED to Chief Magistrate Judge Thynge for the purpose of exploring ADR. Pursuant to the Court's Standing Order No. 2022-2, dated March 14, 2022, "[u]nless otherwise directed by the Court, Magistrate Judges will no longer engage in alternative dispute resolution of patent and securities cases." See also 28 U.S.C. § 652(b). (Taylor, Daniel)
Apr 1, 2022 116 Answering Brief in Opposition (26)
Docket Text: ANSWERING BRIEF in Opposition re [114] MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..Reply Brief due date per Local Rules is 4/8/2022. (Farnan, Kelly)
Mar 21, 2022 N/A CORRECTING ENTRY: (0)
Docket Text: CORRECTING ENTRY: A Certification pursuant to Local Rule 7.1.1 has been added to the MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony per request of filer. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Mar 21, 2022 N/A Motions No Longer Referred (0)
Docket Text: Motions No Longer Referred: (114 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH) MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony, (103 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH) MOTION to Exclude Certain Opinions from Dr. Allan S. Myerson Regarding Infringement of the '666 Parent by MSN's ANDA Product. The automatic referrals generated by the system have been removed for these motions. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Mar 18, 2022 114 Main Document (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Balick, Steven) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/21/2022: # (3) Certification Pursuant to L.R. 7.1.1) (nmf)
Mar 18, 2022 114 Text of Proposed Order (2)
Mar 18, 2022 114 Certification Pursuant to L.R. 7.1.1 (1)
Mar 18, 2022 114 Certification Pursuant to L.R. 7.1.1 (1)
Mar 18, 2022 115 Main Document (27)
Docket Text: OPENING BRIEF in Support re [114] MOTION to Exclude Portions of Defendants' Patent Law Expert Reports and Testimony filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..Answering Brief/Response due date per Local Rules is 4/1/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-E)(Balick, Steven)
Mar 18, 2022 115 Exhibit A-E (121)
Feb 28, 2022 113 SO ORDERED (3)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (112 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 101 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 87 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 84 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to File Daubert Motions to March 18, 2022, filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 2/28/2022. (kmd)
Feb 25, 2022 112 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (3)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to File Daubert Motions to March 18, 2022 - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Delcollo, Renee)
Feb 10, 2022 110 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Allan S. Myerson on February 18, 2022 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Delcollo, Renee)
Feb 10, 2022 111 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Allan S. Myerson on February 14, 2022 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Delcollo, Renee)
Feb 3, 2022 107 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Mohan Rao, Ph.D. on March 4, 2022, at 9:00 am filed by MSN Laboratories Private Ltd., MSN Pharmaceuticals Inc., Accord Healthcare Inc..(Ormerod, Eve)
Feb 3, 2022 108 Notice to Take Deposition (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Richard M. Goldberg, M.D. on February 10, 2022 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Delcollo, Renee)
Feb 3, 2022 109 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Stephen G. Kunin on February 24, 2022 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Delcollo, Renee)
Jan 27, 2022 106 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Gregory A. Stephenson on February 4, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Jan 24, 2022 102 Notice to Take Deposition (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Nicholas P. Godici on February 11, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 24, 2022 103 Notice to Take Deposition (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Ivan T. Hofmann on February 23, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 24, 2022 104 Notice to Take Deposition (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Mark J. Ratain on March 2, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 24, 2022 105 Notice to Take Deposition (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Mark J. Ratain on January 28, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 11, 2022 101 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Raj Suryanarayanan on January 14, 2022 filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 7, 2022 100 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants (1) Reply in Support of Supplemental Expert Report of Gregory A. Stephenson, Ph.D. Regarding Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 10,457,666 and (2) Second Reply Expert Report of Nicholas P. Godici filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Dec 3, 2021 99 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Supplemental Responsive Expert Report of Allan S. Myerson, Ph.D. Regarding Validity of the '666 Patent filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Nov 22, 2021 98 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Reply Expert Report of Dr. Allan S. Myerson, Ph.D. Regarding Infringement by Natco Pharma Ltd. and Natco Pharma, Inc. and Rebuttal Expert Report of Howard S. Hochster, M.D. Regarding Infringement by the