Patexia Research
Case number 1:17-cv-00010

inMusic Brands, Inc. v. Roland Corporation > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.Description (Pages)
Aug 9, 2023 235 REPLY MEMORANDUM re 233 Memorandum in Opposition, 234 Reply Memorandum . (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfras in Support, # 2 Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 08/09/2023) (0)
Aug 2, 2023 234 REPLY MEMORANDUM re 233 Memorandum in Opposition re Roland's Objections to the July 5, 2023 Order. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 08/02/2023) (0)
Jul 19, 2023 233 MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION by Roland Corporation in opposition to Order on Motion to Compel,,,,,,,,,, dated 7/5/2023 re Sanctions. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 07/19/2023) (8)
Jul 17, 2023 229 REPLY to Response re 227 Response to Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision re inMusic's Motion to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, Ph.D. filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 07/17/2023) (7)
Jul 17, 2023 230 DECLARATION re 229 Reply to Response to Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision re inMusic's Motion to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, Ph.D. by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 07/17/2023) (13)
Jul 17, 2023 231 REPLY to Response re 228 Response to Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision re inMusic's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine) (Entered: 07/17/2023) (9)
Jul 17, 2023 232 RESPONSE In Support to 224 Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 7/24/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 07/17/2023) (30)
Jul 10, 2023 226 RESPONSE In Opposition to 224 Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 7/17/2023. (Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 07/10/2023) (28)
Jul 10, 2023 227 RESPONSE In Opposition to 223 Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 7/17/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 07/10/2023) (22)
Jul 10, 2023 228 RESPONSE In Opposition to 221 Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 7/17/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 07/10/2023) (11)
Jun 26, 2023 221 OBJECTION to 216 Report and Recommendations Regarding Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine) (Entered: 06/26/2023) (13)
Jun 26, 2023 222 DECLARATION re 221 Objection to Report and Recommendations Regarding Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Bush, Christine) (Entered: 06/26/2023) (0)
Jun 26, 2023 223 OBJECTION to 215 Report and Recommendations Regarding Plaintiff's Motion to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, Ph.D. filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 06/26/2023) (13)
Jun 26, 2023 224 OBJECTION to 216 Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 06/26/2023) (30)
Jun 21, 2023 220 REPLY to Response re 217 Response to Motion,, to Compel Roland to Produce Documents, Hold in Contempt Its Technical Expert for Subpoena Non-Compliance, and to Sanction Roland for Withholding an Alleged Prior Art Device filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5)(Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 06/21/2023) (0)
Jun 16, 2023 218 REPLY to Response re 214 Response to Motion,, inMusic's Reply In Support of Fifth Motion to Compel Production of Financial Documents and Information filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 (Redacted), # 2 Exhibit 2 (Redacted), # 3 Exhibit 3 (Redacted), # 4 Exhibit 4 (Redacted), # 5 Exhibit 5 (Redacted), # 6 Exhibit 6 (Redacted), # 7 Exhibit 7 (Redacted), # 8 Exhibit 8 (Redacted), # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10 (Redacted))(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 06/16/2023) (0)
Jun 16, 2023 219 MOTION to Seal inMusic's Reply in Further Support of its Fifth Motion to Compel Production of Financial Documents and Information Filed. Notice Sent To: inMusic Brands, Inc., Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Sealed Document Reply ISO 5th Motion to Compel, # 2 Exhibit 1 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 3 Exhibit 2 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 4 Exhibit 3 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 5 Exhibit 4 - Booth Report, # 6 Exhibit 5 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 7 Exhibit 6 - RRI, # 8 Exhibit 7 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 9 Exhibit 8 - Sealed - Native Excel, # 10 Exhibit 10 - Report)(Scott, Craig) This entry/document has been filed under seal pursuant to statute, rule or court order and access is restricted. Please login to CM/ECF to view document(s). (Entered: 06/16/2023) (0)
Jun 14, 2023 217 RESPONSE In Opposition to 213 MOTION to Compel Roland to Produce Documents, to Hold in Contempt its Technical Expert for Subpoena Non-Compliance, and to Sanction Roland for Withholding an Alleged Prior Art Device filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 6/21/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # 2 Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 3 Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 4 Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 5 Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 6 Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 06/14/2023) (0)
Jun 12, 2023 215 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS recommending that Plaintiff's Motion to Exclude be DENIED. 182 MOTION to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, PH.D. filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. Objections to R&R due by 6/26/2023. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/12/2023. (Noel, Jeannine) (Entered: 06/12/2023) (5)
Jun 12, 2023 216 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS recommending that Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (ECF No. 177) be DENIED and that Defendants Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (ECF No. 184) be DENIED. 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Roland Corporation, 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. Objections to R&R due by 6/26/2023. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/12/2023. (Noel, Jeannine) (Entered: 06/12/2023) (13)
Jun 9, 2023 214 RESPONSE In Opposition to 212 Fifth MOTION to Compel Production of Financial Documents and Information filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 6/16/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # 2 Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 3 Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 4 Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 5 Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # 6 Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 06/09/2023) (0)
May 31, 2023 213 MOTION to Compel Roland to Produce Documents, to Hold in Contempt its Technical Expert for Subpoena Non-Compliance, and to Sanction Roland for Withholding an Alleged Prior Art Device filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 6/14/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 05/31/2023) (0)
May 26, 2023 212 Fifth MOTION to Compel Production of Financial Documents and Information filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 6/9/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3)(Bush, Christine) (Entered: 05/26/2023) (0)
Apr 24, 2023 211 REPLY to Response re 209 Response to Motion, re Motion to Strike the Sham Declaration of Naoyuki Tamura filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca) (Entered: 04/24/2023) (6)
Apr 17, 2023 209 RESPONSE In Opposition to 206 MOTION to Strike 185 Memorandum in Support inMusic Brands Motion to Strike The Sham Declaration of Naoyuki Tamura filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 4/24/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 04/17/2023) (11)
Apr 3, 2023 206 MOTION to Strike 203 REPLY to Response re 190 Response to Motion, Motion for Partial Summary Judgment 184 filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. Responses due by 4/17/2023. (Scott, Craig) Modified on 4/3/2023 to correct docket text (DaCruz, Kayla). (Entered: 04/03/2023) (10)
Apr 3, 2023 207 DECLARATION re 206 MOTION to Strike 185 Memorandum in Support inMusic Brands Motion to Strike The Sham Declaration of Naoyuki Tamura Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 04/03/2023) (0)
Apr 3, 2023 208 MOTION to Seal Motion to File Under Seal Filed. Notice Sent To: inMusic Brands, Inc., Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig) This entry/document has been filed under seal pursuant to statute, rule or court order and access is restricted. Please login to CM/ECF to view document(s). (Entered: 04/03/2023) (0)
Mar 30, 2023 205 NOTICE by Roland Corporation of Unavailability of Counsel April 25-28 and May 23-26, 2023 (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/30/2023) (2)
Mar 27, 2023 197 REPLY to Response re 189 Response to Motion, Reply of inMusic in Support of its Motion to Exclude Non-Infringement Opinions of Paul Lehrman filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (5)
Mar 27, 2023 198 DECLARATION re 197 Reply to Response Declaration of Craig M. Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (0)
Mar 27, 2023 199 REPLY to Response re 193 Response to Motion inMusic Reply ISO its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 200 RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by inMusic Brands, Inc. re 195 Statement of Undisputed Facts inMusic's Response to Roland's "Separate Statement of Undisputed Additional Facts ISO Opp to inMusic's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment". (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 201 DECLARATION re 199 Reply to Response Declaration of Craig M. Scott in support of inMusic's Reply in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (0)
Mar 27, 2023 202 MOTION to Seal Ex. A to Declaration of Craig M. Scott ISO inMusic's Reply ISO Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Filed. Notice Sent To: inMusic Brands, Inc., Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Sealed Document)(Scott, Craig) This entry/document has been filed under seal pursuant to statute, rule or court order and access is restricted. Please login to CM/ECF to view document(s). (Entered: 03/27/2023) (0)
Mar 27, 2023 203 REPLY to Response re 190 Response to Motion, Motion for Partial Summary Judgment 184 filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (30)
Mar 27, 2023 204 DECLARATION re 203 Reply to Response 190 to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment 184 by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 33, # 2 Exhibit 34, # 3 Exhibit 35, # 4 Exhibit 36, # 5 Exhibit 37, # 6 Exhibit 38, # 7 Exhibit 39)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/27/2023) (0)
Mar 27, 2023 210 EXHIBIT A IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc., Roland Corporation in support of 201 Declaration. (Kenny, Meghan) This document has been filed under seal pursuant to LR Gen 102 and access is restricted. Please login to CM/ECF to view document(s). (Entered: 04/19/2023) (0)
Mar 20, 2023 189 RESPONSE In Opposition to 182 MOTION to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, PH.D. filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/27/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas ISO Opposition to Plaintiff Motion to Exclude Lehrman, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (0)
Mar 20, 2023 190 RESPONSE In Opposition to 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment InMusic Brands, Inc.'s Opposition to Roland Corp.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 3/27/2023. (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (30)
Mar 20, 2023 191 DECLARATION re 190 Response to Motion, for Partial Summary Judgment - Declaration of Christine K. Bush by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (0)
Mar 20, 2023 192 NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re 186 Statement of Undisputed Facts inMusic Brands Response to Roland's Statement of Undisputed Facts in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (30)
Mar 20, 2023 193 RESPONSE In Opposition to 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/27/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (30)
Mar 20, 2023 194 DECLARATION re 193 Response to Motion by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 6, # 2 Exhibit 7, # 3 Exhibit 8, # 4 Exhibit 9, # 5 Exhibit 10, # 6 Exhibit 11, # 7 Exhibit 12, # 8 Exhibit 14, # 9 Exhibit 15, # 10 Exhibit 16, # 11 Exhibit 17, # 12 Exhibit 18, # 13 Exhibit 19, # 14 Exhibit 20, # 15 Exhibit 21, # 16 Exhibit 22, # 17 Exhibit 23, # 18 Exhibit 28, # 19 Exhibit 29, # 20 Exhibit 30, # 21 Exhibit 31, # 22 Exhibit 32)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (0)
Mar 20, 2023 195 STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED FACTS by Roland Corporation re 193 Response to Motion. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (27)
Mar 20, 2023 196 STATEMENT OF DISPUTED FACTS by Roland Corporation re 193 Response to Motion. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/20/2023) (25)
Mar 6, 2023 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/20/2023. (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (2)
Mar 6, 2023 178 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment . (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (30)
Mar 6, 2023 179 STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED FACTS by inMusic Brands, Inc. re 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment . (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (30)
Mar 6, 2023 180 DECLARATION re 177 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit U, # 22 Exhibit V, # 23 Exhibit W, # 24 Exhibit X, # 25 Exhibit Y, # 26 Exhibit Z, # 27 Exhibit AA, # 28 Exhibit BB, # 29 Exhibit CC)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (0)
Mar 6, 2023 181 MOTION to Seal Exhibit I to Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs ISO Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Filed. Notice Sent To: inMusic Brands, Inc., Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit I to Declaration of Rebecca Briggs)(Scott, Craig) This entry/document has been filed under seal pursuant to statute, rule or court order and access is restricted. Please login to CM/ECF to view document(s). (Entered: 03/06/2023) (0)
Mar 6, 2023 182 MOTION to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, PH.D. filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/20/2023. (Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (11)
Mar 6, 2023 183 DECLARATION re 182 MOTION to Exclude the Non-Infringement Opinion of Expert Witness Paul Lehrman, PH.D. Declaration of Rebeca F. Briggs by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (0)
