Patexia Research
Case number 337-TA-905

Wireless Devices, Including Mobile Phones and Tablets II > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Aug 29, 2014 541163 Office of the Secretary F.R. Notice of Determination Not To Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation Download
Aug 25, 2014 540879 Office of the Secretary None Download
Aug 25, 2014 540819 Office of the Secretary Notice of Commission Determination Not to Review an Initial Determination Granting Joint Motions to Terminate the Investigation Based on Settlement Agreements; Termination of the Investigation Download
Aug 4, 2014 539454 Administrative Law Judge Initial Determination Granting Joint Motions to Terminate Investigation Based on Settlement Agreement Download
Aug 4, 2014 539455 Administrative Law Judge Initial Determination Granting Joint Motions to Terminate Investigation Based on Settlement Agreements Download
Aug 1, 2014 539362 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Response to Motion to Terminate Investigation as to Samsung on the Basis of a Settlement Agreement Download
Jul 30, 2014 539194 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Response to Motion to Terminate Investigation as to ZTE, Nokia, and Sony on the Basis of a Settlement Agreement Download
Jul 24, 2014 538867 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, Pragmatus Mobile and Samsung Respondents' Joint Motion to Terminate the Investigation with Respect to Samsung Respondents Based on Settlement and Unopposed Request for Stay of Procedural Schedule as to Samsung Pending Consideration of Motion Download
Jul 24, 2014 538865 Pragmatus Mobile LLC, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, Pragmatus Mobile's and Samsung Respondents' Joint Motion to Terminate the Investigation with Respect to Samsung Respondents Based on Settlement and Unopposed Request for Stay of Procedural Schedule as to Samsung Pending Consideration Download
Jul 21, 2014 538548 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Joint Motion to Terminate Investigation No. 337-TA-905 as to the ZTE, Nokia and Sony Respondents on the Basis of Settlement Agreement Download
Jul 18, 2014 538526 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC, Nokia Corporation, Nokia, Inc., Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB, Sony Mobile Communicatio Joint Motion to Terminate Investigation No. 337-TA-905 as to the ZTE, Nokia and Sony Respondents on the Basis of Settlement Agreement Download
Jul 9, 2014 537682 Administrative Law Judge Granting in Part Joint Motion to Stay the Procedural Schedule Download
Jul 8, 2014 537574 Office of Secretary Order 1 Download
Jul 8, 2014 537542 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Joint Motion to Stay the Procedural Schedule Download
Jul 2, 2014 537257 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant's Opposition to the Samsung Respondents Motion to Amend Response to the Complaint to Conform to the Evidence Pursuant to 19 C.F.R. Sec. 210.14(c) Download
Jul 2, 2014 537238 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Response to Samsung Respondents' Motion to Amend Their Response Download
Jun 30, 2014 537077 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Carol J. Brewer Download
Jun 26, 2014 536816 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB, and Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Joseph Mercadante Download
Jun 24, 2014 536592 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Unopposed Motion to Take a Deposition After the Fact Discovery Cutoff Download
Jun 23, 2014 536557 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Joint Unopposed Motion to Take a Deposition After the Fact Discovery Cuttoff Download
Jun 20, 2014 536455 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC, LG Electronics, Inc., The Samsung Respondents' Motion to Amend Response to Complaint to Conform the Evidence Pursuant to 19 CFR Section 210.14(c) Download
Jun 20, 2014 536388 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Unopposed Motion to Take Depositions After the Fact Discovery Cutoff Download
Jun 18, 2014 536266 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC and ZTE Respondents Joint Stipulation Regarding Sales, Importation and Inventory Download
Jun 18, 2014 536265 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC and Samsung Respondents Joint Stipulation Regarding Importation and Inventory Download
Jun 18, 2014 536263 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC and Nokia Respondents Joint Stipulation Regarding Importation and Inventory Download
Jun 18, 2014 536210 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Joint Unopposed Motion to Take the Depositions After the Fact Discovery Cutoff Download
Jun 18, 2014 536127 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protectvie Order of Kristi Caruthers and Keith Farris Download
Jun 17, 2014 536110 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Kathleen Hamilton Download
Jun 17, 2014 536083 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Ashish Thomas Download
Jun 13, 2014 535773 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Leslie Redwood, Victor Pavarati, and Paula Satkin Download
Jun 13, 2014 535769 Samsung Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Thomas D. Vander Veen, Ph.D. Download
Jun 13, 2014 535705 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order for Bryan C. Nese Download
Jun 12, 2014 535621 Administrative Law Judge Granting Unopposed Motion by Non-Party Trimble Navigation Limited for an Extension of Time to Respond to Subpoena Download