Natco Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Nov 19, 2021 96 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' (1) Reply Expert Report of Mark J. Ratain, M.D. to the Responsive Expert Report of Richard M. Goldberg, M.D. Regarding Validity Considerations of the '284 and '399 Patents and (2) Reply Expert Report of Ivan T. Hoffmann filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Nov 19, 2021 97 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' (1) Reply Expert Report of Gregory A. Stephenson, Ph.D. Regarding Invalidity of U.S. Patent Nos. 9,527,833 and 10,457,666 and (2) Reply Expert Report of Nicholas P. Godici filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Oct 29, 2021 94 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Supplemental Opening Expert Report of Dr. Allan S. Myerson Regarding Infringement by Natco Pharma Ltd. and Natco Pharma, Inc. filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Oct 29, 2021 95 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' (1) Supplemental Expert Report of Gregory A. Stephenson, Ph.D. Regarding Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 10,457,666 and (2) Supplemental Expert Report of Nicholas P. Godici filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Oct 26, 2021 93 Stipulation and Order (4)
Docket Text: STIPULATION AND ORDER Concerning Authenticity and Admissibility of Certain Documents. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 10/26/2021. (kmd)
Oct 25, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re [91] Stipulation and Proposed Order Concerning Authenticity and Admissibility of Certain Documents filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 10/25/2021. (cna, )
Oct 22, 2021 90 Redacted Document (8)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of [89] Notice to Take Deposition by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Oct 22, 2021 91 Stipulation (4)
Docket Text: STIPULATION and Proposed Order Concerning Authenticity and Admissibility of Certain Documents by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Oct 8, 2021 88 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Rachel Matthew on October 15, 2021 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Oct 4, 2021 87 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of First Responsive Expert Report of Raj Suryanarayanan, Ph.D. filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Sep 21, 2021 85 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Rebuttal Expert Report of Stephen G. Kunin filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Sep 21, 2021 86 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of the Responsive Expert Report of Richard M. Goldberg, M.D. Regarding Validity Considerations of the '284 and '399 Patents and the Expert Report of Mohan Rao, Ph.D. filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Sep 20, 2021 84 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Eugia, Aurobindo and Natco's Responsive Expert Report of Mark Ratain, M.D. filed by Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Aurobindo Pharma U.S.A., Inc., Eugia Pharma Specialities Ltd..(Dorsney, Kenneth)
Sep 17, 2021 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER: Having read the parties' letter dated September 3, 2021, the Court agrees with Taiho that the parties' experts should opine on the competing definitions of the disputed claim term and the Court can resolve the claim construction issue during or after trial. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 9/17/2021. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Sep 17, 2021 82 Stipulation (5)
Docket Text: Joint STIPULATION Stipulation and [Proposed] Order to Amend Scheduling Order by MSN Laboratories Private Ltd., MSN Pharmaceuticals Inc., Accord Healthcare Inc.. (Ormerod, Eve)
Sep 17, 2021 83 SO ORDERED (5)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (80 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 82 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH, 67 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Joint STIPULATION Stipulation and Order to Amend Scheduling Order. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 9/17/2021. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC-JLH, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC-JLH(nmf)
Sep 7, 2021 80 Main Document (5)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of [73] Letter by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1-13)(Balick, Steven)
Sep 7, 2021 80 Exhibit 1-13 (617)
Sep 7, 2021 81 Redacted Document (2)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of [74] Declaration of Liane M. Peterson by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven)
Sep 3, 2021 N/A Redaction Notice (0)
Docket Text: REDACTION NOTICE: In accordance with section G of the Administrative Procedures Governing Filing and Service by Electronic Means, redacted versions of sealed documents shall be filed electronically within 7 days of the filing of the sealed document. The records of this case do not reflect the filing of a redacted version of DI # [73] and [74]. (ceg)
Sep 3, 2021 79 Letter (5)
Docket Text: Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Eve H. Ormerod, Esq. regarding Request for Early Claim Construction Hearing with Expedited Briefing. (Ormerod, Eve)
Aug 30, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, [78] Stipulation to Extend Plaintiffs' Redactions Deadlines for Discovery Dispute Answering Letter (D.I. 73) and Supporting Declaration (D.I. 74) to August 26, 2021. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 8/30/2021. (ceg)
