
Attorneys and Agents

NameLaw FirmCity, StateUSPTO Reg. NoCases 
Irell & Manella LLP Los Angeles, CA 66530125
Russ August & Kabat Los Angeles, CA 125
DNL Zito Washington, DC 32076124
Fabricant LLP Rye, NY 77624123
Ni Wang & Massand Dallas, TX 54296123
Unified Patents Dallas, TX 62429123
Nelson Bumgardner Conroy Dallas, TX 123
DLA Piper Austin, TX 48895122
Kasowitz Benson Torres Redwood Shores, CA 60326122
Greenblum & Bernstein Reston, VA 59834122
Sullivan & Cromwell Los Angeles, CA 41862122
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr Washington, DC 121
Hudnell Law Group New York, NY 51185121
Fenwick & West LLP San Francisco, CA 121
Fenwick & West LLP Mountain View, CA 40629121
Carmichael IP Alexandria, VA 78396121
Venable Washington, DC 44986120
Ward, Smith & Hill, PLLC Longview, TX 120
Skiermont Derby Dallas, TX 120
Bochner PLLC Houston, TX 51354120