Jun 11, 2014 535555 Trimble Navigation Limited Unopposed Request of Non-Party Trimble Navigation Limited for an Extension of Time to Respond to Subpoena Download
Jun 11, 2014 535554 Trimble Navigation Limited Notice of Limited Appearance of Faegre Baker Daniels LLP on Behalf of Non-Party Trimble Navigation Limited; Designation of Joel D. Sayres as Lead Counsel Download
Jun 10, 2014 535524 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Rebecca Callow and Dorien Saito Download
Jun 10, 2014 535512 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC, Nokia Corporation, Nokia Inc., Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB, Sony Mobile Communication The Private Parties' Joint Unopposed Motion to Take a Deposition After the Fact Discovery Cutoff Download
Jun 10, 2014 535484 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsunt Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Jill Shepherd, Thomas Tracy, and Melanie Giamarco Download
Jun 10, 2014 535483 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsunt Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Cappy Hallock, Jonathan Polter, and Edward Cullen Download
Jun 10, 2014 535450 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Unopposed Motion for Leave to Permit Pragmatus Mobile to Amend Its Ground Rule 7.4 Infringement Disclosures and for Nokia to Amend Its Rebutal Infringement Download
Jun 10, 2014 535449 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Unoposed Motion: to Modify the Reguttal Contention Deadlines in the Procedural Schedule and 2; for Leave to Amend Select Mandatory Disclosures Download
Jun 10, 2014 535437 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Discovery Stipulation Among the Private Parties Download
Jun 10, 2014 535435 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Mark Hendrix and Tamara Chapman Download
Jun 9, 2014 535408 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC The Private Parties' Joint Unopposed Motion (1) to Modify the Rebuttal Contention Deadlines in the Procedural Schedule; and (2) for Leave to Amend Select Mandatory Disclosures Download
Jun 5, 2014 535192 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC, Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Complainant and Nokia Respondents' Joint Unopposed Motion for Leave to Amend Ground Rule 7.4 Infringement Contentions Download
Jun 5, 2014 535157 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Gail Spurgeon Download
Jun 4, 2014 535067 Administrative Law Judge Granting Extension by Non-Party Omnitracs, LLC for an Extension of Time to Respond to Subpoena Download
Jun 3, 2014 534992 Omnitracs, LLC Unopposed Motion of Non-Party Omnitracs, LLC for an Extension of Time to Respond to Subpoena Download
Jun 2, 2014 534903 Administrative Law Judge Construing Disputed Terms of the Asserted Patents Download
Jun 2, 2014 534892 Omnitracs, LLC Notice of Limited Appearance for Non-Party Omnitracs, LLC; Designation of Stephen R. Smith as Lead Counsel Download
May 29, 2014 534699 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Unopposed Motion for Modification of Four Dates in the Procedural Schedule Download
May 29, 2014 534691 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Philip Dafesh Download
May 28, 2014 534673 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to Be Bound by the Protective Order of Andrea Ignacio and Brad Rainoff Download
May 28, 2014 534580 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Designation of Lisa Kattan as OUII Attorney for Service of Process Download
May 27, 2014 534561 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC The Private Parties' Joint Unopposed Motion for Modification of Four Dates in the Procedural Schedule Download
May 27, 2014 534554 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC The Private Parties' Joint Unopposed Motion for Modification of Four Dates in the Procedural Schedule Download
May 23, 2014 534504 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Sue Mi Jones Download
May 20, 2014 534260 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Vijay Madisetti Download
May 19, 2014 534145 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Supplemental Markman Brief Download
May 19, 2014 534137 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB, and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Alex Daunais and Jill Ruggieri Download
May 16, 2014 534082 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant's Tentative Witness List Download
May 16, 2014 534060 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents' Joint Tentative Witness List Download
May 14, 2014 533826 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents Supplemental Claim Construction Memorandum Download
May 14, 2014 533823 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile's Supplemental Claim Construction Brief Download
May 14, 2014 533775 Administrative Law Judge Denying Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation for Lack of Standing and Lack of Domestic Industry Download
May 13, 2014 533699 Samsung Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Thomas H. Reger II Download
May 9, 2014 533554 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Shawn Budd and Kimberly Smith Download
May 7, 2014 533367 Administrative Law Judge Markman Hearing (Pages 220-297) Download
May 6, 2014 533277 Administrative Law Judge Tutorial (Pages 1-41) Download
May 6, 2014 533276 Administrative Law Judge Hearing (Pages 1-219) Download