Mar 6, 2023 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 3/20/2023. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (3)
Mar 6, 2023 185 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by Roland Corporation in support of 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment . (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (30)
Mar 6, 2023 186 STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED FACTS by Roland Corporation re 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment . (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (26)
Mar 6, 2023 187 DECLARATION re 184 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27)(de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 03/06/2023) (0)
Feb 24, 2023 176 NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re 161 Response in Opposition Notice of Supplemental Information in Support of inMusic Brand's Objection to the May 25, 2022 Text Order (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2)(Scott, Craig) (Entered: 02/24/2023) (0)
Jan 11, 2023 175 MOTION for Kimberly K. Dodd to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 100.00, receipt number ARIDC-1829981 ) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice)(Raux, Geoffrey) (Entered: 01/11/2023) (0)
Dec 12, 2022 174 Joint MOTION for an Extension of Time to Extend Expert Discovery and Dispositive Motion Deadlines filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 12/27/2022. (de Gyarfas, Victor) (Entered: 12/12/2022) (4)
Nov 7, 2022 173 Memorandum and Order (8)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM AND ORDER : The Court adopts the Report in Recommendation (ECF. No. [162]) in full for the reasons set forth therein. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 11/7/2022. (Potter, Carrie)
Oct 5, 2022 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [172] Motion for Extension of Time. Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Expert Discovery to close by 1/9/2023;, Motions due by 2/2/2023. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 10/5/2022. (Potter, Carrie)
Sep 27, 2022 172 Motion for Extension of Time (3)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for an Extension of Time 90 day extension for Expert Discovery and Dispositive Motion filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/11/2022. (Gilbert, Laurel)
Aug 10, 2022 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [171] Motion for Extension of Time. Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Expert Discovery to close by 10/11/2022; Dispositive Motions due by 11/4/2022. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 8/10/2022. (Potter, Carrie)
Jul 26, 2022 171 Motion for Extension of Time (3)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for an Extension of Time to Extend Expert Discovery Deadline filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 8/9/2022. (Gilbert, Laurel)
Jul 15, 2022 170 Reply to Response (7)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [169] Response to Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Jul 8, 2022 169 Response to Objection to Magistrate Judge Decision (20)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [167] Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 7/15/2022. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 29, 2022 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [163] Assented MOTION for an Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts referred for determination to Lincoln D. Almond. (Potter, Carrie)
Jun 29, 2022 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [163] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [163] Assented MOTION for an Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts .. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/29/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jun 29, 2022 168 Response in Opposition (10)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [165] Response in Opposition inMusic's Reply In Support of its Objection to the May 25, 2022 Text Order Denying Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Jun 28, 2022 167 Objection to Report and Recommendations (12)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [162] Report and Recommendations Regarding its Second Affirmative Defense filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Jun 27, 2022 N/A Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER GRANTED for good cause shown. Defendant shall not, however, seek to amend or supplement Dr. Lehrman's expert report. The parties shall proceed with expert discovery in accordance with the applicable rules. [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts . So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/27/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jun 24, 2022 166 Reply to Response (7)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [164] Response to Motion, to Substitute Technical Experts [160] filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 22, 2022 165 Response in Opposition () (16)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by Roland Corporation re [161] Response in Opposition to 5/25/2022 Text Order Denying Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 22, 2022 165 Response in Opposition (Exhibit A) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by Roland Corporation re [161] Response in Opposition to 5/25/2022 Text Order Denying Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 21, 2022 164 Response to Motion () (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts inMusic's Response to Defendant's Motion to Substitute Technical Experts filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 6/28/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 21, 2022 164 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts inMusic's Response to Defendant's Motion to Substitute Technical Experts filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 6/28/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 21, 2022 164 Response to Motion (Exhibit B) (22)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts inMusic's Response to Defendant's Motion to Substitute Technical Experts filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 6/28/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 14, 2022 162 Report and Recommendations (6)
Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS recommending that Roland's Motion to Strike (ECF No. 151) be GRANTED in full. [151] MOTION to Strike [150] Answer to Counterclaim Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Roland's Counterclaims filed by Roland Corporation Objections to R&R due by 6/28/2022.. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/14/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jun 14, 2022 163 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (2)
Docket Text: Assented MOTION for an Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 6/28/2022. (Scott, Craig)
Jun 13, 2022 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [160] MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts referred for determination to Lincoln D. Almond. (Potter, Carrie)
Jun 8, 2022 161 Response in Opposition (10)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by inMusic Brands, Inc. re Order on Motion to Compel,,, Objection Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(a). (Briggs, Rebecca)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief () (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Supporting Memorandum) (7)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 1) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 2) (8)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 3) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 4) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 5) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 31, 2022 160 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 6) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Substitute Technical Experts filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 6/14/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Exhibit 2, # (4) Exhibit 3, # (5) Exhibit 4, # (6) Exhibit 5, # (7) Exhibit 6)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 25, 2022 N/A Order on Motion to Compel (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER - Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel (ECF No. 139) is DENIED. Plaintiff has not persuasively shown that Defendant has failed to comply with prior discovery orders or to satisfy its obligations under FRCP 34. Plaintiff has also failed to offer any persuasive authority for its request that Defendant create and produce a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet containing the financial data produced to date or its request for further discovery on the collection and/or accuracy of financial data produced. Defendant is, however, reminded of its continuing duty to supplement or correct discovery responses as required by FRCP 26( e )(1)(A). [139] Motion to Compel. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/25/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 24, 2022 159 Pretrial Scheduling Order (1)
Docket Text: Order Granting Plaintiff inMusic Brands, Inc.'s Motion to Clarify the Scheduling Order: inMusic's opening damages disclosure due by 5/27/2022; Rebuttal expert witness disclosures due by 7/15/2022; Expert Discovery to close by 8/12/2022; Dispositive Motions due by 11/4/2022. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/24/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 23, 2022 N/A Motion Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Video Motion Hearing held on 5/23/2022 re [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. (Scott, Briggs, De Gyarfas, Lynch) All parties present by video; Argument; Motion 152 Granted; Counsel to submit proposed order; Cross Motion Denied without prejudice; Counsel to file proper motion to substitute expert within two weeks (Court Reporter Zoom in Courtroom Video at 11:00 am.) (Noel, Jeannine)
May 23, 2022 N/A Order on Motion to Clarify (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting for the reasons stated at today's hearing [152] Motion to Clarify. Counsel to submit a proposed order for the scheduling deadlines. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/23/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 23, 2022 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER Denying without Prejudice re [156] Cross Motion to Substitute Expert filed by Roland Corporation. Counsel to file a proper motion to substitute expert by June 6, 2022. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/23/2022. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 20, 2022 N/A Notice of Hearing on Motion (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of VIDEO Hearing on Motion [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines : VIDEO Motion Hearing set for 5/23/2022 at 04:00 PM in Remote Hearing before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond.(Zoom Meeting ID: 160 623 4220, Passcode: 400675) (Noel, Jeannine)
May 20, 2022 N/A Notice of Hearing on Motion (0)
Docket Text: RESCHEDULING NOTICE of VIDEO Hearing on Motion [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines : VIDEO Motion Hearing RESCHEDULED for 5/23/2022 at 11:00 AM in Remote Hearing before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. TIME CHANGE ONLY. MOVED FROM 4:00 PM. (Zoom Meeting ID: 160 623 4220, Passcode: 400675) (Noel, Jeannine)
May 20, 2022 158 Reply to Response (3)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [156] Response to Motion, Reply of InMusic Brands In Support of its Motion to Clarify Scheduling Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
May 18, 2022 N/A Transcript Order Rescinded (0)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER RESCINDED re: [157] Transcript Order The Court Reporter certifies the transcript order is unable to be fulfilled for the following reasons: Hearing was not recorded. (Dias, Jennifer)
May 16, 2022 156 Response to Motion () (7)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 5/23/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 16, 2022 156 Response to Motion (Exhibit 1) (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 5/23/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 16, 2022 156 Response to Motion (Exhibit 2) (8)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 5/23/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 16, 2022 156 Response to Motion (Exhibit 3) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [152] MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 5/23/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 16, 2022 157 Transcript Order (1)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on October 7, 2020 before Judge Mary S. McElroy. Expedited Transcript selected. Transcript to be delivered within 7 calendar days.. (Scott, Craig)
May 13, 2022 155 Reply to Response (15)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [153] Response to Motion, [151] Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses to Amended Counter-Claim filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 10, 2022 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [152] MOTION to Clarify, [151] MOTION to Strike, [139] MOTION to Compel referred for determination to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Potter, Carrie)
May 6, 2022 153 Response to Motion (13)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [151] MOTION to Strike [150] Answer to Counterclaim Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Roland's Counterclaims filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 5/13/2022. (Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration () (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration (Exhibit A) (10)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration (Exhibit B) (11)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration (Exhibit C) (12)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration (Exhibit D) (13)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 6, 2022 154 Declaration (Exhibit E) (4)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [153] Response to Motion, of Craig Scott by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E)(Scott, Craig)
May 2, 2022 152 Motion to Clarify (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Clarify Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 5/16/2022. (Scott, Craig)
