EMERY | Trademark Number 79086882

Current Filing Basis1b
Original Filing Basis1b
Pendency2 years, 2 months, 14 days
Filing DateJan 13, 2010
Published For Opposition DateJan 10, 2012
Registration DateMar 27, 2012
Abandonment Date-
International Class(es)004 - Lubricants and fuels
001 - Chemicals
030 - Staple foods
002 - Paints
005 - Pharmaceuticals
031 - Natural agricultural products
003 - Cosmetics and cleaning preparations
019 - Non-metallic building materials
029 - Meats and processed foods
U.S. Class(es)001 - Raw or partly prepared materials
006 - Chemicals and chemical compositions
046 - Foods and ingredients of foods
Type of MarkTrademark
Registration Number4116704
Law Firm
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