Patexia Victor Gregurick’s

Victor Gregurick > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Last Name
Distinquished Engineer
Interests Science and Technology  
I am a seasoned intellectual property executive and manager, having grown several Fortune 500 IP departments and IP service firms licensing, patent brokerage, & consulting practice revenue by over 300%. I have over 25 years experience in intellectual property, engineering, negotiations, business development, and operations. My expertise spans: licensing negotiations, licensing renewals, patent brokerage, patent acquisition, business development, M&A evaluations, deal closure, lead generation, patent purchase agreements, divestitures, c-level contacts, IP management, technology transfers & acquisitions, patent development, joint development agreements, marketing, start-ups, and strategy. My recent engineering and intellectual property experience includes: 3G, 4G, LTE, smartphones, location based services, social media, search, network security, mobile security, M2M, home networking, wireline, telecom, VoIP, digital TV, FiOS, Wi-Fi, broadband, routers, networking, financial transactions, cloud computing/services. Prior engineering experience over the last 25 years includes: medical devices, semiconductor process, material handling, PCB, circuits, systems, servers, life sciences, optical transceiver design, optical/WDM equipment design, storage, pervasive computing & software, telematics, DRM/certificates, ECAT, and consumer electronics. I have a Bachelor’s of Electrical Engineering from Michigan Technology University, a member of LES & IPO organizations, and have four issued patents on advanced multi-core microprocessor design and in my spare time enjoy financial calculations, investing, poetry, song writing, hard rock, traveling, extreme sports and helping others. Experience Verizon Distinquished Engineer - Verizon Patent & Licensing Inc. August 2010 – Present TAEUS International Corporation Sales & Business Development Manager Manager of Intellectual Property Transactions April 2009 – 2010 Semiconductor Insights Manager, Patent Brokerage & Licensing Business Units March 2007 – March 2009 IBM Corporation Program Manager Licensing September 2000 – February 2007 IBM Global Commodity Manager, Procurement 1988 – 2000
Skills Computer Software, Computer Networks, Telecommunications, Social Media, Wireless and Sensor Networks, Commercial Internet  

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You earned this badge on April 30, 2015 when you joined the Computer Software interest group.
The Two Cents Badge
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You earned this badge on May 7, 2015 when you commented on this item: Direct Phone Data Transfer.
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The Risk Taker Badge
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You earned this badge on January 16, 2013 when you participated in Ear Warmer.
The #1 Badge
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You earned this badge on June 23, 2013 when you won the Efficient Communication Through Networks contest.
The Scholar Badge
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.