Patexia Research
Case number IPR2021-01568

Unified Patents, LLC v. Paradise IP LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Feb 1, 2022 12 board Notice: refund approved Download
Jan 27, 2022 11 petitioner Petitioner's Request for Refund of Post-Institution Fee Download
Jan 19, 2022 10 board Termination Decision: Pre-DI settlement Download
Dec 27, 2021 9 petitioner Petitioner's Updated Exhibits List Download
Dec 27, 2021 8 petitioner Joint Motion to Keep Confidential Download
Dec 27, 2021 7 petitioner Joint Motion to Dismiss Download
Oct 28, 2021 6 board Notice: Notice filing date accorded to petition and time for filing patent owner preliminary response Download
Oct 20, 2021 5 patent_own Download
Oct 20, 2021 4 patent_own Download
Oct 4, 2021 3 petitioner Petitioner's Updated Mandatory Notices Download
Sep 29, 2021 1010 petitioner A Simple Network Management Protocol, RFC 1067, Aug. 1988, available at ("RFC 1067") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1011 petitioner U.S. Patent 6,292,829 to Huang ("Huang") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1012 petitioner Network Aspects (NA): Telecommunications Management Network; Resource Management; Part 1: Physical Resource Management, ETSI Standard, ES 201 097-1, 1997 ("Network Aspects") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1013 petitioner The Fortran Automatic Coding System for the IBM 704 EDPM, Oct. 15, 1956 ("Fortran") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1014 petitioner Thomas N. Mackinson, COBOL: a sample problem, Communications of the ACM, August 1, 1961, available at ("COBOL") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1015 petitioner Ned Chapin, A Comparison of File Organization Techniques, 1969, available at ("Chapin") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1016 petitioner Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the Unix Operation System, Prentice-Hall Software Series, 1986) ("Bach") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1017 petitioner An American National Standard IEEE Standards for Local Area Networks, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, Std 802.3-1985 ISO Draft International Standard ("IEEE 802.3 Standard") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1018 petitioner Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary, 3rd Ed., 1997 ("Microsoft Computer Dictionary") (excerpted) Download
Sep 29, 2021 1019 petitioner An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks, RFC 2571, April 1999, available at ("RFC 2571") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1 petitioner Inter Partes Review Petition of U.S. Patent 7,200,613 Download
Sep 29, 2021 1021 petitioner Jill Huntington-Lee, Platforms To The Rescue -- As Nets Get More Complex, Platforms Deliver Solutions, Open Systems Today, September 21, 1992 ("Huntington-Lee") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1022 petitioner U.S. Patent No. 5,613,09 ("Danknick") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1023 petitioner Oracle8i SQL Reference, Release 8.1.5 ("SQL") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1024 petitioner IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks, RFC 1469, June 1993, available at ("RFC 1469") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1025 petitioner Darren Mar-elia, Active Directory in Windows 2000, ITPro Today, Oct. 21, 1999 ("Mar-elia") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1026 petitioner David Iseminger, Active Directory Services for Microsoft Windows 2000 Technical Reference, 2000 ("Iseminger") (excerpted) Download
Sep 29, 2021 1027 petitioner Wylie Wong, IBM tops Oracle in Database Market, ZDNet, May 7, 2002, available at ("Wong") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1028 petitioner Declaration of Sylvia D. Hall Ellis, Ph.D. Download
Sep 29, 2021 1029 petitioner Declaration of Kevin Jakel Download
Sep 29, 2021 2 petitioner Petitioner's Power of Attorney Download
Sep 29, 2021 1009 petitioner Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets, RFC 1066, Aug. 1988, available at ("RFC 1066") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1008 petitioner Oracle8i Concepts, Release 8.1.5 ("Oracle") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1007 petitioner U.S. Publication No. 2003/0014332 to Gramling ("Gramling") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1006 petitioner U.S. Patent 7,640,334 to Spinks ("Spinks") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1005 petitioner U.S. Patent 7,315,887 to Liang ("Liang") Download
Sep 29, 2021 1004 petitioner Curriculum Vitae of Philip Greenspun, Ph.D. Download
Sep 29, 2021 1003 petitioner Declaration of Philip Greenspun, Ph.D. Download
Sep 29, 2021 1002 petitioner Prosecution History File of Application 10/287,896 Download
Sep 29, 2021 1001 petitioner U.S. Patent 7,200,613 Download
Sep 29, 2021 1020 petitioner User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768, Aug. 1980, available at ("RFC 768") Download