Aug 24, 2021 77 Main Document (5)
Docket Text: REDACTED VERSION of [72] Declaration by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1-10)(Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 24, 2021 77 Exhibit 1-10 (149)
Aug 24, 2021 78 Stipulation (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION Seeking to Extend Plaintiffs' Redactions Deadlines for Their Discovery Dispute Answering Letter (D.I. 73) and Supporting Declaration (D.I. 74), by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven)
Aug 20, 2021 N/A Discovery Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jennifer L. Hall - Discovery Dispute Telephone Conference held on 8/20/2021. (*Court Reporter Jennifer Guy.) (ceg)
Aug 20, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, [75] Stipulation to Extend Time for Defendants to file a public version of the Declaration of Christopher J. Sorenson in Support of Motion to Strike to August 23, 2021. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 8/20/2021. (ceg)
Aug 20, 2021 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the transcript of the August 20, 2021 discovery dispute teleconference shall serve as the Order of the Court. The parties shall meet and confer and submit a stipulation as discussed during the teleconference. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 8/20/2021. (ceg)
Aug 19, 2021 75 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME for Defendants to file a public version of the Declaration of Christopher J. Sorenson in Support of Motion to Strike to August 23, 2021 - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 12, 2021 71 Main Document (3)
Docket Text: Letter to The Honorable Jennifer L. Hall from Kelly E. Farnan regarding discovery dispute. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 12, 2021 71 Text of Proposed Order (1)
Aug 10, 2021 N/A Order Setting Teleconference (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER Setting Teleconference: The Court has reviewed the Motion for Teleconference to Resolve Discovery Dispute (D.I. [69]). A discovery dispute teleconference is scheduled for August 20, 2021 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time before Judge Jennifer L. Hall. By no later than August 12, 2021 the party(ies) seeking relief shall file with the Court a letter, not to exceed three pages, in no less than 12-point font, outlining the issues in dispute and its position on those issues. By no later than August 17, 2021 any party(ies) opposing the application for relief may file a letter, not to exceed three pages, in no less than 12-point font, outlining that party's reasons for its opposition. Counsel is reminded to provide courtesy copies. Counsel shall send dial-in information directly to the Court, no later than 24 hours prior to the hearing, using the following e-mail address: The Court may choose to resolve the dispute prior to the telephone conference and will, in that event, cancel the conference. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 8/10/2021. (ceg)
Aug 6, 2021 69 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Teleconference to Resolve Discovery Dispute - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. Motions referred to Jennifer L. Hall.(Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 4, 2021 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Hall for all disputes relating to discovery and the protective order. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 8/4/2021. (fms)
Aug 4, 2021 N/A Oral Order (0)
Docket Text: ORAL ORDER: A Motion for Teleconference to Resolve Discovery Dispute should be filed if counsel finds they are unable to resolve a discovery matter. The suggested text for this motion can be found in Judge Hall's portion of the Court's website, in the "Forms" tab, under the heading "Motion for Teleconference to Resolve Discovery/Protective Order Disputes." The dispute will thereafter be addressed in accordance with Judge Hall's discovery dispute procedures. ORDERED by Judge Jennifer L. Hall on 8/4/2021. (ceg)
Aug 4, 2021 68 Notice Requesting Removal of Co-Counsel (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE requesting Clerk to remove Rachel C. Hughey as co-counsel. Reason for request: Left Firm. (Farnan, Kelly)
Jul 23, 2021 66 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Opening Expert Report of Dr. Allan S. Myerson Regarding Infringement by Natco Pharma Ltd. and Natco Pharma, Inc., Opening Expert Report of Howard S. Hochster, M.D. Regarding Infringement by the Natco Defendants, and Taiho's Disclosure of Second Supplemental Infringement Contentions Concerning Infringement of the Patents-In-Suit by the Natco Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Jul 22, 2021 64 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' (1) Expert Report of Gregory A. Stephenson, Ph.D. Regarding Invalidity of U.S. Patent Nos. 9,527,833 and 10,457,666 and (2) Expert Report of Nicholas P. Godici filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Jul 22, 2021 65 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' Expert Report of Mark J. Ratain, M.D. Concerning the Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. RE46,284 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Jun 17, 2021 62 Stipulation (4)