May 5, 2014 533212 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Stephanie Battaglia, Hanna Kim, Mimi Sen-Jane Lain, and Edward Willen Download
May 5, 2014 533155 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Steven A. Bowers Download
May 5, 2014 533151 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc. Stipulation of Pragmatus Mobile, LLC, Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB & Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc. Regarding Sales, Importation and Inventory Download
May 1, 2014 532969 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Scott Andrews Download
May 1, 2014 532954 Administrative Law Judge Denying Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation for Lack of Standing and Lack of Domestic Industry Download
Apr 30, 2014 532946 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Christian Dippon Download
Apr 30, 2014 532938 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of James Olivier Download
Apr 29, 2014 532890 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of William Smith, Beatriz Beal & Mitchell MacQueen Download
Apr 29, 2014 532885 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Coleman Bazelon Download
Apr 29, 2014 532871 Administrative Law Judge Granting Unopposed Motion by Non-Party Microsoft Corporation for Extension of Time to Respond to Subpoenas Download
Apr 28, 2014 532816 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Responsive Markman Claim Construction Brief Download
Apr 28, 2014 532810 Microsoft Corporation NonParty Microsoft Corporation's Unopposed Motioin for an Extension of Time to Object to and to Move to Quash the Subpoena Duces Tecum and Subpoena Ad Testificandum Issued at the Request of Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Download
Apr 28, 2014 532809 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents' Reply Claim Construction Brief Download
Apr 28, 2014 532771 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Reply Markman Brief Download
Apr 25, 2014 532738 Microsoft Corporation Notice of Limited Appearance for Non-Party Microsoft Corporation Download
Apr 18, 2014 532368 Commissioner Recusal Download
Apr 16, 2014 532171 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Vinh Pham and David Lansky Download
Apr 16, 2014 532165 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB, and Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Respondents' Identification of Expert Witnesses Download
Apr 16, 2014 532163 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of William Mangione-Smith Download
Apr 16, 2014 532161 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Identification of Expert Witness Download
Apr 14, 2014 531838 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC, LG Electronics, Inc., Respondents' Opening Claim Construction Brief Download
Apr 14, 2014 531837 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLCs Opening Markman Claim Construction Brief Download
Apr 14, 2014 531814 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Initial Markman Brief Download
Apr 14, 2014 531803 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Sigurd Meldal Download
Apr 11, 2014 531709 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Opposition to Respondents' Motion for Leave to Reply to Complainant's Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation (Mot. Dkt. 905-008) Download
Apr 10, 2014 531567 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Letter forwarding Corrected Pages to Motion for Leave to Reply to Complainants' Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Terminate Download
Apr 9, 2014 531545 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Submission of Joint Claim Construction Chart Download
Apr 9, 2014 531542 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents' Motion for Leave to Reply to Complainants' Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation for Lack of Standing and Lack of Domestic Industry Download
Apr 9, 2014 531525 Administrative Law Judge Denying Motion by Non-Party Google, Inc. for an Extension of Time to Respond to Complainant's Subpoena Duces Tecum and Ad Testificandum Download
Apr 9, 2014 531524 Administrative Law Judge Granting Joint Motion for Extension of Time to Hold First Settlement Conference Download
Apr 8, 2014 531416 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile LLC's Opposition to Google Inc.'s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Complainant's Subpoenas Duces Tecum and Ad Testificandum Download
Apr 7, 2014 531317 Google Inc. Urgent and Partially Unopposed Motion by Non-Party Google Inc. for an Extension of Time to Respond to Complainant's Subpoenas Duces Tecum and ad Testificandum Download
Apr 7, 2014 531315 Google Inc. Notice of Limited Appearance of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP on Behalf of Non-Party Google Inc. and Designation of Cono Carrano as Lead Attorney Download
Apr 2, 2014 530996 Office of Unfair Import Investigations Commission Investigative Staff's Response to Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation for Lack of Standing and Lack of Domestic Industry Download
Apr 2, 2014 530994 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC and Nokia Respondents' Joint Motion for Extension of Time to Hold First Settlement Conference Download
Apr 2, 2014 530986 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation Download