Apr 22, 2022 151 Motion to Strike () (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike [150] Answer to Counterclaim Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Roland's Counterclaims filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 5/6/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 22, 2022 151 Motion to Strike (Supporting Memorandum) (16)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike [150] Answer to Counterclaim Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Roland's Counterclaims filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 5/6/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 8, 2022 150 Answer to Counterclaim (10)
Docket Text: ANSWER to [126] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim by inMusic Brands, Inc..(Scott, Craig)
Mar 23, 2022 N/A Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines (0)
Docket Text: Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Plaintiff Expert Disclosures shall be made by 5/27/2022; Defendant Expert Disclosures shall be made by 7/15/2022; Expert Discovery to close by 8/12/2022; Motions due by 11/4/2022; (Potter, Carrie)
Mar 4, 2022 146 Reply to Response (8)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [145] Response to Motion, re inMusic's Renewed Motion to Compel filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Mar 4, 2022 147 Declaration () (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [146] Reply to Response re inMusic's Renewed Motion to Compel by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Mar 4, 2022 147 Declaration (Exhibit 1) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [146] Reply to Response re inMusic's Renewed Motion to Compel by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Mar 4, 2022 147 Declaration (Exhibit 2) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [146] Reply to Response re inMusic's Renewed Motion to Compel by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 25, 2022 145 Response to Motion () (15)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Feb 25, 2022 145 Response to Motion (Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Feb 25, 2022 145 Response to Motion (Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Feb 25, 2022 145 Response to Motion (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Feb 25, 2022 145 Response to Motion (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/4/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Opposition - Sogabe Declaration, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Feb 22, 2022 144 Transcript (17)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT of Motion held on 10/08/2021 before Judge Almond. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lisa Schwam, Telephone number 401-752-7128. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: Redaction Requests must be filed for personal identifiers only. All other redactions must be requested by motion. For local policy and sample redaction request visit our website at and select Transcripts under the Case Information menu option. Redaction Request due 3/15/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/25/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/23/2022. (Schwam, Lisa)
Feb 14, 2022 143 Status Report (5)
Docket Text: STATUS REPORT (JOINT) by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 139 Motion to Compel () (11)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 2/25/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 139 Motion to Compel (Exhibit A) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 2/25/2022. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration () (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 1) (11)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 2) (4)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 3) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 4) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 5) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 6) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 11, 2022 140 Declaration (Exhibit 7) (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [139] MOTION to Compel - Renewed Motion to Compel Financial Data by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7)(Bush, Christine)
Feb 10, 2022 138 Transcript Order Acknowledgment (2)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT Entered re: [137] Transcript Order,. Daily Transcript Ordered. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Lisa Schwam. (Dias, Jennifer)
Feb 9, 2022 137 Transcript Order (1)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on 10/08/2021 before Judge Lincoln D. Almond. Daily Transcript selected. Transcript to be delivered following adjournment and prior to the normal opening hour of court on the following morning.. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Jan 26, 2022 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The parties are directed to file a joint status report on or before 2/14/2022. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 1/26/2022. (Potter, Carrie)
Oct 13, 2021 N/A Order on Motion for Sanctions (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER re [133] Motion for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.: DENIED in part and GRANTED in part. Plaintiff's request to hold Defendant in contempt of Court is DENIED as unsupported. As to the discovery dispute, Defendant's argument that Plaintiff is seeking discovery beyond what was covered by the Court's June 11, 2021 Text Order is rejected. Plaintiff provided a reasonable explanation for the request as it related to the three "new" kits and for its clarifying use of the term "consolidated gross profits" in the present summary of outstanding financial information for accused products. Defendant shall produce the financial information requested in ECF No. 136-1 within 30 days. Plaintiff's related request for discovery sanctions in the form of a fee award is DENIED without prejudice. LDA. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 10/13/2021. (Leyva, Lucia)
Oct 8, 2021 N/A Motion Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Video Motion Hearing held on 10/8/2021 re [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. (Gilbert, Bush, de Gyarfas, Von Sauers) Argument; Court takes matter under advisement (Court Reporter Zoom Recording in Courtroom Video at 2:00 pm.) (Noel, Jeannine)
Sep 28, 2021 N/A Notice of Hearing on Motion (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of VIDEO Hearing on Motion [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order : VIDEO Motion Hearing set for 10/8/2021 at 02:00 PM (EST) in Remote Hearing before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond.(Zoom Meeting ID: 160 596 7249, Passcode: 866573) (Noel, Jeannine)
Sep 9, 2021 136 Reply to Response () (5)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [135] Response to Motion,, for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Bush, Christine)
Sep 9, 2021 136 Reply to Response (Exhibit 1) (4)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [135] Response to Motion,, for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Bush, Christine)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion () (11)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (6)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (6)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Sep 2, 2021 135 Response to Motion (Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 9/9/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 23, 2021 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [133] MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order referred for determination to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Potter, Carrie)
Aug 20, 2021 134 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Rebecca F. Briggs on behalf of inMusic Brands, Inc. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions () (7)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit A) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit B) (7)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit C) (16)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit D) (10)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit E) (10)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit F) (10)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit G) (11)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 19, 2021 133 Motion for Sanctions (Exhibit H) (11)
Docket Text: MOTION for Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Court Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/2/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 16, 2021 132 Order on Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (12)
Docket Text: ORDER denying [128] Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 8/16/2021. (Potter, Carrie)
Jul 14, 2021 N/A Motion Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Mary S. McElroy: Motion Hearing held on 7/14/2021 re [128] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM : C. Bush. C. Scott, V. de Gyarfis and W. Lynch. Argument heard. Court takes Motion under advisment. Order to enter at a later date. Recess. (Court Reporter D. Veitch via Remote Hearing at 10:15 a.m..) (Potter, Carrie)
Jun 21, 2021 N/A Notice of Hearing on Motion (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing on Motion [128] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM: Motion Hearing set for 7/14/2021 at 10:00 AM by Zoom before District Judge Mary S. McElroy. (Zoom Meeting ID: 160 207 2469, Passcode: 872452) (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Jun 14, 2021 131 Reply to Response (11)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [130] Response to Motion Reply in Further Support of Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss Defendant's Inequitable Conduct Claims in its Second Amended Counterclaim (Dkt. No. 126) filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Jun 11, 2021 N/A Order on Motion to Compel (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [115] Motion to Compel. After reviewing the parties' filings including the post-meet and confer joint status report (ECF No. 122), Defendant's objections to producing the MI Sales Trak reports and the requested financial information are overruled. Although Defendant may not create a particular document in the ordinary course of business containing the requested financial information, it appears undisputed that it possesses the data and that such data is relevant to this litigation. Rule 34 is not as limited as suggested by Defendant and extends by its terms to both documents and "electronically stored information" (including "data or data compilations") in a party's possession, custody, or control. Counsel shall promptly meet and confer in good faith regarding a reasonable schedule for such production. If the parties are unable to agree, they shall submit proposed schedules for production to the Court for consideration. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/11/2021. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jun 7, 2021 130 Response to Motion (24)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [128] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 6/14/2021. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 24, 2021 128 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (2)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 6/7/2021. (Bush, Christine)
May 24, 2021 129 Memorandum in Support (13)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [128] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM . (Bush, Christine)
May 11, 2021 127 Notice (Other) (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Withdrawal of Appearance of Gina Kim (Scott, Craig)
May 10, 2021 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: VIDEO Scheduling Conference held on 5/10/2021 (Gilbert, Bush, De Gyarfas, Lynch) (Court Reporter Zoom Recording in Courtroom Video at 10:01 am.) (Noel, Jeannine)
May 10, 2021 126 Answer to Amended Complaint (30)
Docket Text: AMENDED ANSWER to [17] Amended Complaint Third Amended Complaint [106], COUNTERCLAIM against inMusic Brands, Inc. by Roland Corporation.(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 6, 2021 125 Transcript (37)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT of Motion to Strike or to Dismiss, held on April 28, 2021, before Judge Mary S. McElroy. Court Reporter Denise P. Veitch, Telephone number 401-752-7031. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter or PACER. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: Redaction Requests must be filed for personal identifiers only. All other redactions must be requested by motion. For local policy and sample redaction request visit our website at and select Transcripts under the Case Information menu option. Redaction Request due 5/27/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/7/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/4/2021. (Veitch, Denise)
May 5, 2021 N/A Order on Motion to Strike (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: For the reasons stated at the hearing held on 4/28/2021, the [110] Motion to Strike is DENIED. So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 4/28/2021. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
May 3, 2021 N/A Order on Motion to Strike (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER denying [116] Motion to Strike. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/3/2021. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 3, 2021 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of VIDEO Hearing: VIDEO Scheduling Conference on Motions 115 and 119 set for 5/10/2021 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond.(Zoom Meeting ID: 160 133 9351, Passcode: 184374) (Noel, Jeannine)
Apr 30, 2021 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents , [119] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents , [116] MOTION to Strike [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents referred for determination to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Potter, Carrie)
Apr 28, 2021 N/A Motion Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Mary S. McElroy: Motion Hearing held on 4/28/2021 re [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim: Arguments heard; Court questions. Court allows the Defendnat until May 10, 2021 to file supplemental documents; plaintiff to respond in 21 days. For reasons stated on the Court denies the Motion to Strike and Grants Motion to Amend. (Court Reporter D. Veitch in Courtroom Video Hearing at 10:00.) (Potter, Carrie)
Apr 28, 2021 123 Transcript Order (1)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on April 28, 2021 before Judge McElroy. Expedited Transcript selected. Transcript to be delivered within 7 calendar days.. (Bush, Christine)
Apr 28, 2021 124 Transcript Order Acknowledgment (2)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT Entered re: [123] Transcript Order. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Denise Veitch. (Dias, Jennifer)