Docket Text: STIPULATION and Proposed Order to Extend Time regarding Certain Scheduling Order Deadlines by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Jun 17, 2021 63 SO ORDERED (4)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (64 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 62 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 61 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 71 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC) Stipulation filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 6/17/2021. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Apr 30, 2021 61 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Objections and Responses to Natco's First Set of Requests for Admission (Nos. 1-15) and Plaintiffs' Objections and Responses to Natco's First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-4) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 29, 2021 60 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Natco Pharma Ltd.s and Natco Pharma, Inc.s Response to Plaintiffs First Set of Requests for Admission to Defendants filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Apr 16, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re [59] STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME for the close of fact discovery to April 30, 2021 filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 4/16/2021. (fms)
Apr 16, 2021 59 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME for the close of fact discovery to April 30, 2021 - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 14, 2021 58 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Objections and Responses to Defendants' First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1, 3) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 12, 2021 57 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Objections and Responses to Defendants' First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-6) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Mar 17, 2021 55 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admission to Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Mar 17, 2021 56 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of (1) Natco Pharma Ltd.s and Natco Pharma, Inc.s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiffs (Nos. 1-4) and (2) Natco Pharma Ltd.s and Natco Pharma, Inc.s First Set of Requests for Admissions filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Mar 11, 2021 53 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Initial Disclosures filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Mar 11, 2021 54 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-6) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Mar 9, 2021 51 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Pulla Reddy on March 12, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (IST)/March 11, 2021 at 10:30 p.m. (EST), filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Mar 9, 2021 52 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Pavan Bhat on March 15, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (IST)/March 14, 2021 at 10:30 p.m. (EST), filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Feb 25, 2021 50 Notice to Take Deposition (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE to Take Deposition of Dr. Martin Birkhoffer on February 26, 2021 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Delcollo, Renee)
Feb 4, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (50 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 54 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 49 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 56 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Tiffany K. Sung filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 2/4/2021. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Feb 3, 2021 49 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice (5)
Docket Text: MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Tiffany K. Sung - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 14, 2021 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re [48] Stipulation filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/14/2021. (fms)
Jan 13, 2021 48 Stipulation (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION and Proposed Order regarding Amended Infringement Contentions by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 4, 2021 47 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Objections to Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Dec 23, 2020 46 Notice of Service (4)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s and Taiho Oncology, Inc.'s Objections and Responses to Defendants' Notice of Deposition under Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Dec 15, 2020 45 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' Joint Notice of 30(b)(6) Deposition to Plaintiffs filed by Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., Aurobindo Pharma U.S.A., Inc., Eugia Pharma Specialities Ltd..(Dorsney, Kenneth)
Dec 14, 2020 44 Notice of Service (4)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of (1) Taiho's Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition to the Natco Defendants; (2) Taiho's Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition to the Eugia Defendants; and (3) Taiho's Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition to the MSN Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Dec 10, 2020 43 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Objections and Responses to Defendants' Joint Second Set of Requests for Production (Nos. 8-53) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Nov 10, 2020 42 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants' Joint Second Set of Requests for Production to Plaintiffs (Nos. 8-53) filed by MSN Laboratories Private Ltd., MSN Pharmaceuticals Inc., Accord Healthcare Inc..(Ormerod, Eve)
