Cisco Systems, Inc. v. K.Mizra LLC > Summary
Court Case Number 2022-2290
Filing Date Sep 29, 2022
Termination Date Aug 16, 2024
Appeal From PTO
Status Terminated
Court U.S. Court Of Appeals, Federal Circuit
Appellant Attorneys
16Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Theodore M. Foster
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Eugene Goryunov
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Debra J. McComas
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: David L. McCombs
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Angela M. Oliver
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Manish K. Mehta
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Cristina Q. Almendarez
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Samuel J. Ruggio
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Theodore M. Foster
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Eugene Goryunov
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Debra J. McComas
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: David L. McCombs
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Cisco Systems
Attorney Name: Angela M. Oliver
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Manish K. Mehta
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Cristina Q. Almendarez
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Attorney Name: Samuel J. Ruggio
Appellee Attorneys
8K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Steven T. Skelley
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Cristofer Ivan Leffler
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Cliff Win Jr.
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Moses Xie
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Cristofer Ivan Leffler
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Steven T. Skelley
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Cliff Win Jr.
Folio Law Group PLLC
K.Mizra LLC
Attorney Name: Moses Xie
Folio Law Group PLLC