Apr 13, 2021 122 Status Report (14)
Docket Text: STATUS REPORT Joint Status Report by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Apr 1, 2021 N/A Notice of Hearing on Motion (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Motion Hearing on [110] MOTION to Strike set for 4/28/2021 at 10:00 AM by Zoom Video Conference before District Judge Mary S. McElroy.(Zoom Meeting ID: 161 924 3814, Passcode: 390647). (Simoncelli, Michael)
Mar 30, 2021 N/A In Chambers Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Mary S. McElroy: In Chambers Conference held on 3/30/2021. C. Bush, C. Scott, and L. Gilbert for inMusic Brands, Inc.; V. deGyarfas and W. Lynch for Defendant Roland. Parties to meet and confer regarding discovery dispute and file Joint Status Report in 2 weeks. (Simoncelli, Michael)
Mar 29, 2021 121 Reply to Response () (7)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [120] Response to Motion, to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Mar 29, 2021 121 Reply to Response (Exhibit 1) (11)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [120] Response to Motion, to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Mar 29, 2021 121 Reply to Response (Exhibit 2) (6)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [120] Response to Motion, to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Mar 24, 2021 120 Response to Motion () (13)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/31/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 24, 2021 120 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/31/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 24, 2021 120 Response to Motion (Exhibit B) (4)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/31/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 24, 2021 120 Response to Motion (Exhibit C) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/31/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 24, 2021 120 Response to Motion (Exhibit D) (6)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 3/31/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 23, 2021 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Video Hearing: In Chambers Conference set for 3/30/2021 at 10:00 AM by Zoom Video Conference before District Judge Mary S. McElroy. Zoom Meeting ID/Password provided to counsel by email. (Simoncelli, Michael)
Mar 18, 2021 117 Response to Motion (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [116] MOTION to Strike [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 3/25/2021. (Bush, Christine)
Mar 18, 2021 118 Reply to Response () (3)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [117] Response to Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Attorneys' Fees filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 18, 2021 118 Reply to Response (Exhibit 1) (2)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [117] Response to Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Attorneys' Fees filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 18, 2021 118 Reply to Response (Exhibit 2) (4)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [117] Response to Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Renewed Motion to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Attorneys' Fees filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 17, 2021 116 Motion to Strike (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike [115] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 3/31/2021. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel () (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush) (5)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration) (17)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration) (13)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration) (26)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration) (12)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration) (22)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration) (6)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration) (5)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration) (10)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration) (9)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 10, 2021 115 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 3/24/2021. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Chris Bush, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Bush Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 - Bush Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 3 - Bush Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 4 - Bush Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 5 - Bush Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 6 - Bush Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 7 - Bush Declaration, # (9) Exhibit 8 - Bush Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 9 - Bush Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 10 - Bush Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 11 - Bush Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 12 - Bush Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 13 - Bush Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 14 - Bush Declaration, # (16) Exhibit 15 - Bush Declaration, # (17) Exhibit 16 - Bush Declaration, # (18) Exhibit 17 - Bush Declaration, # (19) Exhibit 18 - Bush Declaration, # (20) Exhibit 19 - Bush Declaration, # (21) Exhibit 20 - Bush Declaration, # (22) Exhibit 21 - Bush Declaration, # (23) Exhibit 22 - Bush Declaration, # (24) Exhibit 23 - Bush Declaration, # (25) Exhibit 24 - Bush Declaration, # (26) Exhibit 25 - Bush Declaration, # (27) Exhibit 26 - Bush Declaration, # (28) Exhibit 27 - Bush Declaration, # (29) Exhibit 28 - Bush Declaration, # (30) Exhibit 29 - Bush Declaration, # (31) Exhibit 30 - Bush Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Dec 11, 2020 113 Reply to Response (8)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [112] Response to Motion, to Strike or Dismiss Count VII of Defendant's Amended Counterclaim filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Dec 4, 2020 112 Response to Motion () (26)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/11/2020. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 4, 2020 112 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (5)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/11/2020. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 4, 2020 112 Response to Motion (Exhibit B) (9)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/11/2020. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 4, 2020 112 Response to Motion (Exhibit C) (9)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/11/2020. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 2, 2020 N/A Settlement Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Settlement Conference held on 12/2/2020. (Noel, Jeannine)
Nov 20, 2020 110 Motion to Strike (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 12/4/2020. (Bush, Christine)
Nov 20, 2020 111 Memorandum in Support () (17)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim . (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 20, 2020 111 Memorandum in Support (Exhibit 1) (5)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim . (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 20, 2020 111 Memorandum in Support (Exhibit 2) (8)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [110] MOTION to Strike [107] Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim . (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 19, 2020 109 Notice of Hearing (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE of VIDEO CONFERENCE: VIDEO Settlement Conference set for 12/2/2020 at 03:00 PM (EST) before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Noel, Jeannine)
Nov 16, 2020 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [108] Motion for Extension of Time. Answer to counterclaim due 11/20/2020 - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 11/16/2020. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Nov 13, 2020 108 Motion for Extension of Time (2)
Docket Text: Assented MOTION for an Extension of Time to November 20, 2020 to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Defendant's Amended Counterclaim filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 11/27/2020. (Bush, Christine)
Nov 12, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Video Status Conference with Plaintiff's Counsel only held on 11/12/2020 (Bush, Scott) (Noel, Jeannine)
Nov 12, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Video Status Conference with Defense Counsel held on 11/12/2020 (de Gyarfas) (Noel, Jeannine)
Nov 2, 2020 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Video Conference: Video Conference with Plaintiff's Counsel only set for 11/12/2020 at 02:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Noel, Jeannine)
Nov 2, 2020 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Video Conference: Video Conference with Defense Counsel only set for 11/12/2020 at 03:00 PM (EST) before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Noel, Jeannine)
Oct 30, 2020 107 Answer to Amended Complaint (28)
Docket Text: ANSWER to [106] Amended Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM against inMusic Brands, Inc. by Roland Corporation.(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint* (1)
Oct 16, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Video Conference to discuss scheduling a settlement conference held on 10/16/2020 (Gilbert, Bush, Scott, de Gyarfas) (Courtroom Video at 9:57 am.) (Noel, Jeannine)
Oct 16, 2020 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER - The parties shall submit a status report directly to Magistrate Judge Almond by 10/30/20. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 10/16/2020. (Noel, Jeannine)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint () (20)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 2) (13)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 3) (9)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 4) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 5) (14)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 16, 2020 106 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 6) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Gilbert, Laurel)
Oct 13, 2020 N/A Case Referred (0)
Docket Text: CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond to conduct a Settlement Conference. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 13, 2020 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of VIDEO CONFERENCE: VIDEO Conference to discuss scheduling a settlement conference set for 10/16/2020 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Noel, Jeannine)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Status Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held via Zoom before District Judge Mary S. McElroy: Remote Status/Scheduling Conference held on 10/7/2020. Christine Bush, Craig Scott, Laruel Gilbert, Geoffrey Raux, William Lynch, and Victor de Gyarfas participated. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Order on Motion for Leave to File (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The Court GRANTS the plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File a Third Amended Complaint (ECF No. [88]) and DENIES without prejudice its Motion to Compel Production of Documents (ECF No. [95]). If, after meeting and conferring, the parties cannot come to an agreement, the motion to compel may be refiled - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 10/7/2020. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Order on Motion to Strike (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: For the reasons stated at todays status conference, the Court DENIES the defendants Motion to Strike the Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller (ECF No. [92]) - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 10/7/2020. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Order on Motion to Compel (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The Defendant's Motion to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wismuller (ECF No. [93]) is GRANTED for the purpose of questioning about changes to the deposition made through the use of Jan Wismullers errata sheet. The motion for Sanctions is DENIED - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 10/7/2020. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 7, 2020 N/A Case Referred (0)
Docket Text: CASE REFERRED to District Judge Mary S. McElroy to conduct a Settlement Conference. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 2, 2020 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Remote Hearing: Status Conference set for Wednesday, 10/7/2020 at 1:00 PM via Zoom before District Judge Mary S. McElroy. The Court will send Zoom access information to counsel by email. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Dec 16, 2019 N/A Order on Motion to Seal (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [101] Motion to Seal - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 12/16/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion () (12)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally file) (1)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally file) (1)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally file) (1)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 102 Response to Motion (Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (7)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 12/10/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (2) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas, # (3) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (4) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (5) Exhibit 3 to de Gyarfas Declaration (public version - exhibit provisionally filed under seal), # (6) Exhibit 4 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 103 Reply to Response () (15)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [99] Response to Motion, filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 103 Reply to Response (Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support) (3)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [99] Response to Motion, filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 103 Reply to Response (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (26)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [99] Response to Motion, filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 104 Reply to Response () (11)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [100] Response to Motion, to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wismuller [92] filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 104 Reply to Response (Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support) (3)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [100] Response to Motion, to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wismuller [92] filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 104 Reply to Response (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (5)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [100] Response to Motion, to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wismuller [92] filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 3, 2019 104 Reply to Response (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (12)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [100] Response to Motion, to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wismuller [92] filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit Declaration of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 26, 2019 99 Response to Motion () (26)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [93] MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 99 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (30)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [93] MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 99 Response to Motion (Exhibit B) (13)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [93] MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 99 Response to Motion (Exhibit C) (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [93] MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 100 Response to Motion () (17)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [92] MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 100 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (12)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [92] MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 26, 2019 100 Response to Motion (Exhibit B) (21)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [92] MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 12/3/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 25, 2019 N/A Order on Motion to Seal (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [94] Motion to Seal - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 1/25/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Nov 25, 2019 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [97] Motion for Extension of Time - So Ordered by District Judge Mary S. McElroy on 11/25/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Nov 19, 2019 95 Motion to Compel (18)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Production of Documents filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 12/3/2019. (Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration () (4)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit A) (13)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit B) (26)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit C) (12)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit D) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit E) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit F) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit G) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit H) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit I) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit J) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit K) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit L) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit M) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit N) (6)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit O) (5)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit P) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit Q) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit R) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit S) (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 96 Declaration (Exhibit T) (4)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [95] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K, # (12) Exhibit L, # (13) Exhibit M, # (14) Exhibit N, # (15) Exhibit O, # (16) Exhibit P, # (17) Exhibit Q, # (18) Exhibit R, # (19) Exhibit S, # (20) Exhibit T)(Scott, Craig)
Nov 19, 2019 97 Motion for Extension of Time (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for an Extension of Time to Serve Expert Damages Report Expedited Motion for an Extension of Time to Serve Expert Damages Report filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 12/3/2019. (Scott, Craig)
Nov 12, 2019 92 Motion to Strike () (16)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 92 Motion to Strike (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 92 Motion to Strike (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (26)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 92 Motion to Strike (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (5)
Docket Text: MOTION to Strike Deposition Errata Sheet of Jan Wissmuller filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 93 Motion to Compel () (19)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 93 Motion to Compel (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 93 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 12, 2019 93 Motion to Compel (Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration) (5)
Docket Text: MOTION to Compel Further Deposition Testimony by Jan Wissmuller and for Sanctions filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 11/26/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas in Support, # (2) Exhibit 1 to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 2 to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 7, 2019 N/A Discovery Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Mary S. McElroy: Discovery Dispute Conference held on 11/7/2019. Present: Craig Scott and Laurel M. Gilbert for the Plaintiff and William Lynch for the Defendant. Victor de Gyarfas participated telephonically for the Defendant. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 30, 2019 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Discovery Dispute Conference set for Thursday, 11/7/2019 at 10:00 AM in Judge McElroy's Chambers before District Judge Mary S. McElroy. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 14, 2019 91 Response to Motion (3)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [88] MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 10/21/2019. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 9, 2019 N/A Order on Motion for Protective Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: Defendant's [89] Motion for a Protective Order is DENIED. The depositions of Roland Corporation (the Rule 30(b)(6) designee(s)), Naoyuki Tamura, Hiroyuki Nishi, and Takahiro Murai will take place on the date and at the location as noticed by the Plaintiff. Los Angeles is the Defendant's base in the United States and the location of its national counsel. If the Defendant fails to produce Mr. Murai, his testimony will not be allowed at trial - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 10/9/2019. (Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 8, 2019 N/A Telephone Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr.: Telephone Conference held on 10/8/2019; Craig M. Scott, Laurel M. Gilbert and Victor de Gyarfas participated (Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 8, 2019 90 Response to Motion () (12)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [89] MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 10/15/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 8, 2019 90 Response to Motion (Exhibit A) (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [89] MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 10/15/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 7, 2019 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: This case is transferred to the calendar of Judge Mary S. McElroy - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 10/7/2019. (Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 7, 2019 N/A Case Assigned/Reassigned (0)
Docket Text: Case reassigned to District Judge Mary S. McElroy. District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. no longer assigned to the case. (Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order () (20)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Affidavit of Takahiro Murai) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration) (11)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration) (4)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 7, 2019 89 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration) (6)
Docket Text: MOTION for Protective Order Concerning the Depositions of Messrs. Murai and Nishi filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Takahiro Murai, # (2) Affidavit of Hiroyuki Nishi, # (3) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (4) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (5) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (6) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (7) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (8) Exhibit E to de Gyarfas Declaration, # (9) Exhibit F to de Gyarfas Declaration)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 2, 2019 88 Motion for Leave to File Document () (7)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/16/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 2, 2019 88 Motion for Leave to File Document (Exhibit A) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/16/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 2, 2019 88 Motion for Leave to File Document (Exhibit B) (21)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/16/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 2, 2019 88 Motion for Leave to File Document (Exhibit C) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/16/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 2, 2019 88 Motion for Leave to File Document (Exhibit D) (13)
Docket Text: MOTION for Leave to File Document Third Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 10/16/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D)(Scott, Craig)
Oct 1, 2019 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference set for Tuesday, 10/8/2019 at 09:00 AM before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr.; Court to initiate call. Kindly provide contact information to the case manager at 401-752-7202 with telephone contact information if it differs from the docket sheet(Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 1, 2019 N/A Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [86] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Laurel M. Gilbert of Craig M. Scott. - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 10/1/2019. (McGuire, Vickie)
Oct 1, 2019 87 Notice (Other) (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Withdrawal of Appearance of Rebecca F. Briggs (Scott, Craig)
Sep 30, 2019 86 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice () (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Laurel M. Gilbert to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 100.00, receipt number 0103-1421091 ) filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment A)(Scott, Craig)
Sep 30, 2019 86 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Attachment A) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Laurel M. Gilbert to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 100.00, receipt number 0103-1421091 ) filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment A)(Scott, Craig)
Sep 11, 2019 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [85] Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery; Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Factual Discovery to close by 10/28/2019; Expert Disclosures for the party with the burden of truth shall be made by 11/25/2019; Rebuttal Expert Disclosures shall be made by 12/20/2019;, Expert Discovery to close by 1/20/2020 and Dispositive Motions shall be filed by 2/20/2020; Pretrial Memoranda deadline will be set in the trial notice -So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 9/11/2019. (Barletta, Barbara)
Sep 10, 2019 85 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (3)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for an Extension of Time to Complete Discovery Joint Motion to Amend the Discovery Plan filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 9/24/2019. (Scott, Craig)
Aug 2, 2019 84 Order on Report and Recommendations (2)
Docket Text: ORDER adopting [71] Report and Recommendations with the clarification that the meaning is in Figure 5, element 402 of the '724 Patent as agreed to by the parties- So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 8/2/2019. (Barletta, Barbara)
Jul 24, 2019 82 Response in Support (11)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [78] Objection to Report and Recommendations Plaintiff's Reply In Support of Its Objections to Portions of the June 12, 2019 Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction. (Scott, Craig)
Jul 24, 2019 83 Response in Support (17)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN SUPPORT by Roland Corporation re [79] Objection to Report and Recommendations Defendant's Reply in Support of its Objections to the Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jul 17, 2019 80 Response in Opposition (22)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [79] Objection to Report and Recommendations Plaintiff's Response to Roland Corporation's Objections to the June 12, 2019 Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction. (Scott, Craig)
Jul 17, 2019 81 Response in Opposition (28)
Docket Text: RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION by Roland Corporation re [78] Objection to Report and Recommendations Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Objections to the Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jul 12, 2019 N/A Exhibit in Support (0)
Docket Text: EXHIBIT IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [78] Objection to Report and Recommendations, Evidentiary Hearing: 2 thumb drives; 1 forwarded to chambers & 1 placed in the exhibit closet. (McGuire, Vickie)