Nov 4, 2020 41 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.s Supplemental Answer to Taihos First Joint Interrogatory to Defendants (No. 1) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Sep 25, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (48 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 40 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 42 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 50 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME re: the deadline to substantially complete document production to December 4, 2020 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 9/25/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Sep 24, 2020 40 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (3)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME re: the deadline to substantially complete document production to December 4, 2020 - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Sep 23, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (39 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 41 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 47 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 49 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) Stipulation filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 9/23/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Sep 23, 2020 39 Stipulation (3)
Docket Text: STIPULATION and Proposed Order re Amended Invalidity Contentions by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Sep 16, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (48 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 40 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 46 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 38 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC) STIPULATION and Order Regarding Claim Construction filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc., ORDER, terminating Deadlines and Hearings: The 2/18/2021 Markman Hearing is canceled and all other deadlines relating to claim construction are vacated. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 9/16/2020. (nmf)
Sep 14, 2020 38 Stipulation (7)
Docket Text: STIPULATION and Proposed Order Regarding Claim Construction, by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven)
Sep 1, 2020 37 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Taiho's Preliminary Identification of Claim Terms that Need Construction And Proposed Claim Constructions filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Aug 25, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (38 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 44 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 36 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 43 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC) STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to Exchange Identification of Claim Terms and Proposed Constructions to September 1, 2020 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 8/25/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(nmf)
Aug 25, 2020 36 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (4)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to Exchange Identification of Claim Terms and Proposed Constructions to September 1, 2020 - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 12, 2020 35 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of (1) Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.'s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.'s Supplemental Initial Disclosures Under Fed. R. Civ. 26(A)(1), (2) Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.'s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.'s Supplemental Initial Disclosures Pursuant to the Delaware Default Standard 3, and (3) Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.'s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.'s Answers to Taiho's First Set of Joint Interrogatories to Defendants (Nos. 1-4) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Aug 11, 2020 34 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Joint Initial Invalidity Contentions filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Jul 9, 2020 33 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (5)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME to: 1) Submit Invalidity Contentions; 2) Exchange Indentification of Terms and Proposed Constructions; and 3) File Joint Claim Construction Chart to 1) August 11, 2020; 2) August 25, 2020; and 3) September 14, 2020, respectively - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Jun 5, 2020 32 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Taiho's First Set of Joint Interrogatories to Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
May 29, 2020 31 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Taiho's Disclosure of Infringement Contentions Concerning Infringement of the Patents-In-Suit by the Natco Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
May 26, 2020 28 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.s Initial Disclosures Pursuant to the Delaware Default Standard Paragraph 3 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
May 26, 2020 29 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Objections and Responses to Defendants' First Set of Requests for Production (Nos. 1-7) filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
May 26, 2020 30 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Natco Pharma Inc.s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.s Responses to Taihos First Set of Requests for Production filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