Mar 25, 2014 530450 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Notice of Appearance of FlagshipIP on Behalf of Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Download
Mar 25, 2014 530449 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Aaron Buckler Download
Mar 21, 2014 530269 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents' Motion to Terminate the Investigation for Lack of Standing and Lack of Domestic Industry Download
Mar 20, 2014 530179 Administrative Law Judge Granting Respondents' Unopposed Motion to Amend Protective Order Download
Mar 14, 2014 529924 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Respondents' Unopposed Motion to Amend Protective Order Download
Mar 6, 2014 529389 Administrative Law Judge Granting Unopposed Motions by Non-Parties For Extensions of Time to Respond to the Subpoenas Requested by Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Download
Mar 5, 2014 529344 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Christopher C. Carnaval Download
Mar 5, 2014 529260 HTC America, Inc., HTC America Innovation, Inc., One & Company Design, Inc. and Martin Fichter Unopposed Motion of Non-parties HTC America, Inc., HTC America Innovation, Inc., One & Company Design, Inc. and Martin Fichter for an Extension of Time to Respond to Complainant's Subpoenas Download
Mar 5, 2014 529258 HTC America, Inc., HTC America Innovation, Inc., One & Company Design, Inc. and Martin Fichter Notice of Limited Appearance of Perkins Coie LLP on Behalf of HTC America, Inc. HTC America Innovation, Inc., One & Company Design, Inc. and Martin Fichter Download
Mar 4, 2014 529120 Apple Inc. Nonparty Apple Inc.'s Unopposed Motion for an Extension of Time to Object to and Move to Quash the Subpoena Issued at the Request of Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Download
Feb 28, 2014 529053 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Case Management Conference Hearing Statement Download
Feb 28, 2014 529018 Administrative Law Judge Setting the Procedural Schedule Download
Feb 27, 2014 529016 Administrative Law Judge Teleconference (Pages 1-77) Download
Feb 27, 2014 528906 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Raymond Vetter, Carlos Gamez, Karen Levandowski, Karen Widlock, and Rebecca McCray Download
Feb 24, 2014 528601 Samsung Respondents Case Management Statement Download
Feb 24, 2014 528598 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Nokia Corp and Nokia Inc. Verification to the Response to the Complaint Download
Feb 21, 2014 528519 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC Respondents Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC's Response to Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Complaint Under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended Download
Feb 21, 2014 528515 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC Respondents Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC's Response to Complainant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Complaint Under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended Download
Feb 21, 2014 528514 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. ZTE Response to Notice of Investigation and Rule 210.13(b) Download
Feb 21, 2014 528512 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Response of ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. to the Complaint of Pragmatus Mobile, LLC under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as Amended, and Notice of Investigation, and Respondents' Affirmative Defenses Download
Feb 21, 2014 528509 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Confidential Exhibit A for Sony Response to Complaint Download
Feb 21, 2014 528508 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Respondents Nokia Corp. and Nokia Inc.'s Response to Complanant Pragmatus Mobile, LLC's Complaint Under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 as Amended Download
Feb 21, 2014 528506 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Sony Respondents' Response to Complaint, as Amended, and Notice of Investigation Download
Feb 20, 2014 528361 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Agreement to be Bound By the Protective Order for Karen Leyva Download
Feb 19, 2014 528216 Administrative Law Judge Amending Hearing Date Download
Feb 13, 2014 527926 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Notice of Appearance of FlagshipIP, P.C. on Behalf of Pragmatus Mobile LLC Download
Feb 13, 2014 527927 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Dmitriy S Andreyev, Uma Bansal, and Karen Heart Download
Feb 11, 2014 527762 ZTE Corporation and STE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of George Edwards Download
Feb 6, 2014 527347 Administrative Law Judge Granting Respondents' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Complaint and Notice of Investigation Download
Feb 5, 2014 527244 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA), Inc. Respondents' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Complaint and Notice of Investigation Download
Feb 4, 2014 527183 Administrative Law Judge Regarding Target Date, Case Management Conference, and Procedural Schedule Download
Feb 3, 2014 527067 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Robert F. Perry, Tony V. Pezzano, Taryn K. Williams, Ketan Pastakia, Steven Z. Luksenberg, and Laura S. Huffman Download
Jan 30, 2014 526855 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Notice of Appearance of Marino and Grillo LLP on Behalf of Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Download
