Uniloc USA, Inc. et al v. BCL Technologies et al > Summary
Court Case Number 6:10-cv-00018
Filing Date Jan 27, 2010
Termination Date Jan 3, 2011
Court Texas Eastern District Court
Status Dismissed - Other
13Plaintiff Attorneys
15Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Eric M. Albritton
Albritton Law Firm
Attorney Name: Eric M. Albritton
Albritton Law Firm
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: James L. Etheridge
Etheridge Law Group
Attorney Name: James L. Etheridge
Etheridge Law Group
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Wesley Hill
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Attorney Name: Wesley Hill
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Winston O. Huff
Navarro Huff PLLC
Attorney Name: Winston O. Huff
Navarro Huff PLLC
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Helen Chae Macleod
Etheridge Law Group
Attorney Name: Helen Chae Macleod
Etheridge Law Group
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Scott R. Maynard
Etheridge Law Group
Attorney Name: Scott R. Maynard
Etheridge Law Group
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: John Ward
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Attorney Name: John Ward
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Attorney Name: Jay Choi
Defendant Attorneys
32Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: Matthew C. Acosta
Jackson Walker LLP
Algorithmic Implementations, Inc.
Attorney Name: Michael A. Albert
Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks
Siber Systems Inc.
Attorney Name: Joseph S. Beckman
The Intellection Group, Inc.
The Honest Company, Inc.
Attorney Name: Christopher R. Benson
Norton Rose Fulbright
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: William A. Birdwell
Davis Wright Tremaine
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Cabrach J. Connor
Scardino LLP
BCL Technology, Inc.
Attorney Name: Jason W. Cook
Alston & Bird
Siber Systems Inc.
Attorney Name: Brian Craft
Findlay Craft
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Deron R. Dacus
Dacus Law Firm
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Shannon M. Dacus
Dacus Law Firm
G7 Productivity Systems
Attorney Name: Elizabeth L. Derieux
Capshaw Derieux
Siber Systems Inc.
Attorney Name: Eric H. Findlay
Findlay Craft
Attorney Name: Richard G. Frenkel
Latham & Watkins
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: Alan J. Galloway
Davis Wright Tremaine
Quadraspec, Inc.
Attorney Name: Robert O. Groover III
Groover & Associates
Software Shapers, Inc.
Attorney Name: Susan M. Halpern
Foley & Lardner LLP
Alien Skin Software, LLC
Attorney Name: James Scott Howard
Law Office Of J Scott Howard
Algorithmic Implementations, Inc.
Attorney Name: Gerald B. Hrycyszyn
Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks
BCL Technology, Inc.
Attorney Name: James M. Ingram
Jacob J Stettin Law Offices
Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: John M. Jackson
Jackson Walker LLP
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Jeffrey L. Johnson
Scardino LLP
Attorney Name: Melissa Kopacz
Latham & Watkins
Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: Robert Parke Latham
Jackson Walker LLP
REAL Software, Inc.
Attorney Name: Frank Bonner Lyon
Attorney At Law
Alien Skin Software, LLC
Attorney Name: Bruce E. Owens Jr.
Myers Bigel
Software Shapers, Inc.
Attorney Name: Steven E. Ross
Maxus Legal PLLC
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Daniel Scardino
Scardino LLP
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: E. Glenn Thames Jr.
Potter Minton
Attorney Name: Craig Tyler
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Alien Skin Software, LLC
Attorney Name: Richard P. Vitek
Myers Bigel
REAL Software, Inc.
Attorney Name: J. Bradley White
J Bennett White
G7 Productivity Systems
Attorney Name: Laura A. Wytsma
Loeb & Loeb
Counter Defendant
10Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Eric M. Albritton
Albritton Law Firm
Attorney Name: Eric M. Albritton
Albritton Law Firm
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: James L. Etheridge
Etheridge Law Group
Attorney Name: James L. Etheridge
Etheridge Law Group
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Wesley Hill
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Attorney Name: Wesley Hill
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: Scott R. Maynard
Etheridge Law Group
Attorney Name: Scott R. Maynard
Etheridge Law Group
Uniloc Private Limited
Attorney Name: John Ward
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Attorney Name: John Ward
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC
Counter Claimant
20Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: Matthew C. Acosta
Jackson Walker LLP
Siber Systems Inc.
Attorney Name: Joseph S. Beckman
The Intellection Group, Inc.
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: William A. Birdwell
Davis Wright Tremaine
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Cabrach J. Connor
Scardino LLP
BCL Technology, Inc.
Attorney Name: Jason W. Cook
Alston & Bird
Siber Systems Inc.
Attorney Name: Brian Craft
Findlay Craft
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Deron R. Dacus
Dacus Law Firm
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Shannon M. Dacus
Dacus Law Firm
Attorney Name: Richard G. Frenkel
Latham & Watkins
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: Alan J. Galloway
Davis Wright Tremaine
Quadraspec, Inc.
Attorney Name: Robert O. Groover III
Groover & Associates
BCL Technology, Inc.
Attorney Name: James M. Ingram
Jacob J Stettin Law Offices
Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: John M. Jackson
Jackson Walker LLP
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Jeffrey L. Johnson
Scardino LLP
Attorney Name: Melissa Kopacz
Latham & Watkins
Globalstar, Inc.
Attorney Name: Robert Parke Latham
Jackson Walker LLP
Software Shapers, Inc.
Attorney Name: Steven E. Ross
Maxus Legal PLLC
Argus Software
Attorney Name: Daniel Scardino
Scardino LLP
MacKichan Software
Attorney Name: E. Glenn Thames Jr.
Potter Minton
Attorney Name: Craig Tyler
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
35:271 Patent Infringement
Related Patents
Doc No | Title | Issue date |
05490216 | System for software registration | Feb 6, 1996 |