Jul 3, 2019 78 Objection to Report and Recommendations () (26)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [71] Report and Recommendations Objections to Portions of the June 12, 2019 Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 3, 2019 78 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [71] Report and Recommendations Objections to Portions of the June 12, 2019 Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 3, 2019 78 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Exhibit 2) (9)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [71] Report and Recommendations Objections to Portions of the June 12, 2019 Report and Recommendation Regarding Claim Construction filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 3, 2019 79 Objection to Report and Recommendations () (26)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [71] Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jul 3, 2019 79 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Exhibit A) (30)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [71] Report and Recommendations filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 24, 2019 77 Transcript (125)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT of Markman Hearing, held on May 20, 2019, before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. Court Reporter Denise P. Veitch, Telephone number 401-752-7031. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter or PACER. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: Redaction Requests must be filed for personal identifiers only. All other redactions must be requested by motion. For local policy and sample redaction request visit our website at and select Transcripts under the Case Information menu option. Redaction Request due 7/15/2019. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/25/2019. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/23/2019. (Veitch, Denise)
Jun 21, 2019 N/A Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [76] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [71] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re [33] Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.; Reset Deadlines: Objections to R&R due by 7/3/2019 - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 6/21/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Jun 21, 2019 76 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (2)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for an Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [71] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re [33] Amended Complaint filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 7/5/2019. (Scott, Craig)
Jun 18, 2019 75 Notice (Other) () (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Roland Corporation of Lodging of Claim Construction Presentation Slides Presented on May 20, 2019 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Claim Construction Presentation Slides)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 18, 2019 75 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1 - Claim Construction Presentation Slides) (30)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Roland Corporation of Lodging of Claim Construction Presentation Slides Presented on May 20, 2019 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Claim Construction Presentation Slides)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 17, 2019 74 Transcript Order Acknowledgment (2)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT Entered re: [73] Transcript Order. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Denise Veitch. (Dias, Jennifer)
Jun 14, 2019 73 Transcript Order (1)
Docket Text: TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on 5/20/2019 before Judge Lincoln D. Almond. 3-Day Transcript Selected. Transcript to be delivered within 3 calendar days.. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jun 12, 2019 N/A Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [70] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Tiffany Kim Sung. So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 6/12/2019. (Potter, Carrie)
Jun 12, 2019 71 Report and Recommendations (14)
Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend that the disputed Claim Terms be construed in the manner described herein Objections to R&R due by 6/26/2019.. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 6/12/2019. (Saucier, Martha)
Jun 12, 2019 72 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Tiffany Kim Sung on behalf of Roland Corporation (Sung, Tiffany)
Jun 11, 2019 70 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Tiffany K. Sung to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 100.00, receipt number 0103-1376281 ) filed by Roland Corporation. (Raux, Geoffrey)
May 24, 2019 N/A Order on Motion for Protective Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [68] Motion for Protective Order and Document Production Order - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 5/24/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
May 24, 2019 69 Protective Order (13)
Docket Text: PROTECTIVE ORDER - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 5/24/2019. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
May 23, 2019 68 Motion for Protective Order () (2)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for Protective Order and Document Production Order filed by All Plaintiffs. Responses due by 6/6/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Scott, Craig)
May 23, 2019 68 Motion for Protective Order (Exhibit 1) (14)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION for Protective Order and Document Production Order filed by All Plaintiffs. Responses due by 6/6/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Scott, Craig)
May 20, 2019 N/A Evidentiary Hearing (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond: Markman Hearing held on 5/20/2019. Attorneys of record Craig M. Scott, Rebecca F. Briggs, Gina K. Kim, Victor de Gyarfas, and William J. Lynch all present for the hearing. Parties provide background argument on Claim Construction Law and the Legal Standards Applied to Claim Construction. Court hears argument on claim construction as to the three identified patents. Court takes the matter under advisement. Court will issue a Claims Construction Report and Recommendation. (Court Reporter FTR in Courtroom A at 10:02 a.m.) (Leyva, Lucia)
May 3, 2019 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: This matter is referred to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond to conduct the Markman Hearing - - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 5/3/2019 (Barletta, Barbara)
May 3, 2019 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: AMENDED NOTICE of Hearing: Markman Hearing SET for 5/20/2019 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom A before Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond.(Noel, Jeannine)
Apr 20, 2019 67 Amended Document (30)
Apr 19, 2019 66 Notice (Other) () (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [51] Notice (Other) Amended Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Briggs, Rebecca)
Apr 19, 2019 66 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [51] Notice (Other) Amended Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Briggs, Rebecca)
Apr 19, 2019 66 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 2) (9)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [51] Notice (Other) Amended Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Briggs, Rebecca)
Apr 19, 2019 66 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 3) (15)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [51] Notice (Other) Amended Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Briggs, Rebecca)
Apr 15, 2019 65 Notice (Other) (12)
Docket Text: Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement (Briggs, Rebecca) Modified on 4/16/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Apr 4, 2019 61 Motion for Disclosure (30)
Docket Text: Defendant's reply construction claim (de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Apr 4, 2019 62 Reply Memorandum (30)
Docket Text: REPLY MEMORANDUM re [60] Notice (Other), to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief. (Scott, Craig)
Apr 4, 2019 63 Declaration () (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [62] Reply Memorandum to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 12, # (2) Exhibit 13, # (3) Exhibit 14)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 4, 2019 63 Declaration (Exhibit 12) (11)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [62] Reply Memorandum to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 12, # (2) Exhibit 13, # (3) Exhibit 14)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 4, 2019 63 Declaration (Exhibit 13) (30)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [62] Reply Memorandum to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 12, # (2) Exhibit 13, # (3) Exhibit 14)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 4, 2019 63 Declaration (Exhibit 14) (7)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [62] Reply Memorandum to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 12, # (2) Exhibit 13, # (3) Exhibit 14)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 4, 2019 64 Declaration (6)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [62] Reply Memorandum to Defendant's Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Mar 8, 2019 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: RREVISED NOTICE of Hearing: Markman Hearing is RESCHEDULED to Monday, 5/20/2019 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 1 before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. (Barletta, Barbara)
Mar 4, 2019 57 Notice (Other) (30)
Docket Text: Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Scott, Craig) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration () (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 2) (13)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 3) (9)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 4) (3)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 5) (7)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 6) (5)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 7) (7)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 8) (7)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 9) (21)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 10) (3)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 58 Declaration (Exhibit 11) (5)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Rebecca Briggs In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claims Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 59 Declaration () (12)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Harri Kytomaa In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 59 Declaration (Exhibit A) (14)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [57] Notice (Other) Declaration of Harri Kytomaa In Support of Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Scott, Craig)
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) () (30)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1) (5)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 2) (9)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 3) (12)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 4) (8)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 5) (30)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 6) (11)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 7) (5)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 8) (8)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 9) (17)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 10) (12)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 11) (10)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 12) (9)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 13) (10)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 14) (4)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 15) (29)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 16) (30)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 17) (7)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Mar 4, 2019 60 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 18) (23)
Docket Text: Defendant's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 4/8/2019 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jan 24, 2019 N/A Order on Motion to Amend/Correct (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [56] Motion to Amend/Correct Discovery Plan; Reset Deadlines: Opening claim construction briefs to be filed by 3/4/19; reply claim constructions briefs to be filed by 4/4/19 and joint claim construction statement to be filed by 4/15/19- So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 1/24/2019. (Barletta, Barbara)
Jan 23, 2019 56 Motion to Amend/Correct (3)
Docket Text: Joint MOTION to Amend/Correct [50] Pretrial Scheduling Order filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 2/6/2019. (Scott, Craig)
Oct 22, 2018 N/A Corrective Docket Entry (0)
Docket Text: CORRECTIVE DOCKET ENTRY Regarding: [53] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions, [54] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions. The ECF Filer did not select the event that best describes the document. Correction made by Clerk’s Office. No further action is required. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Oct 19, 2018 55 Notice (Other) (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Roland Corporation re [54] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, [53] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions Notice of Errata (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 17, 2018 N/A Motions Referred (0)
Docket Text: MOTIONS REFERRED: [53] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions, [54] MOTION for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions referred for determination to Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Barletta, Barbara)
Oct 16, 2018 53 Motion for Disclosure () (4)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text(Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 53 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text(Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 53 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 2) (8)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text(Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 53 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 3) (10)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Non-Infringement Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text(Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 54 Motion for Disclosure () (4)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text (Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 54 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text (Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 54 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 2) (30)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text (Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 16, 2018 54 Motion for Disclosure (Exhibit 3) (17)
Docket Text: NOTICE for Disclosure of Preliminary Invalidity Contentions filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 10/22/2018 to correct event text (Urizandi, Nisshy).
