Patexia Research
Case number IPR2013-00606

ZOLL Lifecor Corporation v. Philips Electronics North America Corp. > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Aug 25, 2014 17 petitioner CAFC - Dismissal Download
May 21, 2014 16 petitioner Notice of Appeal Download
Apr 17, 2014 15 board Notice of Refund Download
Apr 2, 2014 14 petitioner Request for Refund Download
Mar 20, 2014 13 board Decision - Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review Download
Jan 22, 2014 12 petitioner IPR2013-00606 Exhibit List Download
Jan 22, 2014 1015 petitioner Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV. and Phillips Electronics North America Corporation v. ZOLL Medical Corporation, Civil Action No. 10-11041, Complaint dated June 18, 2010 Download
Jan 22, 2014 1017 petitioner David Templeton, “Back from the Brink: A Vest that can Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest”, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 27, 2012, 5 pages Download
Jan 22, 2014 1016 petitioner Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV. and Phillips Electronics North America Corporation v. ZOLL Lifecor Corporation, Civil Action No. 12-1369, Complaint dated September 21, 2012 Download
Jan 22, 2014 11 petitioner Petitioner ZOLL Lifecor’s Brief On Whether ZOLL Medical Corporation Is A Real-Party-In-Interest Or In Privity With Petitioner Download
Jan 22, 2014 1020 petitioner Philips Exhibit 2004 in IPR2013-00612, Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV. and Phillips Electronics North America Corporation v. ZOLL Medical Corporation, Civil Action No. 10-11041, Affidavit of Process Server dated October 14, 2010 Download
Jan 22, 2014 1018 petitioner Koninklijke Philips NV. and Phillips Electronics North America Corporation v. ZOLL Medical Corporation, Civil Action No. 10-11041, Verdict Form dated December 19, 2013 Download
Jan 22, 2014 1019 petitioner Philips Exhibit 2006 in IPR2013-00612, Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV. and Phillips Electronics North America Corporation v. ZOLL Lifecor Corporation, Civil Action No. 12-1369, Summons and proof of service dated September 21, 2012 Download
Jan 13, 2014 10 board Order - re Briefing Privity and Real Party in Interest Download
Dec 23, 2013 2009 patent_own Exhibit 2009 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2003 patent_own Exhibit 2003 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2025 patent_own Exhibit 2025 Download
Dec 23, 2013 8 patent_own Exhibit List Download
Dec 23, 2013 2015 patent_own Exhibit 2015 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2019 patent_own Exhibit 2019 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2023 patent_own Exhibit 2023 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2011 patent_own Exhibit 2011 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2024 patent_own Exhibit 2024 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2014 patent_own Exhibit 2014 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2010 patent_own Exhibit 2010 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2018 patent_own Exhibit 2018 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2001 patent_own Exhibit 2001 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2022 patent_own Exhibit 2022 Download
Dec 23, 2013 7 patent_own Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response to Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 5,593,427 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2020 patent_own Exhibit 2020 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2007 patent_own Exhibit 2007 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2005 patent_own Exhibit 2005 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2004 patent_own Exhibit 2004 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2021 patent_own Exhibit 2021 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2012 patent_own Exhibit 2012 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2006 patent_own Exhibit 2006 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2016 patent_own Exhibit 2016 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2026 patent_own Exhibit 2026 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2008 patent_own Exhibit 2008 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2017 patent_own Exhibit 2017 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2013 patent_own Exhibit 2013 Download
Dec 23, 2013 2002 patent_own Exhibit 2002 Download
Oct 15, 2013 5 potential_ Power of Attorney Download
Oct 15, 2013 6 potential_ Related Matters Download
Oct 9, 2013 4 board Errata Download
Sep 26, 2013 3 board Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition Download
Sep 23, 2013 1 petitioner Petition for Inter Partes Review of US Patent No. 5,593,427 Pursuant to 35 USC 311-319, 37 CFR 42 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1008 petitioner Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV v. Defibtech LLC, Case No. C03-1322JLR, Order 12/21/2005 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1012 petitioner USP 5,607,454 to Cameron et al. Download
Sep 23, 2013 1013 petitioner American Heritage Dictionary (3d ed. 1992) p. 1167 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1007 petitioner USP 5,431,686 to Kroll et al. Download
Sep 23, 2013 1010 petitioner Schuder et al., Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs Vol. XXX,pp. 520-525 (1984) Download
Sep 23, 2013 1004 petitioner McDaniel Declaration Download
Sep 23, 2013 1009 petitioner Koninklije Philips Electronics NV v. Cardiac Science, Inc., Civil No. 03-1064, Memorandum Opinion and Order 4/20/2006 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1003 petitioner Notice of Allowability and Reasons for Allowance mailed 9/13/96 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1011 petitioner USP 5,735,879 to Gliner et al. Download
Sep 23, 2013 1002 petitioner File History of USP 5,593,427 Download
Sep 23, 2013 1005 petitioner USP 3,782,389 to Bell Download
Sep 23, 2013 1006 petitioner USP 5,352,239 to Pless Download
Sep 23, 2013 1001 petitioner USP 5,593,427 Download
Sep 23, 2013 2 petitioner Power of Attorney Download