Jan 30, 2014 526842 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Request for Confidential Materials by Kenyon & Kenyon LLP on Behalf of Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Download
Jan 30, 2014 526839 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of James Otteson, Thomas Carmack, Phillip Marsh, Jedediah Phillips, Michael Nguyen Download
Jan 29, 2014 526733 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Victoria N. Lynch Download
Jan 29, 2014 526724 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Supplemental Notice of Appearance Download
Jan 29, 2014 526715 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Richard W. Thill Download
Jan 29, 2014 526709 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of John Flock, Marcia Sundeen, Paul Qualey, Zaed Billah and Aimee Soucie Download
Jan 29, 2014 526699 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Ibrahim Hallaj Download
Jan 29, 2014 526697 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Notice of Appearance of Intrinsic Law Corp. on Behalf of Pragmatus Mobile LLC Download
Jan 28, 2014 526677 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Nicole S. Cunningham Download
Jan 28, 2014 526679 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Request for Confidential Materials on Behalf of ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Download
Jan 28, 2014 526678 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Fei Shen Download
Jan 28, 2014 526685 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Inge Larish Download
Jan 28, 2014 526675 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Callie A. Bjurstrom Download
Jan 28, 2014 526670 ZTE Corporation & ZTE (USA), Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Steve Moore Download
Jan 28, 2014 526666 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Request of Confidential Materials of Fish & Richardson P.C. on Behalf of Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Download
Jan 28, 2014 526664 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Michael Mckeon, Joseph Colaianni, Noah Graubart, Thomas Fusco, Christopher Green, Brian Boyd, Samuel Thompson Download
Jan 28, 2014 526661 Administrative Law Judge Notice of Attorney Advisor Ted Jou Download
Jan 28, 2014 526662 Administrative Law Judge Ground Rules Download
Jan 28, 2014 526651 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Request for Confidential Materials on Behalf of Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Download
Jan 28, 2014 526650 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Agreement to be Bound by the Protective Order of Jeffrey M. Telep and Allison H. Altersohn Download
Jan 28, 2014 526649 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Notice of Appearance of King & Spalding LLP on Behalf of Nokia Inc. and Nokia Corporation and Designation of Jeffrey Telep as Lead Attorney Download
Jan 27, 2014 526572 Pragmatus Mobile LLC Notice of Appearance for Agility IP Law, LLP on Behalf of Complainants Pragmatus Mobile, LLC and Designation of James Otteson as Lead Attorney Download
Jan 27, 2014 526551 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC, and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Notice of Appearance of Fish & Richardson P.C. on Behalf of Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Telecommunications America LLC, and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Designation of Michael Mckeon as Lead Attorney Download
Jan 27, 2014 526540 Administrative Law Judge Protective Order Download
Jan 27, 2014 526516 Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. Notice of Appearance of Kenyon & Kenyon LLP on Behalf of Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications AB and Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. and Designation of Marcia Sundeen as Lead Attorney Download
Jan 24, 2014 526306 Office of the Secretary F.R. Notice of Institution of Investigation Download
Jan 22, 2014 526191 ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. Notice of Appearance of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP on Behalf of ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc. and Designation of Steve Moore as Lead Attorney Download
Jan 17, 2014 526776 Office of the Secretary None Download
Jan 17, 2014 525985 Office of the Secretary Institution of Investigation Download
Jan 17, 2014 525990 Chief Administrative Law Judge Assignment of Administrative Law Judge Thomas B. Pender Download
Jan 8, 2014 525383 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Pragmatus Mobile Cover Letter and Supplemental Assignment Download
Jan 2, 2014 525110 Samsung Samsung Public Interest Statement Download
Jan 2, 2014 525088 Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc. Nokia Inc. and Nokia Corporation's Statement on Public Interest Pursuant to Commission's Solicitation of Comments Download
Jan 2, 2014 525048 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Supplemental Complaint Verification - Cover Letter and Executed Statement Download
Dec 24, 2013 524981 Office of the Secretary F.R. Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest Download
Dec 20, 2013 524666 Commissioner Recusal Download
Dec 19, 2013 524495 Office of the Secretary Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest Download
Dec 18, 2013 524394 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Confidential Exhibits Download
Dec 18, 2013 524388 Pragmatus Mobile, LLC Public Complaint, Exhibits, and Appendices Download