Oct 4, 2018 N/A Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [52] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Gina K. Kim. So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 10/4/2018. (Potter, Carrie)
Oct 4, 2018 52 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Gina K. Kim to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 100.00, receipt number 0103-1270238 ) filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Sep 17, 2018 51 Notice (Other) () (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Sep 17, 2018 51 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1) (28)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Sep 17, 2018 51 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 2) (9)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Sep 17, 2018 51 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 3) (11)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. Preliminary Infringement Disclosures (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Aug 28, 2018 N/A Rule 16 Conference (0)
Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr.: Telephonic Rule 16 Conference held on 8/28/2018: Craig M. Scott, Victor de Gyarfas, and William J. Lynch participated. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Aug 28, 2018 N/A Notice of Hearing (0)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Markman Hearing set for Tuesday, 5/7/2019 at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 1 before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Aug 28, 2018 50 Pretrial Scheduling Order (6)
Docket Text: ORDER entering Discovery Plan - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 8/28/2018. (Urizandi, Nisshy)
Aug 24, 2018 49 Notice (Other) (6)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Roland Corporation re [48] Rule 16 Statement DEFENDANT'S SUMMARY OF FACTS AND LEGAL ISSUES IN CONNECTION WITH RULE 16(b) SCHEDULING CONFERENCE (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 23, 2018 47 Rule 16 Statement () (6)
Docket Text: RULE 16 STATEMENT by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Proposed Discovery Plan)(Scott, Craig)
Aug 23, 2018 47 Rule 16 Statement (Exhibit 1 - Proposed Discovery Plan) (7)
Docket Text: RULE 16 STATEMENT by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Proposed Discovery Plan)(Scott, Craig)
Aug 23, 2018 48 Rule 16 Statement (6)
Docket Text: RULE 16 STATEMENT OF CLAIMS by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 20, 2018 46 Notice of Change of Address (3)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Change of Address by Victor de Gyarfas (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 14, 2018 45 Notice of Hearing (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Rule 16 Conference set for Tuesday, 8/28/2018 at 09:15 AM before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. The Court will initiate the call. Counsel shall provide the Clerk with contact information if it differs from the docket sheet (Barletta, Barbara)
Jul 25, 2018 N/A Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [42] MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 7/25/2018. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jul 24, 2018 44 Reply to Response (5)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [43] Response to Motion to Lift Stay filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Jul 20, 2018 43 Response to Motion (5)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [42] MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case,,,,,, filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 7/27/2018. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jul 9, 2018 42 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief () (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case,,,,,, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 7/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 9, 2018 42 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case,,,,,, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 7/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 9, 2018 42 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 2) (25)
Docket Text: MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case,,,,,, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 7/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 9, 2018 42 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief (Exhibit 3) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Lift Stay re: Order Staying Case,,,,,, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Responses due by 7/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 29, 2018 41 Status Report (2)
Docket Text: STATUS REPORT (Joint) by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Mar 30, 2018 40 Status Report (2)
Docket Text: STATUS REPORT (JOINT) by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Feb 9, 2018 N/A Order Staying Case (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER - After considering the parties' submissions and reviewing the relevant case law, Defendant's Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending inter partes review ("IPR") before the Patent Trial and Appeals Board of the USPTO (ECF Doc. No. 37) is GRANTED. Despite the time spent on Rule 12 motion practice, this complex case is still in its relatively early stages. Further, on balance, Plaintiff has not shown that it will be unduly prejudiced by the delay caused by the IPR process, and it appears here reasonably likely that expert review by the USPTO will aid in focusing this patent dispute for the parties and the Court. Finally, if Defendant's request for IPR is not accepted, the stay can be promptly lifted and this litigation may move forward. However, if a stay is not entered and the request for IPR is accepted and moves forward, the parties and the Court will have potentially wasted significant time and resources embarking on the discovery and claim construction process in the interim. See Universal Electronics v. Universal Remote Control, 943 F. Supp. 2d 1028, 1029 (C.D. Cal. 2013)(observing that, citing 77 Fed. Reg. at 48,721, IPR was designed in part to minimize duplication of efforts between District Court infringement litigation and the reexamination process). Accordingly, the case is STAYED until further Order of the Court. The parties shall promptly move to lift the stay at the conclusion of the IPR process. In addition, the parties shall file joint quarterly reports with the Court on the status of the IPR process starting on April 1, 2018. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 2/9/2018. (Noel, Jeannine)
Jan 30, 2018 39 Reply to Response (25)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response re [38] Response to Motion Reply Memorandum in support of Motion to Stay Proceedings filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 23, 2018 38 Response to Motion () (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [37] MOTION to Stay With Supporting Memo filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 1/30/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 23, 2018 38 Response to Motion (Supporting Memorandum) (15)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [37] MOTION to Stay With Supporting Memo filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 1/30/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 23, 2018 38 Response to Motion (Exhibit 1 - Declaration) (8)
Docket Text: RESPONSE In Opposition to [37] MOTION to Stay With Supporting Memo filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 1/30/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1 - Declaration)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 9, 2018 N/A Hearing Cancelled (0)
Docket Text: HEARING CANCELLED: The Telephonic Rule 16 Conference scheduled for Friday, 1/12/18 at 9:00 a.m. before Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. is cancelled and will be rescheduled (Barletta, Barbara)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay () (19)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit A) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit B) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit C) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit D) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit E) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit F) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit G) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit H) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit I) (3)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit J) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jan 9, 2018 37 Motion to Stay (Exhibit K) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to Stay PROCEEDINGS filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 1/23/2018. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A, # (3) Exhibit B, # (4) Exhibit C, # (5) Exhibit D, # (6) Exhibit E, # (7) Exhibit F, # (8) Exhibit G, # (9) Exhibit H, # (10) Exhibit I, # (11) Exhibit J, # (12) Exhibit K)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Dec 11, 2017 36 Notice of Hearing (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Rule 16 Conference set for Friday, 1/12/2018 at 09:00 AM before District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. The Court will initiate the call. Counsel shall provide the Clerk with contact information if it differs from the docket sheet. (Barletta, Barbara)
Dec 6, 2017 35 Answer to Counterclaim (8)
Docket Text: inMusic Brands, Inc.'s Reply to Counterclaim for Declaratory Relief by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Nov 22, 2017 34 Answer to Amended Complaint (24)
Docket Text: DEFENDANT'S ANSWER to [33] Amended Complaint by Roland Corporation.(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint* (1)
Nov 9, 2017 N/A Order on Report and Recommendations (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The Court has thoroughly reviewed all of the motions and briefing as well as the [31] Report and Recommendation from Magistrate Judge Almond and Defendant's extensive objection to the R&R. For the reasons stated in the R&R, the Court GRANTS Plaintiff's [19] Motion to for Leave to File a Second Amend Complaint and DENIES [21] Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 11/9/2017 (Barletta, Barbara)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint () (19)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 2) (13)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 3) (9)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 4) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 5) (14)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 9, 2017 33 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 6) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT (SECOND) against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Bush, Christine)
Nov 7, 2017 32 Objection to Report and Recommendations (30)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [31] Report and Recommendations of THE MAGISTRATE JUDGE'S OCTOBER 24, 2017 filed by Roland Corporation. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Oct 24, 2017 31 Report and Recommendations (6)
Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS recommending that Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint (ECF No. 21) be DENIED as moot, and that Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File a Second Amended Complaint (ECF Doc. No. 19) be GRANTED. [19] MOTION for Leave to File Document filed by inMusic Brands, Inc., [21] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. Objections to R&R due by 11/7/2017. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 10/24/2017. (Noel, Jeannine)
Oct 10, 2017 30 Notice (Other) () (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Bush, Christine)
Oct 10, 2017 30 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1) (10)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Bush, Christine)
Sep 5, 2017 29 Notice (Other) () (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Sep 5, 2017 29 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 1) (9)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Sep 5, 2017 29 Notice (Other) (Exhibit 2) (28)
Docket Text: NOTICE by inMusic Brands, Inc. re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 15, 2017 27 Reply to Response (30)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response to Motion re [23] Response in Opposition to Motion, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Bush, Christine)
Aug 15, 2017 28 Declaration () (2)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [27] Reply to Response to Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 15, 2017 28 Declaration (Exhibit 1) (27)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [27] Reply to Response to Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 15, 2017 28 Declaration (Exhibit 2) (18)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [27] Reply to Response to Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 15, 2017 28 Declaration (Exhibit 3) (21)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [27] Reply to Response to Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3)(Bush, Christine)
Aug 14, 2017 26 Reply to Response () (29)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response to Motion re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion DEFENDANT'S REPLY RE ITS MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR FAILUIRE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 14, 2017 26 Reply to Response (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (2)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response to Motion re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion DEFENDANT'S REPLY RE ITS MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR FAILUIRE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 14, 2017 26 Reply to Response (Exhibit A) (7)
Docket Text: REPLY to Response to Motion re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion DEFENDANT'S REPLY RE ITS MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR FAILUIRE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Aug 7, 2017 23 Response in Opposition to Motion () (5)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [19] MOTION to Amend Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas)(Smith, Rana) Modified on 8/8/2017 to correct association (Barletta, Barbara).