May 18, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re [27] STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME re: Defendants Natco Pharma Inc. and Natco Pharma, Ltd. to serve their disclosures pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the Default Standard for Discovery to May 28, 2020 filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 5/18/2020. (fms)
May 18, 2020 27 Stipulation to EXTEND Time (1)
Docket Text: STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME re: Defendants Natco Pharma Inc. and Natco Pharma, Ltd. to serve their disclosures pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the Default Standard for Discovery to May 28, 2020 - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
May 14, 2020 26 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Initial Disclosures related to Electronically Stored Information filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 28, 2020 25 Protective Order (26)
Docket Text: PROTECTIVE ORDER. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 4/28/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Apr 27, 2020 24 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Taiho's First Set of Requests for Production to The Natco Defendants filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 24, 2020 23 Proposed Order (25)
Docket Text: PROPOSED ORDER (Proposed Protective Order) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Apr 23, 2020 22 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Joint First Set of Requests for Production (Nos. 1-7) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Apr 20, 2020 20 Notice of Service (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiffs' Initial Disclosures filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd..(Balick, Steven)
Apr 20, 2020 21 Notice of Service (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE OF SERVICE of Defendants Natco Pharma, Inc.'s and Natco Pharma, Ltd.'s Initial Disclosures Under Fed. R. Civ. 26(a)(1) filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Apr 15, 2020 N/A Case Referred to Mediation (0)
Docket Text: CASE REFERRED to Chief Magistrate Judge Mary Pat Thynge for Mediation. Please see Standing Order dated January 20, 2016, regarding disclosure of confidential ADR communications. A link to the standing order is provided here for your convenience at Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(cak)
Apr 14, 2020 19 Scheduling Order (26)
Docket Text: SCHEDULING ORDER: Case referred to the Magistrate Judge for the purpose of exploring ADR. Joinder of Parties due by 10/23/2020. Amended Pleadings due by 10/23/2020. Fact Discovery completed by 4/6/2021. Expert Discovery due by 12/21/2021. Joint Claim Construction Brief due by 12/14/2020. A Markman Hearing is set for 2/18/2021 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 4B before Judge Colm F. Connolly. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 6/9/2022. A Final Pretrial Conference is set for 6/30/2022 at 04:00 PM in Courtroom 4B before Judge Colm F. Connolly. A Bench Trial is set for 7/11/2022 at 08:30 AM in Courtroom 4B before Judge Colm F. Connolly. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 4/14/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(nmf)
Apr 13, 2020 N/A Remark (0)
Docket Text: The April 15, 2020 Scheduling Conference is cancelled per the filing of the Letter and Unopposed Scheduling Order in accordance with the Court's Order of March 12, 2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(nmf)
Apr 13, 2020 17 Letter (1)
Docket Text: Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding the Parties' Jointly Proposed Scheduling Order. (Balick, Steven)
Apr 13, 2020 18 Proposed Order (26)
Docket Text: PROPOSED ORDER (Proposed Scheduling Order) by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Balick, Steven)
Apr 9, 2020 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorney Molly Hayssen for Taiho Oncology, Inc. and Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(kmd)
Apr 3, 2020 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorneys B. Jefferson Boggs, Christopher J. Sorenson, Rachel C. Hughey, Karen L. Beckman for Natco Pharma Ltd. and Natco Pharma, Inc. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. (kmd)
Apr 3, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (19 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 18 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 16 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 21 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC) MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Molly Hayssen filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc.. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 4/3/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Apr 3, 2020 16 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice (5)
Docket Text: MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Molly Hayssen - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Mar 31, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re [15] MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney B. Jefferson Boggs, Jr., Christopher J. Sorenson, Rachel C. Hughey and Karen L. Beckman filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 3/31/2020. (fms)
Mar 30, 2020 15 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice (5)
Docket Text: MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney B. Jefferson Boggs, Jr., Christopher J. Sorenson, Rachel C. Hughey and Karen L. Beckman - filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Mar 12, 2020 14 Order Setting Scheduling Conference (3)