Aug 7, 2017 23 Response in Opposition to Motion (Supporting Memorandum) (30)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [19] MOTION to Amend Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas)(Smith, Rana) Modified on 8/8/2017 to correct association (Barletta, Barbara).
Aug 7, 2017 23 Response in Opposition to Motion (Exhibit 1) (26)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [19] MOTION to Amend Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas)(Smith, Rana) Modified on 8/8/2017 to correct association (Barletta, Barbara).
Aug 7, 2017 23 Response in Opposition to Motion (Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas) (5)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [19] MOTION to Amend Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Declaration of Victor De Gyarfas)(Smith, Rana) Modified on 8/8/2017 to correct association (Barletta, Barbara).
Aug 7, 2017 24 Response in Opposition to Motion () (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [21] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum)(Farrell Pletcher, Paula)
Aug 7, 2017 24 Response in Opposition to Motion (Supporting Memorandum) (21)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [21] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 8/14/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum)(Farrell Pletcher, Paula)
Aug 7, 2017 25 Declaration () (1)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion by inMusic Brands, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) California Central US District Court Complaint)(Farrell Pletcher, Paula)
Aug 7, 2017 25 Declaration (CA Central US District Court Complaint) (30)
Docket Text: DECLARATION re [24] Response in Opposition to Motion by inMusic Brands, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) California Central US District Court Complaint)(Farrell Pletcher, Paula)
Jul 24, 2017 19 Motion for Leave to File Document () (2)
Docket Text: MOTION to file Amended Complaint WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Bush, Christine) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 24, 2017 19 Motion for Leave to File Document (Exhibit A) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION to file Amended Complaint WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Bush, Christine) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 24, 2017 20 Memorandum in Support (8)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by inMusic Brands, Inc. in support of [19] MOTION for Leave to File Document . (Bush, Christine)
Jul 24, 2017 21 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (3)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM Plaintiff's Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Jul 24, 2017 22 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim () (30)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM of Law in Support of Defendant's [21] Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 24, 2017 22 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (2)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM of Law in Support of Defendant's [21] Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 24, 2017 22 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl.) (2)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM of Law in Support of Defendant's [21] Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 24, 2017 22 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.) (8)
Docket Text: MEMORANDUM of Law in Support of Defendant's [21] Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 8/7/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor) Modified on 7/25/2017 (Barletta, Barbara).
Jul 20, 2017 18 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by William J. Lynch on behalf of Roland Corporation (Lynch, William)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint () (18)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 2) (13)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 3) (9)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 4) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 5) (14)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jul 10, 2017 17 Amended Complaint (Exhibit 6) (7)
Docket Text: AMENDED COMPLAINT against Roland Corporation, filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 9, 2017 N/A Order on Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER: The Court accepts the [15] Report & Recommendation of the Magistrate Judge. InMusic Brand's Complaint fails to sufficiently allege particular facts concerning the presence of any claim limitation in Roland's product(s). Certainly InMusic should be allowed to file an amended complaint that satisfies its pleadings burden. Therefore, Defendant's [11] Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED WITHOUT PREJUDICE and Plaintiff is granted 30 days leave to file an amended complaint - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 6/9/2017. (Barletta, Barbara)
Jun 5, 2017 16 Objection to Report and Recommendations () (30)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [15] Report and Recommendations WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit - Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (2) Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (3) Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 5, 2017 16 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Affidavit - Declaration of Craig M. Scott) (1)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [15] Report and Recommendations WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit - Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (2) Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (3) Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 5, 2017 16 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott) (5)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [15] Report and Recommendations WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit - Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (2) Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (3) Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott)(Scott, Craig)
Jun 5, 2017 16 Objection to Report and Recommendations (Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott) (5)
Docket Text: OBJECTION to [15] Report and Recommendations WITH SUPPORTING MEMO filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit - Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (2) Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott, # (3) Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Craig M. Scott)(Scott, Craig)
May 22, 2017 15 Report and Recommendations (4)
Docket Text: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS recommending that Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Document No. 11) be GRANTED. However, also recommending that it be GRANTED without prejudice and with leave to amend within thirty days. Defendant has not shown any prejudice or bad faith conduct that might support denial of leave to amend at this early stage [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. Objections to R&R due by 6/5/2017. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond on 5/22/2017. (Noel, Jeannine)
May 4, 2017 14 Response in Support of Motion () (22)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Support re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM REPLY MEMORANDUM IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 4, 2017 14 Response in Support of Motion (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Support re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM REPLY MEMORANDUM IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
May 4, 2017 14 Response in Support of Motion (Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Decl.) (10)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Support re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM REPLY MEMORANDUM IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit D to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 27, 2017 13 Response in Opposition to Motion () (2)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 5/4/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Affidavit - Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 27, 2017 13 Response in Opposition to Motion (Supporting Memorandum) (23)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 5/4/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Affidavit - Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 27, 2017 13 Response in Opposition to Motion (Affidavit - Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs) (6)
Docket Text: RESPONSE in Opposition re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Replies due by 5/4/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Supporting Memorandum, # (2) Affidavit - Declaration of Rebecca F. Briggs)(Scott, Craig)
Apr 13, 2017 11 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim () (23)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 4/27/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl., # (4) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 13, 2017 11 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas) (2)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 4/27/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl., # (4) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 13, 2017 11 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl.) (30)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 4/27/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl., # (4) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 13, 2017 11 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl.) (5)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 4/27/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl., # (4) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 13, 2017 11 Motion to Dismiss for failure to State a Claim (Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.) (26)
Docket Text: MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM, FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) filed by Roland Corporation. Responses due by 4/27/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Victor de Gyarfas, # (2) Exhibit A to de Gyarfas Decl., # (3) Exhibit B to de Gyarfas Decl., # (4) Exhibit C to de Gyarfas Decl.)(de Gyarfas, Victor)
Apr 13, 2017 12 Notice (Other) (2)
Docket Text: NOTICE by Roland Corporation re [11] MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM Certificate of Service (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 9, 2017 10 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Victor de Gyarfas on behalf of Roland Corporation (de Gyarfas, Victor)
Mar 8, 2017 N/A Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER granting [8] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Victor de Gyarfas filed by Roland Corporation. - So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 3/8/2017. (McGuire, Vickie)
Mar 8, 2017 N/A Order (0)
Docket Text: TEXT ORDER entering [9] Stipulation to extend time; Reset Deadlines: Roland Corporation answer due 4/13/17- So Ordered by District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. on 3/8/2017. (Barletta, Barbara)
Mar 7, 2017 7 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Geoffrey M. Raux on behalf of Roland Corporation (Raux, Geoffrey)
Mar 7, 2017 8 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice () (2)
Docket Text: MOTION for Victor de Gyarfas to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 50.00, receipt number 0103-1061215 ) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Raux, Geoffrey)
Mar 7, 2017 8 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Exhibit 1) (1)
Docket Text: MOTION for Victor de Gyarfas to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( filing fee paid $ 50.00, receipt number 0103-1061215 ) filed by Roland Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Raux, Geoffrey)
Mar 7, 2017 9 Stipulation (2)
Docket Text: STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Complaint filed by Roland Corporation. (Raux, Geoffrey)
Feb 16, 2017 5 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Rebecca F. Briggs on behalf of inMusic Brands, Inc. (Briggs, Rebecca)
Feb 16, 2017 6 Notice of Appearance (1)
Docket Text: NOTICE of Appearance by Christine K. Bush on behalf of inMusic Brands, Inc. (Bush, Christine)
Feb 14, 2017 4 Waiver of Service Executed (1)
Docket Text: WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. Roland Corporation waiver sent on 1/13/2017, answer due 4/13/2017. (Scott, Craig)
Jan 11, 2017 1 Main Document (10)
Jan 11, 2017 1 Exhibit 1 (36)
Jan 11, 2017 2 Exhibit 2 (13)
Jan 11, 2017 3 Exhibit 3 (9)
Jan 11, 2017 4 Civil Cover Sheet (2)
Jan 10, 2017 2 Corporate Disclosure Statement (1)
Docket Text: Corporate Disclosure Statement by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint* (1)
Jan 10, 2017 N/A Case Assigned/Reassigned (0)
Docket Text: Case assigned to District Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. and Magistrate Judge Lincoln D. Almond. (Swanson, Debra)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint () (10)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT ( filing fee paid $ 400.00, receipt number 0103-1043844 ), filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Civil Cover Sheet)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint (Exhibit 1) (30)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT ( filing fee paid $ 400.00, receipt number 0103-1043844 ), filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Civil Cover Sheet)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint (Exhibit 2) (13)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT ( filing fee paid $ 400.00, receipt number 0103-1043844 ), filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Civil Cover Sheet)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint (Exhibit 3) (9)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT ( filing fee paid $ 400.00, receipt number 0103-1043844 ), filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Civil Cover Sheet)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 1 Complaint (Civil Cover Sheet) (2)
Docket Text: COMPLAINT ( filing fee paid $ 400.00, receipt number 0103-1043844 ), filed by inMusic Brands, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Civil Cover Sheet)(Scott, Craig)
Jan 10, 2017 3 AO Form 120 (1)
Docket Text: AO FORM 120: REPORT on Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Patent or Trademark. (McGuire, Vickie)