Docket Text: Order Setting Scheduling Conference: A Scheduling Conference is set for 4/15/2020 at 03:30 PM in Courtroom 4B before Judge Colm F. Connolly. If the parties have no disputes about scheduling, the Court will not require the parties to appear at a conference. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 3/12/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(nmf)
Feb 25, 2020 13 Letter (2)
Docket Text: Letter to The Honorable Colm F. Connolly from Steven J. Balick regarding Plaintiffs' Response to the Court's January 27, 2020 Order Regarding Coordination of Proceedings. (Balick, Steven)
Jan 27, 2020 12 Order (3)
Docket Text: ORDER, on or before February 27, 2020, counsel for plaintiffs shall inform the court as to whether the need for coordinated discovery and/or Markman proceedings is anticipated and, if so, when a joint scheduling conference might most efficiently be conducted. ORDER, Setting Deadlines: Notice of Compliance deadline set for 2/27/2020. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/27/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(nmf)
Jan 23, 2020 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorney Michael Kaminski for Taiho Oncology, Inc. and Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(kmd)
Jan 23, 2020 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorney Liane M. Peterson for Taiho Oncology, Inc. and Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(kmd)
Jan 23, 2020 N/A Add Attorneys Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: Pro Hac Vice Attorney Bradley Roush for Taiho Oncology, Inc. and Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02368-CFC, 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC(mal)
Jan 22, 2020 N/A SO ORDERED (0)
Docket Text: SO ORDERED, re (10 in 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 11 in 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 11 in 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 11 in 1:19-cv-02368-CFC) MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael D. Kaminski, Liane M. Peterson, and Bradley Roush filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/22/2020. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02309-CFC, 1:19-cv-02321-CFC, 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC(fms)
Jan 22, 2020 11 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice (7)
Docket Text: MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Michael D. Kaminski, Liane M. Peterson, and Bradley Roush - filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (Mayo, Andrew)
Jan 21, 2020 9 Answer to Complaint (18)
Docket Text: ANSWER to [1] Complaint, by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc..(Farnan, Kelly)
Jan 21, 2020 10 Disclosure Statement (2)
Docket Text: Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Other Affiliate NATCOPHARM for Natco Pharma Ltd. filed by Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc.. (Farnan, Kelly)
Jan 2, 2020 N/A Case Assigned/Reassigned (0)
Docket Text: Case Assigned to Judge Colm F. Connolly. Please include the initials of the Judge (CFC) after the case number on all documents filed. Associated Cases: 1:19-cv-02342-CFC, 1:19-cv-02368-CFC (rjb)
Dec 30, 2019 N/A Summons Issued (0)
Docket Text: Summons Issued with Magistrate Consent Notice attached as to Natco Pharma Ltd. on 12/30/2019; Natco Pharma, Inc. on 12/30/2019. Requesting party or attorney should pick up issued summons at the Help Desk, Room 4209, or call 302-573-6170 and ask the Clerk to mail the summons to them. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 1 Main Document (30)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT filed against Natco Pharma Ltd., Natco Pharma, Inc. - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0311-2812050.) - filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-D, # (2) Civil Cover Sheet)(mal)
Dec 30, 2019 1 Exhibit A-D (58)
Dec 30, 2019 1 Civil Cover Sheet (1)
Dec 30, 2019 2 Magistrate Consent Forms (3)
Docket Text: Notice, Consent and Referral forms re: U.S. Magistrate Judge jurisdiction. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 3 ANDA Form (2)
Docket Text: Supplemental information for patent cases involving an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) - Date Patentee(s) Received Notice: 11/21/2019. Date of Expiration of Patent: see attached.Thirty Month Stay Deadline: 3/23/2023. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 4 Patent/Trademark Report to Commissioner (1)
Docket Text: Report to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks for Patent/Trademark Number(s) RE46,284 E ;9,527,833 C1 ;10,457,666 B2. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 5 Disclosure Statement (2)
Docket Text: Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. for Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. filed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 6 Disclosure Statement (2)
Docket Text: Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for Taiho Oncology, Inc. filed by Taiho Oncology, Inc.. (mal)
Dec 30, 2019 7 Summons Returned Executed (2)
Docket Text: SUMMONS Returned Executed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc.. Natco Pharma Ltd. served on 12/30/2019, answer due 1/21/2020. (Mayo, Andrew)
Dec 30, 2019 8 Summons Returned Executed (2)
Docket Text: SUMMONS Returned Executed by Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Taiho Oncology, Inc.. Natco Pharma, Inc. served on 12/30/2019, answer due 1/21/2020. (Mayo, Andrew)
Dec 30, 2019 1 Complaint* (1)